Solar Eclipse of the 9th March 2016: What it Foretells For World Culture Festival

by astrodocanil
Astrologer Anil Aggarwala
I have written enough on my website and tried to cover the maximum countries  as per my Reaearch I have predicted the effects of the Eclipse and , amazingly they are proving True. UAE Disaster on the 9th March has Proved  My research Parameters 100%
I am hereby giving the link for the same
Read my article and this last Para “When Saturn , Mars, are Stationary at 22.00 or 15 degrees in Scorpio or about to come in Stationary motion for the above countries or any other Country where the Eclipses are taking Placed in the 1/7 axis or the 4/10 axis then there will be Earthquakes followed by Cyclones, Trunami with Magnitude . Mercury is Escalating its speed till 30th April 2016 and give abnormal conditions in the weather , Watery sign affliction in the Present Scenerio is Scorpio. This sia strong Possibility of the above combinations ” Link…/stationary-saturn-jupitermar…/ Now read this. My Research Parameters Proving 100% on the countries.
The basic effect of the Eclipses of the 9th March and the 1st Sept. 2016 will be Windstroms for Planets in Aquarius at the Degrees of the Nodes and Lumanaries , Fire if Planets in Leo, Excessive rains where Planets are in Scorpio sign at 22 degrees and 15th degrees , since as mentioned by me in the article these are the degrees of both mars and saturn where they will be in Stationaty positions on the 25th March, 17th April, 13th August and then between 23rd to 25th August and during the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016
Now read this article what has happened in UAE. The Solar Eclipse has Blown of the Normal life in UAE , Dubai, AbuDhabi…/rain-storm-lashes-abu-dhabi-as-wet-we…
Also read all my articles on the Eclipses
Let me also Predict the Coming Days for Delhi and its neighborhood concerning the Solar Eclipse , since some Important Events are being Organised in the Capital . Let us see the Chart of  Delhi in this Respect below.and the Solar Eclipse chart together to evaluate what could Sprout in the coming days 

The chart is of 1st Feb. 1992 12-00 AM


The Eclipse of the 9th march and the 1st Sept. 2016 will fall in the 1/7 axis of Jupiter Natal placed in the 11th house, who is also the 3rd and the 6th Lord  . The analysis would be more logical when I also draw the Eclips echart to comapre the same and see what points are being activated in the above chart

Eclipse of the 9th March 2016 07-24 hrs.

Eclipse 9-3-2016

The Sensitive Parameter is the Rahu and Jupiter Transit over the natal Jupiter at 19.17 degrees and this Sensitive Parameter will be activated degreewise on the 17th April by Jupiter  when mars will also Stationary and aspecting the 8th house . Saturn will aspect this point degrees wise along with Stationary Jupiter in transit between 21st May  2016 onwards. Jupiter transit will become Stationary before regaining normal motion from 4th May to 14th May 2016, at this Point also Retrograde saturn will aspect Jupiter Transit and natal almost at degrees . Saturn will then be 20.48 degrees . This is a very sensitive Parameter for Delhi  At this Point Saturn will also aspect the Natal Saturn and Sun in the 4th house on the 13th August 2016  at very close degrees since then Saturn will be at 15.15 degrees and also aspect Sun in Transit at exact degrees, Hence the Period from 8th August to 18th August , then 23rd august to 25th August  and  Around the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 will be crucial for Delhi . Needless to mention the Events , what an Eclipse can Sprout

Eclipse chart of 1st Sept. 2016 is below Solar eclipse 1st sept. 2016

The Chart when compared to the Delhi Foundation chart gives the answer loud and Clear , Explosive events between 9th March and  1st week of Oct. 2016 for India and Delhi definitely to an extent The Transit of mars and Saturn at 22 degrees, 19 degrees and the at 15 degrees could sprout explosive Events  At the time of Mars and Saturn Stationary Motion, Retrograde motion and jupiter Stationary over Jupiter at exact degrees on the 5th May 2016, Dates 20th March to 30th March, 13th April to.  21st April, then 8th August to 18th August and around the Solar Eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016 could be crucial period for Delhi, untoward happenings, Terrorism natural and unnatural Happenings. Earthquakes cannot be ruled out . The Fortnighrt from 23rd March 2016 is also Crucial one 

Let us Now see what could Sprout in the events Organised in the fortnight from 9th March 2016

Event   11th March 2016 17-00 hrs New Delhi World Cultural Festival between 11th to 13th March  

Lagna and Moon both in the Ketu nakshatra in the 7th house , Sun and Ketu in P Bhadra Nakshatra  and its Lord is also the 8th Lord in Jal  Nadi 

Kendras all malefics  and Benefics Weak , Navamsha also has Rahu-Ketu  and Role of Sun Prominent

Mars and Saturn aspecting the 7th and the Lagna respectively, Mars is at the MEP and Lord Of Brahama in own House may give the Protection 

11th march 2016 5-00 pm 11th march 2016 5-00 pm Function

The Panchang of the Day

Day is  Friday and the Lord is Venus  placed in the 4th Yama of Mercury who is combusted and placed with Venus in the 7th house of Eclipse which took place on the 9th March 2016, it is also aspected by  8th Lord Jupiter totally afflicted and placed in the Lagna with Rahu , aspected by Saturn

Rahu Poison since in adverse motion till 13th March 2016 and very slow motion is bound to influence the Event 

Tithi SP -3

Nakshatra  Ashvini Lord is Ketu involved in the Solar Eclipse

Yoga Brahama Most Benefic Yoga  The saving Factor in the Muhurat 

Karna Gar  Lord is Jupiter Totally afflicted and with rahu Poison, hence the fructification of the event may not be Proper

DBA Planets  Ketu-Ven-Ven   Ketu in the 7th house afflicted by Mars in the nakshatra of Jupiter totally afflicted

Hora Saturn  is indicative of failure of the events 

Yama chart Lagnesh is Placed in the yama of Jupiter Pieces sign  the 8th house of the chart and Jupiter aspects Sun who is totallly Eclipsed, both are afflicted badly. Jupiter is also aspected by Saturn at almost same degrees in the Lagna. Lagna is also a Dagdha Rashi a strong negative with Rahu and Jupiter

Karyesh the 11th Lord and the Lord of the 2nd Lord Speech Mercury is Placed in the Yama of Leo , and is Placed with Sun, Sun is totally eclipsed and Mercury Combusted and in very fast Spped and not normal motion. Mercury being Karka for weather will damage the Event due to weather conditions

All planets are afflicted in the 1/7 axis by Mars and saturn in the 4th house m Connection of the Rahu, Jupiter in the Lagna and aspected by 6th and 7th Lord Saturn in slow speed is not desirable for the event

Lagnesh, 10th , 11th Lord in the eclipse and aspected by Mars in Aquarius sign could sprout Bad weather conditions like a Tornado, Cyclon, with very strong winds and Rain, since Moon has just come out of the 8th house and in the 9th house at 00.48 degrees and hence in Gandantha

Any planet just changing sign gives the result of the house it enters with significations of the previous house of Pieces a Total watery sign , all the above are indicative of Failure of the event on account of Weather , Natural or Unnatural Occurance 

Saturn is in the sign of Scorpio and aspects the capricorn , Taurus and Leo, in navamsha it aspects the Pieces sign and also aspected by Jupiter the 8th Lord of the  Rashi, Saturn connection to the 8th house of Rashi and Navamsha confirms that there will be Significations of the 8th house sprouting , which is totally a watery sign , since Saturn aspects the Retrograde Jupiter afflicted by rahu in adverse motion , the significations will sprout with dimension , Saturn is Karka for Vayu Tatwa and Placed in watery sign and connected to Lord and 8th Sign of Pieces will sprout Negative results or incompletion of the task taken in hand

Navamsha has Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis confirms the above negativity . Earthy signs are also afflicted in navamsha. Rahu and Ketu influencing the Lagna of the Muhurat and the navamsha when Rahu is in Forward motion is a strong negative in the Muhurat . Rahu has the Capacity to turn the Tables, But the Brahama Yoga of mars at the MEP is also strong. 

8th Lord from Lagna and 8th house from Moon both are afflicted by Saturn

Trishul Chakra The nakshatra is at the trident , gives malefic effects .

Dagdha Lagna , It is a Burnt Sign and a strong negative for the event.It is advised not to take up any auspicious activities on this day

Vidal Yoga Causes Failure in all events Started with this Yoga

Shunya Tithi Yoga. It is advised not to initiate any auspicious Event with such combinations since it is indicative of Failure of Task not completed Properly. It is indicative of Financial losses

Panchak Rahita Viddhi  Tithi is 3, Day is 6, Nakshatra is 1 and Lagna is 5  total= 15 Hence the Remainder is 6 and a Evil  Chora Panchakam  Hence from the above it seems the Event may not Fructify Properly or Rahu may Turn the tables 

Weather conditions  also not condusive  for the event 

Moon , Saturn in Pawan Nadi

Sun in Neer Nadi

Mars in Prachand Nadi

Mercury in Jal Nadi

Jupiter in Jal Nadi 

Venus in Amrit Nadi

Rahu Neer Nadi 

Ketu Neer Nadi

Hence the Results could be Strong Winds with Velocity and Shower , Except Moon, Mars and Saturn all are in Jal, Neer and Amrit nadi, hence strong winds with Drop in temp. and showers, abnormal weather conditions

There are malefic combinations in the Muhurat, but One single Bhrama Yoga may save the Event

The above is indicative that the Fructification may not be Proper due to weather conditions  , But Mars is at the MEP and Lord Of Brahama yoga  in own House may give the Protection to the Event, more so Moon also in the House of Mars

There are 2 Strong Parameters in the chart

  1. Event with in 2 days of the Eclipse Strong Negative
  2. Brahma Yoga Saving Factor
  3. In Totality there may not be Good Fructification of the event  as expected due to some constraints stipulated  by the Court of Law

The decision by the NGT came on the 9th March 2016 at 17.09  hrs  for the Clearance for World Cultral Festival  to be held on the 11th March 2016 and the chart is Below


The decision came on 9th March 2016 at 17.09 hrs , when Moon is in the 8th house in Watery sign, Hence Rains could be issue tomorrow or some Monetary issue According to this This chart and what Sri Sri Shanker is sayng , there may be some bottlenecks ,Mercury the Day Lord is Placed in 4th yama and the Dispositor is connected to Adverse Rahu, Jupiter 8th house Lord and Moon in 8th house is Posing restrictions as well, Monetary and Weather like condition…/sri-sris-guest-of-honour-mugabe-drops……/we-will-go-to-jail-but-not-pay-any-fi…
The Only Positive tomorrow iare 2 yogas
1. Brahama Yoga
2. Amrit Yoga , But at the time of Announcement by the court it is Negative along with time of Start of the occassion

From 20th March may be More Malefic then the Present, when the Speed of Saturn will reduce and become stationary and mercury speed increasing , Hence the Fortnight from 23rd March may be more Taxing then the Present Fortnight . The Other 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 10th March 2016 14-00 hrs 

Disclaimer  ; This is an Astrological Analysis and nothing to do in thing in Personal. The writer does not hold him self of the above text in any respect thereof. Any thing abnormal occuring out of the above will be due to Planetary Positions .The Last Para has been added on 10th March 2016 at 21.00 hrs 






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