Mars Venus Nexus In the Horoscope

by astrodocanil

Mars in the Lord of the Lagna and the 8th house of the natural Zodiac and Venus is Karka for Marriage and Luxuries of Life and is the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th house , Being the Lord of the 2nd house and the 7th house Venus Controls the Marriage  and when Connected to Mars and specially in the Scorpio sign gives second Marriage , or when Mars and Venus are together and they Exchange their Navamsha. Mars and Venus conjunction therefore makes  the sex life of the native unsatisfactory. Mars represents the urge of erotic passions in the female and Venus is symbolic of lust in a male, when these 2 planets combine in the nativity , the physocology of sex becomes abnormal and married life is seldom satisfactory.It is said that if this combination exists in the chart of a female she should only get married to a male who has the same combination in the chart.

If Mars and Venus cojoin then the native is fond of Betting, Gambling, Speculation, he may be strong wrestler, and very capable person in all respects, but attached to other persons wife. The person may be very efficient in matallurgy but is of a scheming  and cuning nature . He will be in a respectable position and may be an important person in his clan. He may be skilled in mathematics but his inherent nature will be wicked.According to Horasara he will be rash under the influence of his spouse or some one of the opposite sex and his acts will be vicious.

The conjunction of Mars and Venus , in the 1,4,10th house  will attribute rise in life  and such a nattive will become a Leader. In the Ascendant the Native is not long Lived.His conduct is not good,He wastes his wealth on the opposite sex and is attached to people of loose morals.

In the 4th house , the native suffers from constant mental anguish, he is oppressed by various calamities , has no happiness from children, relation or friends. Horasara says he may be rich but the happiness factor will be missing in his life.

In the 7th house  the native is constantly tempted to indulge  in numerous sexual affairs . His character is not good . Such a person has anguish and Pain in life and meets sorrow due to indulgement  with opposite sex.

In the 8th house , it is extremely  bad and there will be secretive relation ship with opposite sex, Mars connection with the 8th house definitely brings dissatisfaction in married life and such a female has more sex urge  and due which the married life is seldom satisfactory .

In the 10th house , the native is well worsed  in the use of weapons, he is very intelligent and learned. He is also wealthy and has plenty of enjoyment. Leads a life of luxury.. He also attains name fame and Position in life

For Leo and Aquarius Ascendant this combination is Rajyoga  since the Dharmadhi pati and Karmadhi pati combination will make the yoga Karka planet Poorna Yoga Karka and attributr extremely good results. In case of females this combination makes the Native to follow Traditions .

In the 12th house this combination is seldom good, one has the tendencies to indulge in all vices

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 25th  May 2016 20-10 PM New Delhi  


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