Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of 29th Nov.2016

by astrodocanil

The Paksha Kundali of the 29th Nov. 2016 of 17.48 hrs is an enigmatic one . The Chart is Below



The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars Placed in the 9th house aspecting the 12th its own house Aries, aspecting the 3rd house of Neighbors along with 4th house is most explosive in this Paksha Kundali since Mars also has Exchange with Saturn placed in the 7th house with Luminaries . Sun being the Lord of the 4th house and Moon being the Lord of the 3rd House in Debilitation

The Day Lord Mars is also in the Yama of the Sign Virgo which is the 5th house of the Paksha Kundali and the Yama Lord Mercury is Placed in the 8th house with the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord Venus is again an Explosive Parameter.

The Sign Rising in the Lagna is also identical to the Lagna Taurus Rising in the Foundation chart of the India Chart of Independence , makes it more Precarious

The Karya Siddhi Parameter is Naga and the Lord is Mahesh the 7th Lord Mars is designated as the Most Malefic Parameter in this Paksha Kundali to Give Strong Negative Results of Oppositions, War, Foreign Relations, Secret agents, Relation with Other Countries, Agreements, Alliances, Anti Social Elements, Immorality in the Country, Foreign Trade.

2nd and 6th Lord in the 8th house with Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord in the 8th house is strong negative for the Reserves of the Country , specially when the 8th Lord and the 11th Lord is also aspecting the Lagna at the MEP

The Planets acquiring the Dimension are , Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, since very close to the Lagna Degrees

Luminaries in the 7th house shows concern of the 7th house

Prishtodayo sign rising, Prishtodayo Planets aspecting the Lagna  is Most Malefic in this fortnight specially when the Nocturnal sign is rising. Since the Paksha Kundali is after Sunset strong Results will come specially during the Night

Lagna Lord and the Yama Lord Of Mars in the 8th house signifies Death Like Conditions for the Rulers , Kings, Queens, An end of Tenure , Longevity ,Capital Gains, Hidden Things will be more prominent in this Fortnight making the Fortnight most Enigmatic

The Most Malefic Bhandan Yoga in the 7th house of Sun and Saturn along with Debilitated Moon as the 3rd Lord Points out Happenings concerning the 3rd house of Neighbors, Rail Tracks, Air and Rail Transport , Boarder Clashes and Tensions with Magnitude Regarding the Terrorism and Espionage By the Foreign Elements against the Ruler of the Country.

Kendras have Rahu,Ketu, Sun and Saturn all malefics and Mars joining the 10th house on the 11th Dec. 2016 will further Aggravate the situations since then Saturn and Sun will be degree conjunct.

Lagna in Rohini nakshatra and Moon Debilitated and aspecting the Lagna in the Rashi chart and the Lord of the navamsha Chart are some Critical Parameters since the Dasha of Moon Mars is also in operation in the Foundation chart

Further the Navamsha is Movable and the 3rd house of Cancer is rising having Debilitated Mars Lord of the 12th and the 7th house  with Exhalted Jupiter the 8th and the 11th Lord of the Rashi Chart further aggravates the situations.

Saturn joins the Aquarius Navamsha with Ketu and Mars also joins the Leo Navamsha  on the 3rd Dec. 2015 will be most crucial for the World Economy. This is My Research Parameter and the Economy could Tilt on either side but More chances for it to suffer


The Lagna Lord of the Rashi and the Navamsha Chart are Badly afflicted , which shows the general condition of the Country may not be good

Timing of the Events

Malefic happenings with in 4 hrs. from Time of the Paksha Kundali , Hence  from 17.48 hrs till 21.58 hrs on the 29th Nov. 2016 could be crucial as seen from the Navamsha Kundali.

Moon in the Sign of Scorpio when Mars aspects the Lagna after 11th Dec. 2016 will be crucial

Degree connection of Jupiter, Mars, Saturn at MEP Crucial for Events

Rahu in the 4th house afflicted badly by Mars and Saturn , its Dispositor Sun afflicted in the Paksha Kundali and alo in the Navamsha Kundali and Mars joining Rahu in the Leo Navamsha on the 2nd-3rd Dec. 2016 till 7th Dec. 2016 will be most Crucial for the Steps Taken by the Govt. against the Black Money in all respects  

Mars Joining the Earthy Navamsha on the 7th Dec. 2016 can sprout Earthquakes till 11th Dec. 2016

Strong Possibility of the Jail Break Terrorists at Large may Strike.

Tensions at the Boarders may take an ugly shape with Pakistan and China

Foreign Investors may Exit the Stock Markets .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

28th Nov. 2016  22.00 hrs. New Delhi 

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

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