Mars Ingress In Gemini Venus In Virgo In 6/8 Axis With Saturn North Node Adverse Prone To Marriage Break & Divorce

by astrodocanil

“Mars Ingress In Gemini Venus In Virgo In 6/8 Axis With Saturn North Node Adverse Prone To Marriage Break & Divorce”

As Per Prashna Jyotish

As per Tamil Shastra and Prashna Jyotish if such combinations exist for marriage break and divorce in the birth chart and at the time of Prashna then it is time for break and divorce in Marriage. Now have a Look at the chart of the 26th August 2024 15:26 hrs New Delhi when Mars ingress in the sign Gemini and remain in this sign till the 21st Oct. 2024 when it goes in Debilitation. Venus has ingress in Virgo on the 24th August and will remain till the time of the Lunar Eclipse on the 18th Sept. 2024

The Parameters acquiring important dimension are as follows for break and divorce in Marriage

1.The sign rising at the time of the ingress of Mars in Gemini is Sagittarius and the Lord Jupiter is with Moon in the 6th house indicates happenings related to the 6th house and debt, disease and court cases.

2. Mars is the 5th Lord and the 12th Lord and a separative planet placed in the 7th house disturbs the Marriage, Love relations and bed comforts.

3. 7th Lord Mercury fallen in the 8th house of the Mangla sthan of Marriage for females.

4. 7th Lord in navamsha fallen, retrograde and debilitated

4. Venus the Karka for Marriage in double affliction since in debilitation and with Ketu.

5, Saturn and Venus were in 1/7 axis first and then in 6/8 axis from the 25th August 2024.

6. 7th Lord of the Navamsha Saturn debilitated and with Ketu.

7. Rahu-Ketu in the Kendra in 4/10 axis

8. 7th Lord Saturn in navamsha in deep affliction

8. Rahu in Stationary motion.

9. Moon in the star of Krittika and as per 28 Nakshatra system placed in Sulochana star no Success in Marriage

10 Lagna and Navamsha Lagna both Prishtodayo.

11. In Trishamsha the Lagna of Navamsha gone in the 8th house and in Navamsha the Lagna of Trishamsha has gone in the 6th house .

12. In the D6 chart the 6th Lord Venus and the 7th Lord Mercury are in 6/8 axis .

13. The DBA planets are Sun- Venus- Mercury Sun is separative planet Venus is the 6th Lord and afflicted badly, Mercury is Fallen in the 8th house and is the 7th Lord


The chart is below

The Udhayam is Taurus  and the Udhayam Lord is placed in the 5th house of Love affairs and in Debilitation, In Transit also it is with Ketu in Virgo indicates that the Love relations will brean, Venus is also the 6th Lord hence crystal clear indicates dispute in Marriage.

Jupiter is placed in the 8th house from Udhayam and is 8th Lord and covered by Kavippu hence there will be no prosperity in Marriage and will break with in  few days when Transit Sun reaches over  Venus by 24th Sept 2024 and then before the 1th May 2025.

 As per Kota chakra the Venus is the Kot swami and placed in the worst sector.

As Per Mundane Astrology

The Transit of Mars and Venus is not auspicious for India. Mars in the 7th house at the time of Ingress as the 12th Lord there could be Espionage from Foreign Elements and War like situations in the Country. Crime against women will increase. There will be lot of Representations by Medical Students against the Rape and Murder of the Medical Trainee Doctor in the West Bengal.

The general condition of the Country may not be good.

Saturn in the 3rd house accidents death of people in the publishing sector.

Rahu in the 4th house  Explosions, disaster in the mining sector, earthquakes.

6th house has Moon and Jupiter  strikes, attack and plot by enemy

7th house has Mars  War, Foreign trade , international relations, Marriages and divorces in the Bollywood and of Celebrities. 7th house is the house of a dictator and Mars placed there, hence tremendous fire and aggression. The enemy may attack from the west. Grave danger in the international relations. Chances of war like conditions.

8th house has fallen Mercury Death in publishing sector, children and young people.Legiclation influencing the death duties.

9th house and Sun Judiciary will be strong.

10th house  Venus and Ketu afflictions and the 10th Lord in the 8th house is extremely bad for the Govt. and the Prime Minister. Death of well known women and scandals in the high places of the Society, Divorces of well known women.

It will be a hard nut to crack for the CBI to apprehend the Culprits. 10th Lord in the 8th house and 10th Lord afflicted difficulties for the Govt. and the Prime Minister. Women in the Country may not be safe and will join the representation by the Doctors.

Jupiter in the 6th house in fast motion and Saturn Retrograde in the 10th from Jupiter till 15th Nov. 2024 is a very critical parameter for Stock Market and the escalation of War in the world.

For India Mars will transit over the natal Mars where only 18 bhinashtak varga points are there hence this Transit of Mars over Mars and Venus in affliction and Eclipse on the 18th Sept. 2024  08.00 hrs  with Virgo Lagna can play havoc as above .

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch   Diploma In Marketing Management FMS

Jyotish Acharaya  3 times from BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

26th August 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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