North Node Rahu Crowns Gem Of Gems Narinder Modi on 11th March 2017 as Predicted

by astrodocanil

This is in continuation to my Article “Using Panchanga and and Rudramsha Chart on 11th March 2017 For Election Results of 5 States” link…ults-of-5-states/ dated 6th March 2016

As per the Panchang and the Rudramsha Chart I had Predicted that N Modi will be the Hero of the Day on the 11th March 2017

Read this what I had written ”

The above Chart shows Success and Hence BJP gainer in the Elections where ever N Modi has Done his homework well.

This is clear that at least out of the 5 States BJP will make a dent in the 3 States at least”

Arvind Kejriwal

In the Rudramsha Chart Jup and Venus connected to 10th house  and 10th Lord and Placed well from the same , but Jupiter ill placed from Sun and the Indu Lagna Cancer , Hence Arvind Kejriwal may not be able to score as expected in the Elections, though there are definite gains

Akhilesh Yadav

Chander Balam along with Tarabalam is there . 10th Lord and the Lagna Lord Debilitated , although making a Rajyoga with the 9th Lord Venus in the 7th house . Karna Lord with 10th Lord is also good for Fructifications but the Following Parameters in the Rudramsha Chart

Dasha Lords Mer-Saturn placed well from the 10th house and 10th Lord Jupiter and also from Sun In transit .

Indu Lagna has Jupiter is good . But the Natal chart does not have that Promise as the Transit chart

The Bhandan Yoga since 23rd Oct. 2016 will be a Negative factor for Akhilesh Yadav . He has Sun and Saturn in 1/7 axis in the natal chart and in Transit Saturn becoming most malefic aspecting the Sun

Nut shell

The Chances of Any Party will majority is very remote and will only be formed with Alliances which may not prove Fruitful where the Politicians have weak Rahu , Hence Hung Govt. may also result .

It seems BJP may score in UP , Hung Govt. in Punjab and 2 more states BJP may Score

All the above Predictions have Proved on Dot. The Use of Rudramasha Chart has proved amazing and lead to the Correct Results .

This has also Proved that for Politicians Rahu should be strong Like Narinder Modi and Donald Trump.

Another Amazing Result was my Prediction on 11th march 2017 the Results will be announced between 12.39 hrs to 15.39 hrs which would be Rewarding For Narinder Modi , which I wrote on the Face book due to the following Parameters , which also Proved on Dot.

Positions on the 11th March 2017 at 08-00 am Time of start of the announcement of the Election Results

Day Saturday and the Lord is Saturn placed in the 10th house in a Dagdha Rashi and becomes extremely malefic . Day Lord is Placed in the yama of Venus who is Avyogi and placed in the Lagna in a Dagdha Rashi is extremely malefic Component

Tithi is SP-14  A Rikta Tithi

Nakshatra Magha  Lord is Ketu

Karna  Gar Lord is Jupiter and Placed in a Dagdha Rashi aspected by Debilitated Mercury and Venus

Yoga Driti Inauspicious

All the Benefics Suffer as follows

Venus Retrograde Avyogi Planet  Placed in Dagdha Rashi and with Mercury who is in Debilitation and is the Debilitation Lord of Venus

Mercury has Just Entered Pieces sign and in Dagdha Rashi and in Debilitation

Jupiter Retrograde and Owner of Dagdha Rashi and Placed in Dagdha Rashi

Moon in Chaturdashi Tithi and with Rahu who is in Forward motion

Dispositor of Rahu Sun afflicted by Saturn who is strong malefic since in Dagdha Rashi.

Benefic Parameter Sun in Pushkar Navamsha

As Per Yama chart

1st yama of Saturn is Venus afflicted badly

2nd Yama of Saturn is Mercury Debilitated

3rd Yama of Saturn is Sun and is in Pushkar Navamsha hence Good Results between the 12.49 hrs to 15.49 hrs . The Yama is in the sign Leo where Rahu is Placed and in Forward motion and hence most favourable for N modi . The Results therefore will be announced between this time .

Astrology is Most amazing Rahu very strong in case of N Modi which led to Forming a Govt. in UP after Gigantic Win as Predicted Earlier

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

11th March 2017  16.15 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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