Stationary Saturn “A Glimmer Of Hope”For War Porn and Torn Syria

by astrodocanil

Stationary Saturn  A “Glimmer Of Hope”For War Porn and Torn Syria in Present Scenerio

Syria War Begins Sixth Year As US, Russia Pull The Strings


BEIRUT, LEBANONP:  The United States and Russia are pulling the strings in Syria’s five-year war, experts say, pressuring opposing sides and leveraging rival regional powers to reach a settlement.

As the conflict enters its sixth year, the embattled regime and fractured opposition are in Geneva for indirect peace talks hosted by United Nations peace envoy Staffan de Mistura.

But the real solution, experts say, is in Russian and American hands.

“The two great powers talk among themselves by phone or in meetings around the world. Then they inform their Syrian allies and de Mistura what they’ve decided,” says veteran opposition figure Haytham Manaa.
“Then, Russia and the US give the regional powers the red lines they’re not supposed to cross. The US bans the Turks from a ground incursion in Syria and asks the Saudis to stop sending arms. Russia does the same thing with Iran,” Manaa tells AFP.

Syria’s conflict began on March 15, 2011 with a peaceful protest movement calling for President Bashar al-Assad to step down.

But the uprising turned violent after the government launched a brutal crackdown on dissent, and its key players became the various armed forces — regime, opposition, terrorist, Kurdish — and their respective backers.

Russia and the United States have exerted their influence over opposing sides of the complex war to broker a landmark truce that has been holding since February 27.

‘Monopoly Over Syria’

“The US and Russia have taken command of, and have a monopoly over, the Syrian issue,” says Joseph Bahout, a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment in Washington.

Bassel Salloukh, political science professor at the Lebanese American University of Beirut, agrees.

“Indeed, what started as a non-violent movement demanding reforms metamorphosed into an overlapping domestic, regional, and international struggle over Syria,” Salloukh says.

He expects that “the strategic interests of Russia and the US will determine the shape of the settlement in Syria rather than the aspirations of its peoples.”

Both the US and Russia were hesitant to become involved in a conflict as complex and unpredictable as Syria.

“The notion that we could have… changed the equation on the ground there was never true,” US President Barack Obama has told The Atlantic magazine reporter Jeffrey Goldberg.

When the United States did finally get militarily involved in Syria in September 2014, it was as part of a bombing campaign against the ISIS group.

One year later, Russia launched its own air war backing Assad after a devastating string of losses for the regime in the spring and summer of 2015.

Moscow’s intervention was a major turning point for pro-Assad forces, shoring up their positions in the south, centre, and north.

“Moscow long believed that the regime would pull through on its own. It’s Tehran, the regime’s other ally, that sounded the alarm,” a foreign diplomat in Damascus tells AFP.

“Iranian officials went to Moscow to tell the Russians that if they didn’t intervene immediately, the regime would collapse,” the diplomat says.

‘New World Order’

“Asking the Syrian actors to agree has proven unsuccessful… because their ideological and territorial disagreements are so profound,” says Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma.

“But all actors are so entirely dependent on their sponsors that they must comply with the wishes of their armourers.”

But Russian and American leverage over warring parties in Syria has its limits.

About half of Syrian territory is controlled by either ISIS or Al Qaeda affiliate Al Nusra Front, complicating the current truce deal and a future settlement.

And Assad’s regime has occasionally spoken out of turn.
In an interview with AFP in February, Assad said he sought to regain control over all of Syria, spurring the Russian government to slap him down.

“Russia has invested very seriously in this crisis, politically, diplomatically and now also militarily,” Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s envoy to the UN, said at the time.

“Therefore we would like Assad also to respond.”

Fyodor Lukyanov, head of the Russian government-linked Council on Foreign and Defence Policy, says the Russian-US leadership are reminiscent of “the good old times.”

“Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, it turns out that the only actors capable of deciding and taking action are Moscow and Washington,” he says.

“Russia and the United States are indeed the only ones capable of pushing the warring parties towards peace,” Lukyanov tells AFP.

“Other countries will not, or cannot, do it. This is the new world order.”

Syria war: UN envoy opens peace talks in Geneva

The United Nations special envoy for Syria says the resumption of peace talks between Syrian government envoys and representatives of the opposition is a “moment of truth” for the war-torn nation.

Staffan de Mistura spoke to reporters on Monday moments before “proximity talks” were resumed in Geneva, a month after they were suspended amid an upsurge in violence in Syria.

Repeating his line that there is no “plan B” – other than a return to war – De Mistura asked to hear from all sides of the conflict but said he would have no hesitation in calling in the big powers, led by the United States and Russia, if the talks get bogged down.

“If during these talks and in the next rounds we see no notice of any willingness to negotiate … we will bring the issue back to those who have influence, and that is the Russian Federation, the US … and the Security Council,” he told a news conference.

The talks came as he said a “fragile” ceasefire had largely held since February 27, and humanitarian aid deliveries had resumed in recent weeks.

Al Jazeera’s Diplomatic Editor James Bays, reporting from Geneva, said De Mistura wanted negotiations to focus on “substantive issues”, including a new constitution and UN-monitored elections, but that the government and opposition were far apart on the future of President Bashar al-Assad.

Bays said the envoy was likely to proceed with an abundance of caution as talks opened.

“Mr de Mistura, throughout this, has been very keen to be positive and keep the momentum growing, because he knows there really are different crunch issues and if he was to dive into those straight away, the talks would collapse,” he said.

“Yes, he says he wants substantive talks. Yes, he says he is going to deal with the mother of all issues – political transition – but he is going to do it very carefully.”

TALK TO AL JAZEERA: Staffan de Mistura says no ‘plan B’ for Syria

Syria’s main opposition group, the High Negotiations Committee, or HNC, has announced it expects Geneva discussions to include Assad’s departure and a timeframe for elections.

However, Bashar Jaafari, leading the government delegation to Switzerland, said in an interview with Syrian state TV late on Sunday that the opposition’s discussions on removing Assad were an attempt to derail the peace talks before they had even begun.

As the negotiations opened on Monday, the UN agency for children highlighted the humanitarian crisis on the ground in Syria – saying more than 80 percent of Syria’s children had been harmed by the five-year-old conflict.

UNICEF said a third of Syrians under the age of 18, or about 3.7 million, were born since the uprising against Assad erupted in 2011 and escalated into a full-blown civil war.

The fighting has killed more than 250,000 people and displaced almost half the country’s pre-war population of 23 million.

Let us have a look at the chart of Syria to evaluate the situations which could shape the future 

In this connection I have already written a couple of Articles  link

Syrian Arab Republic in the present day context  is known to the world for its tempestuous Political and Military history. 6th and 8th Lord Saturn and Mars in the 9th house indicate the same in the foundation chart). France granted independence  to the Middle-Eastern Syrian state, as a Paramilitary Republic in April 1946.The post independence time was how ever  was not peaceful at all and full of atrocities against the public , with number of  military coups keeping the country destabilized and under extreme  anguish and pain . Non democratic practices of Government have been keeping the voice of the people suppressed brutally.The country has witnessed  mass killings and violence. It is because of the internal conflicts that Syria has been suspended from the Arab League. Most of the People are  of the view that Syria is slowly and definitely landing itself towards a civil war.  The Governments of France, Spain, Bulgaria and Libya also have recognised the major opposition party of Syria, the Syrian National Council as the sole legitimate authority of the state. I am strongly of the opinion astrologically that 2015 will be an extremely difficult year with strong push and pulls for President Bashar Al-Assad, and in all likelihood a total  discontent escalating among the population will force a change of regime for certain in the  future or country may be divided into two halves .

The Iran is also helping the Assad regime with logistic support to quash the uprising in his country. But the oil rich Sunni monarchy of Saudi Arabia, with its Gulf allies Kuwait and Qatar, had been secretly supporting the Sunni rebels’ militants in Syria and Iraq to topple their Shia lead incumbent governments and replace them with more Sunni friendly rulers. Current Syrian President Bashar-al-Assad is from a Alawites sect, which is an offshoot of Shia Islam. The Shia’s in Syria make up 13% of the population of and Sunnis make up 74% majority. In Iraq the Shia’s are in majority as they make up more than half of the population ofIraq. The current President of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki is from the Shia majority community.Saudi Arabia and its allies want to topple these two Shia rules of Syria and Iraq so that they can  expend Sunni Wahbbi movement in the middle-east.

Let us now analyse the foundation chart of Syria together with the Hindu New Moon Pieces charts and the foundation charts  astrologically and the Paksha Kundali  and see what could be the outcome of the situation which is posing threat to the  dictators of the Arab World in their countries and the indications  of Conjuction of Venus and Jupiter on the 30th May 2015.

There are big questions

What next for Syria? Six questions on the war-torn country’s future following Vladimir Putin’s withdrawal link

Let us discuss first the charts below.

The Chart of Syria 13th nov 1970 05-50 hrs Damascus  below


The Country is reeling in the dasha of Jup-Jup-Mars from 1st March 2016  and Crucial Dasha of Jup-Sat-Sat for the country from 11th August 2016. 

Jupiter is the Lord of the 3rd and the 6th and a functional malefic for Libra Asendant and Saturn is Placed in the 7th house of Wars. The Rudramsha Chart is depicting crystal clear , the dahsa Lord Jupiter who is the 8th Lord Placed in the Lagna and the 7th lord placed in the 12th house with Lagna Lord , Hence Jup-Saturn will be the Most Crucial dasha for the Country

As Per Principles of K . N Rao Mars placed in the 12th house of the foundation chart makes the Country War Prone

Let us also have a look at the Transit of the Time when the Civil war started on the 15th March 2011 with respect to the Transit on the 15th March 2016

war and transit 15-3-2016

Let us Compare the 3 charts .

1. The foundation chart of Syria.

2. Chart at the time  of Break of Civil War on the 15th March 2011

3. Present Transit on the 15th March 2015

Syria Chart                                               War Transit 15-3-2011                         Present Transit

Libra Lagna 23.08 Degrees                No Planet in Libra                                       No Planet

Venus, Jup, Sun in Lagna

 Venus 22.22 degrees at MEP            Venus in 4th house at 22.17 MEP      No Planet in Capricorn

2nd House Scorpio

Mercury 6.43 degrees                             No Planet , Saturn aspects Natal Mercury  Mars at 8.56 degrees over Natal Mercury

Saturn 22.13

3rd House Sagitarius

No Planet                                                          Rahu 4.31 degrees                                          Rahu in Leo  27.41

Natal Rahu in Aquarius 5.41                Mars in Aquarius at 22.24  MEP        Venus 9.11 Mercury 22.42

Ketu 27.41

6th House Pieces 

No Planet                                                          Sun 0.58 degrees, Mercury 16.59      Sun 0.54 Degrees 

Jup 17.13

7th House Aries

Moon 24.44 and SaturnR 25.34                    No Planet                                                         No planet

8th House Taurus

No planet                                                            No Planet                                                         Moon 

9th House Gemini 

No Planet                                                           Ketu 4.31 degrees                                           No Planet

10th House Cancer 

No Planet                                                           Moon                                                                 No Planet

11th House  Leo

Ketu 5.41 degrees                                             Mars aspects this house                               Rahu 27.41 Jup 23.20 R

                                                                                                                                                Mars at the time of War 

                                                                                                                                                Aspects Jupiter degreewise

   Transit 15th March 2016 Rahu-Ketu over Rahu-Ketu Natal 

12th House Virgo 

Mars 21.34 degrees                               Saturn 21.17Retrograde                      Transit Saturn over Mercury and Sensitive

                                                                        Over Natal Mars                                   Degrees in 2nd House activated By Saturn

                                                                                                                                             at the time of War 15-3-2011  

From the above and as per Navamsha as well it seems the time of Cease fire has taken Place due to Following Parameters .

  1.   At the time of War on the 15th March 2011, Saturn was Retrograde at 21.17 degrees over the Natal Mars in Virgo the 12th house of losses at 21.34 degrees .
  2. At this Point Saturn also aspected the 12th Lord Mercury in Scorpio at 6.43 degrees . Saturn acticvated this Point in scorpio between 27th July to 7th August 2015 when in Stationary position at 4.13 degrees  and also aspected the Transit Mercury in Leo in these degrees
  3. At the time of War nodes and Saturn were in Square Position on the 15th March 2011  . On the 15th March 2016 , they again in square Position, Nodes are also over the natal Nodes on the 15th March 2016, Rahu over Ketu  and Ketu over Rahu.
  4. Debilitated Sun in Lagna and on the 15th March 2011 and 15th March 2016 Sun over Sun at same point  
  5. Eclipse over Mars at the time of War on the 15th March 2011, Sun and Moon at 24.50 degrees  on the 9th March 2016,
  6. Transit Mars aspects the Mars in the 5th house where Mars is Placed at the time of war on the 15th March 2016, Mercury 12th Lord in Transit over Mars at exact degrees 22.42 on the 15th March 2016


Apart from the above Parameters the Parameters for Compromise are as follows

  1. Lagnesh Venus and 7th Lord  connection brings compromise  . Now on the 15th March 2016 Transit Venus over Mars in Aquarius at the time of War and also aspected by Transit Mars on the 15th March 2016 at almost same degrees. Transit Mars at 8.56 and Trasit Venus at 9.11 degrees , Transit Venus will reach Mars at 22.24 degrees at the time of War on the 26th March 2016. Venus In Transit will aspect the Natal Mars of the Syria on the 19th April 2016. Mars Stationary and Retrograde will then aspect  the Mars at the time of War and hence there will be Compromise
  2. Between the 17th June to 3rd July Mars will be fallen and fall back on natal Venus of the Syria Chart , this will be a critical time
  3. The strongest Parameter is the Saturn in Stationary Position with Mars the 2nd and 7th Lord in Scorpio, hence till Saturn again goes in Retrogression and in Stationary position will not change the Status
  4. Saturn will again go in Stationary position on the 8th August to 18th August could change the Scenerio. The Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 will also influence the Status of the War
  5. Saturn and Mars both will be at the stationary points at 15 degrees between the 23rd August to 25th August and Saturn will also aspect the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 , Saturn has the capacity to turn the tables into a Big War  since Saturn will be at the Stationary point of the 8th to 18th August and aspect Degreewise the Lumanaries and mars will also be at these degrees on the 23rd to 25th August 2016.
  6. Hence all the above shows that the above may be only for a Short duration . There is possibility of Escalation around the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016                                                                                         

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 15th March 2016 10-00 am 


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer. The Predictions may turn out incorrect , hence the risk is of the reader and the Investor and not of the writer thereof. This is for the astrologer lovers only for Text purposes only . The Writer does not want to encourage Speculation also hence the Exact dates for Down fall or rise are not Pointed though  the dates may prove correct or not has to be seen. The Principles of Vedic Astrology have been employed















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