Bhav Analysis As Per Jyotish

by astrodocanil

In continution to my Teachings in astrology , I am here by giving the Way to Bhav analysis in the Horoscope of a Native As per Tamil Texts which is Most amazing

BHAV ANALYSIS                                                                                                 

  Besides Bhavas there are mid points in every bhava and these mid points have their own importance. Nakshatra Lord for the mid point acquires a special dimension and is the key planet to give effective results for that bhava

Mid cusp of the 4th bahva falls in a certain degree and coinsides with a certain nakshatra . This Nakshatra  is very important and its Lord  is the key to that bhava. The Mid cusp Lord of the 4th house is called Sukhadhipati.

Mid cusp Lord =  Nakshatra Lord of the Cusp

One has to see that the planets are not placed in the bhav sandhi or th cusp of the houses 

Planets tend to loose their characteristics in the horoscope, though they may be exhalted  or otherwise powerfully placed. One has to see that the planets are not in Bhav sandhi or the cusp of the houses. Max.potential to planets is given who are posited in the bhav madhya

Bhav Sandhi Planets if malefics and also the owners of the malefic houses will give very good results.  Bhav Madhya represented by LL, YK, Benefics may not give required benefic results  they will do the best but in diluted form, particularly oif the bhav Madhya is between the 5th and 6th  or 8th and 9th or 12th and the Lagna


In the natural zodiac the Kendras are Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Libra, they are the pillars of the horoscope. It is these houses that the whole horoscope rests. Therefore the strength of these houses is of primary and secondary concern and in the absence of the strength the horoscope will topple down completely or will be precariously positioned, this will give the native lopsided life.

Uday Lagna and Lagna

If uday lagna and the birth lagna are the same  it is very good for the prosperity of the native. The first thing is the strength of the kendras and their lords . Kendra balam is necessary  for success, achievement, progress, keerti, abhilasha and acqisitions .

Permanancy in authority  also comes from Kendra balam.

In kendras the two planets are considered Poorna Yogakarka  LL and the 10L

Lagna Lord

LL holds a very unique position as it is a Kendra and a kona lord, even if a natural malefic, he is considered  a benefic for the native , aspect, conjunction placement enhances the bhava even if the bhava is 6,8,12 , but LL in 3H is not considered good , as such native will prosper at the cost of the siblings more so when the LL is a malefic


If Lagna Lord  is weak , 5H is weak  and panchemesh has lost strength and afflicted , then one is not destined to live prosperously , but if 10th house is strong , one will get all kinds of pleasures of life, luxuries, marriage, progeny  apaam keerti. For this reason the 10H is called a swarg the Heaven. This a guaranteed for a punya atma doing good deeds.

Both LL and 10L are independent of Kendra tatwam. LL is considered more as a Kona then a Kendra, it has its substance and value. Lagna is anadi. 10H is zenith.


It is marka sthan  and is not considered  or a pious Kendra. If dasha of the 7th house is running more than 18 months one is advised to do shanti karma.

7h when represented by m,alefics and benefics are placed is good for the 7H, benefics try to mitigate the negative aspects of the bhava, for this reason  ALONE LL IN 7H IS CONSIDERED GOOD AS IT GIVES GOOD LONGEVITY , THOUGH IT IS NOT CONSIDERED GOOD FOR THE OTHER ASPECTS OF LIFE IN THE 7H.One may become a naracisst, which is not considered good.


Among the kendras the 4th house is the most pious house. It being the Vishnu sthan, promises nuturing and vibrant qualities. The tatwa of our thinking depends upon the quality of the 4th house.  Lord Vishnu being the palankarta all nurturing qualities, enjoyment, cash, jewellary, luxuries, conveyance, Bank balance,servants, liquidity, vidhya  etc. all depend upon the 4H. This is the reason for 4th house being the pious house.

For the natural zodiac all the kendras are movable rashis , this process the LL mars gets debilitated in the 4th house , in such cases one is prone to heart disease, the Sun in the 4th house gives Lung associated diseases. . In the natural zodiac the 4th and 7th house are held by natural benefics, there fore they have permanent KAPD , One has to be careful while drawing conclusions.


Since kendras are the pillars of the horoscope, it is essential to find the strength of the kendras . Benefics are not good as kendras , while Malefics are. Kendra balam for malefics Sun, Mars, Saturn are extraordinary good, they enhance the quality of the Kendra tatwam. Mercury associated with Malefics is extraordinary good .


  1. Presence of Panch mahapurush yoga. They enhance the Kendra tatwam, sustaining qualities
  2.  Note if there is any exh. planet , planet in own house , in MT sign as they enhance the Kendra tatwam3. Exchange of planets also enhances the kandra tatwam.Saturn in Kendra also enhances the Kendra tatwam.
  3.  Exchange of planets also enhances the kandra tatwam.
  4. Saturn in Kendra also enhances the Kendra tatwam
  5. R Venus is extraordinary good.
  6.  Kona Lord coming in the Kendra enhances the Kendra tatwam, such 9th lord going in 10th house and 4th Lord going in 5th house is extraordinary rajyoga and contribute great amount of Kendra tatwam.6 ways the Kendra lord can be Strong.                                                                        
    1. Exh. or in MT sign
    2. Placed in Kendra/kona
    3. Associated with benefics
    4. In subhkartari yoga.
    5. Aspected by benefics.
    6. Well placed in Vargas                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      6 ways Kendra lord can be weak
      1. Combust
      2. 2. Set
      3. Lost in Planetary war
      4. Eclipsed
      5. Fallen
      6. In Retrogression

      These 6 malefic states  reduce the Kendra tatwam and would put the native in 6 kinds of apaa mrityus and un timely death. 70% of the people  have tendency of kaal mrityu , in such cases the natives have to follow the advise of a preceptor in life other wise they can be doomed .

      Exchange of Kendra Lord with 11th Lord is most pious , such LLL or 7L exchange guarantees disease free life.  11th H is pure upchaya sthan and what ever goes there grows and shows permannancy in life, success,longevity of parents etc.

      Getting set is different from getting combust. Malefics in 6,8,12 while benefics in 3,8,12 get set. A planet getting set in 8th or 3rd is more undesireable then the 12th house. LL going in 8th house is bad, except Moon or sun since they are ekadhipati and owners of a single rashi.Kendra Lords in dual rashis become Bhadak. They can also have KAPD. In such cases understanding the basic tatwa of the kendras and Kendras Lordship is a must.

      Hamsa yoga for Jupiter and Bhadra yoga for Mercury is most essential to give strength to the Kendra tatwam, but if such Kendra Lords Mercury and Jupiter are in Mrityu bhag  or Vishghati  are extraordinary bad. Similarly if Kendra Lords are Placed in amrit bhag are considered single rajyoga. Giving high status , If such planets are vargottam then it is extremely good , MOON and Jupiter in such cases can be vargottam and are of the top quality Pushkarnavamsha.


      If the kendras of the birth chart remain kendras or Konas or 11th bhava of the Navamsha then it will be extraordinary though Vargottam is the best. The kendras should not be the 3,6,8,12 bhavs of the D9, if they are in any one of them then the inherient strength of the kendras is lost , like wise we can extend it to other varga charts as well

      10H of d1 should not be the 8th house of D10 or the khyaati of the person will suffer . If we join the 1,5,7,9 we get the shape of an anchor  this is symbolic in our life thus these house acquire importance in our life and should be well fortified in the chart , if not  so then the person will be directionless and rudderless. If these houses are represented by Rahu,Ketu, Saturn one will fall prey to addictions , more so if moon is also afflicted in Rahu-Ketu axisand in such cases the mental condition of the native is also under question. All this would happen in the MD/AD of the planets .


      According to classic, if Kendras are owned by malefics and Paap grahs they become extremely benefic,  and bestow upon the native extraordinary results during the dashas of theitr MD/AD . Planets connected to these planets also give good results.

      This is not true in case of benefics as they cease to become benefics when they own the kendras  and confer upon the native paap phals which are malefic in nature The KAPD is malefic in nature.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   In this context the most malefic as Kendra Lord is Jupiter.  Secondly Venus. Thirdly Mercury and lastly Moon.  These are the 4 benefics. Now Moon happens to be ekadhipati and owns only one house  and can get KAPD once  at a time  and can be afflicted only once  and that to when he is benefic Moon , just because HE IS OWNING A BENEFIC HOUSE WE CANNOT SAY HE IS BENEFIC. One has to see the Moon in SP or KP. Therefor position of Moon depends upon tithior Lunar day of the birth of the native.KAPD for different Lagnas

      1. Char Lagnas 2 benefics are there Moon and Venus
      2. Sthir Lagnas only one benefic Venus.
      3. Thus dual Lagnas are more liable for KAPD then the other LagnasAccording to classics the most benefic planet  for the ownership of kendras is Jupiter, therefore it becomes the most dangerous planet  for it not only ceases to become the benefic , but is capable to give MTKReasonLet us take the caser Gemini and Virgo LagnasGemini Lagna  

        For this Lagna Jupiter owns the 7th and the 10th house , therefore he is markesh,bhadakpati and has KAPD as Kendra lord , all the 3 clubbed together he becomes a first rate killer for Gemini Lagna, being a benefic he becomes extreme malefic. If one compare Jupiter to an elephant , this malefic quality  that it attains on becoming Kendrapati is more apparent . In the category of animals Elephant is associated with Jupiter , since the vahan of Jupiter is elephant and is the most powerful and soumya animal. He is godly  and worth a lot wether dead or alive. If this elephant gets mad , he can destroy the complete forest. This is applicable to Jupiter though being the most benefic planet , yet when allicted  by all the 3 doshas , it becomes MMP . If such Jupiter gets Deblitated or in Mrityu bhag  or ill placed or losses power , he can prove fatal .

        For Gemini lagna when placed in the 8th house he gets debilitated , then there will be break in marriage, Jupiter will give mrityutula kashta, diseased body, illrepute, public denunciation, demotion in service, loss of children, since Jupiter is Putra Karka, Karka for mantra siddhi, Intelligence,longevity for the spouse,. Thus Jupiter controls the whole family, wealth, 9Hfor father, elders etc.  For Gemini lagna inorder to give good results it should be exh. or placed in own house  or well placed , only then the dosha is eliminated to some extent.

        Virgo Lagna

        For this Lagna Jupiter  is the 4th and the 7th Lord  sukhadhipati and kalatridhipati, therefore if not well placed or strong, he can spoil both the houses. Mercury status depends upon the planets he is associated with . If Mercury is associated with malefics as Kendra Lord  he will not get KAPD he will become a melic and  a Malefic as Kendra lord will bestow very good and strong results. And give good results in MD/AD


        For char Lagnas namely 2 benefics moon and Venus will always be Kendra Lords , therefore they suffer from KAPD. The moon even if in KP will have this dosham , but as Lagna Lord  for Cancer  Moon may nopt have much dosham, but as 4th,7th,10th Lord has this dosham.

        Effects of the dosham

        1. The native may have mental disorders, indecieveness, or would not be able to muster much courage to express his or her opinion.
        2. In addition to the native the affliction may also be there to the natives mother. Natural love between the mother and the native will be lost. He may feel that he is the recipient of a step – motherly treatment from his own mother.
        3. Native may have drug additions or indulge in associated intoxicants. These are particularly true if Moon is associated with 6L, Rahu or Ketu or a fallen planet  or a blemished planet.

        For char Lagnas  the Moon should be well disposed in the chart. If posited in the 3rd house  as Kendra Lord it is not considered to be very good , even if 7th lord placed in the 3rd house Moon as Kendra Lord placed in the upchaya sthan  is ver will be sublimed. Similarly Moon as Kendra Lord in the Kendra  also to some extent compromises the Dosham.

        Skin problems  may be faced  by those  with an afflicted  or blemished Moon . Position of Moon as  the Kendra Lord 6,8,12  is not good , for then the person  may suffer from unimaginable or irrerarable  or permanent losses of mental balance.


        Venus is the second benefic planet  that suffers from KAPD for char Lagnas .Normally Venus should not have any blemish, because in this Kaliyug, the prime giver of all wordly comforts, enjoyment, sexual companionship is Venus. Venus suffers from KAPD even if he is lagna Lord , e.g for Tula Lagna  Venus has KAPD. This is an exception for Venus  as a LL for according to rule LL is always beneficRetrogression usually changes the status of the planet it becomes volatile. But in the case of Venus as an exception it will be most powerful when in retrogression, hence for Venus to be in Retrogression and a Kendra lord the KAPD is nullified to a great extent. Similarly Venus as a Kendra Lord if posited in the 11th house or 9th house  is considered benefic, but as a Kendra lord placed in the 3rd and 8th house is not good

        As a Kendra lord placed in the 12th house , Venus may not guarantee marital happiness as compared to Venus as 12th Lord

        KAPD is max  as LL, followed by 10th , 4th and 7th in order of decreasing.

        The Moon is the other way , that is maximum KAPD is when it is 7th Lord followed by being 4th  then as the 10th  Lord  and Lastly as LLin decreasing order.

        For lord Rama, both the Moon as LL and Venus , the 4th lord had KAPD  . Venus as 4th Lord Exh. in the 9th house – 6th from the MT sign had given him difficulties  after marriage – Displacement of wife, sending her away

        9th L getting Exh. in 4th or 4th Lord getting Exh. in 9th  will always give problems of such nature though it is a Rajyoga. . One may get a wife or Spouse  from a high status. Such people have to perform certain Dosha karma Nivaran.

        According to some KAPD should be applicable tfor malefics in a female chart and for benefics in Male chart.


        The reason lies in the fact that the Kendras are the pillars of the horoscope  and they give moral support , physicl endurance, and strength which are necessary  for the male to stand in the society  and face the struggles and rigors of life. However this concept is not relevant any more . may be one has to judge  the validity  or correctness of this statement  by his or her own experience .


        For Sthir lagnas only one benefic Venus suffers KAPD, That is why generally sthir Lagna natives have high degree of success and luxury in life.

        Only Venus as LL for Taurus , 10th Lord for Leo,  7th lord for Scorpio and 4th Lord for Aquarius sufferes from KAPD, how ever due to ownership of negative houses  6th house fror Taurus and  3rd for simha , and 12th for Scorpio the KAPD for Venus is subdued.

        As Kendra lord Venus posited in the Kendra or Kona or in the 11th house will bestow very good results endows, royality,Richness, physical charm to the native .

        As Kendra lord  if it goes in the 3rd house or 8th house or 12th house it gets set  and gives MTK to the nativeor bodily blemishes , sexual perversions  or sexual dis orders.. Person is likely to be morose  with no inclination for enjoyment in life.

        Placement of Venus in the 6th house –in  Tula   its own house  from Taurus lagna  as sthir lagna lord is  is very good  and a exception  for Venus , Similarly placed in the  friends house  promises  extra ordinary debating  abilities  or Success in audio visual media to the native



        For dual lagnas  Kendras have KAPD for both Mercury and Jupiter . therefore for these four lagnas one has to be careful  while analyzing the chart

        Jupiter   as 4th and 7th for Virgo Lagna ,

        Mercury as lord of the 7th and 10th for Sagitarius Lagna

        In addition the 7th lord becomes Bhadaka . Seventh house is the 4th from 4th and 10th from 10th  house . therefore , it is both a shookshma  vidhya sthan as well as shookashama karma sthan

        Thus both Mercu ry and Jupiter  will be either fourth and 7th  Lordship or 7th and 10th Lordship. Therefore the KAPD together with Bhad kpati  greatly affects the dual Lagnas.


        Here there is a small exception Mercury being a natural benefic  the potential of Mercury  has to be judged  by his placement  for in isolation  or conjoint with a benefic  it will give benefic results. If conjoint with a malefic , he is considered to be malefic and his KAPD will be subdued Mercury as LL and 4th Lord  or LL  and 10th Lord  with KAPD will affect the Professioanl status markedly.As a Kendra Lord in the 8th house is considered very good. Mercury in the 12H is not bad either.KAPD is cancelled if in Kendra.

        This is the Most Precious Text given by me on the Bhav Analysis from the Ganesh Hora Shastra Written by my Guru. I Really appreciate this Text and the Analysis as per this gives amazing good Results . I have specifically written this text for the Astrology Lovers and Learners of Astrology. More Texts are Taught by me to my Students Learning Astrology .

        Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 5th June 2016  8-00 hrs. New Delhi 



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