Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump Inch Closer to War,As Planetary Positions Become Catastrophic

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Articles on my webpage  specially “As Predicted Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn and North Node Rahu May Prove Catastrophic In April-June 2017” link…-april-june-2017/

This has also  Reference to my Articles on my webpage . Let me reproduce the same

“Eclipses in 2017 Bane or Boon ” dated 25th Nov.2016 link

“Roman God Saturn Transit In Sagitarius Boon or Bane” Dated 24th Nov. 2016 link

Brutality of ISIS and Celestial Drama of Planets in 2017″ dated  23rd Dec. 2016 link

“Syria: The Civil War Torn Country and Its Fate” dated 20th Dec. 2016 link

“Extended Stay of Venus in Pieces, Tsunami and Earthquakes” dated 2nd March 2017 link

“Journey of Roman God Saturn after 6th April 2017 :Bane or Boon” Dated 9th March 2017 link

“Roman God Stationary For First 11 Days in April 2017 : Bane Or Boon” Dated 30th March 2017 link

“North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile, As Trump Prepares to Host China Xi : What Stars Foretell” Dated 5th April 2017 link

“Roman God Saturn Fallen in 1990 Sprouted Gulf War ,What it has up his Sleeves in 2017-2019 ? ” dated 6th April 2017 link

“Russia Warns Of ‘Serious’ Consequences As Puttins Syria Gambit At Risk by Trump Airstrikes”…trump-airstrikes/ dated 8th April 2017

In the Present Context the Planetary Positions are indicating exactly what has been Predicted in the Articles above . Let me in this Article pinpoint the Events in the near Future in April to July 2017 By the Game Plane of  Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn and North Node Rahu.

Parameters for War Like situations

  1. War Mongering Countries involvement , where Mars is connected to the 12th, 3rd, 6th and 7th house in the Foundation chart. Unfortunately all the countries discussed in the Article are War Mongering
  2. Dasha of Planets connected to Mars and connection with above houses
  3. In Transit Fiery signs are influenced by Malefics

There are the Following Possibilities

  1. North Korea Nuclear Strike as US Warships Approach.  Fear of Attack By US on North Korea . As Per Article “North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile, As Trump Prepares to Host China Xi : What Stars Foretell” Dated 5th April 2017 link and the Present Scenerio  discussed
  2. ISIS Terrorist Activities They may Escalate as Discussed as per the Article “Brutality of ISIS and Celestial Drama of Planets in 2017″ dated  23rd Dec. 2016 link
  3. 2nd Gulf War as Predicted by me As per My article “Roman God Saturn Fallen in 1990 Sprouted Gulf War ,What it has up his Sleeves in 2017-2019 ? ” dated 6th April 2017 link
  4. Stars Foretell Terror Groups Can Spark 26/11 Indias Fury. War ,Earthquakes , Terrorism in Globe  June-Oct 2017 link dated 11th April 2017
  5. Destruction of Damascus, since In the foundation chart of Syria Mars and Saturn are in Taurus and Saturn is Fallen and Transit Saturn will reach these degrees on the 9th July 2017, hence most Explosive for Syria. Already discussed in the above articles
  6. Possible WW3 Like situations and  US getting entangled with North Korea, China, Russia and Islamic States and specially Syria
  7. The Trio US, China and Russia Getting Involved is a Possibility in the near future.
  8. The Dates which can be explosive are 18th April 2017, 19th May to 24th May,  14th May 2017, 15th June 2017, 22nd June 2017 , 18th to 22nd August 2017, 1st to 5th Sept. 2017
  9. All Dates when Rahu is in Forward Motion 19th to 24th April 2017, 3rd to 5th May , 15th June to 18th June , 27th June to 2nd July, 13th to 18th July , 25th July to 5th August, 10th to 25th August  2017, specially in April, June and August most Explosive
  10. Saturn Gandantha Points from Sagitarius to Scorpio on the 21st June and 26th Oct. 2017 could be most Explosive . When Saturn in Scorpio Fallen after 20th June 2017 is more Explosive then Saturn in Sagitarius in April 2017. According to me the Boiling Point for the War like situations are more when Saturn will be at Gandantha points and Fallen Hence after 20th June 2017 the Planets will be in More Catastrophic condition then the Present Scenerio.
  11. The Possibility of Gulf war is More  then the Possibility of US North Korea but cannot be ruled out , due to the Fact that in Case of Syria Saturn is Fallen in Taurus and will be activated on the 9th July 2017 degree wise and after 20th June Explosive . In Case of N Korea Sun and Saturn in Leo will be activated after 20th June 2017 by Fallen Saturn and in Transit Saturn will activate the Transit Sun after 25th May 2017, hence we can say after 14-15 May 2017 will be more Explosive then the Present Scenerio  in Case of North Korea, US and Syria .
  12. Situations for War Like situations can be 3 Times . 1. After 15th April 2017 2. June 2017 .3. August -Sept. 2017
  13. Some Planetary Combinations adverse for War like Situations in April 2017  18th to 25th April 2017 . Mars will aspect Rahu Degree wise at 7 degrees  on the 23rd April 2017 when Rahu will be in forward motion this combination is Explosive for Chemical weapons usage . Mara and Saturn Degree opposition on the 28th-29th May 2017 in dual signs . Mars and Rahu Degree conjunct on the 1st Sept. 2017 . Saturn Fallen and aspect on Rahu after 21st June are most explosive parameters in the Present and future scenario for War
  14. All charts of US, China, Syria and Russia have been discussed on my Webpage


Now see the Chart of the 18th April 2017  03-34 hrs. IST below Most Crucial for North Korea to Launch a Nuke Missile  or between the 20th April to 25th April 2017

US can also be aggressive and  May Strike on North Korea on this Date, the Planetary Positions of Rahu, Saturn, Sun in Fiery signs and Mars aspecting the Fiery sign by 8th aspect and Degree aspect of Planets on the 18th April 2017 is Catastrophic for War Like Situations with Magnitude

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon Placed in the yama of Pieces and the Yama Lord is Placed in the 8th house is the most malefic Component in the chart above .

Just see the Lagna has Ketu  and close to Lagna Degrees  and aspected By Saturn in close degrees from the 11th house

Rahu is aspected by Mars in close degrees , hence the 1/7 axis is afflicted badly

Moon is with Saturn and aspected by Mars , Dispositor of Saturn and Moon is Placed in the 8th house and Saturn also aspects the 8th house making the worst combinations ,

there are perfect combinations for Aggressive stance by North Korea

The Navamsha is no better

From the above it is clear that North Korea may Launch its 6th Missile on Saturday the 15th April 2017 and US may Take some Aggressive action on the 18th April 2017  both the Dates show Explosive results specially on the 18th April to 24th April when Rahu will also be in Forward motion

Now see the Chart of the 15th June 2017 already discussed in my earlier Articles

Let us First see the Solar Ingress Chart of Gemini since  Saturn will fall after this Ingress only. The Solar ingress is taking Place on the 15th June 2017 at 05.33 hrs .  IST below The Chart is Explosive for Situations for War like situations  between the Countries mentioned in the Title

At the time of the Solar ingress of Sun in Gemini the Lagna is Gemini 1.23 degrees  in the Nakshatra of Mrigshira and Mars , who is also Placed in the Lagna with Sun at very close degrees of the Lagna  and Aspected by Saturn from the Bhadak house at same Degrees

The Most malefic Parameters at the time of the Solar Ingress

  1. Sun 00.00 degrees and Lagna 1.23 Degrees  and at MEP aspected by Retrograde Saturn at 180 degrees from Sun and aspecting Degreewise .
  2. Saturn is in Gandantha and is the 8th and the 9th Lord  and its aspect on the Jupiter is most Malefic aspect  in the 4th house of Virgo
  3. Saturn in the Bhadak house for Dual Lagnas
  4. Jupiter a 7th Lord is aspected by both Mars and Saturn  the 6th and the 8th Lords
  5. Jupiter when afflicted as the 7th Lord for Dual Lagnas is Most Malefic . He is Bhadak, He is Marak and he also has Kendradhipati dosh and since afflicted by Mars and Saturn and Saturn from the Bhadak house and in Gandantha will make Jupiter a First Rate Killer. Jupiter can be compared to an Elephant , when he goes mad has the capability to Ruin the Jungle . In the above Case Jupiter will Ruin the 4th house, as already mentioned above due to the Malefic combinations in the Chart
  6. The Chart has a Bhandan Yoga , Sun in Lagna and Saturn in the 7th house and degree aspect .
  7. Saturn aspects Sun, Mars, Ketu, Moon and Jupiter.
  8. Saturn aspects degree wise Ketu, Moon, Sun from Sagitarius in Gandantha Position
  9. In Navamsha Again all the Planets are afflicted badly Saturn and Mars Return aspect on the 7th house , Sun and Moon in Rahu-Ketu axis and Bhandan yoga again Present in Navamsha  and in Rahu-Ketu axis . Jupiter, Mercury, Venus , Moon and Sun all afflicted .
  10. Rahu will be in Forward motion from the 14th to 18th June 2017 making most Catastrophic Planetary Positions
  11. On the 21st June 2017 at 04-40 hrs. Saturn in Gandantha and as a Fallen Planet will aspect  Rahu, Mercury , Making the worst combinations

See the chart below of 21st June 2017 04-40 hrs. IST

Parameters which acquire a Special Dimension when Saturn the Roman God Falls Back in Scorpio as a Most Malefic and a Venomous Planet and worst then a Snake Bite

1.Saturn In Gandantha .

2.Saturn Before Falling in Scorpio aspects Ketu, Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter , After Falling In Scorpio aspects Rahu, Taurus sign, Capricorn and Leo, It will also aspect Moon after some Hours , Making the Planetary Positions Most Critical, except Venus all the Planets will be aspected the same day by Saturn in Gandantha  . This Parameter is Most Crucial .

3. In Navamsha just before Falling Saturn will aspect Venus in Navamsha

Hence from the above it is crystal clear that the Planetary Positions are similar that of 26th Nov. 2008 and from June 14th 2017 to 22nd June 2017 for the Following Parameters .

1. Terrorism Countries Prone, India, US, UK, Syria, Europe,

2. Earthquakes , Tsunami. Cyclones in Countries already mentioned by me in my Articles and Specially, Indonesia, Japan, India, Australia,  China etc .

3. Draught, Famine

4. Political Tug Of War  India  specially

5. Mass Happenings , Processions, Strikes

6. Untoward Happenings due to Discrimination Relating to Caste and Creed , Hindu-Muslim Fights Pertaining to their Fundamentals and Nationalism

7. Syria War Prone and  Torn Becoming an Arena of War, All Neighboring Countries with Syria similar effects

8. Triggering Tensions Between Countries specially US and North Korea to Explosive dimensions as per Dated discussed in this Article

9. 2nd Gulf war like situations like August 1990

10. Terrorism in India By Terrorist Groups

11.Indo-Pak Relations taking a beatings  and taking explosive shape

12. US-Russia Relations, US-China Relations taking a Beatings

12. Abnormal weather conditions

13. Violence in the Streets.

14. Oil Prices may Surge ,

15. Stock markets may become Volatile and may take a Beatings , specially as per the Dates in June 2017mentioned above

16. Economic Melt Down and Job losses for many  specially those on H1B Visa

The Eclipses in August 2017 will further aggravate the Situations making them worst around the 18th August and 21st August 2017 and then from the 1st to 5th Sept. 2017

Read this also—

First Total Eclipse in USA Since 1979

This is the first total eclipse of the Sun visible from all 48 contiguous United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) since 1979. The last time a total eclipse was visible from coast to coast was in June 8, 1918.

See the chart of 21st August 2017 23.59 hrs

Total Annular Solar Eclipse on the 21st August 2017


Eclipse taking Place in the 4th house Of India and aspected by Fallen Saturn , Hence June and August 2017 most Explosive. For Us it is taking Place in the Lagna and Fallen Saturn aspecting the Lagna at Exact degrees as the 6th and the 7th Lord from the 4th house is explosive for US as well

Malefic Parameters in this Eclipse

  1. Lumaniries in very close degrees with Rahu
  2. Dispositor of Rahu in Rashi and Navamsha chart afflicted on the 22nd August 2017
  3. Fallen Saturn aspects the Lagna and the Eclipse in the Sign Leo , Most Explosive, since a Fallen Planet is worst than a snake Bite and here Rahu and Saturn will both Prove most Venomous worst then the 8th-10th Nov. 2016 Rahu
  4. Navamsha Lord of Rahu Debilitated in Rashi Chart and Joins leo on the 27th August most Explosive
  5. Mars Activates the Eclipse point of 4.46 degrees in Leo  on the 3rd Sept. 2017.
  6. Day Lord Moon in the Yama of Sagitarius the 8th house of the chart  and the Lord Placed in the 5th house aspects the Lagna most Crucial.
  7. This Eclipse will be the Most Crucial one in 2017 and will adversely influence US , Kingly Persons and Kingly Countries.
  8. Cluster of 7 Planets in the Kendra after 27th August 2017, Most Crucial , For Earthquakes, Terrorism, Results with magnitude and  unexpected ones. Such Combinations indicate strong Earthquakes, but only few Planets in Earthy Rashis, More on the Explosion since in Fiery Rashis, Hence Volcanos. 5 Planets in Leo on the 27th August 2017 could be disasterous. Mars Placement in the 3rd house with 6th Lord and Mars aspect on the 6th house Terrorism for Sure  for India . The sign rising is also of the Foundation chart and the Dasha in operation will be of Moon-Rahu till 10-8-2017 and then Moon-Jupiter
  9. US will be running the Dasha of Mars-Venus  and then Mars-Sun.
  10. Rahu in Adverse motion 2-3 days before or After the Eclipse are the Dates when untoward happenings sprout with dimension when Rahu is afflicted also badly  21st August 2017 is worst in this respect  and Negative more than even the 1st Sept. 2016 Eclipse , since Saturn and Rahu will be most venomous like a snake bite . June 2017 is also Crucial in this regard.
  11. As per Principles of K N Rao, Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun and Moon and Sub  Dasha of a Planet which has the capacity to kill will bring Down fall for that Country  or ill effects , India is Running the Dasha of Moon-Mars till 8-2-2017 and after that Moon- Rahu till 10-8-2017 and Rahu is Placed in the Lagna of the Foundation chart and the Republic Chart is a Crucial Factor . We have already seen the effects of Moon-Mars and the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 , In case of India Varahamihra says we should consider Capricorn Lagna for the ill happenings and hence the Eclipse over the 8th house of Black Money and 8 types of Humiliations the People will face .
  12. US will be more influenced when Rahu -Ketu come over Rahu-Ketu after 12th Sept. 2017  and subsequent to that the Dasha of Rahu also Starts in 2018
  13. Countries with Fixed Lagna will be influenced most or the Eclipses over the 1/7 axis of Lagna, Sun, Moon and the 8th house . *th house Parameter is my Research
  14. For India Saturn Transit in the 8th house for 3 long Years is also not Favourable being the 10th Lord and a Yoga Karka, more so till it aspects Jupiter in the 5th house as the Lord of the 8th and the 11th House . Lot of Changes in the Legislations specially till 17th Sept. 2017 till Jupiter is in Virgo.

The Following would be the Effects

Terrorism, War, Earthquakes, Fires, Explosions, Financial Stagnations, Real Estate. Political Tug of Wars ,Kings and the Queens of the Countries adversely influenced specially where Rahu-Ketu are over Rahu-Ketu or in Kendra from the natal Position.

Positives Innovation in the IT Industry , Space.A big unexpected change on the cards

India War like conditions with Pakistan and China . China will be more instrumental in Espionage rather then direct involvement with India . But directly or indirectly involved in war with India

The Solar Eclipse of 21st August 2017 will bring Surprises after Surprises and unexpected  events. Syria will be the  Most Sufferer in terms of the Economy and infrastructure along with the nations involved in the War like situations  

The Chart of US also Shows aggression as already discussed in my Articles and Dasha of Mars -Venus both show War mongering Activities  and US  I mean Donald Trump will not leave any Stone unturned  for his success against North Korea Nuke advancement  and war against ISIS, there will be more attempts BY US to attack the Hideouts of ISIS

Hence from the above it is obvious that the Present and the near fiture for the globe is not a Good One and Tensions between Countries will escalate and take an Explosive situation, specially between US and North Korea and Gulf Countries and Role of ISIS

In a Nut Shell Please read this ——-
Situations for War Like situations can be 3 Times .
1. After 15th April  to 25th April 2017
2. 15th June to 22nd June 2017 .
3. 18thAugust to 22nd August 2017 and 1st to 5th  -Sept. 2017
Some Planetary Combinations adverse for War like Situations . Mars will aspect Rahu Degree wise at 7 degrees  on the 23rd April 2017 when Rahu will be in forward motion this combination is Explosive for Chemical weapons usage . Mars and Saturn Degree opposition on the 28th-29th May 2017 in dual signs . Mars and Rahu Degree conjunct on the 1st Sept. 2017 . Saturn Fallen and aspect on Rahu after 21st June are most explosive parameters in the Present and future scenario for War.
Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn and North Node Rahu it seems are going to play a Catastrophic Role till the Solar Eclipse effects till Oct. 2017 and may further Escalate when Ketu Joins Saturn in Sagitarius in April-June 2019 most Explosive

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

15th April 2017  21-20 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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