Mars Saturn And Nodes On The Driving Wheel Of World Catastrophe

by astrodocanil

“Mars Saturn And Nodes On The Driving Wheel Of World Catastrophe”

This is with reference to my Articles on my webpage where I have crystal Clear pointed out that Mars, Saturn and the Nodes are on the driving wheel of  World Catastrophe till 28th July 2025.

Read My articles below.

Shadastak Yoga Between Mars & Saturn Twice Between Oct. 2024-Aug. 2025 Will Play On Stock Markets And Brawl Between Nations “

This is with reference to my Article dated 22nd Oct. 2024 where I had Predicted the fall of the Stock Markets and escalation of Brawl between Israel-Iran and Ukraine-Russia due to the Shadastak Yoga between Mars and Saturn from the 20th Oct. 2024 to 20th Jan 2025 and then 7th June to 28th July which can also play on the Stock and the Financial Markets of the World and specially India. Mars is the 12th and the 7th Lord of the India Foundation chart and there will be lot of Espionage from foreign elements and Terrorism in the Country in the North Part of the India. During the Stay of Mars in the sign Gemini as mentioned above from the 20th Jan to 1st April Mars will be in fallen state the worst condition of a Planet. It is like immersing Red Hot Iron Rod In Cool Water (Cancer Sign) and then exposing to the airy sign (Gemini, Hence lot of Tornados, Earthquakes, and world wide hazards. The Rod will develop cracks which is held by Mars so you can imagine the status of Mars during the above time frame. The Brawl Between the nations on daggers drawn will become most ugly. Need Less to mention the names Ukraine-Russia  Israel- Iran


Let me give the dates and Charts which are explosive for the World Catastrophe  from the 26th Dec 2024 to 12th Jan. 2025 and then after the 30th March 2025 in the immediate future , although the present planetary positions are also worst due to the Shadastak yoga between Mars and Saturn for Wars . Mars Transit till 28th July 2025 will be explosive.

Have a Look at the chart of the 26th Dec. 2024 where the transit navamsha opens the secret of the most ugly happenings in the World.  Due to the affliction of Rahu and Ketu in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant in the Rashi and Navamsha  the War between Russia and Ukraine may take most ugly shape and Ukraine may come to knees.. This is also happening in case of Israel also since the Ascendant is also Virgo.

 Chart of the 28th Dec. 2024


The  Mars and Saturn are in Rahu-Ketu axis in the Transit Navamsha the Same affliction in the Virgo-Pisces axis. This is Catastrophic for Wars to Escalate as mentioned above.. Then Saturn Debilitated and having aspect of Mars till 2nd Jan. 2025 in Navamsha . Then In Transit Navamsha Rahu-Mars in Leo and Saturn is Aries Navamsha. Navamsha of These Planet in Fiery signs will be explosive till 12th Jan. 2025



The Country is running under the operation of Jupiter-Jupiter  till 2-4-2026 and Jupiter is the Lord of the 7th house of Wars, it has aspect of the Mars from the 7th house making the nation most war mongering. The Transit of Planets in the 7th house after 29th March will also be most critical for the World and Russia may not agree to the terms of Ukraine and ultimately Ukraine may have to Give up.

Chart of the 30th March 2025 is below where the Planets are in the 1/7 axis of Russia Foundation chart and also in The Foundation chart of Israel and indicates intense fighting and the war may become most ugly between the Nations mentioned above.



The supply of Arms by the US to Ukraine will also spoil the relation between the US and Russia

  1. The Foundation chart of Israel is of the 14th May 1948 16-00 hrs . Tel Aviv of Virgo Ascendant below as per the Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion.


    The Chart is self explanatory. The Dasha of Rahu-Rahu-Saturn till the 22-11–2023 and broadly speaking the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu  till 28-10-2025 will be explosive and the Country and  may be involved in war like conditions due to the following parameters explained below  .

    1. Rahu in the 8th house and having aspect of Saturn 6th Lord of enemies  and aspect of the 7th Lord Jupiter is Crucial for war like conditions in the Country
    2. As per the  Research Theory of shri K N Rao Mars placement in the 12th house makes the Country prone to Terrorism  Espionage and Warlike conditions with neighbours. The Connection of Mars with12th 3rd, 6th and 7th House make the nation War mongering also.
    3. Jupiter placed in the 4thhouse forms a hamsa yoga but Retrograde and is bhadak and marak for Virgo Lagna since the benefic as the  of Kendra Lord  forgets the beneficence but aspect of Venus on Jupiter is good as the 2nd and the 9th Lord due which it has support from US and other Countries of the World. The Sun and Mercury placed in the 9th house and the aspect of Saturn and Moon on the 5th house makes the nation technically advanced nation.
    4. In the Rashi Tula Navamsha Jupiter with Mars in Taurus is not good and Rahu with Moon in the 2nd house . Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord strong shows the Strength of the Prime Minister in Position.
    5. Arab Countries attacked Israel in the year 1948, 1967 and1973 and they faced defeat.
    6. Unfortunately the Current Dasha in operation for 18 years of Rahu placed in the 8th house of sudden untoward happenings and attack by the Hamas is due to the Rahu In Transit was stationary on the 7th Oct. 2023 over the natal Rahu and having aspect of the Natal and Transit Saturn and Jupiter and also Rahu in Transit in the 8th house having the aspect of both Mars and Saturn are extremely explosive till the 16th Nov. 2023 and in a broader spectrum till the 30th Nov. 2023
    7. Eclipses of Oct 2023  in the 2/8 axis of the Chart above.
    8. As per the Theory of Inevitability by K N Rao when the Dasha of Rahu is in operation and the Eclipses fall in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant it is time for the fall and disaster in the Country. Specially Rahu placed in the 7th house as marka in Transit. This would happen after True Rahu  joins the 7th house on the 30th Nov. 2023 and there is also Eclipse in the 1/7 Axis of the Foundation chart on the 8th April 2024 , In Sept. and Oct. 2024 and we have seen the effects of the same .. Now  on the 29th March 2025 will be explosive and the war conditions will be on the peak .
    9. In transit also Saturn from Aquarius aspects the Natal and Transit Rahu in Aries who is in adverse motion from the 1st to 7th Oct. 2023 and Stationary on the 7th Oct. 2023. This parameter was most explosive for a War and Brawl between the Countries taking ugly turn.  I had predicted this long back the 7th Oct. 2023.
    10. Rahu is Again in Stationary mode from the 13th to 25th Oct. and then in forward motion till the 29th Oct. 2023 and Stationary again on the 30th Oct. before it regains its normal motion of retrogression. The time frame is parallel to the time of Demonetization in India on the 8th Nov. 2016 and also at the time of the 26th Dec. 2019 Solar Eclipse and identical to the time of big wars of Rahu in most malefic state.
    11. The Mars-Ketu conjunction in the 2nd house and Rahu Jupiter Conjunction in the 8th house played havoc from the Hamas Terrorist Groups and a Proxy war by Iran. Hezobullah and Iran shall shortly pounce again with dimension on Israel will make the War most Ugly in the near future . US and England will keep on Supporting Israel.
    12. The Solar eclipse in the 7th house and dasha of Rahu is explosive for the Country as per the 29th March 2025

My Article Red Planet Mars In Debilitation: Explosive May Influence Wars Stock Markets Geopolitical Situations – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Let me reproduce the same for Ready Reference

Red Planet Mars In Debilitation: Explosive May Influence Wars Stock Markets Geopolitical Situations”

I have already written a couple of Articles on this transit and the links are below.

Red Planet Mars Will Be On Driving Wheel Of Catastrophe From 20th Oct. 2024-28th July 2025 For 280 Days – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (  dated 14th Oct. 2024

“Red Planet Mars Will Be On Diving Wheel Of Catastrophe From 20th Oct. 2024-28th July 2025 For 280 Days”

Red Planet Mars entered Gemini on the 26th August and will now join Cancer  the debilitation sign on the 20th Oct. 2024. It will become Retrograde on the 7th Dec. 2024 and fall back in the sign Gemini again on the 20th Jan to 29th March 2025.Between the 29th March to 7th June it will again be in the Cancer sign. It will join the sign Leo on the 7th June 2025 and then join Virgo on the 28th July 2025. During this time frame it will be in afflicted condition due to the following reasons.

Mars Affliction is as follows
 Mars in Cancer from the 20th Oct. 2024 to 21st Jan. 2025 will have the trine aspect of Rahu and Mars will aspect Saturn by 8th aspect in Aquarius During the time frames when Rahu is in afflicted motion will bring Catastrophe in the world may be it is wars, fire, war in the sea, havoc from Rains, tsunami, earthquakes of magnitude and the world may reel in trouble. The brawl between the Countries will take most ugly turn in the Middle East and the Europe, including the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
Mars will join back in Cancer on the 3rd April 2025 and ingress in Leo on the 7th June 2025.  Till in Cancer it will have the aspect of Demon Rahu till the 28th May 2025
Saturn will join Pisces and Rahu on the 30th March 2025
Nodes will change signs on the 28th May 2025 and Rahu will join Aquarius and Ketu in Leo  Mars will join Ketu in Leo on the 7th June 2025 till 28th July 2025 will be there fore most explosive for the World.  Mars and Ketu conjunction in Leo and Mars aspect on Saturn will be most catastrophic. Situations like the 9/11 terrorist attack on New York.
Also read My Article below 

 Mars will hold key parameter till 28th July 2025 please note this time frame 

Here in this Article I am going to analyse the Chart when Mars goes in the debilitation sign and the influence of the same for the coming 230 days. Mars will ingress on Cancer on the 20th Oct 2024 at 14:22 hrs IST and Leave the Cancer sign on the 7th June 2025. During the period of 230 days it will also fall back in Gemini sign which is considered to be extremely bad for a planet like Mars to be Fallen since it is the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord of the Natural zodiac. Gemini sign is the 8th from the 8th house in an inimical sign is explosive for the complete world since it will be in the 12th from the 4th house of the natural zodiac. Mars in the sign Cancer has special  parameters as far as the Natural Zodiac is concerned specially when it will over stay and hover between the Cancer and Gemini signs. Mars signifies built-up property and specially the higher floors. It is the Significator of Property. During it’s stay for 230 days it will bring drastic changes in the Land  Reforms, any thing related to the built-up properties in a massive way. This Transit is very important. Normally when it transit’s in any sign and in square position then it over stay’s in any sign and the time gap is approx. 2 years and 2 months.  4th house of the natural zodiac has special significations and also the throne of the King and the happiness of the people.

The Importance of Mars further escalates since Rahu aspects Mars and Mars aspects Saturn and till 30th Oct. 2024 is explosive due to the fact that Rahu will also be in afflicted motion. In the month of Nov. 2024 it will also be in afflicted motion for 10 days. The fact remains till Saturn and Mars are in sadhastak yoga in time intervals till 28th July 2025 it will ruin the Financial Markets, the brawl between nations and the geopolitical situations.

From this we come to the conclusion  Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Aquarius and Rahu when ever afflicted will create the worst conditions in the world. As a matter of Fact the 3 heavy malefics  will be connected and Saturn and Mars shadastak yoga is termed as the worst yoga. Mars in Gemini will be more explosive then in Cancer note my Predictions.


Saturn Aquarius and Mars in Cancer till 29th March 2025 explosive. Mars will also fall back in Gemini from the 20th Jan to 1st April 2025.

From 7th June Mars will be in Leo and Saturn in Pisces  again the above yoga will be formed and worst for the above mentioned parameters. Approximately from 20th Oct. 2024 to 28th July 2025 there will be the Real drama of Mars for the world in every respect. The DI in the financial Markets will suffer the most while the FI will withdraw the funds from the Market leading to a phenomenal crash in the Stock Markets, although there may be little correction when Mars is in Gemini and market may recover little bit

My Predictions for the Stock Market, Brawl Between Nations and Geopolitical situations are proving on dot. Talk about a subject and i go in depth and analyse the situations

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch   Diploma In Marketing Management FMS

Jyotish Acharaya  3 times from BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

22nd Oct.. 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi Reproduced on the 20th Nov. 2024 12:00 hrs New Delhi

 I am just predicting the possibility which could ruin the Stock Markets due  out flow of funds of the Foreign Investors and blow off the wealth of the  Domestic Investors.

 Stock Markets will crash, Oil and gold  will shoot up and untoward happenings will be on the Cards——– Mark My Predictions

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects

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