Eclipses in 2017 : Bane or Boon

by astrodocanil

Rahu in Leo is the most Crucial Parameter in the Eclipses in 2017 as we have seen the Effects of the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 in which Rahu occupied the Leo sign . Since Rahu Continues to be in Leo till 12th Sept. 2017 , the eclipses in 2017 could also sprout the most malefic affects when The Dispositor of Rahu Sun and the Navamsha Lord of Rahu is afflicted in such Eclipses .

In this Article I will only Take up those Eclipses in which Rahu Acquires a Special Dimension as a First Rate Malefic. As per my research already the effects have been like a snake bite as per my Articles…/fate-of-the-stock-markets-in…/
and…/rahu-demon-becomes-most-veno…/  Proving on Dot the Predictions For the Govt.Strict Action and the Stock market taking a strong hit.

Let us evaluate the situations arising in the year 2017 for the Malefic Effects in the Elipses and specially when Rahu is Acquiring a malefic dimension

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on the 11th Feb. 2017 06-02 am The Affliction to Rahu is there but not as much as at the time of the 8th to 10th Nov. 2016 and the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016, although there is affliction to Rahu in navamsha by Mars and Saturn. The dispositor of Rahu in Rashi and Navamsha chart are also afflicted badly .but  Rahu is not afflicted in Rashi Chart . I would Rate this Eclipse as 70-80 % of the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016.

Map of Eclipse Below Regions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse: Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.


26 February 2017 20-28 hrs .— Annular Solar Eclipse

Regions seeing, at least, a partial eclipse: South/West Africa, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica.

Chart below


There is Affliction to Dispositor of Rahu and also dispositor of Rahu Navamsha and Sun is badly afflicted more than the 11th Feb 2017 Eclipse

Malefic Parameters in this Eclipse as Below

  1. Day is Sunday and the Lord is afflicted badly , Sun is also the dispositor of Rahu
  2. Yama Lord of Sun is Mars and about to go in the 8th house on the 1st March 2017, as 3rd Lord and in the 7th house shows Tensions with Neghbors aggravating
  3. Mars and Saturn both in Dual Signs
  4. Mars aspecting Jupiter in the Lagna degree wise in Rashi chart and also influencing Jupiter in Navamsha
  5. Moon in the nakshatra is of Rahu
  6. Karna Lord is Mahesh and the 7th Lord Jupiter placed in the Lagna most Malefic
  7. Direction From where India can get a Problem is Eastern side
  8. Rahu in Forward motion from
  9. Lagna Lord Mercury in the 6th house totally eclipsed and aspected by Saturn
  10. 3rd House from Lagna and 3rd from Saturn influencing the Lagna , Hence 3rd house significations will sprout with Dimension
  11. 7th to 11th March 2017 will be crucial  for Activities with Neighboring Countries and Rahu Becoming very strong and Kngly Persons being influenced along with all Happenings taking a greater dimension which happened on the 8th to 10th Nov. 2016

7 August / 8 August 2017 — Partial Lunar Eclipse


Regions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse: Much of Europe, Much of Asia, Australia, Africa, East in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica.

Affliction is there but the Chart of 21 August 2017 — Great American Eclipse (Total Solar Eclipse) is explosive

Regions seeing, at least, a partial eclipse: West in Europe, North/East Asia, North/West Africa, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic.



First Total Eclipse in USA Since 1979

This is the first total eclipse of the Sun visible from all 48 contiguous United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) since 1979. The last time a total eclipse was visible from coast to coast was in June 8, 1918.

See the chart of 21st August 2017 23.59 hrs

Total Annular Solar Eclipse on the 21st August 2017



Eclipse taking Place in the 4th house Of India and aspected by Fallen Saturn , Hence June and August 2017 most Explosive. For Us it is taking Place in the Lagna and Fallen Saturn aspecting the Lagna at Exact degrees as the 6th and the 7th Lord from the 4th house is explosive for US as well

Malefic Parameters in this Eclipse

  1. Lumaniries in very close degrees with Rahu
  2. Dispositor of Rahu in Rashi and Navamsha chart afflicted on the 22nd August 2017
  3. Fallen Saturn aspects the Lagna and the Eclipse in the Sign Leo , Most Explosive, since a Fallen Planet is worst than a snake Bite and here Rahu and Saturn will both Prove most Venomous worst then the 8th-10th Nov. 2016 Rahu
  4. Navamsha Lord of Rahu Debilitated in Rashi Chart and Joins leo on the 27th August most Explosive
  5. Mars Activates the Eclipse point of 4.46 degrees in Leo  on the 3rd Sept. 2017.
  6. Day Lord Moon in the Yama of Sagitarius the 8th house of the chart  and the Lord Placed in the 5th house aspects the Lagna most Crucial.
  7. This Eclipse will be the Most Crucial one in 2017 and will adversely influence US , Kingly Persons and Kingly Countries.
  8. Cluster of 7 Planets in the Kendra after 27th August 2017, Most Crucial , For Earthquakes, Terrorism, Results with magnitude and  unexpected ones. Such Combinations indicate strong Earthquakes, but only few Planets in Earthy Rashis, More on the Explosion since in Fiery Rashis, Hence Volcanos. 5 Planets in Leo on the 27th August 2017 could be disasterous. Mars Placement in the 3rd house with 6th Lord and Mars aspect on the 6th house Terrorism for Sure  for India . The sign rising is also of the Foundation chart and the Dasha in operation will be of Moon-Rahu till 10-8-2017 and then Moon-Jupiter
  9. US will be running the Dasha of Mars-Venus  and then Mars-Sun.
  10. Rahu in Adverse motion 2-3 days before or After the Eclipse are the Dates when untoward happenings sprout with dimension when Rahu is afflicted also badly  21st August 2017 is worst in this respect  and Negative more than even the 1st Sept. 2016 Eclipse , since Saturn and Rahu will be most venomous like a snake bite . June 2017 is also Crucial in this regard.
  11. As per Principles of K N Rao, Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun and Moon and Sub  Dasha of a Planet which has the capacity to kill will bring Down fall for that Country  or ill effects , India is Running the Dasha of Moon-Mars till 8-2-2017 and after that Moon- Rahu till 10-8-2017 and Rahu is Placed in the Lagna of the Foundation chart and the Republic Chart is a Crucial Factor . We have already seen the effects of Moon-Mars and the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 , In case of India Varahamihra says we should consider Capricorn Lagna for the ill happenings and hence the Eclipse over the 8th house of Black Money and 8 types of Humiliations the People will face .
  12. US will be more influenced when Rahu -Ketu come over Rahu-Ketu after 12th Sept. 2017  and subsequent to that the Dasha of Rahu also Starts in 2018
  13. Countries with Fixed Lagna will be influenced most or the Eclipses over the 1/7 axis of Lagna, Sun, Moon and the 8th house . *th house Parameter is my Research
  14. For India Saturn Transit in the 8th house for 3 long Years is also not Favourable being the 10th Lord and a Yoga Karka, more so till it aspects Jupiter in the 5th house as the Lord of the 8th and the 11th House . Lot of Changes in the Legislations specially till 17th Sept. 2017 till Jupiter is in Virgo.

The Following would be the Effects

Terrorism, War, Earthquakes, Fires, Explosions, Financial Stagnations, Real Estate. Political Tug of Wars ,Kings and the Queens of the Countries adversely influenced specially where Rahu-Ketu are over Rahu-Ketu or in Kendra from the natal Position.

Positives Innovation in the IT Industry , Space.A big unexpected change on the cards

India War like conditions with Pakistan and China . China will be more instrumental in Espionage rather then direct involvement with India . But directly or indirectly involved in war with India

The Solar Eclipse of 21st August 2017 will bring Surprises after Surprises and unpresedented events. US  will be the  Most Sufferer in terms of the Economy

As I have mentioned in my Earlier Article “Roman God Saturn Transit In Sagitarius : Boon or Bane” link…ius-boon-or-bane/

Charts of 15th June 2017 Explosive and  indicate Massacares . solar-ingress-in-gemini-2017

It has been Observed that when Mars and Saturn are in Dual Signs it is not good and Specially when Saturn is with Ketu. Ketu Joins Saturn on the 24th March 2019 and Mars Joins Rahu on the 7th May 2019 and 6th June 2019 most crucial date.

For India the Sensitive dates from Feb. 2017 for Tensions with Neighboring Countries with Greater Dimension till the Eclipse of 21st August 2017 and the Mars activation of the Eclipse point on the 3rd Sept. 2017. The Tensions may start after 11th Dec. 2016 and may escalate with time as mentioned above.

Could World War 3 occur on September 21 2017? By a launching of missiles by the Antichrist Russian President Putin? Prophecies and Astrology. Nostradamus Prophecy indicates Putin is the Antichrist 666 of Book of Revelation chapter 13, who causes Armageddon, World War 3. A total solar eclipse over the U.S. in August 2017 may be a sign of World War 3 coming in September 2017.According to me after 3rd Sept. 2017 Explosive .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

25th Nov. 2016  22.00 hrs. New Delhi 

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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