“An Interesting Episode for Marriage Query”

by astrodocanil

A very interesting episode. A couple wanted to consult me regarding the marriage of their Son . As scheduled they came to meet me in the evening hours, and upon reaching my house they called me on my mobile that they were at my Gate. I came out and could not locate them, just then , I saw the mother of the boy concerned on the north gate of my house which is about 80 feet from the East gate. My entrance is from East side, and I use the north gate when I have to park the second Car there very rarely. I called them up and asked them to use the East side for entering the house. I immediately did some Predictions when they were entering my house from the east side .

1. Is there any Preposition for your son for marriage for a girl who is from north direction ?.

2. The preposition has come about 6 months back for this girl for whom there has been lot of tension in the family and you are not able to decide the same .

3. Marriage is on the cards of the boy , but not immediate.

The answer was that I am absolutely correct.

Let me explain, how I did these Predictions. I had closed the North gate of my house almost 6 months back, since there was no Guest in my house who use to use that gate. As the Parents of the boy came on the north gate, I could immedaitely Place the Girl in question is from the north side.Since the North door was closed for 6 months, clearly indicated that the preposition of this girl of the north side is posing some tensions . Their son had an affair with a girl who was from Chandigarh north side not from their caste and creed and the parents were opposing it, also all most to 2 -3 astrologers to whom they had earlier consulted told them that the horoscopes did not match and there would be separation, if they got married.Since I saw the mother of the Boy first, i could predict that the girl is like the mother of the boy beautiful. I saw a female first so marriage is on the cards , but since I did not see a couple or The mother and father together therefore , marriage would not take place immedaitely. Another most surprising thing happened when they came in my consultation room was that I got a mail then from one of my associate regarding some Jaimini Parameters for Marriage Matching, A research by Mr K.N. Rao, which is as under.

1.Matching would be considered very good if DK Dara Karak in both Boy and Girl chart are natural friends.

2.They are not in 6/8 or 2/12 axis in the signs they are placed in D1 and D9 are also not inimical . In fact the horoscopes were not matching very well as per the Ashtkoot milan , but Both had DaraKarak as Jupiter and 4/10 axis in D1 and 3/11 in D9 and not in inimical signs as well. I told them that , they are destined to get married and they should not pose problems in the marriage and also accept the girl in question. This mail which I have received is a divine message for them as a matter of fact . I then opened the Prashna chart and found that the 7th Lord Saturn is fallen in the 3rd house showing that the girl in question is known to the boy, I could even tell them that the girl in question is from a Low caste and not acceptable to them .They conveyed that the girl is a Muslim and has a Hindu name , since the father was Hindu and mother a muslim. I even told then the date when they discovered that she was a half muslim, the day was when the 7th Lord Saturn of Prashna chart attained the status of being fallen on the 16th May 2012. They are now getting married . The decision has been taken by the Parents when 7th Saturn of Prashna chart is Exhalted on the 4th August 2012 . Amazing is it not ?. What I want to stress here is that an  astrologer we should have a consumate approach when we are doing Predictions, each and every Parameter can be made use to Predict the events. I have found with experience that this Shakun astrology if applied is most amazing.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala. written on 10th Dec. 2012 http://www.eduastrology.com/?p=682 Reproduced here on 1st April 2015

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

Read My True Predictions —https://www.astrodocanil.com/my-true-predictions/

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