Elections In the 5 States and North Node of Moon Rahu

by astrodocanil

The Election Commission announced the schedule of the assembly elections to be held in five states as per the following Schedule.

• In Uttar Pradesh, polling will be held in seven phases– 11 Feb, 15 Feb, 19 Feb, 23 Feb, 27 Feb, 4 March and 8 March

•In Manipur, polling will be held in two phases – 4 March and 8 March

•In Uttarakhand, polling will be held on 15 Feb

•Punjab will go to polls on 4 February

•Goa will go to polls on 4 February

At the time of Maha bharat old times each and every person had a knowledge of astrology . Giving you the example of Karna who was a shudra but he had knowledge of astrology. At  time of Mahabharat war  when lord Krishna went to Karna for Pandav support because Karna was brother of Pandavs at that time  Karna told Lord Krishna  Hey Krishna ! I am looking at a big change of the future  because Duration of the fortnight 14 days   and 2 eclipse were taking place one Lunar and one Solar  (A pakh is of 15 days normally), so from this we got a clue for the eclipses, and knowledge of the old Shastras. In the Present Context When Elections in the 5 states are commencing in Feb. 2017 there are Twin Eclipses taking Place and Rahu the North Node of Moon is in Direct Motion and Stationary at the time of the Start of the Elections in all the States except the 4th March 2017 .

Please refer to my Earlier Articles on the Twin Eclipses in Feb. 2017 and the Recent Article North Node Rahu of Moon and Marriages , I have Explained that as follows —– What is Rahu—– Rahu is amrit, it is at the mouth of amrit . Marriages are nothing But Alliances  and Parallel to Alliances of the Political Parties . To see the Strength of Rahu is Most Essential . Rahu in Direct Motion has been considered most malefic for Alliances , if Stationary then Worst , both these Parameters should not be there in the chart at the time of Alliances .Rahu should be in its Natural Motion else it is Supposed to be poison. Rahu should always be taken as a True Rahu and Not Mean Rahu  for any analysis.

Now Look at the Transit Chart of Feb. 2017 below

The extreme right hand side is the movement of Rahu and is in Direct motion on all the Days when Elections are taking Place except the 4th March 2017 and even on the Day of the Results being Announced .

Hence the Parameters which are not good for the Elections in the 5 States are as Follows

1.Twin Eclipses in Feb. 2017 hence a Big Change in the Political Sphere in the 5 States

2. Rahu in Forward Motion and Stationary is Most Malefic Parameter in the Time Span of the Elections is Most malefic for the Alliances in the Political Parties and bound to give adverse results in the Functioning of the Political Parties.

3. Election Dates were announced when Bhandan Yoga of Sun and Saturn took Place Between the 14th Nov. to 15th Dec. 2016 . The Results will sprout with greater magnitude in Feb. 2017 when Sun goes in Aquarius with Ketu and aspected by Saturn till 15th March 2017 , Hence no Political Party will come or win singularly and will be dependent on Alliances  and Rahu does not Prosper the Alliances in the Election Time and Results Scenerio

4.We Can see the Effects of the Smajwadi Party Father and Son Fight till date , the Split took place again on the 23rd Oct. 2017 when Rahu was Forward Motion. What ever Adverse Happens when Rahu is Forward or Stationary can not be Solved.

5. Rahu is in a Royal Sign of Leo and when the dispositor is afflicted  Rahu Becomes Extremely strong  and a Strong Negative in the Present Scenerio will influence the Kings Maximum during the Elections , only those Leader who have Strong and a Pious Rahu will be able to Sustain and come out with Flying Colors, but with Alliances.

6. Rahu is Shishya of Venus and is Placed in the 6/8 axis with Rahu in the Present Scenerio and Venus is at the Declination Point in Pieces and in a Female sign for exceptional 124 days and hence A Women Politician May Rise to The Occasion who has Venus Exhalted and Age Group of Multiple of 8  and hence Between 24 to 64 years . A Women May Give Surprise in the Political Scenerio

7. The Above Combinations are suggesting that not even a single Party will rule Singularly. There will be Tug of War Between the Alliances .

8.. Rahu has the Quality of Turning the tables and hence Unexpected Results can be expected from these Elections irrespective of My Predictions Earlier , since then this Parameter of Rahu in Forward and Stationary motion was not considered since I did not have the Ephimeries at the time of Writing the Articles , Never the Less Politicians who have Strong and Pious Rahu will lead the Elections. In the Absence of the Authentic Horoscopes of the Politicians it is Difficult to Predict the individual Fate of the Prospective Politicians , But 2 Horoscopes seem to be Authentic.1. Narinder Modi and Akhilesh Yadav, Both have Sun with Ketu with in 5 Degrees , Akhilesh Yadav Rahu is Pious , since Placed in the Kendra and the Lord is Placed in the Kona and Transit Saturn aspecting Sun and Saturn in the 10th house , Where as Narinder Modi Rahu is also Pious since Placed in the 5th house and the Dispositor in the 4th house and Sun Placed in the 11th house and Transit Saturn will aspect Sun, Both Have Good Rahu , The Sun Saturn Combination in Akhilesh gives Bhandan yoga which may lead to some sort of Maleficiance in the elections else Both Stand Good Chances of Coming out with Flying Colors. As Per Vedic Progression charts By Manu Smiriti Akhilesh Yadav Chart is more Promising then N Modi and the Dasha of Modi after 6th March 2017 may not Sprout good Results for him specially for Health and  will be a Tiring year for him . Both are in Good Shoes but Lets see who Wins In UP State, but as per my Earlier Predictions I have mentioned that Akhilesh Yadav has 55 % and N Modi in UP State 50 % , I think I would now say both are at 52 % and 50 % respectively  hence a Very close Win in UP state .


  1. anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  2. 12th Feb. 2017 16-15 hrs. New Delhi  
  3. Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
  4. Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com
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