Can Astrology Predict An Earthquake ?

by astrodocanil

“Can Astrology Predict An Earthquake ?”

Earthquakes result from the strain caused by movements of the plates that make up the earth’s out shell and are directly associated with the activity that occur at ocean ridges, trenches and faults. If the earth’s  crust cannot accommodate itself to the strain it breaks up, releasing tremendous amount of energy in the form of sudden violent shocks.

55.80 % earthquakes have occurred during the period covering the 5 tithis i.e. 2 tithis preceding new Moon or the full Moon.

33.5 % earthquakes have occurred during chaturdashi to pratipada

Earthquakes take place close the the heels of an Eclipse.

Japan is Prone to Earthquakes and Tsunami ever since 1th sept 1923 then 11th March 2011 when we saw major earthquakes in  Japan . It is basically its location and as explained above the the plates collide  in the earth for massive earthquakes.

Tokyo-Yokohama earthquake of 1923, earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 that struck the Tokyo-Yokohama metropolitan area near noon on September 1, 1923. The death toll from the temblor was estimated to have exceeded 140,000

The magnitude (MW) 9.0 event occurred at 14.46 PM. local time on 11 March 2011, in the western pacific ocean off the coast of Japan. Its epicenter was approximately 130 km from Sendai, Honshu, Japan.

 Chart of Japan is below of the 28th April 1952 22:30 hrs.

 The Transit Saturn Retrograde over Rahu and Transit Ketu over Natal Saturn in close degrees is a concern when the Solar Eclipse of the 3rd Oct. 2024 will take place in the 10th house of the sign Virgo.. The Solar Eclipse is taking place exactly over the natal Saturn degree-wise and  marak for the chart.

Solar Eclipse of the 3rd Oct. 2024of Japan

 The Following Parameters are of concern  for Earthquakes of high intensity in the immediate present and future in the month of August to Oct 2024.

  1. Malefic aspect or conjunction on the 16th August 2024 between planets
  2. Planets in fixed signs. on the 19th August there are 7 planets in the fixed signs
  3. Taurus sign is a notorious sign and conjunction of Mars and Jupiter  at 22 degrees on the 14th-16th August 2024.
  4. Mars and Jupiter in the star of Rohini till 16th August 2024.
  5. Major Planet Saturn Retrograde along with Mercury about to fall in Cancer on the 22nd August 2024.
  6. Major Planets in Kendra from each other.
  7. Mercury and Moon in the star of Ketu.
  8.  Houses 1,4,7.8.10th house under affliction.
  9.  Mars and Rahu in same navamsha on the 26th August 2024.
  10. Eclipses in the 10tth house of the Country chart. All this seems to happen for specially Japan since thge Eclipse will take place in the 4/10 axis of Japan

Now see the chart of the 18th August 2024 below  it satisfies the above combinations.

 On the 14-16th August both Mars and Jupiter in Taurus will be in Rohini also  prone to earthquakes. 

Now have a look at the 26th August chart when Mars and Rahu are in same navamsha and other conditions also satisfied.

Since the Solar eclipse is taking place on the 3rd Oct. 2024 in the sign of Virgo the Country prone are as below.

Turkey, Brazil, West Ind. Greece,  California,  Some Parts of India, Paris, Jerusalem, Los Angeles and Japan specially.

The other Countries also prone are Indonesia, Sri Lanka ,  Mexico Etc.

 The Time frames are the 14th -16th August, 18th August and 26th August 2024. Rahu the North node is also adverse till the 14th August and then from the 22nd to 27th August and there is also Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Chakras which is also prone to wars and Earthquakes as below .

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch   Diploma In Marketing Management FMS

Jyotish Acharaya  3 times from BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

11th August 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects

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