Using Kota Chakra to Find What Stars Foretell for EU Referendum Poll for Brexit

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier Article “What Stars Foretell For EU Referendum Poll on 23rd June 2016” link…l-23rd-june-2016/ ‎ .

I have already explained that the Planetary positions are explosive for Uniter Kingdom as Per the Muhurat day and the chart . There are adverse Planetary positions even for the day for the Polls on the 23rd June 2016 07-00 hrs  asexplained earlier  and difficult to give the final results , hence I decided to see the Planetary positions in the Kota chakra  normally usused by the Astrologers in olden times to see when it was good for Attacking and when good for their country .

Let me now write the Most Important Parameters with respect to Event chart and Foundation chart of Britain as Below

It is Neck to Neck Fight to remain or not to remain in EU. The Kota Chakra and Muhurat chart says Remain and other Parameters say Britain will Exit. The Planetary Positions are so bad and can swing either side . The Parameters which acquire special Attention are as Follows
1. Saturn 7th Lord Retrograde and in Mrityu Bhag In One line says Britain will Remain in EU, But in the Lagna of the foundation chart of Britain
2. Moon Lagna Lord aspected by Saturn 8th Lord and Fallen Mars . Strong Negative for Britain to Remain in EU
3. Yama Lord of the Day Connected to 8th Lord Bad for Remaining in EU
4. Karna Vishti Negative for Fructification of the Event Properly.
5.8th house of Saturn Aquarius rising in the navamsha negative to Reamin in EU
6.Between Lagna Lord and Moon Moon is stronger hence Status quo and hence Britain remains in EU
7. Dasha of Malefics as per foundation chart of Britain Saturn-Ketu and Saturn in Mrityu Bhag in Transit over Natal Saturn and the Stationary points of Both Mars and Saturn .
8 As per Foundation chart Lagna Lord Mars in Fallen Condition in Transit in the 12th house and Retrograde and 7th Lord Venus Combusted, Hence Exit asper the Foundation chart

9.In the Muhurat chart Moon the Lagna Lord is in Dagdha Rashi
10. Natal Moon and Event Moon in 6/8 axis.

11. As Per foundation chart Dasha of Malefics Sat-Ketu-Rahu and Rahu in 10th house , Saturn in Lagna and aspects Rahu in 10th house with Jupiter the 2nd and the 5th Lord , indicates Exit
In any Case both seem to be Malefic for Britain and Neck to Neck fight is there for remaining and to Exit
Hence It could be either way . Since both the Lagna Lord and the &th Lord are afflicted badly Saturn is the main Planet which will turn the tables and Hence Britain may remain in EU. Read My article Modified now at…/stars-foretell-eu-referendum…/

Now Using the Kota Chakra as Per the Muhurat on the 23rd June 2016-07-00 hrs
Chart 1
Kota Chakra at the time of Start of Poll
As Per the Chart above there are only 2 Planets in good Condition Moon and Mars  rest of the Planets are in malefic condition and suggest Exit from EU. Mars is Excellent as per Kota chakra but Fallen and Unpredictive  and in the sign of Balance Libra of the Zodiac and has the capacity to turn the tables , Hence not good indication to Remain in EU and also Planetary Positions are Explosive for the day . Kota Paala is Fallen is again a Negative Parameter .
The Day Lord Jupiter is totally Eclipsed by Rahu and aspected by Saturn in Mrityu Bhag , Saturn is also the Kota Swami, Hence in all Probabilities Britain may Exit from EU, but a Cut Throat Competition. Day Lord is ill placed from Lagna and Lagna Lord is another Malefic Combination for remaining in EU. Also the Planetary positions are explosive and Prashna chart and Kota chakra indicate Exit fromEU

Now Kota Chakra as per the Chart of Europian Union ofUnited Kingdom Chart of Reorganisation of 1927 as Below Taken from The Book of World Horoscopes Nicholas Campion

12th April 1927 00-00-00 hrs  GMT Westminister  England  51N30  00W07

Reorganisation of EU Kota

Planets are Posited better in this case with respect to The EU Reorganisation , but Unfortunately Saturn the Kota Swami is in Mrityu Bhag , Sun the Kota Swami is ill Placed

The Day Lord not Placed well, Moon under affliction by Mars Fallen and Saturn In Mrityu bhag , Violence and untoward happenings not ruled out 

Hence from all the charts made and a Malefic Dasha in operation Britain  Britain may Exit 49% and Stay 51%.A Thin wall existing , But from Prashna it is negative and hence May quit from EU

My Personal Opinion Britain may Exit from the EU

Gold will become Bullish and Stock Markets will take a strong hit. My Predictions on the Stock Market for the Dates 5th to 14th May 2016 could Prove Correct , but after 23rd June  2016 Referendum Poll for Brexit Results , Gold may bounce to 1400$ Plus

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

23rd  June 2016 08-00 hrs.  New Delhi  Added some Predictions on 23rd  June 2016Afternoon  

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