Prashna: A Divine Blessings for Astrologer to Give Accurate Predictions

by astrodocanil

Prashna Jyotish is  a Divine blessings for the Astrologer  give accurate predictions. The following are the reasons for the same .

1.  We know the exact time of the Query, and also know the seriousness of the Query sincere or Insincere.

2. Prashna Kundali also shows the present karma of the querist.

3. In the absence of the birth chart it is a most handy tool.

4. Day to Day predictions cannot be made by birth chart , since in 80-85 % charts the birth time is not correct and the vargas charts are not correct  to give correct predictions.

5. if you have the Birth chart and accurate time then  combining the 2 , an astrologer can give amazing predictions , provided he follows a strict pattern to analyse the chart. .

I use the following Techniques in Prashna to give my analysis

1. My Research of Prashna Time  to find the planet influencing the querist at the time of Query.

2.  Direction the Querist is facing at the time of Query Following  Naisargik and Tatalika Chakra

3.  Uday Lagna, Arudha Lagna, Chaitra Rashi, Navamsha Lagna ,  Spri-Stanga Rashi and Janama Rashi  are the 6 most Important Lagnas to evaluate the Prashna .

4. (a)Snap Shot method by Sun rise time and Query time . (b) Andha, Mandha, Madhya and Sulochan  Nakshatra .

5. By number between 1-108 and then dividing by 9  and taking the quotient  as Lagna and remainder as navamsha .

6.  By the first letter word uttered by the querist .

7. Using Various Chakras.

8. Shakun Astrology  .

9. Combining the Prashna chart and the Birth chart to give consolidated predictions.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala    3rd April 2015          

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