World Catastrophe Tsunami Earthquakes Of Highest Order Coastal Countries US Bangladesh Most Prone 29th March-5th April -30th June 2025

by astrodocanil

“World Catastrophe Tsunami Earthquakes Of Highest Order Coastal Countries US Bangladesh Most Prone 29th March-5th April -30th June 2025”

The year 2025 seems a year of big transformations due the shift of Saturn, Rahu, Jupiter and delayed stay of Mars in the sign Cancer.. It has been seen when ever Mars overstay in a sign brings disasters and when in watery sign huge Turmoil related to Water and Tsunami. Rahu and Saturn in Pisces  watery sign will add fuel to the fire.

Read my Following Articles in this respect

Coastal Countries Prone To Catastrophic Natural Disaster 12th Jan.-28th May 2025 – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

54 Days Demon Rahu Becomes Catastrophic Feb-April 2025 For Stock Markets Tsunami, Earthquakes Geopolitical Situations – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Cluster Of 6 Planets In Pisces March 2025 : Tighten Your Seat Belts Big Transformations – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

The Solar Eclipse  and the Pisces New Moon Chart fall on the same day on the 29th March 2025 16:27 hrs New Delhi

The Chart is of Leo Lagna and the Lord is placed in the 8th house  and the 8th Lord in the 10th house , there is also exchange of the 8th and the 10th Lord is most explosive parameter for the Head of the States and the Prime Minister of the Country. There are 5 planets in the 8th house where the Lunation is taking place and in few hours Saturn will also join the 8th house  and aspects the 8th house and the 8th Lord.

The nakshatra’s in the Pisces are that of Jupiter the Lord of the 12th house of the natural zodiac, Saturn himself Lord of 10th and 11th of the Zodiac and that of Mercury the Lord of the 3rd and the 6th house, Saturn and Mercury are friends where as Saturn and Jupiter are not friends and are neutral towards each other. Hence till 3.20 degrees Saturn will not give good results  and more so after Saturn in direct motion crosses 20 degrees in Aquarius on the 28th Dec. 2024


Eclipse in the totally watery sign Pisces-—– It will effects the shores of Ocean, pearls, sea bed, foresters, scholars, people dealing in water products. Much mortality among people. Destruction of fish and sea food and trouble to people living around coastal area and sea. Coastal Countries Like Japan, Indonesia, Philippines , coastal areas of the US and Bangladesh may be  Most  Prone to Earthquakes of high intensity and Tsunami. A major catastrophe is seen in the world from the 12th Jan to 28th May 2025—— Note this time frame . One the 12th -13th Jan. and then between the 3rd to 5th April 2025 are most prone dates .This Catastrophe will be the News of the world. Mark my Predictions

The Solar Eclipse will be influenced by Saturn since with Rahu and Mars will aspect Ketu, this may cause death by assassination of Politicians and Celebrities. The Eclipse point is14.47 degrees and will be activated by Mars when in Leo after the 7th June on the 2nd July 2025 and can prove ammunition dump for the world. Mars from Leo will also be with Ketu and aspect Retrograde Saturn in Pisces at this time is most explosive .

Analysis house -wise

The Lagna Lord in the 8th house  and the Luminaries is most explosive parameter.

The General Condition of the Country will not be good.

Saturn in the 7th house  is unfavourable in regards to foreign relations, dealing with foreign affairs and depression in foreign trade.

 Lunation in the 8th house 

Mass Tragedies, Underground wealth,  Fall of Govt.  Death of Important persons,  Earthquakes of Intensity, volcanos, epidemics. Death of Important women,  and panic in the country,  Death of literary people, legislation influencing the death duties. Death of Important women in the Bollywood and Celebrities. Explosions, Fire, suicide and death by suffocation, mysterious deaths are also not ruled out. Black Money transactions will be the focus of the Govt.

10th house 

Jupiter placed here is good but since  the 8th Lord  and having aspect of Saturn from the 8th house not be good for the honour and the Prime Minister and employment situation.

11th house

Mars is placed in this house of legislation, national  aims and gains, elections and Victory, there will be trouble in the Parliament, illness and death among the members of the parliament. Strong Legislations will come into force relating to Land, Agriculture, Defence and Infrastructure. Events Like Demonetization are on the Cards. There will be close Lens on the Financial Transactions specially related to Sale and Purchase of Property.

2nd House

Ketu is placed in the 2nd house  having aspect of Jupiter and Mars. Since Ketu is placed here the economic condition of the Country will suffer. black money will be unearthed and lot of Raids for the same.

6 Planets in Total Watery sign Pisces on the 29th March  and on the 5th April 2025 7 Planets in Watery sign and in Navamsha  all the 9 Planets in watery sign is an indication of some big natural disaster of Magnitude which happens once in 100 years. I am afraid to write the close degrees of the planets on the 29th March 2025  may turn the tables upside down .

Saturn Transit in the 12th house of the natural zodiac Pisces a totally watery sign and joining Rahu in Close degrees will be  responsible for big natural tragedies of Magnitude which could be responsible for Spiritual awakening in the world. The Tsunamis will bring  Natural anger . Coastal Countries will be worst influenced.

There will be no peace in the world and the Brawl between the nations can erupt again  due to the Vedha  between Mars and Saturn from the 30th June to 22nd July 2025 in the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra  and vedha according to this chart is very critical. In Fact the Vedha between  6 Planet and Ketu on the 5th April 2025 will add fuel to the burning fire.

As per the past we can see the cycle of planets and specially Jupiter and Saturn, every 10 years they conjunct of Oppose each other. In the past in 2020 Saturn and Jupiter were conjunct and after 10 years around the 2028 to 2029 they will be opposing each other and the Cycle of 100 years from the 1929 will be completed. This is a clear indication of the World Economy getting shattered parallel the Great Recession of the 1929.

We will also see a wave of protests and social movements across the world. Another theme related to this conjunction in Pisces is space exploration  One will see tremendous achievements in this field.

Saturn & Rahu conjunction in Pisces is even more rare, it has occurred only once in the last 150 years, in 1968. Saturn represents responsibility, limitations, and hard work, while Rahu represents our shadow self, our pending desires. Their conjunction brings social upheaval.

Saturn in the own moola trikona sign Aquarius the 11th house of the zodiac has been fulfilling our desires , but the moment it goes in the sign Pisces  it will stop easy money since it will aspect the 2nd house of the Zodiac where Jupiter is placed.  Saturn will be with Rahu and Mars will aspect Ketu.

Major Events which happened in  March 1968  when Rahu and Saturn were conjunct in Pisces are below.

Martin Luthe King, the civil rights leader who was called the Mahatma Gandhi of US was assassinated.

Soviet and Warsaw Pact Countries in vade Czechoslovakia.

The cycle of Saturn is 29.46 years , cycle of Rahu 18.5 years and that of Mars is 27 years. The main planet of wars is Mars  since it owns the Lagna, 8th house of the Natural zodiac and called bhoomi putra.  Mars exalts in the 10th house and debilitates in the 4th house. It has been observed that wars start in a cycle of 27 years. The first world war started in July 1914 now adding 108 years multiple of 27 we come to 2022 and on the 24th Feb 2022 the War between Ukraine and Russia Started. The WW1 Started on the 28th July 1914 and ended on the 11th Nov 1918. Location involved were Europe, Middle East, Africa, Pacific, Atlantic, Mediterranean and Adriatic. Now also we see the  Middle east and Europe involved in Proxy war. The War may Escalate long for minimum 7-8 years and as a matter of Fact the WW3 has already started  from the 24th Feb 2022.

WW2 Second World War (1 September 1939 – 2 September 1945) was a Global Conflict, if we see from the 1st Sept 1939 to Feb 2022 is 82 tears again nearing the Multiple of  27.  Apart from the above another Factor which was motion of Jupiter which was accelerated.  Jupiter is in Accelerated  motion even now after the 1st May 2024 since it will cover 27 degrees in an span of 5 months on the 9th Oct. 2024 and a speed of 5.4 degrees per month as against it’s motion of 2.3 degrees per month. This speed will further increase to  6-7 degrees a month after May 2025. Hence from the above we come to the conclusion that we are in for a disaster in the world and escalation of wars and brawl between nations. ” Fronts have already opened and after March 2025 due the Solar Eclipse 2 more fronts could open the North Korea and South Korea brawl, China-Taiwan Brawl after the 18th Sept. and 3rd Oct. 2024 Lunar and Solar Eclipse respectively.

Hence we come to the conclusion that the things may start to further deteriorate from the 18th Sept. 2024 and then further escalation of wars from the 29th March 2025

 World Economy May be hit  with magnitude after the Lunar and Solar Eclipses of Sept. and Oct. 2024 and then a major crash in the year March-April 2025.Stock Markets may be influenced adversely after the 18th Sept 2024 till 9th Oct. 2024 and then Around the March-April 2025. Till march 2025 the Nifty may remain range bound between 23000 to 26000 points. Around the 20th Oct. 2024 as mars ingresses in Cancer and aspects Saturn there may be a fall in the market for a  week or so. In the near future the Market may cross all boundaries and even  Nifty may cross 26000 points after the 15th Sept. 2024

The Solar Eclipse is taking place in the 8th house of the US can also offer hinderances to the head of the Country. The Relation between India and US may be on the horizon and may turn ugly

Further at the moment we are in the 5 years cycle from the 2020 and hence 2025-2026 will be a turning point in the history of the World since there will be lot of transformations. Saturn Transit from the Pisces to Cancer and specially in Taurus is considered to bring disaster in the world and there are parameters indicating the WW3 in full bloom. There will be no respite to the world till Jupiter who will also be in attichari mode till 2033 when it goes in Aquarius..

Naskshatra Sanghatta Chakra




Now also see the chart of the 5th April 2025 which opens the secret of the happenings in the immediate future for World Catastrophe

7 Planets in Watery sign on the 5th April 2025 and in Navamsha all the planets in the Watery sign is an indication of the biggest Catastrophe due to Earthquakes, Tsunami, Water borne diseases in the world and would be a breaking news which happens after 100 years 

Now see the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra below of the 5th April 2025 which can turn the tables up side down for the world in every respect

30th June 2025 to 22nd July Mars and Saturn Vedha  Prone to Wars


29th March-5th April-28th May-June 30th to 22nd July 2025

Mars will activate the Eclipse point in Pisces on the 1st-2nd July 2025 most catastrophic. Mars is ammunition dump and can be a cause of concern.

Degree aspect of Mars on Saturn 7th to 10th June 2025 and Vedha in Above chakra

Mars Saturn6/8 axis till 28th July 2025

Mars and Saturn exact opposition on the 9thAugust 2025

Effect on the Global Economy

Read the following Article for the Global Economy of the world

World Catastrophe: Jupiter Accelerated Motion 2025-2033 Saturn-Jupiter Opposition 2028 Eclipses In Rohini 2030 – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

The following Parameters bring a drastic change in the Globe due to the following parameters.


1.Jupiter Attichari Motion. This is when Jupiter leaves a sign before the completion of 12 months in a sign. The reason is very clear Jupiter is in Attichari motion and will complete 27 degrees on the 29th Oct. 2024 in Taurus in just 182 days , where as the normal motion of Jupiter completes in nearly 365 days and 30 degrees. Normal motion of Jupiter is 2.5 degrees in an month roughly, but now it is 5.25 degrees roughly. The grace is it does not fall in the sign Aries in Retrogression.  From May 2025 to Sept. 2032 it will  also be in Attichari motion and also have the Status of a fallen planet from 5th Dec 2025 in Gemini to 2nd June 2026 , then 24th Jan 2027 to 25th June 2027 in Cancer. Feb 28th to 24th July 2028 in Leo. 29th March 2029 to 24th August 2029 in Virgo. May 1st  to 22nd Sept 2030 in Libra. These periods will be catastrophic for the global economy and the well being of the Humans.


2. Saturn will be fallen between 20-10-2027 to 23-2-2028 in Pisces, then 5-10-2029 to 17-4-2030 In Aries .


3. Mars will be Fallen in Gemini from Cancer between 21-1-2025 to 3-4-2025. Property market can collapse.


The Conjunction of the 6 planets will take place in the 9th from Natal Moon, in the 11th from the Ascendant and in the 8th from the Moon Navamsha of Leo. Hence the over all effect on India may be less as compared to Other Coastal Countries. The 8th house from the Navamsha Moon will be afflicted for India this could involve Military Interventions and Boarder Clashes


In the 2nd from Natal moon and in the 8th from Lagna  from Natal Moon in Aquarius is most critical for Disasters due to Tsunami.


Bangladesh will be worst influenced and lot of lives may be lost during the time frames mentioned above. There is likelihood of f the nation facing grave situations from the Curse of the Natural disasters and pain caused in the Country to Human beings

The Middle Eastern War can erupt again

Donald Trump who is not giving any importance to Climate change will have to take measures after the US suffers due to Tsunami and Water borne diseases.

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