Stars Foretell Parrikar will Clear Floor Test of BJP Led Govt.

by astrodocanil

The Floor test for the BJP-led Government in Goa, headed by Manohar Parrikar , is expected to be held at 11.00 am today the 16th March 2017 as Per Media Reports. Parrikar whose Party has 13 MLA had staked claim to form the Govt. in Goa on Sunday mustering the Support of  GFP and MGP besides of 2 independents making a total of 21 . Parrikar who was sworn in on the 14th March 2017 at 17.24 hrs  has 22 legislators 2 more than the halfway mark of 40- member assembly. 9 ministers also took Oath on the 14th March 2017.

Let us Astrologically evaluate what the Stars Foretell using the Time 11.00 am as indicated by media

Revised time 12.00 hrs as per media

The Chart is Below

Revised Time 12-00 hrs

Panchang of the Day

Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and Placed in the Trinal House and in the Yama of Mercury  who is Debilitated but in Amrit Ghati and connected to Lagna Lord and Sun is a Strong Parameter for the Chief Minister for the Floor Test for Forming the Govt.

Tithi is KP 4 and a Malefic Tithi but not for the event

Nakshatra  Swati

Yoga Vyaghat Inauspicious

Karna  Bava and the Lord is Placed in the 11th house with Yama Lord and the Lagna Lord

Hora Venus  Benefic Hora

Yama   Mercury Benefic

Lagna Is Prishtodayo  and Dagdha is not good , but since Fixed, Benefic , Aspected by Jupiter and Urdha Mukh will bestow Beneficiance .

Lagna Lord is Exhalted, Placed in the 11th house with Yama Lord in Amrit ghati and with Sun aspected By 11th Lord is Most Benefic.

Navamsha Lagna is Movable and aspected By Benefic hence change will take place and a Benefic one , specially when Mercury in amrit ghati the Yama Lord is connected to the Lagna of the navamsha.

The Strongest Planet in the chart is Venus the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord for Competitions and in Benefic Saptvargas .

Sun the Lagna Lord at the time of the Oath Taking chart is also in all Benefic Vargas in the Saptvargas

7th Lord is Stronger in the Rashi chart but Debilitated in the Navamsha loses strength

Saturn has changed Navamsha from Aries to Taurus and a Yoga Karka for Taurus Lagna and asper Navamsha Saturn comes in the Lagna as per Rashi Tula Navamsha hence it seems that Manohar Parrikar will be able to clear the Floor test Successfully.

Revised Navamsha as per Floor test at 12-00 to 12-05 hrs  gives most benefic Results hence Parrikar will have no issues in the Floor test , since Virgo navamsha rising a benefic and Jupiter in the Lagna

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

16th March 2017  08-45 hrs. New Delhi  

Till 112-00 hrs   Floor test has not Started hence the Predictions may change

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



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