Relationship Analysis of A Girl Through Tamil Jyotish

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to Discuss the Marriage of a Girl  through Birth chart and Prashna Chart , For Reasons best known I am not disclosing the Birth Details of the Girl

A Prashna was asked on the 8th Feb. 2017 at 12-43 hrs for a Realtionship between a Boy and a Girl .Let me put the chart here below

The Panchang of the Day

The day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury and is Placed in the 9th house with Sun and is Placed in its own Yama and the 2nd House of the chart , which is afflicted badly by Mars and Saturn.

Tithi is SP-13

Nakshatra Punarvasu

Yoga Preeti

Karna Kaulava 

Lagna is a Dagdha Rashi is the most malefic Component in the Query chart and shows the Weakness of the Girl in Question

Hora Mars A malefic is not good for alliance, Hora Lord is connected to Moon

Yama Shukra Aries 9.58 degrees

Yoga Sputha =Taurus 3.37 degrees


In the Query regarding marriage the Lagna reveals the life of the Girl and the 7th house that of the Boy

Negative Parameters are in the Query chart are the Placement of Moon in the 6th House from the Arudha Lagna Capricorn and Afflicted by Both Mars and Saturn, then The Alliance is not Fruitful.

Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord are placed in the 11th house is a Good Placement specially when Venus is Exhalted but Mars Placement is in a inimical sign and hence the Boy in question may not be in a Benefic Prospective for a Good Alliance , more so the Conjunction is aspected by Retrograde Jupiter in Stationary motion, hence the Relationship will be in a Status Quo Position, Jupiter as the 8th Lord and having connection with the Saturn aspect from the 8th house is further afflicting Jupiter badly and hence Jupiter will give the significations of the 8th house  and Connection of 7th Lord and Venus with 8th Lord is a malefic Combination till Jupiter transits this sign till 12th Sept. 2017 and more so till 9th June 2017 till when Jupiter is Retrograde , The worst Parameter is the Saturn Placed in the 8th house and in Gandantha , the Allinace may not continue for some reason or the other.

Shastra says both the Boy and the girl will die in the 8th year of Marriage if Moon is afflicted in the 6th House from the Arudha Lagna, since the Arudha Lagna is Capricorn and Moon is in the 6th from the Arudha Lagna , Here in the chart these combinations are not good .

Moon in the 2nd House aspected by mars and Saturn is even denial of marriage , since Saturn will remain in this 8th House the Marriage may be delayed for 3 years from the date of Prashna

Using Yoga Sputha and Yama shukra in the Prashna Chart for marriage

If the Yama Shukra or the Lord of the 10th house occupies in the 6,8,12th house from Arudha Lagna or Venus then the Marriage of the Couple will not take place at the scheduled Time . In the chart Above Yama Shukra is Aries and Venus is Placed in the 12th from it . 10th Lord from Yama Shukra is Saturn and is Placed in the 12th from the Arudha Lagna , Hence the marriage will not take place at the Time Stipulated.

The Reason is Clear Mars and Saturn aspect Moon in the 2nd House , the Marriage Date will be delayed due to the Girl Menstruration period falling on the date of marriage and is considered most inauspicious

Using Gulika in Yoga Sputha , Since Gulika is Placed in Taurus the Yoga Sputha , shows no happiness after marriage since the Girl will have ill health

Venus and the 7th Lord is Placed in the 11th house is the Only Parameter which is good, but again aspected by Stationary Jupiter the 8th and the 11th Lord , hence Status Quo till Jupiter is there in Virgo till 12th Sept. 2017

For Good and Happy Relations Moon and Venus should be in Even signs and Even Navamsha , Venus is in even sign and even navamsha but Moon is not in Even sign . Female Virgo Dreshkanne is also rising hence Marriage is Possible , since Venus aspects the Lagna of the Dreshkanne , is good for marriage

8th House/8th Lord

These 2 Parameters create obstacles to Marriage , specially when 8th house has a Malefic and another Malefic aspects it , if we take the aspect of Rahu then it is Bad , otherwise also when 8th Lord is connected to the 7th Lord and the Karka for marriage Venus then there is stoppage after the alliance, hence the Relationship suffers . In the above chart Jupiter is Stationary as the 8th and the 12th Lord and also going in Retrogression hence there will be Status Quo till Jupiter is in Virgo and the 12th Sept. 2017, Jupiter is also in the Bhadak Sthan from the 11th house , hence will not give benefic results

Appearance , Complexion, Caste of the Spouse

7th house/Lord indicates about the boy in question, asper the characteristics of the Planet , since Mars and Placed in an inimical sign is not happy with the alliance. Lagna is associated with Benefic Jupiter hence the Girl in Question is in Love with the boy in Question. Moon is aspected by malefics, hence the Boy must have forced her in Marital activities

Love Affair Leading to Marriage

The Connection of the 5th Lord and the 7th Lord is a Must . Afavourable Tajik Yoga of Aspect is essential, here in the chartMercury and Mars form a Ithasla with Venus the Lagna Lord and the Karka for Marriage , but Retrograde Planet  aspects the combination hence till 9th June nothing may happen but the Girl in question is More Interested in alliance converted in Marriage then the boy, since Mars enetered the 11th house first and is of Greater Longitude and Far from Mercury then Venus

Karka for Spouse and Husband

Karka is Jupiter and is Stationary and in Retrogression in the 5th house , hence the Boy in Question may be having 3 Alliances simultaneously, since Jupiter is Badly afflicted in the chart , The significations of the Husband are weak in the chart , where as the Girl in Question is only emotional and Shows in Love , since Venus is Exhalted  and Very much Disturbed as shown by the Moon affliction together with her Mother

Placement of Both Mars and Venus in the 11th house shows there was Love initially but ever since Jupiter has come in Virgo Boy is indulging with other 2 Girls as well. The Relations and the inclination of the boy has changed after 20th Jan. 2017 and 26th Jan. 2017 the dates of the ingress of Mars and Saturn in the next Signs and aspecting Jupiter .

The Overall Combinations are for marriage but the Fructification and Quality of the Relation ship may suffer. The Girl is More inclined and Involved in the relationship then the Boy. The following Factors are good

Lagna Lord and 7th Lord in the 11th house . Mars the Hora Lord connected to Moon, Between the Hora Lord and Moon there is Gulika  hence the Relation ship may suffer obstacles and mostly due to the Sickness of the Girl since Gulika is in Lagna .


Prishtodayo signs in the Prashna Chart and the Navamsha , Moon with Saturn, Venus Debilitated , Mercury Debilitated and 2 Debilitated Planets connected to the 8th and the 11th Lord makes the Position crystal Clear , Hence the relationship may not get converted into reality . The 7th Lord is stronger than the Lagna Lord and hence the Boy is stronger than the girl in Question

Trishamsha D30

Lagna has a Malefic, 4th house, 8th house are afflicted along with the Moon aspected by Mars and Saturn in the 4th house  does not support the Relation for a Stable relationship.


According to Nammittis the Relationship may suffer due to misunderstandings  since at the time of Query there was this instinct seen between a Man and a Women  who had Break and relations were strained , they are still communicating but lack of Faith and Luck Factor. Saturn aspecting Moon and Jupiter the Karka for Husband is not at all good . Saturn Placed in the Gandantha is another Malefic Factor in the Prashna chart .

Jupiter is Stationary and hence Status Quo till 9th June 2017 and will ingress in Libra on the 12th Sept. 2017, till then the relationship will be status Quo and no change.

Timing of Events

When Venus and Mars reach Taurus Sign on the 29th June and 12th April Respectively  Relations getting further Strained

As Per Venus in the 3rd Navamsha and since takes 15 days as per the Timing method the Results of the Relationship will be experienced after 45 days from the Day of the Query.

Natal Chart Analysis for Relationships

Marriage Analysis

1. Garbshishta Dasha  Ketu-Venus

Ketu is ill placed from Karka Venus  and Dispositor of Ketu is Debilitated and ill placed from 7th house

Venus the Karka for Marriage  and the Lagna Lord is placed in the 3rd house the 8th from the 8th house and is Set and attains a Status of a Malefic Planet , more so the Disposior  Moon is in 6/8 axis with Venus and the Dispositor of Moon the 8th Lord aspects the Venus is most malefic Parameter for the Girl for Relationships. Further The 7th Lord is Debilitated and also Placed in the 3rd house of Aquintances , Spoiling the significations of Venus , Further more the Close Combinations of Venus and Mercury further spoils the Significations of Venus since Mercury is the Debilitation Lord of Venus , Making Venus extremely weak and Prone to getting entangled in Activities of Venus and the 7th house . Venus is also in Gandantha , hence native may suffer from Emotional Relationships with Acquintances  and Males may Exploit her , Further Mars affliction and weak in the chart of the Female is weakness for getting Emotional Hurdles . The Worst is the Debilitated mars is with Mercury , does not allow a rational thinking and Physocology . The Girl can be easily Trapped by Men .The Reasons  are The Khetra Sputa is Formed By addition of Mars, Moon and Jupiter  and In this Case is Aquarius 16.17 degrees and afflicted by Debilitated  Mars by strong aspect of Mars , The native is Born at Night and Mars Debilitated attains the Status of a Malefic Marak strongly since Mars is strong at night.

The Native has Kalatra Dosha as per Shastra since the 2nd House of the natural

Day Lord is Moon and Placed in the 8th house and Forming a Kemdrum Malefic Yoga since there are no planets in the 12th or the 2nd House , Moon in the 8th house also shows going against the Traditions and indulge  in anti social activities

2. 7th house from Lagna/Moon / Venus

7th house from Lagna is the Physical Condition and 7th from Moon the Mental Condition and 7th from Venus the Sexual Life , Afflictions all around . Jupiter is Not good to aspect the 7th house , Since Jupiter is the Dispositor of Moon in the 8th house and Moon is the Dispositor of Venus and Mars . Hence weak combinations but Jupiter as a Planet aspecting the 7th house will give Marriage , but being the 11th Lord and connected to the 2nd Lord  can give Multiple Marriages. Here Venus is the Lagna Lord  and the 2nd House of the natural zodiac and with 2nd Lord of the Chart and aspected by 11th Lord is the Combination . 7th House is a Dagdha Rashi

3. 2nd House  and 8th House

2nd House is expansion of Family and the 8th house is the Mangla Sthan of the Girl and Longevity of marriage . The 2nd House is afflicyed by Saturn and the 2nd Lord with Debilitated  Mars is not good . 8th house has Dhoom

4. Karka Venus For marriage and Jupiter for the spouse . Venus in the 3rd house with Debilitated Mars will give Perversions in Sex.

All ready explained above

5. Up Graha Rahu

ill Placed from Venus and Jupiter and in a Dagdha Rashi and with the Dispositor Sun is very strong since malefcs are strong in Dagdha Rashis . Rahu is also in Adverse motion since with Sun with in 7 degrees  is extremely bad for Marriage .  Rahu is stronger than Venus is not good in the chart for Marriage , delays in life

6. Bhavat Bhavam Lagna

Taurus Sign and Lagna Lord ill Placed as explained above

7. Saptmaroodh

The 7P is Pieces and Jupiter Connection is good , but from 7P the Kendras are not strong hence the support level is weak in Marriage , 8th house from the Pieces sign is afflicted by Mars and Saturn and both are debilitated

8. Mid Cusp Lord of the 7th house

MCL of the 7th house is Ketu .Ketu is ill Placed from Venus the Karka and also the 7th Lord , Dasha of Planets from MCL to Venus will be bad specially the Venus-Saturn dasha for 3 years  2 months from 4th July 2017 to 2-9-2020  and even Venus Mercury may not be very good  for the native . Connection of Ketu as MCL is extremely bad and Gives obstacles at every stage  and some time No marriage also, and if marriage it is like no marriage


Venus the Lagna Lord is Exhalted but afflicted By Saturn from the 12th house and 7th Lord of the Birth Chart Mars is ill placed from Venus the the Lagna Lord of the Birth chart. Saptmaroodh Sign and Moon are ill Placed from each other , But Saptmaroodh is aspected by Moons Dispositor of the Birth chart is good for Marriage . Since dispositor of Venus is Moon and the 7th Lord is Mars they are in 1/7 axis is good for Marriage .

Ketu is connected to the 7th Lord in D9, then in such natives life untoward happenings take place , here Ketu is aspected by 7th Lord of the D9 , D9 is definitely Stronger than Birth chart. MCL and the 7th Lord both are afflicting each other in the Navamsha , hence no progress after Marriage

Saptama roodh is Placed well and so is Venus , hence D9 is better than D1

10. Mathematical Navamsha 

The Lagna of the Navamsha  is 11.32 degrees hence in the 4th Navamsha  and the Cancer sign  and the Nakshatra is Vishaka and the Lord is Jupiter and the Lord of Saptama roodh  is Retrograde only

11. Trishamsha  D30

The sign rising in the Lagna is Capricorn has not been considered good for the female . Lagna Lord Saturn with Rahu-Ketu Adverse , The signs of Navamsha Lagna and the D30 Lagna re in 1/7 axis is food But the Lord of Navamsha Lagna is afflicted By Saturn along with 4th house and 8th house   is a Malefic Parameter for the Success in Married life

From the above it is clear that the Native has Marriage combinations but weak ones , the Affliction in D30, D1  and the Garbshishta are there, but D9 is better of the other Parameters  hence Marriage may be late and like no Marriage even it takes place. The Combination of Venus and Mars Combination is further spoiling the D1 Chart.

12. Dhoom

Dhoom is Placed in the 8th house , such People are very selfish and can go to any extent  to get their work Done

13. Mars and Mercury Conjunction

Mars Debilitated with Mercury is most Crucial for a Female and shows that Girl can take abrupt actions , hence bad for marriage

14. Mars and Venus Conjunction

It is considered most malefic and not pious for Married life in the chart of the female . It has been observed that this conjunction always makes  the sex life unsatisfactory. Mars Represents the urge of erotic passions in the female , while Venus  is symbolic of Lust , when these 2 planets combine then the phycology of Sex becomes abnormal and married life is seldom satisfactory.

15. Conjunction of Mars, Mercury and Venus

The Native does not belong to a very good family , suffers from infirmity and is fickle minded and wicked, very optimistic, sickly in childhood, well versed with Art and Poetry.

16. Marriage Year

Ketu Method

Using the Ketu Method the Marriage year is Completion of the 24th Year , Counting from the dispositor till you reac a Benefic Planet which aspects the 7th House , in this case till Jupiter.

Declination Method

As Per Declination of Venus when Transits the 7th Lord, or Marriage when Venus reaches the 7th house as per Declination = 24 years or 24 years  plus 0.66 x 4= 24=2.66= 26.66  years to  27.32 Years , Hence Marriage if does not take place in the 24-25th year then 26th to 28th Year

Vedic Progression method

As per Progression chart by Manu Smiriti when Moon is in the Nakshatra of Planet Connected to Venus and the 7th Lord. As Per this Parameter the Moon , Venus both connected to the 7th Lord Jupiter who is Fallen in the Chart Shows weak Spouse  . The combinations in the 27th  -28th Year are not condusive though little possibilities if Marriage does not take place between the 24-25th year then in the 29th year for which the Possibility is low.

Considering the above it seems that their may not be sound relationship between the Boy and the girl and Girl may be suffering due to her being Emotional . The Girl has Mars and Venus together in the natal and the Prashna chart shows that she has abnormal Attitude towards Relationship and may Suffer . This combination is not good specially in the chart of the girl  and leads to dissatisfaction in the Married life due to the Sexual instinct

The Boys Horoscope has not been discussed here but looking at the Planetary positions with respect to Natal  Venus and Mars they are in the 6/8 axis as per the Prashna chart  and hence not favourable for the Boy and is also not serious and the marriage may bring Negative results. The Boy has multiple Alliances and not serious with the girl in Question .

  1. anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  2. 11th Feb. 20172017  14-15 hrs. New Delhi  
  3. Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comFacebook of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of USFor My True Predictions, Expert Advice, Viewer Comments, Teaching and Consultation  go on the Home Page and Click the Relevant Option
  4. Para 14 Added on the 16th Jan. 2017 . Please note this .
  5. Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764 What App Number +919810038903Skypee ID aggarwalaanil




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