Violent Frenzy Happenings of ISIS :What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier Article “Brutality of ISIS and Celestial Drama of Planets in 2017” link…-planets-in-2017/ ‎dated 23rd Dec. 2016 .

As Per the Foundation charts of ISIS, Syria, Libya , Iran, the Mars and Saturn are getting activated after 20th Jan. 2017 are clearest explanation of Frenzy Violence in the middle east with magnitude. The Solar Eclipses in Feb. and August 2017 will further add fuel to the fire  it so seems specially those Countries where Rahu and Ketu will be over Rahu and Ketu .

I have already discussed the Chart of ISIS in my previous article  and the chart is here for your ready reference .

Abu-Bkr-al-bagdadi came in power on the 29th June 2014

As per the chart of ISIS below taken from Shri VishVijay Panchang Solan 2015-2016

On 29 June 2014, the organisation proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—known by his supporters as Amir al-Mu’minin,

Chart of ISIS

The Transit of  Mars  after 11th Dec. 2016 and degree 8th aspect on the Natal Mars  around the 7th Jan 2017 could be  explosive for Wars, Blasts and Bloodshed. Mars ingress in Pieces on the 20th Jan 2017 and Saturn ingress in Sagitarius on the 26th Jan 2017 will further escalate the Terrorism in the Globe, since then the Natal Mars and Saturn will be connected to the Transit Mars and Saturn. This activation also reveals that ISIS will be under tremendous difficulties and will also suffer losses  from the Military infancies of the US and Russia 

The Most Critical factor in the chart of the ISIS foundation chart is that Mars is a fallen Planet in the 10th house Digbali and Most Malefic being the 12th and the 5th Lord It has the Capability to bring about warlike conditions for the Group itself and for the World , But it has been observed that such a Planet causes more harm to others , Mars was in Airy sign and has fallen in Earthy sign , hence It will create war on the Earth and Air. In Libra it was with Rahu and Saturn . Hence Mars will create havoc when it joins Aquarius and aspects the Transit Rahu in Leo the 5th house of the chart

The worst Period for ISIS and its Head will be  after Mars and Saturn are activated as explained above after 12th Sept. 2017 when Rahu-Ketu are in the 1/7 axis of the 8 house and over the Moon and Jupiter. ISIS will change its location from time to time as is evident by the Placement of the 4th Lord in the 8th house with 8th Lord .

The Organization will be in Financial difficulties when Saturn goes in Retrogression  on the 19th April 2017 and when Fallen State from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 , since the Lord of the 2nd House . Jupiter the Karka for wealth will also go in Retrogression from the 3rd Feb. 2017 will further escalate the Financial issues for the Group. The Group may relocate its activities in other Countries . Libya, Bangladesh are the Countries where they may take shelter

India, US, Europe, Middle East Remain the Targets of this Organization.

Mars ingress in the Sign Aquarius till 20th Jan 2017 afflicting the Rahu Ketu and then On the 26th Jan. 2017 Saturn aspecting Ketu in Aquarius will activate their Frenzy Violent Terrorism, but will face Financial constraints after April 2017 , making the Organization weak and when they resort to Hijackings for their survival .


17th April will be crucial since Mars will aspect both Rahu and Saturn and Saturn will aspect Ketu . 29th May 2017 will be crucial for ISIS since Mars and Saturn will be opposing each other degree wise in the 1/7 axis of the Organization, Saturn will also aspect the Ketu almost Degreewise in Aquarius .

Solar Eclipses on the 26th Feb. 2017 and 21st August 2017 will definitely escalate their Frenzy Happenings , before their decay in Syria In the Twin Eclipses Mercury is afflicted badly and at almost same degrees of Ketu in Aquarius . Mercury being the 10th Lord of the ISIS and the Eclipses taking place in the 3rd and the 9th house they will be active for ruthless acts when Mercury will be in affliction specially when in Debilitation in the 4th house afflicted by way of Combustion also . In March 2017 Mercury ingresses in Pieces on the 10th March 2017 and will be in Combustion from 17th to 22nd March 2017 and will also be in Debilitation . ISIS could be active during this Period . Countries Prone as we all know are India, Pakistan, Afganistan, US and UK


The Chart of Syria has a Bhandan yoga of the Sun and Saturn in the 1/7 axis of the chart, difficulties till 15th March 2017 only. ISIS could totally lose the grounds in Syria after 15th March 2017 and specially after 12th Sept. 2017.

ISIS may Continue their Violent Frenzy Activities in Frustration  around the world. After 20th Jan 2017 to 29th May 2017 they  may be Prominent but after 29th May 2017 their decay may be more prominent due to Financial instability. In any case the Transit of Rahu over the 8th house after 12th Sept. 2017 will be crucial for the Organization  it so seems . Countries where Terrorism could sprout could be India, Pakistan, Afganistan, US, UK  as per the Timing and Dates mentioned above .

After 26th Oct. 2017 Saturn will cross the gandantha points the 3rd time and will aspect Mercury and Sun in the 7th house . Mercury will  join  Saturn on the 24th Nov. 2017 and Sun will join Saturn Transit on the 15th Dec. 2017, at this point in Transit Mercury the 7th Lord and the 10th Lord will be fallen, hence this Time will be most Crucial for the ISIS. Natal Saturn will activate the Transit Saturn in the Lagna .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

7th Jan. 2017  05.30 hrs. New Delhi 

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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