Iranian Attack Expected On Israel Next Two Days Mars Saturn & Demon Rahu On Wheel

by astrodocanil

“Iranian Attack Expected On Israel Next Two Days Mars Saturn and Demon Rahu On Wheel”

Israel is on high alert for a potential direct attack from Iran, which could occur in the southern or northern regions within the next 24 to 48 hours.

Royal Marines preparing to lead 'Dunkirk-style' evacuation of Britons living in the Middle East should Iran launch missile attacks on Israel after consul blast that killed 13 people

I have been mentioning on my webpage that the time frame from the 6th April to 14th April 2024  and then from the 16th to 23rd April 2024 is prone to war like conditions and specially between Israel and  Iran is most venomous for a big war in the globe.

Read My Article in this regard below

Planetary Positions Between 9th-10th April To 14th April 2024 Are Explosive for Earthquakes, Tsunami, Wars, Political Trauma – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (   dated 8th April 2024

Let me reproduce the important text of the Article below

“Planetary Positions Between 9th-10th April To 14th April 2024 Are Explosive for Earthquakes, Tsunami, Wars, Political Trauma “

Have a look at the chart  of the 9th April 2024  08-10 hrs  IST below of Taurus Lagna where Moon and Mercury are degree conjunct and Saturn and Mars in Planetary war just after the Solar Eclipse of the 8th April 2024 at 23.50 hrs New Delhi. As already mentioned by me as per the Classic for Omens Matsya Puran mentions if Planetary war takes place between planets after the Eclipse then there will be war like situations in the World. There could be Natural and Unnatural Calamities which could influence the masses in the world. Moon and Mercury in gandantha and in the same star is explosive for earthquakes of  magnitude. I fear since the Eclipse is taking place in the star Revati the direction may be  North East direction Roughly parts of Nepal, Sikkam, Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh, Tibet, China, Burma. There could be similar happenings in the US, Mexico, Canada  Indonesia, Japan and Coastal Countries. The Brawl between Israel and Iran could also take an ugly turn in this time frame . Middle East could be under the shadow of War like conditions.

The Lagna is same as the India Foundation chart, normally earthquakes take place after New Moon and is just after the New Moon of the 8th April 2024 . War and Warlike conditions in the World. All treaties made will be broken it so seems since if made in Panchak between the 5th to 9th April 2024 and Demon Rahu is afflicted badly till the 12th April 2024. It seems Alarm Bells are ringing  for the effect of the Solar Eclipse and the Mars and Saturn planetary war where Mars is always the winner. All the Planets are influenced by Mars and Saturn hence explosive. As already mentioned earlier there is also vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Nakshatra and Rashi Sanghatta chakra which are the sole chakras which show war like situations will take place.

Attack On Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Raises Risk Of Catastrophic Accident

Tensions surrounding the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, Europe’s largest nuclear facility, have escalated following reports of drone attacks. Russia has accused Ukraine of targeting the plant, which is under Russian control, three times in a single day.


Kyiv has denied any involvement in these strikes, with Ukrainian intelligence suggesting an internal operation by Russian forces.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner

Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

8th April 2024 10-30 hrs  New Delhi

Another Article below most important

As Predicted Alarm Bells Ringing For Iran Attack On Israel. Earthquakes. Tsunami War Like Situations In Globe – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

As Predicted Alarm Bells Ringing For Iran Attack On Israel. Earthquakes. Tsunami War Like Situations In Globe

Let me reproduce this article here for ready reference  below

“As Predicted Alarm Bells Ringing For Iran Attack On Israel. Earthquakes. Tsunami War Like Situations In Globe”

 Look What I predicted and what is happening in the World. All Predictions on spot even the time frame . There are 100 % chances that Iran will pounce on Israel between 6th to 14th April 2024. The Countries prone are Canada, US, Mexico, Iran, Israel, Indonesia, Japan and all countries near Coastal Areas. Mars Saturn and Demon Rahu on the steering wheel of disaster.

As Predicted Alarm Bells Ringing For Iran Attack On Israel. Earthquakes. Tsunami War Like Situations In Globe

Read  My latest Article “6th April -14th April & Then 16th-23rd April 2024 Most Prone Dates For Earthquakes Tsunami & Brawl Between Nations Going For A Toss – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

“6th April -14th April & Then 16th-23rd April 2024 Most Prone Dates For Earthquakes Tsunami & Brawl Between Nations Going For A Toss”

I have been mentioning on my webpage the the time frame from the 15th March to May 2024 is most prone time for the Earthquakes. Tsunami, Brawl Between Nations going for a Toss and Political Turmoil. My Predictions at the time of  writing of this Articles has Proved on Spot. Now see what all is happening . The Countries most Prone are US, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Indonesia and Many more.

 Now see what I had Predicted and what happened . AL MOST ALL PREDICTIONS HAVE COME TRUE

Tens of thousands rally in Jerusalem to oppose Netanyahu’s government


Tens of thousands rally in Jerusalem to oppose Netanyahu's government

Waring Bells For The US Ringing For Threats From Islamic State Which Are ‘Inevitable’ – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Waring Bells For The US Ringing For Threats From Islamic State Which Are 'Inevitable' - Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

U.S, NATO fear threat to European Union as Iran And Russia on verge of signing new treaty


U.S, NATO fear threat to European Union as Iran And Russia on verge of signing new treaty


Israel vs Iran: IDF halts combat leave as Khamenei promises ‘slap on Zionist regime’ for Syria strike

Israel vs Iran: IDF halts combat leave as Khamenei promises 'slap on Zionist regime' for Syria strike

Iran, Hezbollah Vow Israel Won’t Go Unpunished For Syria Strike

Iran, Hezbollah Vow Israel Won't Go Unpunished For Syria Strike | IN18V | CNBC TV18

‘Israeli airstrike’ destroys Iranian consulate in Syrian capital ‘killing and injuring everyone inside’: Revolutionary Guard military commander is among the dead

'Israeli airstrike' destroys Iranian consulate in Syrian capital 'killing and injuring everyone inside': Revolutionary Guard military commander is among the dead

More to be seen as per the time frame mentioned above Specially till the 26th May 2024. My Predictions are spot on even the dates stipulated by me.

As per Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra the vedha between Mars and Saturn is explosive for the country in all aspects for war. heavy earthquakes, tsunami as Saturn and Mars are also the 6th and the 8th Lord.

Now see the Nakshatra and Rashi Sanghatta chakra which open the secret of wars. The Combinations are deadly for wars In Rashi Sanghatta chakra the Vedha between Mars and Saturn in Aquarius and when ever  Moon and Sun Join in Taurus are critical time frames specially around the 26th May 2024 when Mars activates the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse at 25 degrees in Pisces




This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

5th  APRIL 2024 AT 16-30 HRS NEW DELHI

Reproduced on the 6th April 2024 at 18-00 hrs New Delhi Reproduced on the 12th April 2024 at 20-00 hrs

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First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer. .All My Predictions on the Virus Spread and ease have proved 100 % correct even the dates .


Iran Accuses Israel Of Killing Generals In Syria Strike Mars Saturn & Demon Rahu On Steering Wheel May Escalate The Crisis – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

“Iran Accuses Israel Of Killing Generals In Syria Strike Mars Saturn & Demon Rahu On Steering Wheel May Escalate The Crisis”

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards say seven officers have been killed in an Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate building in Syria’s capital, Damascus.

Iran and Syria’s governments condemned the attack, which destroyed a building next door to the Iranian embassy.

The Israeli strikes have reportedly been stepped up since the start of the war in Gaza in October last year, in response to cross-border attacks on northern Israel by Hezbollah and other Iran-backed groups in Lebanon and Syria.

But Monday’s attack will be seen as a serious escalation.

 I have been mentioning in all my Articles that the time frame from the 15th March to June 2024 is explosive for the world and there will be war -like situations in the world and the Brawl between the nations will go for a Toss. The Mars Saturn Conjunction in the sign Aquarius  in the 6th house of Israel and also in the 6th house of Russia  and which is also taking place in the 8th house of Iran will prove a Bolt from the Blue for the Globe and tensions may aggravate beyond expectations around the Eclipse on the 8th April 2024to 10th April 2024. Read My Articles in this Regard below.

“March 25th To July 2024 Prone To Wars, Terrorism, Tsunami, Catastrophes, Earthquakes Fall And Then Rise In Stock Markets”

Mars , Saturn & Demon Rahu on the Driving Wheel Of Catastrophes from 25th March to July 2024

I have been mentioning in all my Articles that the time frame from the 28th Feb to 26th May is  time fame when Red Planet Mars Roman God Saturn and the North Node Rahu will be on the driving wheel of Catastrophes parallel 1984 and 1994. The  Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Aquarius between the 15th March to 23rd April and Total Solar Eclipse in the total watery sign Pisces can prove explosive for Canada, Mexico and the US since the Eclipse is visible in these countries. Worst for  Canada since as per the Solar Eclipse and the Pisces New Moon chart the conjunction and Planetary war between Mars and Saturn is taking place in the 8th house, Mars and Saturn conjunction in the 7th house of the Natal Chart of US and Solar Eclipse in the 8th house in watery sign can Prove like a bolt from the blue as per the time frame stated above. Unfortunately the Conjunction of Mars and Saturn is taking place in the 6th house of Russia, Israel, 8th House of Iran and the Solar Eclipse in the 7th house of Wars in the foundation chart of Israel and Russia. For Iran it is taking place in the 9th house . All this indicates Crisis in the Middle East and escalation of the Israel and Hamas War specially between Israel and Iran direct.

It Seems that the Solar Eclipse in totally watery sign Pisces on the 8th April 2024 will be a bolt from the blue for the World due to Tsunami’s specially where the Eclipses are visible. The Troubles related to  rains, Tsunami’s and Earthquakes are on the Cards specially in Mexico, Canada and the US Indonesia, Japan, Philippines and Coastal Countries. Let us have a close look at the chart of Iran and Israel for the Immediate future although I have already predicted ugly situation in the world due to  Conjunction of the 2 heavy malefics Mars and Saturn transit in trik bhavas for both the Countries.

As already pointed out the Countries Prone to catastrophes are  US, Iran, Israel, Russia, Canada, Japan, Indonesia in a nut shell for Catastrophes , Economy Break, Earthquakes, Volcanos, Political Hazards.

Solar Eclipse and Pisces New Moon Chart For Canada of the 8th April 2024 14-20-20 hrs  On Monday Hence the King of the Year is Mars and the Minister is Saturn and both are placed in the 8th house where the Planetary war is taking place. The relations with India will become ugly as per the above Parameters discussed.

All this authenticated by the Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi and Nakshatra Chakras  which is explosive for war like condition in the world.


 The Chart below shows War like conditions in the world due to Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the same star  as per the Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra from the 24th March to 5th April 2024 and then from the 12th April to 27th April 2024 . These combinations are taking place in the 7th house of the US foundation chart over the natal Moon most precarious for the Country to be involved in a war like conditions in the Red Sea. These Parameters are for the complete Globe and specially fore India and the US and so many other Countries. As per the Rashi Sanghatta chakra the vedha between Mars and Saturn remains from the 15th March to 23rd April 2024

 The Time frame from the 12th March to 1st week of July is Prone to catastrophes of magnitude Note My Predictions, all has been Predicted well in advance on my webpage since Mars Saturn and Demon Rahu are on the steering wheel of Catastrophe.


The Foundation chart of Israel is of the 14th May 1948 16-00 hrs . Tel Aviv of Virgo Ascendant below as per the Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion. .

The Chart is self explanatory. The Dasha of Rahu-Rahu-Saturn till the 22-11–2023 and broadly speaking the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu  till 28-10-2025 will be explosive and the Country and  may be involved in war like conditions due to the following parameters explained below  .

  1. Rahu in the 8th house and having aspect of Saturn 6th Lord of enemies  and aspect of the 7th Lord Jupiter is Crucial for war like conditions in the Country
  2. Mars in the 12th house makes the Country prone to espionage from foreign elements and terrorism.
  3. 8th Lord Mars the dispositor of Rahu aspects the 7th house of Wars.
  4. Jupiter the 7th Lord aspects the Rahu in the 8th house.
  5.  Transit of Mars and Saturn in the 6th house from Lagna and the 8th from Natal Moon will aggravate the war like conditions. from the 15th March to 26th May 2024
  6. Solar Eclipse in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna will put the Country on knees, unless other Countries like US do not interfere and help Israel.
  7. Dasha of Rahu-Rahu-Saturn till the 26th April 2024 will be most explosive for the War escalation in the Israel.


Let us have a look at the Foundation chart of Iran of the 1st April 1979 15.00 hrs. Tehran as per the Book Of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion

The Dasha in operation is of Jupiter-Moon-Venus and all the 3 Planets connected to the 7th house of Wars Till 10-6-2024.

The Solar Eclipse over the Natal Sun Mercury and Mars on the 8th April 2024 and the Mars and Saturn conjunction in the 8th house from the Lagna and in the 1/7 axis of the natal nodes may prove explosive and the Country may enter in war lioke conditions. The Conjunction of Mars and Saturn at 20-21 degrees on the 10th April will be over the natal Venus and Ketu will further aggravate the situations for an ugly war. The Retaliation from Iran is therefore expected very shortly to pounce upon Israel. The Moment the Moon Travels from Aquarius to Pisces will the Prone time when Iran could fire back on Israel between the 4th April to 12th April 2024. The Brawl between Iran and Israel will escalate beyond expectations.

Additional Predictions China-US proxy war is also on the Cards  Hence till the 25th April 2024 it is the game of Rahu Mars and Saturn and a big war is on the cards in the globe

Mars activation of the eclipse point of the 8th April 2024 on the 26th May 2024 will be the worst time for the world since then  worst results of the Eclipse will be seen in May and June 2024 . Mars will reach 25 degrees in Pisces. War, Tsunami, Earthquakes War like situations in the world

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner

Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

Now On the 25th March 2024  14-00 hrs New Delhi Reproduced on the 3rd April 2024 18-50 hrs  Now again on the 12th April 2024 at 20-00 hrs 

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