“Solar Ingress In Aries: What Stars Foretell”

by astrodocanil

“Solar Ingress In Aries: What Stars Foretell”

 Solar Ingress

Lunar Eclipse on the 4th April 2015 in the nakshatra of Haste , promises a shaky start on the 4th April 2015. I  have already written a detailed article on this website on this and the effects .Rahu attains normal motion and is indicative of normalcy in Jammu and Kashmir due to Rains, although there could be after effects of the happenings for more time. Jupiter turns direct on 8 April and we  will experience the l beneficence of its exaltation, Venus, Mars will be in their own signs and Sun will be exalted from 14 April 13-47 hrs. The twin Exhaltation of Sun and Jupiter will bestow good results .

Let us see the chart of Solar ingress in Aries on the 14th April 13-47 hrs Delhi above.

Cancer Sign is rising in the Ascendant of the Solar New Year which is the 3rd house of the India independence chart .3rd house is the house of neighbors , hence there will be lot of influence on the country in this Solar year by the neighbors, Rail , Travel, , since aspected by Mars is not good since Mars deblitates in this sign and hence there could be lot of Boarder issues this Solar year  . Jupiter is also the 8th lord of the India independence chart. Jupiter as the 6th and the 9th Lord is placed in the Lagna and aspected by Moon Lagna Lord and the Mars 10th and 5th Lord . Moon the Lagna Lord is placed in enemy house of  war , International affairs. Jupiter is a planet  which deals with Banks, Treasure, Finance and Revenues. will be the main focus of the year. Jupiter in Lagna will Focus  the effects of the 9th house which is  Supreme Court, Judges,, Ministry of Foreign affairs, sea voyage, Religious Places , Temples, Churches , since aspected by Mars will give hurdles regarding the same, specially in connection to the 7th house where Lagna Lord is afflicted by Saturn the 7th and the 8th Lord.  This can tell upon the image of the Country and the PrimeMinister. There will be growth as well . the 10th house is strong and shows some strict Discipline being maintained by the Prime minister of the country.There will also  be discontent in the people at large. A year of Scandles,  Crimes, Propaganda .

Gold Predictions  Sun is Exhalted  and in the sign of Aries and Jupiter is Exhalted, it is expected that in the year starting from 14th April 2015 to 13th April 2016 there will be recovery in the prices of Gold and the Prices may surge again.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  5th April 2015

 Disclaimer: The Predictions are based on Astrological principles and If any one invests on the above basis on Gold , the writer will not beresponsible , since he will be doing at his own risk.

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