5 reasons why Venezuela’s economy is in a ‘meltdown’ http://money.cnn.com/2016/01/18/news/economy/venezuela-economy-meltdown/
Venezuela’s currency is in ‘free fall’ link http://money.cnn.com/2016/11/29/investing/venezuela-worthless-currency/
Venezuela’s economy is in a deep crisis.
Its President, Nicolas Maduro, declared a state of “economic emergency” for 60 days on Friday. Maduro’s government stopped publishing any economic data about the country in 2014, other than updates on its shrinking gold and cash reserves.
But that changed Friday when Venezuela finally published years of economic data.
And it was ugly.
Venezuela’s currency continues to collapse.
Just in November, the bolivar has lost 55% of its value.
It’s the latest sign of Venezuela’s extreme economic, political and humanitarian crisis. Sky high food prices — or massive shortages of basic food and medicine — have plagued Venezuelans for years and have gotten worse this year. Inflation in Venezuela is expected to rise 1,660% next year, according to the IMF. The country has been in recession for three years now.
Related: Venezuela hikes minimum wage 40%
“It’s a currency that’s going down the toilet,” says Russ Dallen, managing partner at Caracas Capital Markets, an investing firm in Miami. “No one wants to hold on to something that’s going to be worth 50% less in a month.”
A few factors are behind the bolivar’s most recent plunge. The government has been forced to pump cash into its system because the money in circulation isn’t enough to pay for goods that cost a lot more.
But with the value of the bolivar falling so dramatically, Venezuelans are desperately trying to exchange their bolivars for dollars, which is seen as a more a more valuable and stable currency. That’s led to a scarcity of dollars. That’s boosted the dollar’s value versus the bolivar even more.

Related: The face of hunger in Venezuela
Here’s what else is behind the bolivar’s blight.
1. Food prices have skyrocketed this fall as the government stopped enforcing some price controls following a food scarcity. Many vendors had stopped selling food because the price controls was forcing them to sell at a loss. Now, with the price controls gone, there’s food available on supermarket shelves, but at such exorbitant prices that few Venezuelans can afford.
2. The government recently increased the minimum wage by 40%.
3. Venezuela fully reopened its border with Colombia earlier this summer, allowing Venezuelans to go and exchange money to buy basic food and medicine. That drove up demand for dollars and more bolivars disappeared from circulation.
4. Finally, the government cut the cash requirements at banks in Venezuela, which also helped juice the number of bolivars in circulation.
The government badly needs cash as oil prices remain low and it scrambles to make debt payments. Venezuela is currently behind on one small debt payment and could officially default in mid-December. Oil is Venezuela’s only major source of revenue.
Against this backdrop, there’s no end in sight for Venezuela’s cash crisis.
“It’s absolutely a worthless currency,” says Siobhan Morden, head of Latin America fixed income strategy at Nomura Holdings. “1,000 to 2,000 to 3,000 — it’s just crazy. It’s in free fall.”
As per Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion the Foundation chart of Venezeula is of 22nd Sept 1830 12.00 Noon Caracas
The Country is running the Current Dasha of Moon-Saturn from 27-3-2016 till 26-10-2017
Ever Since the dasha of Moon -Jupiter started from 26-11-2014 and Transit Saturn over the Natal Moon after 2nd Nov. 2014 aspecting the Natal Saturn the Country has been in Economic plight as is obvious from the Shatak Yoga in the Shukla Paksha in the Foundation chart and Moon is Debilitated in the 12th house . The Mercury Placement in the 11th house as a Bhadak and aspected by Mars and Saturn , 2nd Lord Saturn the Debilitation Lord of Jupiter as the Lord of the 2nd and the 3rd house is under affliction by Rahu in the 9th house
The Navamsha Makes the Picture absolutely clear , the Relation of the Bhadak Mercury aspecting the 2nd Lord Saturn in the Taurus Navamsha Lagna and Mercury in affliction by Mars and Saturn both as in the Rashi Chart, In Navamsha Mercury is the 2nd Lord as well and Connetced to the 2nd Lord of the Rashi Chart
The Eclipses in 2016 over the 9th house having Saturn, Venus and Rahu have further aggravated the things after the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 and Rahu over the Natal Rahu at Exact degrees 18 and the Eclipse over the 6th and the 11th Lord Venus at 15.21 degrees and at the Exact Eclipse Point 15.15.
As Per my Article “Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of 29th Nov.2016” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/11/enigmatic-paksha…of-29th-nov-2016/ I had mentioned that this Fortnight is an Enigmatic one due to Most Crucial combination of Planets as follows
- Sun and Saturn conjunction on the 11th Dec. 2016.The Most Malefic Bhandan Yoga of Sun and Saturn along with Debilitated Moon
- Mars Ingressing in Aquarius and aspecting the Eclispe point on the 1st Jan. 2017
- The Karya Siddhi Parameter is Naga and the Lord is Mahesh the 7th Lord Mars is designated as the Most Malefic Parameter in this Paksha Kundali to Give Strong Negative Results of Oppositions, War, Foreign Relations, Secret agents, Relation with Other Countries, Agreements, Alliances, Anti Social Elements, Immorality in the Country, Foreign Trade.
- Mars has already activated the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees in Leo and here in this case Venus natal by 8th Strong aspect
Let us have a Look at the Paksha Kundali of the 29th Nov. 2016 07-51 hrs . which brought a Free fall in the Currency of Venezeula
The Lagan is the same as the Foundation chart of the Country .
Trinal Sign form the Lagna Lord Jupiter which is the 2nd House is a Dagdha Rashi signified by the Assets of the Country
Saturn as the Lord of the 2nd House in Bhandan Yoga with Debilitated Moon in the 12th house with Karna Lord and also signifies the 10th Lord in a Malefic State for the fructification in this fortnight . Rahu the 1st Rate Malefic in the Paksha Kundali aspected by Both Mars and Saturn over the Natal Venus the 6th and the 11th Lord at almost degrees and this Point has already been activated by Ammunition Dump Mars.
The Situations in the country will further aggravate after 11th Dec. , 25-26th Dec. 2016 and the 1st Jan. 2017
The Dasha Lords Moon-Saturn both in the 12th house with Karna Lord who is Most malefic for the financial Condition of the Country .
The Country does not get any Respite since Saturn will join In the Lagna on the 26th Jan. 2017 over the Natal Jupiter and also aspect the Transit Jupiter in the 10th house and hence till 17th Sept. 2017 the condition of the country Plight will be precarious .
Analysing as per Mannu Smiriti Progression chart below for the Running year from Sept. 2016 to Sept 2017
The Progression chart is Making things absolutely crystal clear
For Dual Lagna the the Kendras have to be strong and here in this chart the Lagna Lord and the 7th and 10th Lord Jupiter are Both Debilitated . Jupiter here as the 7th Lord , Marka, Bhadak and having Kendraadipati dosh becomes a First Rate Killer, Like a Made Elephant in the Forest , since Jupiter can be compared to an Elephant . Jupiter is also Karka for wealth and the Divine blessings which are missing in the chart
Dispositor of Lagna Lord Mercury and Sun is Jupiter and in the 8th house and the Dispositor of Jupiter is further in affliction in the 3rd house with Rahu and aspected by Mars from the 12th house at 15. 36 degrees . Note these Degrees and This Mars is already aspecting the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees in Leo , which has also been activated by Transit mars from the Sign Capricorn over the Natal Jupiter in the Paksha Kundali at Exact Degrees . Further on the 25-26 th Dec. 2016 and the 1st Jan 2017 Mars will Prove a ammunition dump and further leading the Country to worst conditions and Total Confusions. Till 17th Sept. 2017 there seems to be no respite. After 26th Jan 2017 Saturn will Ingress in Lagna will further escalate the issues , since will aspect the 10th House and the Transit Jupiter . It will be over the natal Jupiter in this ingress . Saturn fallen from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 will be the worst time for the Country since then it will be Fallen as the 2nd Lord and over the natal Moon.
Other Countries also influenced by this Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016, Rahu Affliction in the Foundation chart, Saturn Fallen from from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 could be crucial also and I think Italy may also be influenced since the Referendum Vote is on the Cards .
anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch. Jyotish Acharaya , Research BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
Date 2nd Dec. 2016 22.00 hrs
Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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