Prashna Jyotish: Vital Tool To Solve Blind Cases

by astrodocanil

Here I am discussing the case of a Death of a Women in Suspicious circumstances , which has no strings to pull. I will use only One Parameter available the  time of Last contact  the Women had made. For Reasons Best Known, I am not disclosing the Date and Time of the Query. The Chart is below . I have  corrected the time by 4 minutes to analyse as per Mook Prashna , Since the event is for a living being , and the Lagna  is odd, it has to be in the 3rd, 6th or 9th navamsha.Below is the chart for Analysis only.Blind Case S

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury, as per the Sunrise time the event took place in the 8th Yama , therefore day Lord Mercury gets debilitated. Also the Day Lord Mercury in the event chart is also combusted and has close connection with the 8th Lord Moon is indicative of a untoward happening. The event Chart Moon and the Yama Moon are in 2/12 axis and shows some untoward happening due to disagreement and difference in opinion between the Female and a Person who is the culprit.

Lagna of the event is aspected by Jupiter, Mars and Saturn and has Fallen Venus . Sufferings due to significations of Venus who is 11th and 6th Lord as well.


If you superimpose the Yama Chart planets over the event chart Mars takes the Position in Lagna Saturn in the 7th house , showing Crystal clear what the event chart is also showing , Mars and Saturn both aspecting the Lagna , Lagna has fallen Venus and Retrograde , who is also the 11th and the 6th Lord .

The Following Parameters show Crime.

  1. 6th Lord Venus in Kendra and in Lagna Fallen state.
  2. 12th Lord Mars Posited in Kendra.
  3. 6th house of navamsha in the watery sign of 4,8 or 12 .
  4. Jupiter is aspecting Lagna and is in own navamsha , hence there is no involvement of any outsider.
  5. Moon in the event chart is placed in the Prishtodayo sign and aspected by Saturn. The Crime may have been done with the querist at a place higher then the ground and may be while the native was asleep.
  6. Normally 7th Lord is considered a Chor Graha and the culprit and since placed in the sign of Capricorn and is combusted , work of a single person.
  7. Since the Lagna rising is a Noctural sign, the crime has taken place before Sunrise or after Sunset.
  8. Jupiter influenced by Venus a female planet and in Navamsha both are in female signs hence the query is pertaining to a female Native.
  9. Lagna is Sagitarius Signifies yellow color and Venus and Jupiter both influence could be a mixture of yellow and white influence on the Native who has died.

Appearance, Caste etc of Culprit.

Male Leadership qualities Face of human body of horse, Round eyes. Since the 1st Dreshkanne of Sagitarius is rising. High Position and self respect. . On the day of the crime the clothes worn by the culprit will be green , Since Sun is placed in the 2nd house and from Lagna to 4th house , the crime has been committed by man around 60 years , Chor Graha Mercury placed in the 2nd house member of the family. , Malefic Influence on the 4th house shows the condition and shows the Female Native may not survive , connection of the 2nd and 8th Lord in the 8th house permanent loss.

Lord of navamsha Lagna is Mercury hence the caste is Bhramin and a Male .

Dual sign rising in the navamsha. Since the lady was not staying home at the time of Death, native visited and had assess to visit the lady. Moon and Venus are associated with 7th house /lord , the culprit has committed the crime for the first time . Moon and Mercury are associated closely and a close ithasala as well and Saturn aspecting Moon, the culprit is a Hypocrite and a imposter


10th Lord Mercury is with Sun the Govt. and has close ithasla with 8th Lord Moon , the culprit is trying to befool the Public and thoses connected with the case. In navamsha 7th house from Gulika is Mercury a Peaceful Death  of the female and significations of Death due to Mercury Planet. The Culprit is not notorious since Jupiter is aspecting Saturn in the 11th house and has committed crime for the first time

Culprit is Family relation of the Female who died in Suspicious circumstances

Since Lagna is Sagitarius and the planets which get debilitated in the Kendra are Venus and Mercury, now out of the two Venus is placed in the Lagna and is fallen and Retrograde , a Retrograde planet behaves like a brush and does activities 3 times . Venus is also Karka for Marriage and also aspected by Karka for Spouse in case of females , hence Spouse is the culprit.

To confirm the same we have to calculate the Punya Saham and see if any affliction is there on the Sign, since the event and the string is only the time therefore , Sun rise Punya Saham= Sun Longitude-Moon Longitude + Asc Longitude , which in this case works out to 11s 28 degrees and is Pieces sign , now 7th house from this sign has a malefic , hence our findings are confirmed. Astrology is amazing and Matching with the happenings.God Bless.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 4th April 2015                                                                                                                                                                                               Disclaimer: The Above Analysis is an Example for Analysis only  for Prashna Jyotish as Per texts of Prashna Jyotish and is not for Anybody in Person. The writer is not pointing out anybody in person and not responsible for the consequences if any if one takes it personally. The article is only for Astrology lovers and those who believe in this Science .

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