Complete Analysis For Marriage By 7 Modules For A Female

by astrodocanil

“Complete Analysis For Marriage By 7 Modules For A Female”

 The Only Astrologer of the world who makes analysis of any query by 7 Techniques by Tamil Classics and by Agastya Nadi

This is with reference to a Client  approaching me for the Marriage of her daughter.

Beti ki shadi kab hogi ?

When the Client Called me I could tell him the Query is for Marriage of her Daughter and tensions after 1st May for her Marriage. I also told him that since the Query is near Sankranti some  the Marriage Proposal would have failed at the time of Sankranti this year .

The Client was surprised that I had no information for her daughter and I instantly told him this on Phone which proved correct.  For Reasons Best known I am not disclosing the  Birth details and the time of the Query.  I asked him the following questions which I do before the analysis for any Client.

  1. Where are you at the moment ? He told me he has come out of the office to call me and is on the road side near a Bridged under Construction and in Silver Colour Car. I asked him is the Construction on or stopped  ? I told him it would have stopped. He replied in affirmative and was surprised.
  2.  I asked him which direction he was facing ? He said East.
  3.  I asked him What Colour of Clothes he is wearing.  I told him Saturn Clothes and Black he replied in affirmative along with green. I also told him that there is tension for the Marriage and lot of illusions. He replied in affirmative.
  4.  I asked him to  give a number between 1 to 12 for Tambula Prashna He gave  6
  5. Ashtakmangla no. he gave  336.
  6. I asked for Birth Details and he gave me.
  7.  As per Arudha Navamsha Chakra which house and which navamsha . He  gave me that also.
  8. I used My Nostrils and found right nostril strong.                                                                                                                        Now My Analysis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MODULE 1.                                                                                                                                                                                Miscellaneous Methods                                                                                                                                                                             1.  Prashna Triangle The Planet influencing the Query is  Neptune creates illusions, defective relationships like Rahu and Marriage does not mature in spite of both parties agree to go in relationships.                                                                      2. Pancha Pakshi The Bird of the Native is Vulture and in sleeping mode   not good for the query. Only after 2.38 years some  respite taking a positive stance.  The immediate present and future are not conducive to give healthy results.                                                                                                                                                                                                              3.    Kota Chakra   Kot Swami Saturn in good state but Kot Paala Mars in worst state, hence marriage may not take place in the Present and immediate future.                                                                                                                                           4.  As Per 28th Nakshatra Method the Moon is  Magha not good and the 7th from the natal star of the girl  . Both conditions are very bad.                                                                                                                                                                            5. Colour of Clothes Saturn and Mercury are influencing the query Both Not placed well in the Prashna Chart.                6. Breath of Astrologer not good on the day  to give conducive results for the Query.                                                                 7.  As Per Tambula Prashna  the sign Calculated is Leo and in the Birth chart Leo has Mars in 5th house fallen and Retrograde  not conducive to give healthy results                                                                                                                               8. The first letter of the Query is B and is Earth sign governed by Saturn , hence delay and neutral results.                           9. Shakun and Omens The Bridge Construction was stopped , so the marriage proposals stopped coming after  1st May 2024 what I predicted at the time of the Call. I told him the Bridge construction will only complete after 2.38 years calculated as per Pancha Pakshi .                                                                                                                                                                 As per the above 9 Methods the score of the Prashna   is 0/9 Hence  No Possibility of Marriage                            MODULE 2.                                                                                                                                                                           As Per Ashtamangla Number 336 This Number is not conducive to give her good results for Marriage as per Calculations of 5 elements   . The Future is bad and also spoilt by the Future planet in the immediate present.            Hence No Marriage seen as per this Module also.                                                                                                               MODULE 3.                                                                                                                                                                            Jamakkol                                                                                                                                                                                                       

The Uday Lagna is Pisces and the Lord is Exalted  in the5th house  Father enquiring about her Daughter. The Planet approaching the Udhayam is Venus hence query for Marriage. Arudha Lagna is  Leo and in 6/8 axis with  Udhaya Lagna and the Lord is Sun and Debilited  hence marriage will not take place , also Sun is the Arudhyam Lord is In Kavippu.

Hence as per this Module also  no Marriage is seen.


Prashna By Parashar

Lagna Lord in the 8th house along with Bhadak Sun who is combusting the Lagna Lord and the Mangla Sthan of the Female  is very bad. 8 type of Humiliations .Moon having aspect of Saturn not good. Moon having good Ithasla with Mars the 7th house and a Poorna ithasla but with  Jupiter also poorna ithasla the 6th Lord in the 8th house hence first marriage almost is fixed and then immediately break due to  some misunderstandings. The  relationship was almost fixed and due to misunderstandings the relation broke, in fact it was at first stage only. In Navamsha Venus the Lagna Lord , 8th Lord and the Karka for Marriage is debilitated. Moon afflicted badly. In D30 also the combinations are weak for Marriage.

Timing . When Jupiter and Ketu Meet again after 4 Years there could be similar happenings and No Marriage .

 Hence Marriage is denied as per this module also, if the relationship is fixed it may break again due to misunderstandings. 


Prashna By B V Raman Method

As Per this Method the Uday Lagna is Libra, Arudha Lagna is Taurus and Chaitra Rashi is Virgo  in the 12th house having Ketu is very bad for the query. The Yoga Sphuta formed is having Rahu is not good for Marriage .

 There is no Promise for Marriage also as per this Technique also.


Birth chart below

As Per the Garbshishta Planets  the Promise is 75 % but the fructification is only 40 % hence very weak combinations for marriage from the  sole planets which are responsible  for every thing in our life.

7th house is vacant is very good but having aspect of 6th Lord is not good since Mercury owns the 6th house of the natural zodiac.

Like Prashna chart Venus is in deep affliction and combusted in the 12th house  with MCL of the 7th house who is also combusted and with Sun and Ketu deny marriage.

Rahu the Up Karka in Marriage in afflicted condition due to its motion.

7th house from Lagna Afflicted , 7th house from Moon afflicted, 7th house from Venus in affliction.

Karka for Husband Jupiter in debilitation and in the 10th house is not good .

Such females  who have Jupiter afflicted in the 10th house  if Marriage does not take place early then the marriage is even denied if it does not happen between the 36th to 40th year.

Venus as the 7th Lord and the Karka for Marriage deeply afflicted.

7th Lord in the 12th house the spouse will be addicted to all vices and may be abroad or not interested in Sex.

 Jupiter has neecha Bhang and in the Navamsha exalted but placed in the 10th house is again not good.

 Venus and MCL of the 10th house connected to Ketu does not give marriage and if it takes place then it is like no marriage.

Fallen Mars in 5th house aspects the 8th house of Mangla sthan of female very bad for Longevity of Marriage and even denied


 In Navamsha also Venus is afflicted 

Fallen Mars with Saturn Sun and Venus in the 3rd house spoils the Marriage very badly and hence denied.

Lagna Lord Venus in Rashi chart deeply combusted and afflicted badly  very bad for marriage.

Jupiter in the 10th house very bad


The Lagna degrees in the Navamsha Lagna are 5.49 in Libra and in 2nd navamsha hence as per the Mathematical Navamsha chart the Planet is  Saturn and is afflicted badly in the 12th house as the MCL of the 7th house with Ketu Sun and Venus is extremely bad for Marriage and hence Marriage is even denied


Lagna of the D9 Libra has a fallen planet in the D30 

Venus is afflicted in D30.

2nd house from the 8th Lord in d30 is Fallen in the Chart is extremely bad for the Spouse  may be also handicapped. 

8th house of D30 has a debilitated Planet

 Not even a single Parameter is positive for Marriage as per the above 6 Modules. 


The chart is of Pisces  Lagna and Mars fallen is placed in the 8th house with 8th Lord Venus and Sun is extremely bad for the Longevity of Marriage . 7th Lord Mercury in the 6th house with 12th Lord Saturn. The Grace is Jupiter in own house although Jupiter-Jupiter dasha may be good for the native Marriage is denied and even if it takes place it will break. The Dasha Lords Mars, Jupiter, Mercury are extremely bad from the  Saptmarudh sign Leo which has a Fallen Planet Mars


The native is running the 27th year of Life and Mars becomes very important in the life of the Native and Mars placed in the 5th house is in fallen state considered to be most venomous for Marriage since it aspects the8th house from the5th house.

Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch    Diploma Marketing Management FMS New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya 3 times from BVB New delhi

  1. Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

    Date 15th June 2024 06-30 hrs New Delhi Reproduced on the 16th June 2024 11-00 hrs .

    Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao

    Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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