Using Tamil Texts to Analyse a Theft Prashna

by astrodocanil

In this article I will analyse a Theft of  20000/- $  By Internet Transfer using  Tamil Texts in Prashna Jyotish

Prashna on the 21st Sept 2014 09-17 hrs

In a Query Relating to Theft, If the Lords of the 6,8, or 12th House are placed in the Kendra then it is called a Chor Prashna , there are other combinations as well but since in the Present Prashna Chart for the analysis the 12th Lord Mercury and 6th Lord Jupiter are Placed in Lagna and the 10th house respectively, hence it is a Chor Prashna .

Mercury  acquires a special dimension since it has just entered the Lagna and is 00.17 degrees  and also Vargottam. Moon also Acquires a Special dimension since it is just about to ingress in the 11th house . Note the degrees of Moon 29.56 . Moon and Mercury will also have a Future ithasla

Saturn and Mars are also Chor Grahas if related to the 7th house as per Texts of Astrology  .

Let us analyse the Chart from the Panchang Parameters and  the various Parameters as per Tamil Texts

Char Prashna Chart

Prashna Triangle (My Research)

The Planet influencing the Query is Sun and Sun is Placed in the 12th house with Rahu , and since Sun is also the 11th Lord the query pertains to some Loss

Panch Pakshi

Death of the Ruling Planet  indicating some loss .Bird is Ruling and Average Results in the time frame .


Ashlesha  9th Nakshatra Mandha , hence  Results will be fastest and with in a week and as per the Nakshatra the Stolen goods move in the South Direction

Panchang of the Day

Special Parameters in the Chart , Moon and Mercury acquire a special dimension since Mercury is vargottam and just ingressed in Libra and the Lagna . Moon is about to Shift sign to 11th house the Karya Bhav  and will have future ithasla with Mercury. Mercury and Moon signification will be most Predominant .

Day is Sunday and the Lord is Placed in the 1st Yama of Taurus which is the 8th house of the Prashna chart showing some Articles lost  and the Lord is Placed in the Karya Bhav , hence the Money can be recovered since Venus is also Significator of Currency and shows loss of Money since Sun is in the Yama of the 8th house .

Tithi is KP-13 Benefic Tithi  Victory giving Tithi

Nakshatra Ashlesha and DBA  -Mer-Sat-Jup  Showing the Lost money will be recovered , Mercury Vargottam, Saturn Exhalted and YogaKarka for Libra , Jupiter with Moon and Exhalted

Karna  Gar  and the Lord is Jupiter and Placed in the 10th house with 10th Lord , indicating Karya Siddhi strongly for Money Recovery .

Yoga Siddh

Hora  Varesh is Sun and Horesh is Mercury  , Mercury Connected to Lagna and Sun the 11th Lord  . Benefic Hora, but Horesh and Varesh are inimical , but Both Sun and Mercury in Benefic Yama are Positive Parameters .

Yama  The Day lord is Placed in the yam of Taurus the 8th house of the chart and the Lord is Placed in the Karya Bhav the 11th house  is good for Recovering the Currency


Yama chart

Rahu Sun Mars
Saturn Venus Mer


Lagnesh is Placed in the yama of Scorpio and the Lord of Scorpio is strongly placed in the 2nd house in the House of wealth of the Querist    Positive for recovery of the Currency.

Moon is Placed in the yama of Saturn and Saturn is Yoga Karka and Exhalted and Placed in the Lagna Bhava , hence Positive Results for Prashna

Day Lord is Placed in the Yama of Taurus and the house is the 8th house of the Prashna chart , but the Lord is Placed in the Karya Bhav the 11th house , Venus is also the Lagna Lord , hence Positive results for Recovering the Currency

Mars the Lord of the Dhan of querist  is Placed in the yama of Mercury who is vargottam in the Prashna chart , hence Positive results

Uday Lagna has Mercury and a Exhalted Planet a Yoga Karka for Libra ,Saturn is a Friendly Planet for Libra Lagna  and so is Mercury , hence Karya Siddhi  and Very strong Results , since Mercury is also Vargottam and Mercury Bestows strong Positive results in the Prashna Lagna  and hence in the recovery of the Lost Currency.

Arudha Lagna is Gemini   and the Lord is Mercury Placed in the Lagna and UL and AL are 5/9 position  is very good

CR is Virgo  although the Sign is 2/12 from UL and 4/10 with AL the Lord is Placed in the Lagna Vargottam and since the Results will be fastest the UdayLagna will Play a Major Role along with Arudha Lagna

The Strength of the 3 Lagnas are as follows

UL—441 AL—-647  CR —-674

CR is 12th from UL and 4th from AL, Position is not very good but the Lords are Placed in the Lagna of the AL and CR, hence Success in the Fructification of the Tracing the Culprit and Money

Since we have mentioned that a Planet which changes sign acquires a special dimension and Mercury has just changed sign and is also Vargottam and is extremely good for the Present Status of the query being a Benefic .

As Per the chart of Prashna and if the Lord of the Trik Bhavas are positied in the Kendra then the Prashna is Chor Prashna , here in the Prashna chart Mercury is the 12th Lord and Jupiter the 6th Lord hence the Query is about a Theft item and since Jupiter is with Moon it is related to Currency, since Moon also acquires a special dimension since about to join the 11th house and the Lagna Lord Venus

Trik Lords in the Kendra and Cancer sign in the 6th house of the Navamsha then also it is Chor Prashna . This confirms since cancer sign is posited in the 6th house of D9

Chor Graha

Planets in the Kendra, 7th Lord or Planets in the 11th house who so ever is the Strongest

Strength of Saturn

Saturn is Exhalted in Lagna in D1, it is In friendly sign in D9 and owns the Lagna of D9, in D10 also Placed well and a Friendly sign

Saturn is Placed in the 9th house from its MMT sign and hence we have to see D9 and It is also Placed strongly in D9 and in the 4th house and in the 4th from its MT sign and in D4 it is again the Lord and aspects the Lagna and the 4th house . In D10 Saturn is Placed in the 5th house and is also the Lagna Lord and has the MT sign in the Lagna , Hence Saturn is strongly Placed

7th Lord is well Placed in D1 and in the 8th from its MT sign , InD8 it is ill placed in the 8th house

In D9 it is Placed in Libra and the 7th from its MT sign and in D7 Mars aspects the Lagna but Debilitated in the 7th house . In D10 Mars is in Libra and hence weak since Dwebilitated in D4

Moon is well Placed in D1, it is in the 3rd house from its MT sign  , In D3 it is Placed in a Friendly sign Pieces and the 2nd House , In D9 Moon is in Pieces and in D10 Moon is in Sagitarius

From the above Saturn is the Chor Planet , But as Per Prashna classics  importance is given to 7th Lord also irrespective to its Placement , Hence Mars has also to be considered

Tamil Classics also suggest to Take the Chor Graha as the 6th from the AL or Moon , since 6th from AL is also Mars who is 7th Lord , we would concentrate on Mars

Navamsha we will be using Navamsha Lagna Lord , Moon placement , Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord Relation if any . Moon is not afflicted in Navamsha and Placed in the 2nd House , Exchange of Navamsha of Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord .Navamsha Lagna Lord is Exhalted in the Rashii Chart  are Positive Parameters  for Recovering the Currency.

 Time of Theft

Since a Durinal sign is rising in the Lagna the time of the Theft is Day time

Caste of the thief

Caste of the thief is to be seen from the Lagna and since owned By Venus the thief is a Bhramin

Direction where the Thief is Residing

The Total number of Completed hours passed from Sunrise to the query are 2 , hence counting from the Mount of Lord Shiva Taurus the Arudha Lagna is Gemini and there is no Planet in this sign hence looking at the Placement of Mercury in the yama chart and since Placed in the sign Virgo the Direction is South West where the Thief can be traced

Distance from the Querist Home ,

Since the Lagna is with in 5 th Navamsha , the distance of the Thief from the Querist is not more than 13 KMs

Since Moon is in Kendra and strong and about to go in the 11th house , it acquires a special dimension and both from Moon and Mercury we can assess the query is about currency and Some involvement of Mercury Internet . Moon is also with Jupiter and in Kendra and 6th Lord hence Internet banking

Tamil Classics also suggest to Take the chor Graha as the 6th from the AL or Moon , since 6th from Al is also Mars who is 7th Lord , we would concentrate on Mars

Appearance of Thief

Since the 2nd D3 of Libra is rising . The appearance of the Thief is good looking  weak male  full of sorrows  tension due to wife  and children large eyes, Hungry and Thirsty , adventourous

Value of the Currency stolen

Since Moon is in the Kendra and signifies Currency and its Rays are 21  it could be a Multiple of 21 or close to it , Surprisingly the Currency stolen is  20000/-$ Moon is with Exh. Jupiter  and Moon in Own sign , shows high value

Since Sun is Placed in the 12th house a House before is Urdamukh and Lagna Lord is Placed in Shirshodayo sign and a Urdha Mukh hence the Money will be recovered and the Thief apprehended

Place of Theft

Jupiter aspects the 7th Lord hence The Theft is Made from  Market Busy area and in Public Place , since Lagna is Libra and signifies Metropolitan city and busy market area

Saturn is strong in the Lagna and also the Navamsha Lord hence the thief will resemble the significations of Saturn Exhalted

Sex of Thief 

Male Planets influencing the 7th Lord Mars hence Thief is a Male

Residence of Thief

Since Saturn is Exhalted in the Lagna it could be the house of a aged women well established

Jupiter is aspected by Saturn, the native is Notorious and known for his Background. Moon is aspected by Saturn  the Thief is a lair and hypocrite

Thief can be young Person  Brother as well , Professional and Prominent Person

Saturn signifies  Ugly teeth sparsh hair  lean and tall body  dark and brown eyes  unclean constitution

Clothes Colour

From Saturn Black and Dark and old , From Mars Red color

Recovery of the Property 

Movable and Shirshodayo sign and Benefics Influencing the Lagna are goosd parameters for Recovery

Benefics in Kendra . Moon with Jupiter , good for Recovery

2nd Lord in 2nd House Money will be recovered . In Navamsha the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord have changed Navamsha  and See asper Rashi Tula Navamsha and Perfect combination of Recovering the Money

Lagna Lord is Connected to the 4th and the 5th Lord Saturn by Tajik aspect Poorna Ithasla  hence Property will be recovered and in one week as per timing Given in the analysis at the bottom . Benefic influence of Jupiter and Moon on the 4th house and Lord exhalted .

When Moon or Jupiter are in the 4,7, 8th  and 10th house Property is recovered . The above combinations suggest recovery of Stolen Currency .

Lord of Navamsha Lagna is Exhalyted in D1 in Lagna Property will be recovered

There is also Ithasla of the 2nd Lord Mars with 11th Lord Sun

4rh and 5th Lord Poorna Ithasla with Lagna Lord Venus

4,8,12th house or 5th and 9th house having Malefics then Property is not recovered if the Lords are Exhalted and strong then Property is recovered , Here Saturn is Exhalted 9th Lord is Vargottam Mercury

There are no Planets in the 7th house from UL and AL Hence Property will be recovered . CR is not 2 or 4th From UL hence Property will be recovered

The Lord of AL and CR is Mercury and has Raysof 9 hence the Property will be recovered in 9 hrs, days etc

Moon in Prishtodayo sign Property will be recovered

Who is the Thief

As Mentioned above the thief could be brother and young , since fixed Lagna is rising in the navamsha it could be a Family member , Chor Graha is aspected by Jupiter some significations of Jupiter will also be added since with Moon , hence heavy body . Chor Graha placed in the 2nd House

Member of the Family .  When the Lagna,7th house, 10th house are debilitation signs of Planets  then accordingly the Thief is the Person concerning it

Now Mars Debulitates in the 10th house hence Brother, Saturn Debilitates in the 7th house hence son  of the querist , Sun Debilitates in the Lagna hence Father

From the above Thief is Brother or Son

Whether Thief will be caught or not

As Mentioned above due to Tajik aspects the thief will be caught

Timing of Events  When Moon transits in the 7th house

As Per Poorna Ithasla of Saturn and Venus the analysis is Below

Saturn in Kendra and in Movable sign will tae weeks and Venus in Phanpara house and fixed sign will take Months , now Lagna is Movable and this combination indicates Weeks since Poorna ithasla One week or 9 days Money will eb recovered .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

19th August 2016  16.30 hrs. New Delhi 



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