“Astrology Advise”

by astrodocanil

In the year 2009-2010 one of my clients approached me from Dubai. The native was very much depressed and was almost on the verge of collasping. I remember he was running the dasha of Jupiter Deblitated placed in Lagna and the dasha also started when Jupiter was in adverse condition in deblitation and latter Jupiter was also fallen. The native finances were in terrible condition, due to loans , and other expences .I analysed the situations from the prashna chart and I also saw his horoscope . The planetary positions for Finance were totally adverse. If I had told him the actual situation then he would have immedaitely collasped. Instead I gave him the following advise. I remember in our Jyotish Alankar and Acharaya our Teacher Shri K.K Joshi use to say. Paristhithi cannot be changed , but Manothithi can be changed.

1. I applied this technique and told him to immedaitely consult a Doctor for depression.

2. Start to work for one hour extra every day to find a Job.

3. I told him I will only see your horoscope when you inform me that you have got a interview letter and have got selected. . I told him to do some remedies for Jupiter . The native got some direction and started to follow my advise. I responded to every mail he sent me , so that he adhers to  my advise. After the laspe of 3 -4 months he got an interview call which he had been waiting for almost a year . Earlier all his efforts were going invain. The native even got selected , but I advised him not to join since there were other implications and the net gain was not much, plus he had to break the contract with the present employer for which he would have been penalised.. I asked him to continue his efforts, in this he got confidence slowly and slowly and came out  of depression. Time passed by like this and he got 2 more interview calls and finally he got a job after about 10-12 months .

The moral of the article is the right advise as an astrologer to the client and Mr. K.K.Joshi words hold true Paristhithi cannot be changed but Manothithi can be changed. Hats off to Joshi Sir.We have to have practical approach in giving predictions  so that the person who has come depressed goes with a positive note. It is the duty of the astrologer to see the Prarabdh and freewill in the horoscope to guide the native who has confided in him, rather than misguiding  on the pretext of other Remedies for extracting money which some Astrologer do and bring a bad name to this Science . This is the shortcoming . They donot realise that it can  bounce back if this Science is not used in a holy way. Remedies do work but  and one has to be honest in the approach. My experience is  is the Physocology  is also the most important part  and plays 60% role for Predictions  to be given to the client.

I share my experiences in astrology without any preconcieved thought and any motive with honesty . The readers must have read that i donot hesitate to even write and share my personal experiences . Astrology is a Divine Science and must be shared with out any motive. Any reader who is a part of my predictions , should therefore take it in a positive perspective. I am not naming any person for that purpose or his personal details . I work honestly with a open and pure mind to preach astrology . Thanks to all those who are a part of my Predictions. God Bless.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  5th Feb 2013 link http://www.eduastrology.com/?p=954 Reproduced here on 2nd April 2015

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