Delhi MCD Elections On 23rd April 2017: Stars Foretell BJP The Winner

by astrodocanil

Asper the link the elections for  the MCD in Delhi will be held on the 23rd April 2017 at 08-00 am . The results will be declared on the 26th April 2017.

We all know the contestants are from the BJP, AAP, Swaraj India Party and Congress.

The Ruling Party at the Moment is BJP. Today even a child can predict that BJP could Sweep in the MCD Elections . Let us evaluate what the Planetary positions have to say on the occasion of the Elections on the 23rd April 2017. I am not discussing the Individual Horoscopes of the Candidates

The Chart of the Start of an Even is of utmost importance and indicates what would be the Results for the same .

Chart 23rd April 2017  08-00 am New Delhi

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun Placed in the 12th house of the chart in Exhaltation . Sun is Placed in the yama of Venus and the Yama Lord is Also Exhalted and Placed in the 11th house aspected by 11th Lord Jupiter , Fortunately Venus is also the Lagna Lord and aspected by 11th Lord Jupiter is the most favourable parameter in the chart for the Ruling Govt. to come back to Power .

Tithi  KP-12

Yoga Bhram

Karna Kaulava Lord is Mars and Placed in the Lagna and aspected by Jupiter

Nakshatra  P Bhadra Lord is Jupiter

Hora Mercury  Good for New Projects and a Benefic Hora

DBA Planets Jup-Sat-Sun  The the 3 Dasha Lords are owners of Good Houses  for Attaining the Victory in the Elections

Uday Lagna benefic and Vargottam, Arudha Lagna Capricorn and aspected By Jupiter , Chaitra Rashi Virgo is the Most benefic Parameter for the Ruling Party BJP to Come Back in Power with Majority and Flying Colors

D11 Chart Rudramsha Chart Below

In the Rudramasha Chart the Dasha Lord are well placed from the 10th house 10th Lord and Sun, hence the Ruling Govt. will come out with Flying Colors

In the Saptvarga Charts the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord are  Placed as below

Venus                                      Mars                                    Remarks

Rashi Chart                      Exhalted                                  Benefic Sign                       Venus Stronger

Navamsha                         Inimical                                  Inimical                                Both Weak

Hora Chart                       Benefic                                     Benefic                                 Both equal

Dreshkanne                    Exhalted                                    Benefic Sign                       Venus Stronger

Saptamsha                       Debilitated                               Inimical sign                      Mars Stronger

Dwadamsha                     Inimical                                    Debilitated                         Venus Stronger

Trishamsha                      Own sign                                   Friendly                             Venus Stronger

As per the above charts Venus is stronger than Mars and hence The Ruling Govt. is stronger than the Oppositions

Lagna Lord as Per Rashi Tula Navamsha is Placed in the Royal Sign Leo the 4th house of the chart and is the Throne

The Event chart has a Benefic Lagna and Vargottam  and aspected by Benefic Jupiter  and in Navamsa Benefic Mercury and the Yoga Karka Saturn is Placed in the Lagna is a very strong Parameter in the Time of Start of the Elections for the MCD in new Delhi

There is Poorna Ithasala of the Lagna Lord and the Yoga Karka Saturn

From the above Parameters it is Crystal Clear that the Ruling Party is stronger than the Opposition to Fight the Elections of MCD on the 23rd April 2017 in New Delhi

Timing of the Results

The Results will be declared as per the Navamsha Of moon and since Placed in the Mars Navamsha and Mars Timing is one day and Night and since Placed in the 3rd Navamsha the Results will be declared after 3 days and hence 26th April 2017

Since the Lagna Lord Venus is in the leo Navamsha the 4th house of the event chart and the throne of the Chart the Sign rising will be Leo a the time of the Final Results to be declared on the 26th April 2017

This is my Research and the Above may be the Lagna at the time of the final Results and a Time after 12.35 hrs on the 26th April 2017 till 13. 30 hrs Approx.

As per horoscope of Arvind Kejriwal he stands poor chances for the MCD Elections  in the Dasha of Jup-Venus which was also not supportive for the Elections in the 5 States . I will write a separate Article on him for his Political Career .

anil aggarwala BSc.Engg. P.E.C Ch.

Date 26.3.2017  20-30 hrs

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