Fallen Red Planet On the Wheel, All Queries Related to Mars in Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

In this article I am going to Analyse the Queries of  3 Querists  By Prashna Jyotish Employing Tamil Texts and My Research Parameters . Few Days Back there were 3  Queries  simultaneously one after the other in a Period of just 18 minutes by 3 Natives .  If you look at the Prashna charts  in all the 3 Cases Mars was Playing an Important Role since Fallen and also In Mrityu bhag, although the the 3 Queries were entirely different , but Mars was the Most Crucial Parameter Placed in the 11th house of Gains, Recognition, Awards and was also the Yama Lord of the Day.

Let me first Write here my observations ever since Mars has become Fallen in Libra . 

  1. Mars is the Lagna Lord and 8th Lord of the Natural Zodiac and ingressed in Scorpio the 8th house on the 20th Feb. 2016 and went in Retrogression on the 25th April and ingressed in Libra as Fallen Planet  on the 17th June 2016 at 23-45 hrs.As 8th Lord going in the 7th house is Bad for Matrimony and Marital affairs, . Libra being a sign of Balance and Mars in Libra and its Lord Venus in Combustion. Queries Related to Marital Discord started to Pour in.and Specially from the Males.
  2. Mars Exhalts in the 10th house of the natural Zodiac and as Fallen Planet in Libra aspects the Capricorn Sign , Hence disturbance in the Career and issues related to the same .
  3. Mars is the Lagna Lord of the natural Zodiac and aspects the Aries sign , hence Health Issues .
  4. Mars is Karka for Brothers and Sisters , hence Imbalance between them .
  5. Mars is Karka for Fire, Accidents, Operations, C-Section Delivery , Terrorism, Roits etc .                                                                                                                        and Many more activities . I have started to receive all such Queries .  ‘                                                                                                                                                   But the question is who all will suffer from all these Problems                                                                                                                                                I have already written in my earlier Articles that those having Afflicted Mars and either activated by Transit Fallen Mars or Natal Afflicted Mars activates the Transit Mars will suffer from all the above issues depending upon the Ownership and Placement of Mars in the Chart of the Native 

A typical Case of ISIS chart of Sagitarius Lagna  and Mars Fallen in the 10th house of Virgo was activated by Fallen Mars in Libra aspecting the Virgo sign by Retrograde aspect and the Chief of ISIS has been Killed

Samsaung Factory in Xianon  China was Commissioned on the 8th May 2014 with Fallen Mars in Virgo and on the 18th June the Factory caught Fire and  Huge Losses

Raghuram Rajan Governor of Reserve Bank of India

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raghuram_Rajan . He is Born on the 3rd Feb. 1963 .He has Debilitated and afflicted Mars in Cancer with Rahu and see he has to quit before Mars ingresses in Sagitarius

Let me first write the Parameters when I received the 3 queries

As Per Queries of the # Natives

1. Prashna Triangle Gives Negative Results for Frucifications ( My Research )

2. Pancha Pakshi is Negative for all the 3 since the Prashna Bird is in Death State between 06-00 to 08-24 PM  and the Queries were all  before 08-00 PM  and after 07-30 Hrs

3. Nakshatra  Sulochana  Negative for the fructifications

4. First Letter of the word for Query  either Neutral or Failure  for the 3 Querists

5. Direction Faced by Querist at the time of Query  . By Naisargik and Tatlika Chakra Negative in all the 3 Cases

6. Spristanga Rashi One Querist Touching Head, other 2 Touching Face and Aries and Taurus Signs afflicted by Fallen Mars and their Lords also afflicted

7 .Cloths Worn By the 3  Querists  Pink, Red  Signify Mars and Mars is Fallen Negative

8 Kota Chakra . In  the case of the Chart no. 1 it was Durg Bhang , In case of 2 and 3  not good either

9. Shakun Astrology. While I got the Query of the Case 1 , I got negative News of the 2nd Case that his Spouse left , hence Bad for both the other Queries as per Shakun Astrology 

 10 . Prashna Chart

Day is Monday and Lord is Moon in the Yama of Scorpio at the time of the 3 queries . In the Prashna chart Mars is ill Placed from Scorpio and is Fallen and also in Mrityu Bhag as per Tamil Texts , Hence All the 3 Queries Fail Miserably due to the Significations of this Planet  and more so placed in the 11th house of Gains, Awards etc. Specially when Venus the 11th Lord is Combusted .One Case was Promotions , Hence Denial of Promotion and Even Loss of job.

Second Case was Marital Discord, The wife of a Native had left the House on the evening of 17th June 2016 after a tiff with her Spouse and his Inlaws

The Spouse has Mars in Capricorn. but not afflicted , hence till Mars is in Libra she may not Return to her Spouse till it crosses the Retrogression mark on the 23rd August 2016 in Scorpio.

Third Case was Query for a Match offered to a Female  and wanted to Find out how would be the Marriage  with the Match offered . The Girl has Mars in Capricorn in the 7th house  afflicted by Saturn . Hence  a Bad Match.

Tithi KP-8  For Career Related Query Failure  for the First Chart

Nakshatra U Bhadrapad  27 Nakshatra and Sulochana  and No Achievements and Negative for all the 3 queries by the 3 Querists 

Karna  Balava Lord is Moon and 8th Lord aspects the 10th house , Fructification not Proper and may be Failure to achieve the Results

Hora Venus Combusted  in all the 3 Cases , Venus aspecting the Lagna  Failure

Yama  Day Lord in the Yama of Scorpio  and Mars ill placed from Scorpio and Fallen , Hence Failure of Results for the Achievements  in all the 3 cases , since the Chart does not Change of Sagitarius Lagna , but Navamsha changes and the Fructification of the events and Timing will therefore change in the 3 Cases

DBA Planets are also not condusive to give Good Results

Uday Lagna Sagitarius and aspected by Jupiter who is totally Eclipsed By Rahu and aspected By Saturn from 12th house  In all the 3 cases

Arudha Lagna  Leo in Case of Girl Asking the Query for Job and Has Rahu eclipsing Jupiter , she is having issues ever since Rahu has ingressed in Leo over Stationary Jupiter . Chaitra Rashi is also Leo Hence She may have to Leave the Job or Resign before 12th August 2016. She may leave the Company after 28th Nov. 2016 after completion of her Notice Period .As Per timing Methods . Navamsha Lagna Lord in 6th house and Moon aspected by both Mars and Saturn  . Applying Timing Parameters we can Reach the exact Dates of Quiting the Job. Sun aspecting the Lagna in Prashna Chart and also the Navamsha Lord and in Dashamsha Debilitated , hence Bosses are not happy with the Querist   and Venus is the Lord of Dashamsha Lagna and combusted in the Prashna chart

We can also see the Natal Lagna and Natal Moon and the Position and Relationship in the Prashna chart , Plus other Planets and their Relationship as per Prashna Chart 

Case One for Career Below having Mars in Virgo in Natal chart activated by Fallen Mars by Retrograde aspect  

Case 1

Case 2 Where Spouse Left the Husband on the 17th June 2016 evening 

Case 2

Mars is Becoming Direct on the 30th June 2016  04-09 hrs  , if the Spouse decides to come back this Day  she may come back, but the Situations are grim and again there will be a Fight around the 23rd August 2016

The Navamsha Lagna is Libra where mars is Fallen in the Prashna Chart and Lord is Combusted , Venus is in the 6th Navamsha  Hence after 15×6 = 90 days Bad for The Querist and the Spouse Relation ships and the moment Venus Goes in Lagna on the 7th Nov. 2016 the Relationship can take a Shape of Break again , 6th Lord in the 7th house with Separatist Planet Sun combusting Venus and Satun in 6/8 axis with Venus are explosive Parameters . The Boy has Mars in Leo and the Girl has Mars in Capricorn , 6/8 axis they can have physical fight as well and both cases Mars is activated


Case 3 Query for Checking the Preposition for Marriage Good or bad  The Chart is same as Chart 2  and difference of 2 minutes 

The Query is from a Female  who has Cancer Lagna and Mars Exhalted in the 7th house and aspected by Saturn from 5th house

In all the cases Natal Mars is activated and afflicted in the charts of the Querists  either in Planetary war, Affliction by Saturn , but activated in the Transit  in all cases

11. In all the 3 Cases I also Studied the Birth charts and the Nadi Progression charts and by Dasha Varga Charts By Tamil Texts and found Results Matching with the above Prashna Analysis  


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

29th  June 2016 11-20 hrs. New Delhi 

Website :www.astrodocanil.com

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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