What Stars Foretell For EU Referendum Poll on 23rd June 2016

by astrodocanil

Prashna Jyotish is the most reliable way of Predictions , All though the Chart of EU says  UK may exit, but the Time of Elections for the results are most important , hence I am discussing the Time of Start of the Referendum Poll on the 23rd June 0-700 am (GMT+1)

This is with reference to my earlier articles on the subject Stars Foretell Europe Stocks Could Plunge After Referendum Poll For Brexit on 23rd June 2016 link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/06/stars-foretell-e…t-23rd-june-2016/ ‎ . As per the News “When do the EU referendum polls open, and where and how do I vote? ” link http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/20/when-do-the-eu-referendum-polls-open-and-where-and-how-do-i-vote/

Countdown to the EU Referendum

Voting opens on June 23
01 : 23 : 47 : 32
Day Hrs Mins

 Time Now In Britain is

7:12 AM
Tuesday, 21 June 2016 (GMT+1)

Time in United Kingdom

 Hence the Time of Voting will start at 07-00 am on the 23rd June 2016  (GMT+1)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/eu-referendum-britain-poll-2016-7699714

46% Say leave  1% say dont know and 53% say Stay on the 21st Ju ne 2016


A separate YouGov online poll of 1,652 people for The Times put Leave two points ahead on 44%, with Remain on 42%.

The survey, carried out on June 17-19, found more voters distrust George Osborne over the vote (73%) than Nigel Farage (63%).

Some 64% of Labour voters said they wanted to remain while 26% said they wanted to leave.

A separate YouGov online poll of 1,652 people for The Times put Leave two points ahead on 44%, with Remain on 42%.

The survey, carried out on June 17-19, found more voters distrust George Osborne over the vote (73%) than Nigel Farage (63%).

Some 64% of Labour voters said they wanted to remain while 26% said they wanted to leave.

Let us have a Look at the Planetary Positions what it has in Store for the EU Referendum Poll  as per the chart of 23rd Ju ne 2016 007-00 am (GMT +1)  Hrs. 
UK Referendum Poll
Panchang of the Day 
Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter totally eclipsed. Malefic for the event 
Tithi is KP-3
Nakshatra is Shravana Lord is Moon
Karna is Vishti Negative for Fructification of the Event Properly  or the Good Results for the same in terms of the wealth of the Country 
Yoga Vaidrithi Negaive  and Malefic 
DBA Planets Moon, Rahu-Jup, must signify 2,6,10 or 2,6, 11 houses , this is not bad  for the UK to remain in EU,since Rahu and Jupiter are in 2nd House and Jupiter Lord of the 6th house , but other combinations are extrelely bad , it may not turn out to be good for UK
The Hora Lord is Venus and Totally combusted  and Day Lord is Jupiter is also Eclipsed 
Day Lord is in the 2nd Yama of  Mercury and aspected by Both Mars and Saturn  and Saturn is 7th and 8th Lord and also in Mrityu Bhag , Mars is also Fallen and placed in the 4th house. This is a Strong Negative for the UK for the Referendum Poll
In Elections the strength of the Lagna Lord and that of the 7th Lord is seen and here in the chart the Lagna Lord is Moon and Placed well in D1 aspects the Lagna, D9in Aries , D10 Vargottam and in D12 Exhalted 
Saturn the 7th Lord is in Retrogression and Placed in inimical sign  and the dispositor is Fallen, In D9and D10 Sagitarius  and is also in Mrityu Bhag , hence Saturn is weaker than the Lagna Lord 
Moon and the Lagna Lord is aspected by Saturn and Mars is extremely bad for theevent since he Saturn is in Mrityu bhag and also the 8th Lord  and Mars is Most malefic 
Yama Lord also has connection with Mars and Saturn and connectio of 8th Lord is most malefic even if the UK remains in EU
It seems there will be neck to neck fight for Exit and Remain and even if the Voting turns out to be to Remain it will not be a favourable one for UK 
Yama lord of Moon is Jupiter having connection with Saturn the 8th Lord and in Mrityu Bhag , Sun is in the Yama of Jupiter again , hence the time of Start of the elections is not Condusive  for the strength of the UK. 
There is a Very thin line between the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord but it seems the Lagna Lord is stronger than the 7th Lord hence the Result will be Status Quo.
As I have mentioned that the time of the Event is Most Effective to give the results for the event , I Can say that these Predictions will Prevail . At the time of writting the Earlier Articles the Time of Election was not available . I have used this Technique for the Elections Held in Delhi State  and I predicted that Arvind Kejriwal will win and My Predictions Proved 100%
As per my Earlier Article  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/06/stars-foretell-e…t-23rd-june-2016/ ‎ 
As per Kota chakra the Kot swami and Kot Paal are placed well hence the UK will remain in EU , the Paksha Kundali and on the 23rd June 2016 is not favourable for Britain , there are possibilities that Britain may Exit European Union or there may be ill fate which may sprout  for what ever decisions are taken by them  due to adverse Planetsry Positions specially for the Head of the Country and the Conditions of the Country in General 

If UK remains in EU there will be Bullish Trend in the Stock market and  Vicevera , Similarly for Gold , it may dive after 23rd June 2016 if the above Predictions Hold Good and if UK Exits the Gold can touch 1400 $

The Planetary Positions are extremely bad and specially the Connection of Fallen Mars with Lagna Lord, Moon and the 10th house , This can give erratic Results  and has the Capability to Turn the Tables also and hence reversal of Results above Predicted .

A Fallen Planet is Supposed to be Most Venemous  and worse than a Snake bite . 3 Victums  of Mars Fallen are —–.

1.ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Died in Blast In syria just before 17th June 2016 ISIS foundation chart of 2014 having Mars fallen in Virgo .

2. Samsaung FactoryIn Xion China Blasted on 18th June 2016 and had Fallen Mars in Virgo and Factory was commissioned on the 8th May 2014.

3. Reserve Bank Governer Raghuram Rajan Born on 3rd Frb 1963 has Mars Fallen in Cancer and activated in all the 3 cases . All those Countries and Natives who have afflicted Mars and activated now can have negatives specially those having Mars Fallen

Let me also discuss the Foundation chart of UK Below

Let me also throw some light on the chart of United Kingdom Chart of Reorganisation of 1927 as Below Taken from The Book of World Horoscopes Nicholas Campion

12th April 1927 00-00-00 hrs  GMT Westminister  England  51N30  00W07

UK 1927

The Country is running the Dasha of Saturn-Ketu till 8th Jan 2017  and the Eclipses in the 4/10 axis  and the 1/7 axis of Moon are some critical Parameters for the country

As Per K.N Rao , In the Book Nehru Dynasty  Page 80 the Chapter ASTROLOGICAL INEVITABILITY  Mr. Rao has mentioned , that if the Eclipses are falling in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun, Moon and Dasha of a Planet who has the capacity to kill then the Nation has a fall., If the above combinations are also in the 4/10 axis of the foundation chart then it is Explosive for the Country and the Inevitability factor for a Fall of the Country can be Predicted  As per my research here the 8th Lord is also to be added.

Finally when  Mars aspects the Eclipse point, it  is a ammunation dump and Explosion .

The connection of Mars and Saturn in the Chart of the United kingdom of the 3rd 6th house and the 7th house will surely create a war like situation in the country after 24th April 2016 when the dasha will be of Sat-Ketu-Mars. There could be the Following activities in the nation  and the Country taking a plunge in Recession 

1.Terrorism and War Parameters   For Point no 1,2 and 3  the Parameters as Per K.N Rao are activated 

2.Fall of the nation

3.Economy Meltdown Eclipses in the 4/10 axis and over Jupiter the Lord of the 2nd and the 5th House and in Transit Jupiter totally afflicted since 9th Jan. 2016, between 6th June to 3rd July  2016 a Colossal wreck for the Country , Since then in Transit  Rahu will be with Jupiter in degree conjunction and same navamsha. 2nd House of the chart has Ketu in the House of Jupiter and Transit Ketu will be over the natal Ketu Degreewise on the 25th April 2016 , hence the Issues pertaining to Exit from EU will sprout with Dimension till 3rd July 2016. During the Period starting from 17th June to 13th July Mars in Transit will be fallen in Libra the 12th house of the Foundation chart and aspect the 7th house of Treaties  and . Incedently the 11th Lord of Legislation Mercury in the chart is Debilitated, In Transit Mercury will be in the 7th house of Treaties after 8th June and also join venus the 7th Lord in Transit over the natal Venus  and Transit Venus going in the 8th house after 13th June Opens all the hidden things and Exit of the Country From EU  

Btitain has Mars Afflicted in the 8th house in Gemini and Transit Fallen Mars is also in the Gemini Navamsha , hence it is not wonder that UK may be also a Target of Fallen Mars , There is avery thin Line between UK Exiting and Remaining in UK.

According to Prashna Kundali and Kota chakra UK will remain in EU

According Malefic Mars Being the Lagna Lord in Fallen State in Transit and in the 8th house as per Navamsha Transit and other Related Charts discussed in Previous Articles it may Exit .  , Since Mars is also influencing Moon and the 10th House in  Transit  

Let me now write the Most Important Parameters   with respect to Event chart and Foundation chart of Britain as Below

It is Neck to Neck Fight to remain or not to remain in EU. The Kota Chakra and Muhurat chart says Remain and other Parameters say Britain will Exit. The Planetary Positions are so bad and can swing either side . The Parameters which acquire special Attention are as Follows
1. Saturn 7th Lord Retrograde and in Mrityu Bhag In One line says Britain will Remain in EU, But in the Lagna of the foundation chart of Britain
2. Moon Lagna Lord aspected by Saturn 8th Lord and Fallen Mars . Strong Negative for Britain to Remain in EU
3. Yama Lord of the Day Connected to 8th Lord Bad for Remaining in EU
4. Karna Vishti Negative for Fructification of the Event Properly.
5.8th house of Saturn Aquarius rising in the navamsha negative to Reamin in EU
6.Between Lagna Lord and Moon Moon is stronger hence Status quo and hence Britain remains in EU
7. Dasha of Malefics as per foundation chart of Britain Saturn-Ketu and Saturn in Mrityu Bhag in Transit over Natal Saturn and the Stationary points of Both Mars and Saturn .
8 As per Foundation chart  Lagna Lord Mars in Fallen Condition in Transit in the 12th house and Retrograde and 7th Lord Venus Combusted, Hence Exit asper the Foundation chart 

9.In the Muhurat chart Moon the Lagna Lord is in Dagdha Rashi
10. Natal Moon and Event Moon in 6/8 axis.

11. As Per foundation chart Dasha of Malefics Sat-Ketu-Rahu and Rahu in 10th house , Saturn in Lagna and aspects Rahu in 10th house with Jupiter the 2nd and the 5th Lord , indicates Exit
In any Case both seem to be Malefic for Britain and Neck to Neck fight is there for remaining and to Exit
Hence It could be either way . Since both the Lagna Lord and the &th Lord are afflicted badly Saturn is the main Planet which will turn the tables and Hence Britain may remain in EU

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 201221st  June 2016 13-40 hrs. PM  New Delhi Website :www.astrodocanil.comEmail: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comVideo on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_QWriter of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of USAward Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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