Amazing Predictions By Nimmitta In Astrology

by astrodocanil

What is Nimmitta  ? It is as Follows

  1. Omen
  2. A sign
  3. A Symbol
  4. A Number In Vedic Astrology
  5. An Energy
  6. Syncronicity
  7. Connection of Moment
  8. A Divine Instinct

In this article I am going to make some predictions for the Fortnight starting from the 11th Feb. 2017 . I have already written 2 Articles for the Fortnight , one for the UP State Elections and the Other for the Lunar Eclipse falling on the 11th Feb. 2017  vide links and  link…t-stars-foretell/

Let me reproduce some Text here for the Lunar Eclipse —

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on the 11th Feb. 2017 06-02 am and the Annular Solar Eclipse on the 26th Feb. 2017 need to be studied in detail

The Chart of the 11th Feb. 2017 of 06-03 hrs is Below


Panchang of the Day

The day is Friday and the Lord is Venus and Placed in the Yama of Pieces the 3rd House of the Eclipse chart and the Lord Jupiter is afflicted by both Mars and Saturn . The Yama Lord is Placed in the 9th house and Aspects the Lagna where Sun and Mercury are placed

Tithi KP-1

Nakshatra Ashlesha

Yoga Shoban

Karna Balava  and the Lord is Placed in the 7th house connected to the Mercury and the Sun

The worst parameter is the Rahu is adverse from the 11th Feb. 2017 from the Evening to 27th Feb. 2017 and Rahu in the 8th house . The Dispositor of Rahu is in Dagdha Rashi in the Lagna with 6th and the 9th Lord Mercury and aspected by the yama Lord Jupiter who is also the 3rd and the 12th Lord . The Connection of the 6,8, and 12th Lord on the Lagna is definitely not good and depicts the Effect on the Country as a whole . Rahu is capable of Turning the tables, Relating to the Houses it is associated , Specially when the Moon Nakshatra Lord is Placed in the Lagna and on the Tip in the Chandra Kanal

In the Chart above The Lagna is Dagdha and The Placement of the Sun and Mercury is not good since it is a Prishtodayo sign , the aspect of Jupiter is good but again being the 12th and the 3rd Lord is not good being in Retrogression and being aspected by 2 Malefics Mars and Saturn , making it weak to give Protection to the Lagna , Lagna is The Country in general and hence the General condition of the Country may not be good and people may face hurdles and obstacles , Since Lagna is also in Paap Kartariyoga  and  a Bhandan yoga . Saturn in Ketu Nakshatra in Gandantha and aspecting the 2nd house where Ketu is Placed . The Lagna Lord and the 2nd Lord in Gandantha in the 12th house explains the Masses abroad in lurch, Saturn is also the Karka for MNC. The Trump H-1B visa Row has already put the Stock markets limp yesterday on the 31st Jan. 2017 when Rahu was Adverse . The Union Budget on the 1st Feb. 2017 has also Turned the Markets and the Markets have zoomed again since Rahu in adverse motion turns the tables .

The Effects of the Lunar Eclipse are felt in advance and specially when Rahu is in Adverse motion before the Eclipse .

Malefic Parameters for Terrorism, Earth quakes , Untoward Happenings , Boarder Issues. The connection of the Saturn in Gandantha  on the 12th house 12th Lord Jupiter ,3rd Lord aspect on the 6th house and the 9th house. Mars Placement in the 3rd house with and Venus the Karka for Vehicles  and Lord of the 5th and the 10th house , aspecting Jupiter the 12th Lord in the 9th house and also aspecting the 6th house is also Crucial for the Terrorism on the Railway and Air Traffic , Temples, Courts Etc.

As Per the Chadra Kanal Chakra  Below , Rahu, Sun, Mercury are Malefic .

Rahu in Leo is the most Crucial Parameter in the Eclipses in 2017 as we have seen the Effects of the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 in which Rahu occupied the Leo sign . Since Rahu Continues to be in Leo till 12th Sept. 2017 , the eclipses in 2017 could also sprout the most malefic affects when The Dispositor of Rahu Sun and the Navamsha Lord of Rahu is afflicted in such Eclipses .

The Effects of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse falling in the sign Caner at 28.22 degrees is  Below. It is visible in India, Asia, North and South America, Hind Mahasagar, Europe, Africa and Japan. The Eclipse will start at  04-04 am IST and end at 08-23 am

The Eclipse is taking place in a Movable sign , 4th house of the natural Zodiac  the Throne , hence can influence the Ruling Govt., Prime Minister, President and the People of the Country in General . In the Foundation chart of India with Taurus Lagna the Eclipse will take place over the 3rd house of neighbors, Air and Rail Traffic and Excatly over the Natal Moon and the Natal Sun at 28.o5 degrees , Hence the Ruler may be adversely influenced by this Eclipse . I have already pointed out in my articles that Narinder Modi may face issues in the Present Scenerio after 6th March 2017 due to his Dasha of Moo-Ketu   and in the Vedic Progression chart by Manu Smiriti  Moon is in Ketu nakshatra and Ketu is eclipsing the Lagna Lord degree wise. High Dignitaries  as well Mars will aspect the Eclipse point in Cancer at 28.22 degrees exactly on the  11th April 2017, at this Point Sun will be over the 3rd house of Pieces at 28.22 degrees over the natal Venus and Mars. The affliction to Rahu  can be damaging  since Rahu in the 8th house  and the dispositor in the Lagna in a Dagdha Rashi is making Rahu Strong specially when it will be in adverse motion. The Dispositor of Rahu in the navamsha is also afflicted by Debilitated Saturn. The above planetary positions make the Situations worst for , Terrorism, Untoward happenings  damaging the Govt. Buildings, Temples, Courts , Since Sun is there in Capricorn in the 2nd half a watery portion hence when Sun will be there in Pieces , calamities in the Sea, Navy, Water , Chemicals etc. Riots, revolt against the Govt. cannot be ruled out. Coastal Areas subject to Entry of Terrorists.

Countries on the Coastal Areas can be subject to Natural and  Terrorism. Indonesia, Port De France, Port of Spain etc.

Navamsha and the Rashi Chart the Luninaries in the 1/7 axis shows the Influence on the Country by the Foreign  and Foreign Elements

Map of Eclipse Below Regions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse: Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.

Read this from the Predictions from the Solar Ingress in Capricorn —–

  1. Panchang
  2. The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn and Placed in the Yama of  Taurus the 5th house of the ingress chart and the Lord is Venus a Yoga Karka and in Paap Kartari yoga in the 2nd House . Venus is with Ketu and Mars the Lord of the 11th house and the 4th House . Hence the Ingress will concentrate on the 2nd and the 11th house significations since there is Exchange between the 2nd Lord and the 11th Lord , which is a Maha Yoga .The Day Lord and the Lagna Lord Saturn  is ill placed from the 6th house and the 6th Lord and since the 6th Lord is in the Dainya Malefic Yoga and connected to the 3, 6, 9th and the 12th house there are chances of Terrorism, more so the Karna Lord In Vish Ghati and in the 9th house . Terrorism in the Temples, Courts, Embassies, Boarder Clashes Since the 8th Lord Sun is Placed in the Lagna and is also ill placed from the 6th house and the 6th Lord . Lagna has aspect of Jupiter a Benefic , but the Lordships is not good and since also in the Vish Ghati and Dainya Yoga may not contribute overall good Results on the Nation inspite of the Maha Rajyoga , There will be fluacting Results in the 3 Months Till Sun ingresses in Aries. The Dainya Yoga is being Formed in the Shooksham Sthans of the 2nd and the 11th house is most Malefic to give adverse results.
  3. Effect of Maha Parivartana Yoga: It is written in the ancient text that Maha Parivartana Yoga is a Blessings of Goddess Maha Laxmi and gives rise to great power and social status, windfall of wealth and success in professional area. The person who has Maha Parivartan Raja Yoga’s gets success and wealth like anything (Like windfall of fortune) and another Good thing about this yoga is that to feel good effect of this yoga you don’t need to wait for Mahadasha of yoga forming planets as its not Dasha depends yoga (As merely a transit of concern planet is enough to give sudden transformations, which could happen under any Maha Dasha ruler). 2nd House is the Financial Condition of the Nation, Taxation and Revenues, Interest Rates,Purchasing Power of the People  and the 11th House is Aggreement and Contracts with Foreign Govt. Alliance with Foreign Countries , National Mint, Legislation. There are malefic Planets in these houses , but also the Exchange of the Lords hence this Yoga will be more Beneficial along with some Measures Taken By the Govt. in the National Budget on the 1st Feb. 2017.Mars is in Pushkar Navamsha  will there for Contribute good effects of the 5th House since in Navamsha it is in the Sign Taurus.
  4. Tithi is KP-2
  5. Yoga is Preet Inauspicious
  6. Karna Lord is Jupiter is good but in Vish Ghati and connected to the 9th and the 12th house , since there is Exchange between the 9th and the 12th Lord , which is a Dainya Yoga and a Malefic Yoga.Effect of Dainya Yoga Malefic : As per ancient text anyone who has Dainya Yoga in their horoscope will be wicked nature, can be found involved in sinful deeds, causes trouble to others, and have to face highly fluctuating fortune. If having this yoga in horoscope and if any other modifying situation or saving factors are not present in his or her chart then it is very difficult to achieve success and wealth. The Karna Lord Involved in this Yoga is the Most malefic Parameter in the Ingress chart when Jupiter is also in VishGhati .
  7. Lagna is Capricorn the 9th house of the India Foundation chart. The Lord is Placed in the 11th house and Exchange Maha yoga as above . Lagna is In the Nakshatra of Uttra shadha is Most Beneficial along with Sun in the Lagna but aspected by Saturn  who is the Lagna Lord and the 2nd Lord hence the 3 Months Focus will be there for the 2nd and the 11th house significations.
  8. Lagna has Gulika  and the Lord is Saturn aspecting Sun the King of the Country , Sun is also aspected by the Navamsha Lord of Gulika Moon , makes the Chart Precarious for the Kings and the Head of the States , More so since the Navamsha  Aquarius is also of Saturn the Gulika Lord and Both the Luminaries are in the Preview of Gulika. The Sun in the Sign of Capricorn in the Dwadamsha Chart and the same sign rising in the Lagna in the Ingress chart shows untoward happenings for the Head of the States , Kings and the Country as a whole. Details will follow as per the Paksha Kundalis I will further elaborate sepatately.
  9. In the Present Scenerio the Dates in the Month of Jan. 2017 around the 26th Jan. 2017 are discussed in the Article “Republic Day ISIS Threat Looms: What Stars Foretell” link…t-stars-foretell/ dated 11th Jan. 2017. I am reproducing some Text of the above article “The Exchange of Mars and Saturn as the 6th and the 8th Lord is a concern since they both aspect the Rahu Placed in the 3rd house . Unfortunately Rahu will be in adverse motion from the 15th Jan. to 22nd Jan. 2017 . Hence these Dates become most sensitive for Terrorism or some untoward happenings in the country In Navamsha both the Luminaries are in Rahu-Ketu axis  and the 4th house has become the 6th House . Sun is badly afflicted by Ketu and Both Mars and Saturn aspect Sun in the 9th house  of Courts, Embassies, Temples , which is the 7th house of the Paksha Kundali , hence shows concern of the 9th and the 7th house significations and involvement of Foreign elements”The Eastern Direction  is Vunerable  and Rail and Air Transport may be the Targets aswell.
  10. Feb. 2017 is having Twin Eclipses and Rahu in Adverse motion on 30th- 31st Jan., 1st Feb. to 6th Feb. 2017 and then 11th Feb. to 27th Feb. 2017 is Crucial for untoward happenings even in the Globe and Terrorism , Earthquakes and Untoward happenings relating to Air and Railways  in the month of Feb. 2017 around the 2 Eclipses. cannot be ruled out . It is also a Month of Elections hence untoward happenings in the Road shows As a Matter of Fact the complete month there are adverse planetary combinations specially after Sun ingress in Aquarius on the 12th Feb. 2017 when Sun joins Ketu and aspected by Saturn.
  11. Inspite of a Good Budget and  not as per the Expectations of the General Public and Adverse happenings in the 3 months the General Public may not be in a Happy condition due to the formation of the Dainya Yoga in the shoksham sthans of the 2nd and the 11th house .
  12. Strict Security Measures Should be Provided to the Kings and the Head of the States and specially those States where Elections are on the Cards and Directions East Could be crucial for Violence , Terrorism . The Sign Taurus is aspected By Mars and Saturn . 8th House has Rahu and Dispositor in the Lagna and Rahu aspected by both Mars and Saturn is another Malefic Parameter in the Ingress chart . The Elections in the UP state can have Violence and untoward happenings.
  13. The Aspect of Saturn on the Sun also indicates that till the aspect of Saturn on Sun till 15th March where elections are taking Place no Singular Party will be able to form the Govt. till there is alliance between 2 Parties  or may bethere is hung  hung Parliament .

Prediction By Nammittis this Morning

Now I am Going to Narrate what conspired with me between the 10th Night and the 11th Feb. 2017  Early Morning . Some Predictions By Namitis for this Fortnight from 11th Feb. 2017 , although I have already written Articles for the UP Elections today and the Lunar Eclipse , but as per Nammitti this Morning and yesterday night I was Studying Nammittis . The Sign Sagitarius and Capricorn play Major Role in the renunciation. In the Morning I continued my reading and then all of a Sudden there no Electricity. I then left for a regular Morning walk and found total Darkness, no street lights and the Auto Rickhaws plying on the Road in Deep Darkness without lights . I was much concerned about the nammittis and came back immediately and opened the Chart and Found Capricorn Lagna . Capricorn Lagna is Darkness and Death . Saturn as per Numberology Controls Pavarg and Moon Ya Ra La Va  and yesterday the Nimmittis were discussed in the Book for Terrorism in London, hence the The Cities with Letter L could be Targets in the Globe for Darkness created by Untoward happenings concerning the Kings and the head of the States since Sun and Mercury both in Capricorn and in Paap Kartari yoga . Sagitarius Lord is Guru Jupiter and as per Nammitti , and as per Numberology the Guru is Letter 32 and if 12 is substracted we get 20 , 2 Capricorns and Capricorn is a Dark sign for untoward happenings , I started when it was Sagitarius Lagna and Moon in the 8th house and then Capricorn Lagna  and Found Total Darkness out side when I went for a walk, this indicates untoward happenings in this Fortnight of All kind , in which Mars  will have a special role since the Karka for Electricity  and Mars Exhalts in Capricorn Sign.
I was Much perturbed and decided to go to a Temple before I start any work. I am now writing this article after my visit to the Temple .The Above analysis also matches with the Predictions with Nammittis  . Astrology is Most Amazing  God Bless us all

  1. anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  2. 11th Feb. 20172017  14-15 hrs. New Delhi  
  3. Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comFacebook of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of USFor My True Predictions, Expert Advice, Viewer Comments, Teaching and Consultation  go on the Home Page and Click the Relevant Option
  4. Para 14 Added on the 16th Jan. 2017 . Please note this .
  5. Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764 What App Number +919810038903Skypee ID aggarwalaanil


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