Roman God Saturn Fallen in Scorpio on the 21ST June 2017 What It Foretells

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Earlier Article on Saturn relevant on the link

Saturn will fall in Scorpio on the 21st June 2017 04-40 hrs. IST. As already explained a Fallen Planet is worst then a Snake bite  and most Venomous. I must narrate my Personal Experience here . I have Saturn in Cancer sign  at 22.2 degrees  in the 2nd house . In the year 2007 on the 11th Jan. 2007 Saturn was Fallen from the Sign Leo to Cancer till 15th July 2007. Saturn was at 24.12 degrees Stationary over my Natal Saturn and I had a Clot Formation which got dissolved , but my Right Bundle was found to be blocked , My Saturn is strong and in Exchange with Moon placed in the 9th house . I also had a Court Case still Pending. Now read the happenings in the 2007 as per the Link


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