Mars Ammunition Dump Between the 21st Nov. and 1st Jan 2017 Explosive

by astrodocanil

Read this News “Pakistan army ‘equally ready’ for conventional war: Raheel Sharif “ link

Most Critical News which comes as Predicted by me the Dates 20th Nov. to 22nd Nov. when Mars activates the Eclipse Point and Rahu a Degree aspect from Capricorn. I have already mentioned in my article…/rahu-demon-becomes-most-veno…/
Read the Predictions made by me as Follows
20th Nov. 2016 Sun Joins the Leo Navamsha with Rahu and aspected by Mars
17. 21st -22nd Nov. 2016 Rahu attains the Direct motion and also aspected By Mars in Navamsha and Sun with Rahu in Navamsha will be the Most Explosive Period in Nov. 2016 apart from other dates mentioned above in bold Letters
18. 22nd Nov. 2016 Moon is also Conjunct with Rahu in Rashi Transit and also in Navamsha with Sun in Leo where Rahu is also there . The Kings and the Queens of the Country will suffer the Most and Scandles and Disgrace will sprout with Dimension. Mars aspects the Eclipse Point Degree wise on the 21-22nd Nov. 2016 , Hence Terrorism, Espionage will take place with Magnitude . Relations of India with Neighbors will be on maximum Tension apart from above Parameter written in bold for the Dates
The Solar ingress in Scorpio is another malefic Yoga occurring in the 7th house of the Foundation chart of Wars in Transit, India has this Yoga with another 3 Planets and the Dasha Lord Moon Connected to them is a strong Negative in the 3rd house of neighbors for Tensions escalating between India and Pakistan and as I have mentioned in my other Articles as well. There is a Possibility of a Mini Kargil War with Pakistan , it seems the Time has come and Anter dasha of Mars activating the Natal Dasha Lord and the other 4 Planets in the 3rd house may Trigger the Tension between the 2 Countries into a mini Kargil war now and after 11th Dec. 25th-26th Dec. and 1st Jan. 2017 2016 as I have already mentioned these Dates Earlier also.
Also Read my Article “What Stars Foretell For Sun and Saturn Conjunction in Solar Ingress Chart of Scorpio”…chart-of-scorpio/
The Chandra Kanal Chakra is indicating escalation of the Happenings which took place between the 8th to 11th Nov. 2016 as well.

The Chandra Kanal Chakra of 21st Nov. 2016


Also have  Look at the Chandra Kanal Chakra of the 4th Jan. 2017 Most Explosive for the Globe


My Research has found out the Following Parameters which are Explosive for Any Country in the Present Scenerio

  1. Rahu or Ketu transitting in Leo Sign the Sign of Kings . Rahu transited in Leo on the 9th Jan 2016 over Transit Jupiter in Stationary mode and Jupiter had Exchange with Sun
  2. Dispositor of  Rahu Afflicted . In the chart of India , Dispositor of Rahu Venus is afflicted in the Rashi and the Navamsha Chart
  3. Rahu In the Transit Becomes Extremely Malefic and a Killer when in Dagdha Rashi. When a Avyogi Planet , When Dispositor of Rahu in Rashi and Navamsha are afflicted . When Rahu is aspected by Mars and Saturn
  4. I have already given the Affliction of Rahu Date wise in Nov. 2016 in by above cited Articles
  5. Sun and Saturn Evil Yoga Forming in the Transit after 16th Nov. 2016 and this yoga Present in the Foundation chart of the Country  and the Major Dasha Lord also connected to this Evil Yoga . India has the 5 Planets in the 3rd house of the neighbors and has been activated in the 7th House in Transit , Hence Till Saturn and Sun Relation in Transit , it could Prove Explosive
  6. Mars Activation of the Eclipse Point of 15.15 degrees of the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 Twice  , in the Present Context 15.15 degrees in Leo will be an Ammunition Dump ad Most Explosive , specially thos Countries who have Planets in Leo -Aquarius at 15 Degrees .
  7. Since Rahu is in Leo the sign of Kings , there will be espionage against the Kingly Persons of the Countries . Needless to Point out the Head of the countries are on Attack.
  8. The Dates therefore Crucial are as below
  9. 16th Nov. 2016 to 17th Dec. 2016 . Sun and Saturn Conjunction .
  10. 20th to 22nd Nov. 2016 when Mars activates Rahu and Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees in Leo by 8th aspect
  11. 11th Dec. 2016 Sun and Saturn Degree conjunction
  12. 25-26th Dec. 2016 Ketu , Neptune and Mars Degree conjunct in Aquarius
  13. 1st Jan 2017 the Most Explosive date when Mars will be Activating the Eclipse point in Leo at 15.15 degrees for the 2nd time
  14. 14th Jan 2017 to 28th Jan. 2017 Saturn will aspect Sun in Capricorn.
  15.  Little  Relief will only be felt when Sun Ingresses in Pieces -Aries, when Saturn will not aspect Sun.
  16. There are also Combinations of Strong Earthquakes till Mars is in Capricorn till 11th Dec. 2016 

The above combinations are also Prevailing in the chart of India and Pakistan hence in  Probabilities a Mini Kargil War and influence on the  Stock markets is inevitable . Govt. Strict action for eradication of Black money . Govt. Raids in different sectors including the Benami Properties for the same are on the Cards . Real Estate to take a strong Hit From 2017, 2018-2019 it so seems since Mars is Reaching the Declination point as the 1990 when the Real Estate Prices Crashed 

Some Combinations are also Prevailing in the Foundation chart of Malaysia  and Read this ” Malaysia Braces for Saturday’s Anti-Government Rally


Other Countries which will also be influenced most will be Syria, Rahu Ketu Transit over Ketu-Rahu and all other Combinations Taking Place as above . This Country is also War Mongering hence the War type activities may escalate in 2017

Brazil, Chile,Dubai, Harayana  India, Iran, Japan, Jammu& Kashmir, Libya, Italy , New Zealand , Paris, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UK , Australia could also be influenced by these Parameters Narrated along with the dates in any Form as mentioned above

Terrorism, Earthquakes, Kingly Countries and Kings of the world will be influenced most Having the above combinations , special in regard to Rahu affliction and Mars and Saturn PAC. Sun and Saturn PAC

The Stock markets therefore will also depend upon the above conditions and any Escaltion of the above stated Events will adversely influence the financial Position of the country their Reserves and the Stock markets .

My Research on the Stock market is as Follows

Rahu in Leo has been Instrumental for the Stock Market Rise/Fall on Earlier Times Also . On the 9th Jan. 2016 when when Rahu ingressed in Leo  , it was degree conjunct with Stationary Jupiter and Jupiter had Exchange with Sun, Since Sun was not afflicted the Markets rose to all time high . After the Solar  Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016, where Sun was Eclipsed totally and at the Mouth of Rahu the Negative and Positive would be felt according to Rahu dispositor in their  Natl Chart and in Transit  and When both are afflicted in the Foundation chart and Transit the Effects will be felt .I have mentioned in this article the Adverse results for the Countries above . Never the Less the Planetary cycles are also getting completed as per 1929-1932 Cycles and a Recession is on the Cards due to some countries .around the 1st -5th Jan 2017, when Mars activates the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees for the second time from Aquarius where he will be degree conjunct with Neptune. Surprises after Surprises and World Economy suffering. Month of Oct.-Nov. 2017 can be Venomous for Economy

Arvind Kejriwal Has Leo Lagna and 15. degrees Venus the 10th Lord in Leo which will be activated on 21st Nov. 2016 and 1st Jan 2017

Narinder Modi has Venus the 7th and the 12th Lord Venus in the 10th house at 15 degrees in Leo , Hence activities of the same can surface accordingly as per Above Mars Ammunition Dump. Donald Trump and Narinder Modi have Sun with in 5 degrees of Rahu-Ketu , there may be some allegations controversies on both of them , but will come out with Flying colors. This is the work of Rahu and Ketu when forming a Rajyogas

Tug of War between the Ruling Party and the Oppositions against the Demonetization of Currency could also take a Greater Magnitude in the shape of Agitations in the Country on the Dates specified by me and Arvind Kejriwal could be instrumental in this  some Espionage also against the PM.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

20th Nov. 2016  22.00 hrs. New Delhi 



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Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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