Celestial Drama of Planets in 2017 : What They Foretell as Compared to WW1 and WW2

by astrodocanil

As per Astrology There are no Combination for End of the World in the Present Scenerio and even after wards though the year 2030 would definitely be most Catastrophic . In the Present Scenerio from June 2017 to August 2017 the Planetary Positions are explosive , But Lighting of Crackers which may explode in August Sept 2017 and latter in April 2019 with Intensity and war Like situations definitely. In this Article I have discussed the Planetary Positions in the Present Context and the Planets at the time of the WW1 and WW2

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Even Before this Dooms Day I had Predicted no such happening will take Place though the Year 2030 will be catastrophic Read  this Latest Article on my webpage www.astrodocanil.com https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/celestial-drama-of-planets-…/
In the Year 1962 5th Feb. when all the Planets were in Rahu-Ketu axis the World did not end , Hence the Fear that the World will come to an end is Just a Fear which is created by the North Node Rahu, there may be wars but the Human Being will live . It is believed that the Sign Capricorn being the Darkest Sign in Astrology when had 6 Planets in Feb 1962 could not do any thing , then where is the question of the World coming to an End . Yes Wars will not stop and will continue to be there and the intensity may grow to an in tolerable extent , but I don’t think the end of the world is there now or the near future till 2030 when also the End of the world is not there.

I have been writing on my webpage that the Planetary positions are getting explosive from April to June 2017 ,8th to 10th June Provocative and then In August and to be specific the 1st Sept. 2017 most Explosive date . The Dates In in April and June could be like firing a cracker but August-Sept. 2017 will be explosion of these crackers ,Although 4th May-13th May 2017 also be explosive for the War. https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/roman-god-saturn-fallen-in-…/ along with this article https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/demon-rahu-and-roman-god-…/US Pouncing on Korean Peninsula, ISIS and Syria. North Korea Could also taking an aggressive stance cannot be ruled out in any case . I have tried all methods to evaluate the situations and written more than a dozen of Articles n the most alarming situation on the War escalating . Read this article https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/what-stars-fortell-using-th…/
Read these Articles https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/demon-rahu-and-roman-god-sa…/ and
https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/roman-god-saturn-fallen-in-…/ Scary Planetary Positions

Let us analyse  what were the Planetary Positions at the time of World War 1 and World War 2 to under stand if the Planetary Positions in 2017 are only Provocative for a WW3 or it would actually take place.

As Per https://www.google.com.sg/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=6bsHWZfmC8f58AfboprgCw&gws_rd=ssl#q=dates+of+world+war+1&spf=73 The World War 1 Started on the 28th July 1914 and ended on the 11th Nov. 1918

The difference will be Military Fight and a Nuke War

Mars and Ketu, Saturn and Ketu are Explosive for Nuke Wars , Mars  Rahu Conjunction is Explosion , Conjunctions are Explosive then the Aspect

Let us study the Charts with Respect to Fiery signs affliction since we don’t have the exact time of the Event

I am casting here a Chart of Leo Lagna on the 28th July 1914 to Study the Planetary Positions

The Planetary Positions which are Sprouting the WW1 are as Follows

The Day is Tuesday and Lord is Mars in Fiery sign and with Ketu. The Karna Lord is Mars again.

Rashi Chart

  1. Leo a Fiery Sign afflicted
  2. Leo Sign has Mars and Ketu and having aspects of Saturn
  3. Leo Sign the Royal Sign of Kings Afflicted
  4. Lord Sun in the 12th house from Leo
  5. Rahu Stationary
  6. Leo and Aries  Signs Dagdha Rashi
  7. Saturn in Gemini and the with Mercury who is Fallen from Cancer to Gemini
  8. 8th Lord from Leo sign Jupiter in Debilitation influencing the Luminaries
  9. Mercury and Jupiter Retrograde


1.Rahu-Ketu influencing the Sign Leo and Ketu in Leo

2. Mars and Saturn in Conjunction in Scorpio

3. Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn aspects Ketu

4. Mercury Fallen Planet influences both Mars and Saturn by 7th aspect.

5. 8th Lord from Leo Sign Jupiter Joins Ketu in Leo

6. Sun Debilitated and Moon has aspects of Mars and in a Sign belonging to Mercury Fallen

Planetary Positions at the time of WW2 on the 1st Sept. 1939

Rashi Chart

Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus Placed in a Fiery sign and afflicted badly placed in Dagdha Rashi, having aspects of Mars and totally Combusted

  1. Leo Sign is Daddha Rashi
  2. Leo Sign has Sun
  3. Mars aspects the Sign Leo from Capricorn afflicting it
  4. Saturn and Ketu in Aries again a Fiery sign and aspects of Mars on It . Saturn aspects Mars by 10th Aspect
  5. Ketu in Aries sign and Rahu in Libra and Lord Venus Afflicted in Dagdha Rashi and having aspects of Mars
  6. 8th Lord from Leo Sign Placed in the 8th house with Moon and in 12th from Aries sign
  7. Saturn and Ketu in Aries In degree conjunction at 7 degrees  . Saturn Debilitated
  8. Mercury in Cancer sign  afflicted by Mars
  9. Saturn and Jupiter Retrograde
  10. Rahu in Forward Motion on the 3rd Sept. 1939 for 3-4 days


  1. Rahu influencing the Fiery sign Sagitarius and Saturn and Ketu in Gemini and Saturn aspects Sagitarius
  2. Sun and Venus in Leo and having aspects of Mars
  3. Mercury Debilitated and influencing Moon in Virgo
  4. Sun and Venus also having aspect of Saturn in Navamsha

From the above the Following Parameters are explosive for War Like or World War like conditions

  1. Nodes , Mars and Saturn influence on the Fiery signs
  2. Leo the Royal Sign of Kings afflicted
  3. Affliction to Luminaries
  4. Nodes Influencing the Fiery signs in Navamsha along with Mars and Saturn
  5. Mercury affliction
  6. Jupiter Retrogression   and even Saturn in Retrogression
  7. A  Fallen Planet influencing Saturn
  8. Day Lord is afflicted badly in a Fiery sign
  9. Karna Lord affliction
  10. Rahu in Forward Motion

Let us Now Study the Planetary Positions in the Present Transit in May, June and Sept. 2017 to evaluate if really War like events could influence the world

The Parameters in the present  Scenerio which acquire a special dimension are as follows

3th to 5th May Rahu will be in forward motion, May trigger some event , since aspected by Mars  and Ketu aspected by Saturn

  1. Rahu In Leo having aspects of Mars and Rahu joining Aries Navamsha on the 5th June 2017
  2. Ketu in Aquarius having aspects of Saturn Retrograde from Sagitarius sign and Saturn in Aries Navamsha with Rahu after 5th June 2017
  3. Saturn In Gandantha  in Fiery sign in Sagitarius and about to Fall in Scorpio
  4. Mars Joining Gemini on the 26th May 2017 and aspecting Saturn degree wise on the 28th-29th May 2017
  5. Fiery sign Sagitarius , Leo Totally afflicted till 26th May 2017 , specially the Sign Leo
  6. 11th June to 15th June 2017 Planetary Positions acquiring a special dimension for War like activities
  7. 31st August 2017 Explosive in the Year 2017 for Crackers Explosion and War Like
  8. 30th April 2019 Is the Most Explosive date as  compared to the Planetary Positions at the time of WW1 and WW2

Now Let us see the Chart of 11th June 2017 Below

Rashi Chart

Day is Sunday  and the Lord is Sun placed in the 10th house from Leo sign digbali

Fiery Sagitarius sign Dagdha and having Saturn in Gandantha with Moon.

Mars aspects Moon and Saturn in Fiery Sign.

Mars till 26th May has activated Rahu in Leo by 4th aspect

Ketu in Aquarius aspected by Saturn in Gandantha from Sagitarius sign .

Mars has activated the Saturn degree wise on the 28th May 2017

Jupiter the 8th Lord from Leo royal sign stationary and aspected By both Mars and Saturn

Jupiter as the Lord of the Sagitarius sign Stationary and aspected by Mars and Saturn

Rahu in Forward Motion from 14th to 18th June 2017 definitely explosive

In Navamsha

Saturn and Rahu in Aries sign aspected By Mars.

Saturn aspecting Mars and Ketu

Mars aspecting the Sign Leo and the Luminaries Placed there

Jupiter as the Lord of the Fiery sign in Bhadak house in Navamsha

The above Parameters are Not as explosive as the WW1 and WW2  but definitely more Malefic combinations for the Seed of War like conditions for the future


Chart of 31st August 2017after the Solar Eclipse of the 22nd August 2017

Day is Thursday  and the Lord is Jupiter the 8th Lord from the Leo sign and also the Lord of the Fiery Sign Sagitarius

Leo Sign is Dagdha and Having 4 Planets Rahu, Mars, Mercury and Sun aspected By Fallen Saturn in Scorpio from the Sign Sagitarius a Fiery sign

Moon In Sagitarius Sign

Mars aspects Saturn and Saturn aspects Mars

Ketu ill aspected by Mars

Sun in Rahu-Ketu axis

Rahu Stationary motion from the  26th August to 31st August and then in Forward motion till 6th Sept. 2017 , Most Explosive Parameter  and aspected by Fallen Saturn  from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 .


Fallen Saturn aspects Sagitarius sign

Mars Afflicting Rahu and Ketu

Rahu, Mars Moon in Aries Navamsha again a Fiery sign

Sun in Leo and Saturn fallen also aspects the Lord of the Sagitarius sign and the 8th Lord from the Royal Sign Leo again a Fiery Sign

The Planetary Positions are Definitely explosive as compared to the WW1 and WW2

The 3rd Possibility and the Most Explosive Planetary Combinations in April 2019  as compared to WW1 and WW2

This chart may not be discussed since every thing is Crystal clear due to the Planetary combinations and Explosive as the WW1 and WW2

Nut shell

The Planetary combinations are getting worse from the 4th May 2017 and Worst after 11th June, 15th June -21st June and then after 18th August 2017 to 26th Oct 2017 in a Broader spectrum and the 3 Charts above discussed show the Planetary Positions become Explosive in Increasing Order from the 4th May  onwards and the Dates 11th June, 31st August 2017 and the Worst 30th April 2019  for the Warlike conditions in the Globe. Needless to mention here that the 2nd Gulf War is on the Cards this year  and US may Strike ISIS and Related Countries and Specially Syria since it has the worst Combinations for War this year . Korean Peninsula may also be in the News and after 11th June 2017 becoming more Prone to War like situations.

The Conjunctions of Mars Rahu and Saturn Ketu are more explosive then the aspects and hence August 2017 is most Prone since Mars will join Rahu on the 27th August 2017 and also activate the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 22nd August 2017 and can prove to be a ammunition dump.

I have Tried My level best using all the Techniques  for War and the Previous Happenings.

US could pounce on ISIS and Syria along with other related countries In the Present Scenerio and a 2nd Gulf war is not ruled out in any case In May , June specially after 21st June 2017 when Saturn is Fallen. In Case of ISIS chart Saturn is Transiting over the Lagna and aspecting the Natal Mars which is Fallen in the 10th house , hence ISIS will try to Create Terror in the Terrorist Prone Countries as already mentioned by me in my earlier Articles

The Planetary Combinations are not only for War but Natural Calamities, Tsunami, Earthquakes, Tornados  . Saturn Fallen is Most Venomous and will cross the Gandantha Points 3 times hence the 3rd Combinations and 3rd Time any aggressive attempt by US, Russia, China, North Korea may be most Explosive . North Korea has already  launched 2 Missiles after the Brawl between Trump and Kim, hence the 3rd Launch of Missile may trigger the events with Greater magnitude. It may not be WW3 , but seems almost parallel to it  in 2017 and worst in 2019

The Brawl between Trump and Kim may escalate together with China and Russia it so seems and take a ugly shape also as per the above dates and charts elaborated

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • 1st May 2017 08-30 hrs. Singapore   
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