Red Planet Mars Will Be On Driving Wheel Of Catastrophe From 20th Oct. 2024-28th July 2025 For 280 Days

by astrodocanil

“Red Planet Mars Will Be On Diving Wheel Of Catastrophe From 20th Oct. 2024-28th July 2025 For 280 Days”

Red Planet Mars entered Gemini on the 26th August and will now join Cancer  the debilitation sign on the 20th Oct. 2024. It will become Retrograde on the 7th Dec. 2024 and fall back in the sign Gemini again on the 20th Jan to 29th March 2025.Between the 29th March to 7th June it will again be in the Cancer sign. It will join the sign Leo on the 7th June 2025 and then join Virgo on the 28th July 2025. During this time frame it will be in afflicted condition due to the following reasons.

Mars Affliction is as follows
 Mars in Cancer from the 20th Oct. 2024 to 21st Jan. 2025 will have the trine aspect of Rahu and Mars will aspect Saturn by 8th aspect in Aquarius During the time frames when Rahu is in afflicted motion will bring Catastrophe in the world may be it is wars, fire, war in the sea, havoc from Rains, tsunami, earthquakes of magnitude and the world may reel in trouble. The brawl between the Countries will take most ugly turn in the Middle East and the Europe, including the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
Mars will join back in Cancer on the 3rd April 2025 and ingress in Leo on the 7th June 2025.  Till in Cancer it will have the aspect of Demon Rahu till the 28th May 2025
Saturn will join Pisces and Rahu on the 30th March 2025
Nodes will change signs on the 28th May 2025 and Rahu will join Aquarius and Ketu in Leo  Mars will join Ketu in Leo on the 7th June 2025 till 28th July 2025 will be there fore most explosive for the World.  Mars and Ketu conjunction in Leo and Mars aspect on Saturn will be most catastrophic. Situations like the 9/11 terrorist attack on New York.
Also read My Article below 

“Mars Stay In Gemini-Cancer 285 Days Completes 27 & 9 Year Cycle From 1997, 2008 What Stars Foretell ?” – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

“Mars Stay In Gemini-Cancer 285 Days Completes 27 & 9 Year Cycle From 1997, 2008 What Stars Foretell ?”

1996-97: When Property Prices Went Crashing when the real estate market in India crashed, with prices falling up to 50 per cent within a matter of months. From1997 27 years is 2024-2025 hence crash in the year 2025 again.

1996-97: When Property Prices Went Crashing

My Predictions are based on the 27 year cycle of Mars for Real Estate and Wars The time also coincides with WW1 of 108 years from 1914 and Wars started in 2022 between Ukraine and Russia on the 24th Feb 2022. I believe this cycle may also play vital role for the Real Estate world wide for the 27 years cycle and fine tune cycle of 9 years . From Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers it is 18 years

Mars is the Karka for the built up Property and the Lord of the Lagna and the 8th house  of the natural zodiac, it debilitates in the 4th house of the natural zodiac. Mars is also significator of Property and the 4th house and Venus the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th house of the Natural Zodiac . Hence When Mars is  Retrograde in Cancer and then Fallen in the sign Gemini  from Cancer it will be prone to crash in the Housing Market across the Globe. Mars has declination of 27 years and no. 9 is given to Mars amongst the planets, hence let us see what happened 27 years back in the year 1997 ? From 2008 It is 17-18 years in 2025.  Hence Mars will be on the steering wheel  in 2024-2025 . Another parameter for India is that Narender Modi running the dasha of Mars  which has double rajyoga in his chart , the dasha of Mars for India will start in Sept. 2025 Hence India will be prone to reforms in the Significations of Mars and there will be strong transformation in the Real Estate and the Lens of the Govt. will be on the Land Reforms and the financial transactions and specially the Basements since Mars owns the 8th house of the zodiac and the sign Scorpio which depicts the Basements which may not be allowed for the activities allowed at present. 8th house is also the hidden wealth  and focus of the Govt. will be on the financial transactions regarding property. This may bring steep recession in the Real Estate Industry  in India and the South Eastern Countries.


Mars ingress in Gemini on the 26th August 2024 over the natal Mars of India and even the US. Mars joins the sign Cancer the 4th house of then natural zodiac on the 20th Oct. 2024 and remain in Cancer-Gemini till the 7th June 2025 for 285 days as against normal motion of 45 days in one sign. This may also be responsible for Earthquakes, Explosions,  War like conditions in the World. Mars and Saturn will be in 6/8 axis and Mars will aspect Saturn most explosive .

Mars retrogrades once in 2 years and 2 months , Mars will retrograde on the 7th Dec 2024 at 11 degrees at 05-01 am. It will fall in the sign Gemini on the 21st Jan 2025.It will become direct on the 24th Feb 2025  lasting a total of 2 months and 17 days. Mars will join back in Cancer on the 3rd April 2025 and ingress in Leo on the 7th June 2025. 

Mars becomes Retrograde On
December 7, 2024, Saturday at 05:01 AM
Mars becomes Progressive On
February 24, 2025, Monday at 07:27 AM
Duration of Mars Retrograde motion = 80 Days
At the time of Lehman Brothers bankruptcy on the 15th Sept. 2006 Venus was with Mercury and Mars and all of there were in the sign Virgo and in the Planetary war with Mars and hence Venus was debilitated and also lost in planetary war.
Venus will be in planetary war with Saturn in the sign Aquarius on the 20th Jan 2025 and also have aspect of Retrograde Mars from the sign Cancer, this will be explosive for the Housing Market across the Globe. Venus joins its exaltation sign on 28th Jan 2024 and goes in Retrogression on the 2nd March 2025 till the 13th April 2025 and go in Aries sign on the 31st May 2025. Venus will stay in the sign Pisces for 153 days. It will be in degree conjunction with Mercury also .   6 Planets in the sign Pisces on the 29th March 2025 and 5 Planets on  13th April 2025 at 05-53 hrs a Lunar Eclipse. This year will also be explosive for Trouble from Water, Floods, Tsunami and Very Cold weather. Earthquakes before Tsunami and War between nations.
There will be adverse conditions for the Stock Markets and the prices of Oil will escalate beyond expectations.
 Read My Article for Acceleration of Jupiter for 8 years in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ Nov. edition will add fuel to the burning fire from the 16th May 2025 to Feb 2033.

Time coincides with 9 years and 27 year cycle of Mars from 1997 and 2008 in March 2025 When Both the Planets Mars and Venus will be afflicted badly.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Narender Modi is under the Dasha of Mars who is having double Rajyoga in his chart and Dasha of India of Mars will also start in Sept. 2025. Modi will bring major Reforms in the Real Estate and Infrastructure. The financial transactions will be under the lens of the Govt.

Another Parameter which cannot be ignored is the Demon Rahu in stationary and direct motion from the 5th Sept. to 5th Oct. 2024 is explosive for Stock Markets going up and down, Untoward happenings, Earthquakes, Riots, Religious fundamentalism

Wait and watch.  2024-2025 as already predicted are not good for wars and general peace in the world due to disasters, explosions, earthquakes and even the economy and housing crash in the end 2024 when Mars in Cancer goes in Retrogression and falls back in Gemini as a fallen planet. This would spoil the significations of the 4th house of the natural zodiac of happiness Real Estate and also Luxuries. Venus will also over stay in Pisces for 153 Days. The world will experience the worst time during this time from the Dec 2024 to April 2025 . The other parameter which cannot be ignored is the Saturn Retrograde from 30th June to 15th Nov. 2024 and Jupiter in high speed till 9th Oct. 2024. This parameters also brings a big change in the Economy of the World. Hence starting from Sept 2024 to April 2025 will be most prone to all above happenings with magnitude.
According to the Pisces New Moon chart of the 29th March 2025 the  King of the year is Sun and in deep affliction and Moon the Minister of the Year which is also afflicted at the time of the Pisces New Moon chart and also on the 14th April 2025 by debilitated Mars. This is also indicative that the years will not yield good results.

 Written on the 14th Jan . 2024 21-10 hrs New Delhi and reproduced again on the 11th Sept. 2024

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch   Diploma In Marketing Management FMS

Jyotish Acharaya  3 times from BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

26th August 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi Reproduced after adding more parameters for War due to Mars transit from 20th Oct. 2024 to 28th July 2025——=- Note my Predictions

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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