Query For A Missing Person Through Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to Take an Example for A Missing Person  Analysis By Tamil Texts  and Got amazing Results Even the time when the Querist got the call for his whereabouts and the Return Time

In Prashna Relating to Missing Person the Lagna Represents the Missing Person , 4th house his whereabouts  and 7th house the Road and the Path of the Missing person or the Traveller and the 10th House the Authority .

For Reasons Best Known I am not disclosing the Time and Date of Prashna and the chart is used only for Teaching Purposes .

The Query was for an Executive who had gone out and not returned back home.


Panchang of the Day

Day is Tuesday  and the Lord is Mars ,since the Time is 06-30 hrs  Before the Sunrise at 06-53 hrs  and as a matter of Fact in Din Ratri Sandhi

Tithi  SP-7

Nakshatra  Dhanistha 24th Nakshatra for Missing Person is Andha Nakshatra and hence the native will return with in 3 days with difficulty

Yoga Druv Inauspicious

Karna  Vanija  Lord of the 7th and the 12th house , Placed with the 8th and the 11th Lord Mercury in the 12th house

Hora of Saturn and connected to the 7th house and in Retrogression. The results will be in installments and in slow pace

The Day Lord is Mars and is placed in the Yama of Pieces which is the 5th house of the chart and the Lord Jupiter is placed in the 8th house in Retrogression and with Rahu, clearly shows that the Person who has gone out and did not return has got involved in a Scandle , since the Dispositor Mercury is also in the 12th house  with the 7th Lord Venus

Special Parameters in the chart

  1. Query at the time of Din Ratri Sandhi. The Native is in Bhandan Yoga
  2. Sun in the Lagna is connected to Govt. and Authority
  3. Saturn in the 7th house and aspecting the Lagna , Sun and the 4th house ,
  4. Saturn is a Planet of Captivity is in Retrogression  and since connected to the 10th house and specially Sun in Lagna the Person for whom the Query is Raised is in a Bhandan Yoga and hence Behind Bars and in custody of the Authority
  5. Mercury the Dispositor of the Yama Lord is in the 12th house and just about to enter the Lagna the Results will come Fast .
  6. As Per Mook Prashna the 11th Lord is stronger then the Lagna Lord as per Shadbala and counting upto Moon from the 11th Lord is 4  and  has Mars the Lagna Lord hence the query is for the Missing Person
  7. The Planet closest to the Lagna Degrees is Rahu and Sun and as discussed the Missing Person has got into a scandle and the Govt. Authorities have Taken him in Custody.
  8. 7th Lord in the 12th house of Hotel
  9. In Case of Missing Persons Benefics in the 3rd House in a Movable sign are extremely good  since they will be entering the 4th house of the well beings of the Missing person indicate the Person will return soon as per the timing Calculations  done in this article. Moon is Special for Missing Persons and hence this parameter shows the missing person will arrive soon .
  10. There is ishraaf yoga between the Lagna Lord and Moon in the 3rd house of Short travel , shows some happening  and hence the query  for the Executive , hence as per Principles of Timing . Moon is ahead of Mars the Lagan Lord and the 6th Lord by 2 degrees and Moon is in 7.73 Navamsha and moon takes one Muhurat in Timing hence the Event of Captivity Took Place by the Authorities  as per the Calculations below  for the Event already happened

48×7.73 x2 =  (48 minutes of a Muhurat 7.73 navamsha of Moon and Ishraaf yoga 2 degrees difference of Moon and Mars )= 742 minutes = 12 hrs 22 minutes befoe the happening has taken Place   and Hence at 30.30-12.22=  18.08 Hrs the Native was lifted on the Previous day by the Govt. Authorities  from the Hotel.

Since Moon is in Movable sign and Lagna is also  towards the moveable sign there will be movement but since Saturn aspects with hurdles and since retrograde repeated  Hurdles. . Jupiter and Saturn both aspect the 4th house the well being of the Person is signified by these 2 planets and 4h house also belongs to Saturn , hence in custody

Direction and Distance

Direction the Person has gone is Counting from the Mount of Lord shiva 23 , is Pieces Sign and there is no Planet in Pieces hence we look at Jupiter where it is placed in the Yama chart and since in the East Direction the Person has gone in the Eastern Direction and since the Lagna is with in one navamsha he has gone very close to the Place of Disappearance

Time of Return of the missing Person

Since the Navamsha Lord is Moon and Placed in the 7.73 navamsha and about to enter the 4th house  and Moon Takes One Muhurat in Prashna Timing  the Time taken by the native to return will be as follows

7.73 x48 minutes  371 minutes =  6 hrs and 11 minutes  Hence the Native information will be received when the Lagna Changes and the 3rd house of Informations  and Media is rising in the Lagna with   Moon and Mars which will be at   6.30 hrs + 6.11 = 12.41 hrs .

There was an Information which came around this time from the Authorities that the native was in a Hotel Party and since there was a Raid by the Police , this man was taken into custody  and then Latter Released exactly at the time of Din ratrisandhi 23 minutes before the Sunset at 17.55  minus 23 minutes and hence at 17.32 hrs  with Taurus Lagna  and the Chart is Below


The Native could only retrun back home when the 7th House was rising and Saturn in the Lagna with the same Lagna degrees

Astrology is Most amazing and we can reach every event of life through Prashna Jyotish

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

27th Oct. 2016 08-20 hrs. New Delhi 

Website :www.astrodocanil.com

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

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