Query From A Female What Is Happening In My Life ? Astrological Analysis Using 7 Modules By Tamil Classics

by astrodocanil

“Query From A Female What Is Happening In My Life ? Astrological Analysis Using 7 Modules By Tamil Classics”

On the 18th Feb 2024 at 19-03 hrs  I received a call from a female native who wanted to consult me. She did not share her query on the phone.

1.Since the query was at the time of din ratri sandhi and Leo sign rising which I knew. The Lagna Lord in the 7th house with 7th Lord Saturn .I asked her if the Query was relating to Marriage. The Female replied in affirmative.

2. I also asked her if she was wearing Green and Brown Clothes . She replied in affirmative. The reason was clear Rahu was afflicted at the time of Query and in Direct motion and also Upkarka for Marriage. Rahu is Brown and since in Revati star of Mercury she would be wearing green clothes also. Hence impact of the Demon Rahu for Un Happy married life.

She was astonished  to learn that I could tell her the Query regarding Marriage and unhappy marriage life for the last 19 years since Saturn the 7th Lord is Combusted and Dasha of Saturn is 19 years. Since I had  told her these findings by me even with out looking at any chart and any details knowing about her , she was totally astonished  that I could tell her what was happening in her Life.

I asked her Birth details which she shared that she was born on the 20th April 1984 09-20 hrs New Delhi.

I immediately opened the Chart on the Computer and Found the Chart with Gemini Lagna and Dasha of Moon-Venus in operation. Moon in the 7th house with 7th Lord Jupiter in own house and Venus Exalted in the 10th house. Which also indicated query related to  Marital Relations.

In the Prashna chart at the time of Query Mars and Venus were in the 6th house and Planetary war and 7th Lord Saturn combusted in the 7th house with Sun the planet of detachment. Crystal clear indicated that the native is having acute marital problems for the last 18-19 years

Rahu the Up Karka for Marriage and also the Dara Karka as per the Natal Chart was afflicted in both the Prashna chart and the Birth chart since in Direct motion. Dasha of Rahu is 18 years and that of Saturn 19 years hence the native is suffering for the last 18-19 years . Once I was convinced that the query is genuine I proceeded by the 7 Modules which I use for predictions for any Query.


Miscellaneous Methods

  1. Prashna Triangle. The Planet influencing the Query is  Venus Hence related to Unhappy Marriage since in Transit Venus has lost in Planetary war with Mars in the sign Capricorn.
  2.  Pancha Pakshi The Ruling Bird is Owl asper the Birth chart and in Ruling State  till the 20-45 hrs only and after that Death State, hence the Present is good and Future is worst for the Query.

3. Trishul Chakra below Moon is at the trishul Tip not good for the Query of Marriage.

4. Kota Chakra Kot Paal and Kotswami both in worst condition for good and conducive marriage relations

5. Color of Clothes  As already discussed above shows Marriage query and worst results

6.Shakun and Omens. When I started to write, I picked 7 pens and all were having problems for writing the Predictions, this shows Mercury and Mercury in9th Navamsha and hence coming 9×2=18 months are full of Trouble in the Married life.

7. Kaal Chakra

Venus although Placed well is in Planetary war with Mars ——– Bad for Marriage

Moon In Yama Bad

Sun and Saturn in the Power but Sun gains and 7th Lord combusted  hence no respite.

Rahu also Placed well but since Adverse will spoil the total Game of Marriage

8. 28th Nakshatra Method Since the star at the time of the Query is Mrigshira, it is  Mandha and the Results will be fastest . Also from the Ketu Janam Star it is the 5th Tara is Not good at all for the Query.

9. Nostril of the Astrologer  On the 18th Feb 2024 is not Conducive to give results as per the Breath of the Astrologer.

10. DBA Planets are of Mars-Saturn and Mercury and placed in trik bhavas and Saturn the 7th Lord Combusted will give bad results for the Marital Relations



Ashthamangla Number  577

Star Calculation

 As per calculation of the Star is Magha and day is Sunday and Mrityu Yoga formed on the Day of the Query hence there will beno respite in the Marriage relations .

Tithi Canculation is 7th and Day is Sunday no dagdha yoga.

Calculation of the Day

The Day Calculated is Tuesday and the Star of the native as per the birth chart is Moola not bad.

Calculation of the Sign

The Sign Calculated is Aries and not in the 8th house of the Natal chart or the Prashna Chart.

Calculation of the Planet

The Planet calculated is Sun and in the 7th house of the Prashna chart and combusting the 7th Lord Saturn is not good for the Marriage.

Calculation of the Bhoota

The Element calculated is Fire and extremely bad for the Marriage query.

 Hence out of 6 Parameters 3 are malefic is extremely bad for the Marriage query.



Jamakkol Prashna  18th Feb 2024 19-03 hrs New Delhi below

Uday Lagna is Aquarius and the Uday Lagna Lord Saturn is placed in the 6th house of Cancer shows disputes in the Marriage front.

Snake is approaching Uday Lagna.

Planets in Kavippu is Sun the 7th Lord Hence marriage may not continue and there will be divorce in Marriage soon. As per the timing Between the 20th April to 25th August things will become very dirty as far as the Marriage is Concerned.

7th Lord Sun has crossed the Uday Lagna, which means that the dispute between Husband and the Wife has started .

The No. of the rays of the Planets influencing the uday lagna will the time when there could be permanent separation.



The chart is of the 18th Feb 2024 at 19-03 hrs New Delhi below

The 5 Limbs of the Day

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun placed in the 7th house  with the 7th Lord Saturn who is in Rahu Star and Placed in the 8th house  is extremely bad for healthy Marriage

The Tithi is SP-10

The Star is Mrigshira and the Lord in the 6th house

Karna is Taitila and in the 6th house  with Venus the 10th Lord who has Lost in planetary war with Mars is extremely bad for Marriage the affliction to the Venus snad the 10th Lord.

Yoga is Vishkumb and a malefic Yoga

 The Lagna is Dagdha  hence there will be no full fillment of the Query for healthy union between the Couple.

The  Yama Lord of the Sun is Mars and Mars and Sun are placed in 2/12 axis is not good for healthy query for marriage.

7th Lord Combusted in the 7th house and in the star of Rahu who is placed in the 8th house of total loss.

Venus the Karka for Marriage though in upchaya house but in planetary war is most precarious and extremely bad for healthy marriage .

Sun Separative planet in the 7th house with 6th Lord Saturn leads to divorce, which is also bitter.

Venus and Saturn the 7th Lord in 2/12 axis is bad and leads to divorce.

Lagna of D9 is  Virgo and in the D30 it is is afflicted by Mars and Venus and Venus debilitated in D30 is bad for Marriage and 7th Lord of D1 goes in the 6th house .

 Rahu-Ketu Transit in the 1/7 axis of the Prashna chart after the 28th May 2025 will be bitter for Divorce.

When Venus and Mars will join the Lagna Leo there will be be complete separation between the Couple.

As per Navamsha of Mercury the time frame 2×9= 18 months starting from the 18th Feb 2024 will be full of agony and pain and no respite  and favourable union is seen.

 Asper the Chart of the Spouse of the 5th Sept. 1983 of 16-12hrs New Delhi, the spouse has Mars debilitatedin the 7th house and the Bride has Jupiter in the 7th house, it is said as per Tamil Classics that such a combination for marriage is not good and will bring adversity in the Married Life.


Birth Chart The Birth chart of the Female is of the 20th April 1984 09-20 hrs New Delhi below.

 Garbshishta Planets

The Planets are Ketu and Sun. The following parameters are disturbing the Married life from the day One of Marriage on the 4/2/2005

1.The Promise by Ketu for Marriage is only 33%  and Promise by Sun is 66%. The Promise by Ketu is extremely weak and since Ketu is Placed in the Lagna of the Navamsha , it may bring adversity in the Married Life immediately after marriage and after 18-19 years of  Marriage  there may also be separation since Rahu the Up Karka for Marriage and also the Darakarka as per Jaimini Sutra and in Forward Motion. This is a big Constraint in the Horoscope.

2. The Placement of Rahu demon in the 12th house is also not happy with the 1st Marriage. and is in forward motion. Rahu adverse having aspect of Mars the 6th Lord is very bad for the Marriage to run smoothly.

3. Jupiter for Females in the 7th house is KBN (Karko Bhav Nashaya) and spoils the Marriage.

4. Jupiter has aspect of Retrograde Saturn the 9th and the 8th Lord in the 7th house, spoils the significations of the Love marriage. Jupiter here will become the Bhadak, Marak and having Kendradipatidosh with Moon in Bhadak house will ruin the Marriage in the Dasha of Moon for 10 years . Jupiterhere is also 1st class marak since has aspect of Saturn the 8th lord. Jupiter will behave like a mad elephant and has the capacity to  ruin the Jungle like the mad elephant.

5. The Yama Sphuta is Aries 13 degrees. 34 minutes  and the Sign Lord is Mars and Placed in the 6th house with Ketu in the birth chart is most malefic for good Marriage. The Lord should not be in trik bhavas and in Rahu-Ketu axis.

D9 Navamsha 

5. In Navamsha Sun. Moon and Rahu in the 7th house spoils the Marriage totally.

6. Saptamarudh  7P is the Sagittarius 3rd, 5th and the 7th Nakshatra from this is sign the Lords are  Mercury, Venus, Moon , hence these dasha anter dasha of these planets will bring adversity in Married Life. The Dasha in Operation is Moon-Venus till the 24-12-2024 is most enigmatic for the break in Marriage and divorce.

7 Immediately after Marriage on the 4th Feb 2005 the Dasha of Sun-Ketu Started , as already explained Ketu is extremely weak for Marriage and so is Rahu, Now the Native will be completing 40 years of age and as per declination of Venus and anter dasha of Venus will bestow adversity in life as far as the Marriage is concerned. From Venus the trikonas are having malefics hence  no Lakshmi after Marriage and no security in the house of the Spouse.

8. Hence Present Dasha of Moon till the 25th June 2025 is full of adversities as far as the Marriage is concerned.

9. Sun in the 7th house of the navamsha is not good for Marriage relations since a separative planet, In Rashi Chart it is exalted , hence first gives marriage then disturbs the Marriage..

10.Moon in Ketu Star and Ketu very weak promise for Marriage as discussed above.

D30 Chart

The Lagna of the Navamsha  Scorpio has gone in the 8th house of D30 and  Lagna of D30 Aries has gone in the 6th house of Navamsha having debilitated Saturn, these kind of Combinations the Life and Marriage is like no Marriage and no Happiness from the Spouse. As Per the D30 Chart the Spouse  Family is Rich but since the Jupiter and Saturn in the sign Gemini they are both Marka for Gemini Lagna, hence there will be fall in the status of the Spouse family


As Per the mathematical Navamsha the Star is  Mrigshira and the Lord is Mars placed in the 6th house and ill placed from the 7th house/Lord, 7P and being the 6th Lord will be instrumental in the divorce proceedings.

UP PADA is the sign Capricorn and in the 8th house  and the Lord aspects the 7th house,7th Lord and the 7P is explosive for Marriage combinations


Hence the Promise for Healthy Marriage are missing in the chart. The Native may have 2nd marriage due to Rahu Placement in the 12th house and even the 2nd Marriage may not be Successful. See can Have live -In Relations only.


Venus will be over the Natal Venus as per declination 6 months before completion of 40th year in April 2024 and 6 months after the completion of the 40th year. This may give unpleasant situations as discussed in the Predictions above.


As per the Progression charts by Manu Smriti The Current year frrom April 2023 to April 2024 is worst for Marriage relations since Moon in the star of Venus with Rahu. Moon in Mrityu bhag extremely bad for Marriage. Moon and Venus in 2/12 axis —- Bad for Marriage.

Next year  April 2024 to April 2025 Venus in Mrityu bhag with rahu and Moon and Rahu in advewrse motion for coming 3 years  is most difficult period for the Native. Eclipse formation is also there , this indicates  the worst time in life for Marriage  and Prosperity.

Divorce proceedings may take place after the April 2024 and specially when Mars and Saturn are in the 7th house of the Prashna chart and Saturn looses in the war and the Querist Case for Divorce may  be decided in favour of the Querist in the coming 2 years.


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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 




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