Vedic Progression chart By Mannu Smriti For India : What It Foretells

by astrodocanil

I have already discussed at length the Tamil way of Construction of the Vedic Progression chart by Mannu Smriti on my webpage . Let us now Draw the Vedic Progression chart of India by Manu Smriti to see what could be the Effect of the Planetary positions for India starting from 15th August 2016 to 15th August 2017 .

The Chart is below after completion of 69th year of Independence


The Country is running the dasha of Moon-Mars till 8th Feb 2017 and the Moon-Rahu there after

till the next Progression chart

The following Parameters acquire a Special Dimension  from 15th August 2016 to 14th August 2017

  1. The Lagna is the 3rd house of the Foundation chart and hence the significations of the 3rd House will sprout in the year from 15th August 2016 to 14th August 2017
  2. The Lagna Lord Moon is placed in the 7th house and aspected by 7th and 8th Lord Saturn from the Lagna and Debilitated Mars from the Lagna is an Explosive parameter since the Lagna and the Lagna Lord both influenced by 2 Malefics . Moon is also in Vish Ghati in the 7th house of Foreign relations and War .
  3. 8th house and 8th Lord under affliction by Debilitated Mars , hence physical discomfort to the People of the Country  due to Diseases  water Borne
  4. 10th house and 10th Lord is afflicted badly , not good for the Head of the Country . 10th Lord of the Foundation chart is Saturn and 10th Lord of the Progression chart from Moon is Venus , both are connected to Debilitated Planets and specially Mars is bad for the Country functioning .
  5. The Running Dasha Lords Moon -Mars  are also afflicted and influencing the Country  in a adverse way .
  6. Luminaries are afflicted badly , hence the King and Queen of the Country suffer along with head of the States
  7. Moon getting Connected to Saturn under affliction mass happenings , untoward happenings, natural and unnatural. Earthquakes, Terrorism and war like situations cannot be ruled out .
  8. The Dasha Lord Moon is Placed in the 3rd house of the foundation chart and in own sign , here in this chart it is in a Malefic sign , hence loss of possessions and Damage to infra structure
  9. Saturn the Rajyoga planet of the Foundation chart has acquired a malefic state  and since in the Lagna will give bad conditions for the Country in general .Mishappenings of all kind can be expected around the 15th-24th August 2016 and then around the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 and around the 12th Dec. 2016Fear of Attack by the neighboring Countries , Terrorism on the Air and Rail tracks
  10. 10th Lord of the Foundation chart is Saturn and in the Progression chart in the Lagna and acquired a Malefic State and Malefic Ownership is not good for the Head of the nation

Let us now have a Look at the Transit of 15th August 2016 with the same Lagna Cancer below

Transit 2016August

The following Parameters will be Malefic  along with the Time Frame

  1. When Sun joins the Scorpio sign on the 16th Nov. 2016
  2. When Venus Joins Scorpio on the 13th Oct. 2016
  3. When ever Moon is in Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius sign
  4. Kundali of the 18th August 2016 will be enigmatic one and I have already discussed the implications of the same on my webpage
  5. Mars activation of the eclipse points on the  24th August,8th-9th Sept. 2016 and then 12th Dec to 27th Dec. 2016 and finally  1st Jan 2017 could be explosive for war like conditions in the Country. Political Turmoils, The General Public in Frustration
  6. Kings and Queens of the Country to suffer , since both are afflicted in the Progression chart, There can also be an attack on the Kingly Persons
  7. Terrorist Activities , Earthquakes, Religious Provocation cannot be ruled out
  8. Economy Suffering after 18th August ,1st Sept. 2016 then after 9th Sept. 2016 to 7th Oct. 2016
  9. The Most sensitive date is the 12th Dec. 2016 this year for War with Neighboring countries although the seed will be laid after 24th August 2016
  10. The Most sensitive Parameter in the Progression chart is the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the Lagna and the same Conjunction in the sign of Scorpio. Havoc from Water Rains . 10th Lord of the foundation chart is Saturn with the 8th Lord from the Progression chart in Transit in the 5th house is also explosive till 18th Sept. 2016 and when Mars becomes strong in Capricorn over Moon and has exchange with Saturn on the 1st Nov. 2016 . In Totality Till Mars crosses Aquarius there could be untoward happening till Feb 2017
  11. Political Turmoils cannot be ruled out

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

11th August 2016  10.00 hrs. New Delhi 



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