Mars-Saturn Conjunction And Then Mars-Rahu Conjunction From 23rd April-1st June 2024 Boiling Point For World Crisis

by astrodocanil

“Mars-Saturn Conjunction And Then Mars-Rahu Conjunction From 23rd April-1st June 2024 Boiling Point For World Crisis”

We have talked enough for Mars and Saturn Conjunction which is taking place till the 23rd April 2024. Let us also see what are the consequences of the Mars and Rahu Conjunction which is termed as ‘Angarak Yoga’ which will take place from the 23rd April to 1st June 2024. The most important parameter is the Activation of the Eclipse point of 25 degrees by Mars on the 26th May 2024. Mars ignites  Explosion and the Ultimate  Result of the Solar Eclipse as mentioned in all my Articles as per the “Theory Of Inevitability of Shri K N Rao”. Mars and Rahu will be degree conjunct on the19th May 2024  all these time frames can prove to be bolt from the blue for the world and we may see a trailer of WW3 which will take place as already predicted around the May-July 2030. The Conditions are prone to wars like circumstances from the 18th April to 7th July 2024 broadly speaking and more so till the 1st June 2024

Before I proceed further  on the Mars Rahu Conjunction, there is another Conjunction of Rahu with Debilitated Fallen Mercury and Venus at 23 degrees a rare conjunction for the stock market. The Longitudinal Distance between Mercury and Venus is zero and a planetary war and both with Rahu at the same degrees. This Makes Rahu very strong and capable to create havoc and turn the tables upside down. Rahu will also be in afflicted condition between the 16th April to 22nd April 2024. This Time frame can prove a explosive for the Middle East Tensions and the Brawl between Israel and Iran which are at boiling point.—————-Note My Predictions 


The Basic concept is the Conjunction is taking place in a totally watery sign. Hence Floods, Earthquakes, Tsunami and War in the Sea since the Solar Eclipse has also taken in the sign Pisces

Mars is known as the fiery planet, representing high energy  ..

Mars is known as the fiery planet, representing high energy. Mars represents Armed forces, It is the Planet of wars and strife and represents violence of every kind including fire and explosions. It also represents proxy war, assassinations and also coup d’etat.

Rahu Represents crime War of any kind worst disasters of the world stands for rebellion and mutiny, political plots, anti-religious happenings
If no strikes are there between Israel and Iran till 28th April 2024 then there could be De-escalation of the war for some time 
 Hence the Mars and Rahu Conjunction can be fatal on the 20th May 2024 for even war escalation in the world , brawl between nations can go for a toss. The middle east crisis an take an ugly dimension between 20 to 26th May 2024

Let us see what all have happened when Mars and Rahu conjunction takes place in the Past.

War With China

Mars and Rahu were Conjunct on the 20th Oct. 1962 when the War took place. Mars and Rahu were in the sign Cancer and Saturn and Ketu were in the sign Capricorn The Present effect is not Critical as at the time of the Oct 1962 war. In the Rashi Sanghatta chakra both Sun and Moon were in vedha.  In the Present Context Mars will give Vedha to Sun  and when Moon is in Taurus, Libra or Aquarius will be time frame of Explosions.

Earth quake in Bihar

16th Jan 1934 There was Earthquake in Bihar when Rahu and Mars were in the Sign Capricorn.

Coup In Bangladesh

Coup in Bangladesh took place when Mars and Ketu were in the Sign Taurus on the 15th August 1975

Madrid Tragedy

11th March 2004 Mars and Rahu were in Aries.

Terror In UK

On the 7th July 2005 A Terrorism Took place . Mars and Rahu were in Pisces at the time of Terror Attack. We have similar conjunction now and  Activation of the Eclipse point on the 24-26th May 2024

9/11 Attacks World Trade Center
The September 11th or 9/11 attacks, also known as the 9/11 attacks in the USA, were a series of planned terrorist assaults carried out by the radical organisation al-Qaeda on the morning of September 11, 2001,

At this time Mars was with Ketu in Close Degrees Opposed By Rahu and Moon .

Now have a Look at the vedha  between Planets specially when Moon and Sun will be afflicted in the Nakshatra and  Rashi Sanghatta Chakra below Between the 16th to 28th  April 2024 which are explosive for World Crisis. Wars, Tsunami, Earthquakes, Terrorism and war in the sea. The Countries most prone are US, Canada, Mexico, Coastal Countries Japan, The Israel-Iran war can take ugly shape showing us a trailer of the WW3 war in the coming years. Needless to mention the Countries. There are two group odf the Countries and the brawl between them can become most ugly.

See the chart of the 18th April 2024 below identical tot the Foundation chart of US

From the Below Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra there is  Vedha between Planets as below

  1. Venus Mercury and Rahu with Sun
  2. Mars Saturn Vedha between Moon and Jupiter.

All the Planets and The Luminaries are having vedha and specially between Mars and Saturn can lead to Wars, Earthquakes, Tsunami, Terrorism of intensity and War in the Sea between 18th to 22nd April most prone time when Rahu Demon is also in direct motion has the capacity to turn the tables upside down


Rashi Sanghatta Chakra between the 16th to 28th April 2024

Vedha as below

  1. Vedha between Sun-Jupiter and  Mer Ven and Rahu
  2. Mars and Saturn Vedha
  3. Moon will be afflicted  with Ketu, then Mars and Saturn and then Rahu Mercury and Venus


  In this Chakra also there are Vedha between Planets  which lead to uncomfortable position in the Globe and as mentioned above all the events are prone  from the 16th April to 28th April with magnittude. The Time Most Prone is from ther 18th to 22nd for World Crisis  as per the Above chakras

Now see the Chart of the 19th May 2024 where are conjunctions at 20 degrees of the malefic planets. The chart opens the secrets of the happenings in the near future when Mars and Rahu will be degree conjunct and vedha between Planets with Malefics

Now see the vedha between the Planets as below

There is Vedha between Planets in the  Rashi Sanghatta charka. The Planetary positions are also prone to untoward happenings till the 1st June 2024 in the Globe and specially  between 18th To 26th May the most Prone time for Disasters

and wars.

 From the above it is Clear that the Planetary positions starting from the 18th April to 26th May 2024 are most Prone to Wars, Tsunami, Earthquakes, Terrorism, Political Turmoil in the Globe The Brawl between nations will become most ugly and we may even see a Trailer of the WW3 in 2024 in the above stated time frame . 

The Countries  US, ISrael, Nato Countries on one side and the Rest of the world on the other side and specially the  Russia, China, Iran and North Korea on the other side .


Written on 16th April 2024 07-00 hrs New Delhi Added some notes and Predictions on the 20th April 2024 at 07-00 hrs New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 


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