Psychic Predictions: Lunation In Sagittarius Most Enigmatic For India China In War Mood With Taiwan Philippines

by astrodocanil

“Psychic Predictions: Lunation In Sagittarius Most Enigmatic For India China In War Mood With Taiwan Philippines”

A very experienced and expert Astrologer  makes use of Lunation charts for brilliant short term predictions. Instances where The Great Astrologer Hardeo Sharma Trivedi prediction as per the fortnight of Oct.1987 the collapse of the wall street was on spot. Many more events have been predicted by me and all have proved on spot.

Here I take the opportunity to Predict according to the Enigmatic Lunation chart of the 11th Jan. 2024 ahead of the Inauguration of the Ram Mandir on the 22nd Jan. 2024. The Lunation in the sign Sagittarius a kodandha sign is precarious since this sign falls in the 8th house of India , 12th house of China and 4th house of Taiwan. In Case of India and China the sign Sagittarius is the 22DK and transit of Jupiter in the trinal houses from it is most explosive to give sufferings. Hence this fortnight from the 11th Jan to 26th Jan 2024 is most explosive not only for India but for China, Taiwan ,Philippines, Middle East and many more countries not sited here. In the Year 2019  the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. took place in the sign Sagittarius and we saw the Corona Virus spread from China since the Eclipse took place over the 22DK sign over the fallen Jupiter in the 12th house. We could expect an aggressive stance from China  for wars according to this fortnight and specially when Mars joins the sign Capricorn on the 5th Feb. 2024 over the natal Moon and activating the Mars and the 7th Lord of Wars. As per the Taiwan Chart of Virgo Lagna, Mars as the 8th Lord in the 5th house will aspect the 8th house and create trouble for Taiwan and the Brawl will become most ugly when Mars and Saturn join the Aquarius sign between the 16th March to 23rd April 2024. Mars and Saturn for Taiwan are the 8th and the 6th Lord and their conjunction in the 6th house indicates trouble for the Country from the 5th Feb 2024. Philippines is running the Dasha of Saturn-Rahu-Saturn and the Chart is of Leo Lagna and Saturn in 12th house as the 6th and the7th Lord and Rahu in the10th house and the Lunation in the 5th house and Transit Saturn and Mars will be conjunct in March 2024 in the house of Wars is not good at all for the Country. There could be trouble in the Middle east as well and Iran may be aggressive.

Varahamihra has assigned signs to the Various countries and the Sign Sagittarius is allotted to the following Countries which may suffer the most in the fortnight starting from the 11th Jan. 2024.

The countries are Spain, Saudi Arabia, Hungry, Australia, Nottingham, Toronto, Bradford.

Now Let Us see the Chart of the 11th Jan. 2024 of the 17.26 hrs IST below

The 5 Limbs of the Day

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and has exchange with Mars the 6th and the 11th Lord . Jupiter aspects its own house the 7th house and is a Marka Planet since owns the 7th house and has aspect of the 8th and the 9th Lord Saturn. This makes Jupiter behave like a mad elephant and has the capacity to ruin the Jungle. The reason is crystal clear. Jupiter as the Kendra Lord forgets the beneficence and will behave as per the influence on it , since in the 11th house the negative stance will grow.

The chart is of New Moon and Moon is weak

 The star is P Shadha and in the koorma chakra it signifies the west direction. the star is aggressive and Cruel and faces downward and is adhomukh is most malefic for the fortnight

The Karna is Snake and Most malefic

The Yoga is Vyaghata is also malefic

Hence all the 5 Limbs are malefic and do not give any benefic results in this fortnight. The Lagna is Shirshodayo but adhomukh, it has aspect of 22DK Lord Mars and Luminaries, hence mixed results.

The Lunation is taking place in the 7th house of the chart above is most crucial one specially the 6th Lord Mars and 22DK Lord Mercury of the above chart influencing the Lunation . There is aspect of Jupiter which is good but unfortunately Jupiter in the chart has attained the qualities of a first grade marka and also the 22DK Lord of the India Foundation chart and in the trinal Position from Sagittarius is most enigmatic. , hence Jupiter may not be able to bestow the beneficence. There is exchange  Of Mars and Jupiter and a Khala Yoga asper this Fortnight.

The Following parameters are of concern

1.Now Look at the Planetary degrees in the above chart and Poorna ithasla between Planets .Poorna Ithasla of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. The Lords of Trik houses and also 9th, 10th and the 11th house, hence Mixed results good and bad.

2. Mars and Saturn are connected to all the Planets specially Mars troublesome.

3. Mars is combusted  also.

3. Mars in the star of Ketu and Ketu in the star of Mars.

4.Mars aspects Rahu , Lagna, with Mercury and the Luminaries, it has exchange with Jupiter the 7th and the 11th house, Venus in the House of Mars and has aspect of Saturn from the 9th house.

5. Trishamsha Lords of the 6th and the 8th Lord is Jupiter, hence Jupiter will not bestow the desired results.

6. Rahu has aspect of Mars and will be in adverse motion from the 17th to 19th Jan. 2024 which is a precarious time frame in this fortnight. On these days Moon will be in the sign Pisces and cross Saturn and have aspect of Mars which can prove fatal for securities and espionage from Foreign Elements and War like conditions in the world as mentioned above for the Countries above. Rahu is in Forward motion is considered most venomous not only in this fortnight but also in the month of Feb. 2024.


Moon and Mars are debilitated, Jupiter Exhalted and  Mars and Jupiter oppose Saturn and Venus, this shows the Concern of Mars and Saturn in the 1/7 axis and the Lordsmof the Trik Bhavas not good at all

Let me Predict House wise Starting from the House of Lunation the 7th House which is most precarious.

7th house is wars, terrorism, espionage from foreign elements, disputes, international affairs, Marriages and divorces

 The 7th house has following Planets and the effect will be as under.

  1. Sun Relation with Foreign Countries  may have mixed results good and bad.
  2. Moon afflicted trouble from foreign affairs, public ceremonies and honour. I have Predicted that the inauguration ceremony is good one but there could be untoward happenings but Jupiter aspect may ward off. This chart in any case does not seem to be good. Scandals in day to day life and many unpleasant episodes in public life
  3. Mars afflicted in this house of dictator shows tremendous, fire, zeal and aggressive intent. Grave danger in international affairs. Disagreement with other powers and chances of invasion and war like conditions. The Direction from where the enemy comes will be from East.
  4. Afflicted Mercury double dealing, diplomatic mistakes, breaking in treaties and commercial trade. Mercury is also 22DK Lord is not good for its aspect to Lagna and placed in the7th house.  Moon and Mercury afflicted  , this could influence the Stock Markets adversely.

4th House 

Ketu Connected to Mars Explosions and Mining disasters, difficulties to the Govt. Agitations and strikes by Farmers is not ruled out specially on the dates in Feb 2024 when Rahu is in forward motion.

6th House

Has Venus having aspect of 9th Lord . Favourable for Navy and Labour classes.

9th house 

Saturn in this house. bad for shipping but since in own house is a grace, there may be communal and religious strife.

10th house

Rahu placement and under affliction by Mars, most evil Position for the Head of the Country. The security should be beefed up .

11th House

Jupiter Placement here is good for trade, commerce and finance, but afflicted by Saturn will give mixed results

5 Psychic Predictions as per the Lunation chart of the 11th Jan. 2024

  1. Prediction Crash in the Housing Market of Canada
  2. Brawl between China Taiwan and Philippines may take ugly Shape. after the 13th Jan. 2024
  3. Espionage in the fortnight by foreign elements around the16th-19th and may be on the 26th Jan 2024.
  4. Stock Markets May be influenced and Most Volatile conditions. Wildest Conditions in the Market till the 12th Jan 2024
  5. Earthquakes and Volcanos in the Fortnight.


Written on the 5th  Jan 2024 18-10 hrs New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects and the Research proves as discussed.






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