Red Planet Mars in Fallen State on 17th June 2016 For 25 Days : What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Earlier Articles on Mars the Red Planet of War, Terrorism, Bloodshed, Fire, Explosions etc.

Mars Stationary Point 14.49 Degrees Global Wreck

The Brutality of ISIS ,Red Planet Mars and Saturn In Retrogression Explosive

The Brutality of ISIS ,Red Planet Mars and Saturn In Retrogression Explosive

Red Planet Mars on the Wheels in 8th House of Natural Zodiac

Red Planet Squares Nodes and Sun and Conjunct Saturn: Seismic , Tsunami, Terrorism,On Cards

Prolonged Stay Of Red Planet Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Scorpio: Crucial 211 days

Mars during its course of Transit when Changes sign if in Square position with Sun over stays in a Rashi for more than 211 days and about 6.5 months , this Course of Mars is normally after every 2 years and 2 months . In the Present Context Mars Ingressed in Scorpio on the 20th Feb. 2016 at 16.42 hrs. and at that point Sun was in the Sign of Aquarius . Mars Remains in Scorpio till 18th Sept. 2016 7.45 hrs. Total Stay of Mars in Scorpio and Libra after 20th Feb. 2016 will be for 211days , out of which it will be in Fallen state for 25 days . It stays in Scorpio from 20th Feb. to 17th June 2016 in Scorpio and becomes retrograde on the 17th April 2016  at 14.49 degrees and on the navamsha of Scorpio. On the 17th June it Falls back in Libra in the 9th Navamsha of Gemini , both signs being Airy . On the 29th June 2016 at 29.09 degrees becomes direct and Joins back Scorpio till 18th Sept. 2016

Let me first Explain the Fallen State of a Planet 

According to Tamil Texts there are 6 States a planet which can attribute a Malefic Stance , A Fallen State is one of them and is considered most Venemous like a snake bite .

When ever the Superior Planets , Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are in the 5th to the 8th House from Sun they go in Retrogression and roughly when at 125 to 135 degrees from Sun, During the Process of Retrogression when a Planet Falls back in the Previous sign then that Planet is called a Fallen Planet and is not Capable to give the Good Results till it crosses the Retrogression mark, in this State the Planet is in the most malefic state and Called Fallen State. It is like a Car Going up the hill and all of a Sudden the Motion of the Car breaks and it Starts to Roll Back  and fall down from its Normal track. Such a Planet who is a Malefic in its Significations  gives erratic Results and behaves like a snake Bite

Mars being the Lord of the Asendant of the natural Zodiac and the Lord of the 8th House in a Fallen State is Most malefic and Venemous among the Malefic Planets

During Mars Stay in Scorpio the following Parameters acquire a special Dimension.

  1. Mars in Scorpio will Transit for 211 days from 20th Feb. 2016 to 18th Sept. 2016
  2. It will Join Saturn in Scorpio at 21.22 degrees and Debilitated Mars will be opposed by Saturn from Capricorn sign in Navamsha
  3. Mars will acquire Retrogression motion on the 17th April 2016 at 14.49 degrees  in the navamsha of Scorpio and will be in conjunction with Retrograde Saturn at 21.54 degrees in capricorn navamsha , hence both will be strong to give results of their signs in Retrogression.
  4. Mars will activate the natal Ketu in the India Foundation chart in the 7th house over natal Ketu at 5.45 degrees on the 5th March 2016 in the same navamsha
  5. Saturn and Mars in In  Retrogression will be in Kendra from Nodes  and Jupiter on the 17th April 2016 are Cruicial Parameters .
  6. At the time of Eclipses on the 9th March 2016  Mars will be aspecting the Eclipse sign and since in Retrogression it will activate the Eclipse point again and again and trigger the effects of the Eclipses , Specially for those Countries and Individual who have the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna , Moon and Sun and Anter Dasha of Planet  Rahu or a Planet afflicted by Rahu,
  7. Mars and Saturn both will be in Retrogression from the 17th April to 29th June 2016 Mars and Saturn both will be in Retrogression in Scorpio from 17th April to 18th June 2016 in Scorpio aftyer which Mars will be in Retrogression in Libra  for 25 days . This Period will be most crucial for the Globe. Mars and Saturn will be in Retrogression in the 7th house of the India independence chart, which signifies War, International affairs.This combination will be in the 8th house of the Foundation chart of Pakistan, hence mass happenings, coup of the Ruling Govt.,4th house of the  US the house of Oppositions, Permanancy house, 11th house of China the international Trade , 3rd house of Neighnbors for  Russia with Virgo lagna.
  8. Scorpio is a negative sign of Mars being the 8th house of the natural zodiac and is a Watery sign. It is a sign of negative source and power. A sign of regeneration. Saturn is a discipline, responsibility , limitations  and stability , where as Mars is a Planet of Energy, Courage and assertion. Saturn is slow moving and also cold, where as Mars is Fast responsive and a Fiery Planet. The conjunction often Produces contradictory effects on the Human beings.


Mars  Represents Armed Forces, Navy Air commands, Police, Engineers. It is a Planet of War, Strife and represents Violence in every form  including fires, explosions, Armed conflicts. It is also a Planet of Assassination, Coup, Criminals, Accidents, Murders, Abductioin, Rape , Militancy and Dacoity. It represents Proxy war and Terrorism in all Forms, Mass Happenings, Political disturbances

In Minerals it represents Copper and Gold

In Commodities it represents Masoor dal, Red Chillies, Weapons, Guns. When Conjunct with Saturn it gives extremely evil Results like  Wars,  Mutiny,Earthquakes,Epidemics, Civil Strife and Terrorism of every kind.

It has been observed that Wars have followed  when Mars  is closest to Earth and when in Retrogression. In the 20th Century  Mars closest approach to Earth was on the 20-11-1990 and the historic UN Security Council Resolution Sanctioning use of Force against Iraq for its aggression against Kuwait was made on the 29-11-1990. Mars was then in Taurus aspecting Scorpio. On the 27th August 2002 Mars was closest to the Earth  and in the sign of Leo with Sun and Europe was reeling in the spell of Extreme heat , not witnessed in Centuries before. . Wild Fires in Spain, Portugal and Italy in Early August 2002. Civil War took place in Liberia in which more than three hundred thousand  people died . There was Total breakdown in authority .

Mars Fallen State from 17th June to 13th July 2016 the following Parameters will acquire a special dimension

On the 20th Feb. 2016 Mars and Saturn both will be in Kendra from Sun , hence their motion will become slower  and as mentioned this process of  Mars over staying in a sign takes place after every 2 years and 2 months and Retrogrades during this Period  for approx. 7-8 months . The long Stay of Mars is due to the eccentricity and Gravitational influences of the celestial bodies between Jupiter and Mars and its being in Square position to Sun. Saturn Mars Conjunction in Scorpio will take place after every 29.46 years , last time it occured on the 23rd Jan 1986 and it will happen again in the year 2046. Mars will be Fallen planet on the 18th June for 25 days in Libra, since it will fall back in Libra in Retrogression. A Fallen planet is most Venemous and like a snake bite and a malefic Mars Fallen is  considered Most afflicted , since it is also the Lagna lord and the 8th Lord of the natural Zodiac.

Mars in Libra Fallen is most malefic in the Present stance , being a Airy sign and Airy Navamsha

The 25 days will be explosive  as far as the Mars is Concerned

Before Mars is Fallen on the 17th June 2016 it will be in Debilitation in navamsha ans also with its Debilitation Lord Moon in Scorpio and almost degree conjunction and opposed by Mercury , this combination can sprout a Strong Earthquake, Volcano, Tornado, , since it will then be in the Airy Rashi Libra and Airy Navamsha  and aspect the Earthy sign Capricorn and also influence the Earthy sign Virgo by Retrograde aspect

Ever Since Mars ingressed Scorpio there has been a Boom in the Stock market, There is a Possibility of the Break in the same

As 8th Lord  of the Natural Zodiac going in the 7th house of the natural Zodiac  may break Marriages  and also give 2nd Marriages

As the Significator of Property and going in the 4th from 4th and 10th from 10 will adversely influence the Built up Properties

Mars as A malefic and going to be in a fallen state at night time will be very strong . Influencing the Venus by 8th aspect before going in Fallen State and in Libra the MT sign of Venus will also give the adverse results pertaining to Venus significations , Air Crashes, Hijacking, Toture to women ,  Apart from the significations mentioned above specially Terrorism, Bloodshed, Explosions, Fire, War .

Mars will then be over the 8th Lord Jupiter in the 6th house of the Foundation chart of India  and Mass happenings ,Espoinage , Terrorism Boarder classes , Rail and Air Accidents cannot be ruled out

For ISIS this Transit will be most sensitive since both Mars and Saturn in the chart of ISIS will be activated , ISIS will be instrumental in Creating a Terror in the world  and also face the Consequences thereof , Since Both Mars and Saturn aspect the Lagna of the ISIS Foundation chart . Jupiter Eclipsed by Rahu simultaneously will be another Parameter which will drive the ISIS into All type of Scandles involving the Educational Institutions, Banks , Children etc.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 4th June 2016 20-00 hrs. New Delhi 



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