2016 A Year of Retrograde Planets, What They Foretell

by astrodocanil

Let me First explain the Phenomenon of Retrogression before I take up the Article


To understand Retrograde planets is very essential in astrology. Retrograde planets in Western or English translation is a Planet moving backward. In Vedic Astrology it is called Vakram, which means moving in any direction , left, right, twisted or tilted.Retrograde planets are therefore unpredictable. Retrograde planet is like a Painting brush, which goes forward, backward and again forward thereby Highlighting that area.

The speed of the planet in the orbit around the Sun varies depending upon its distance from Sun. This is based on Keplers Second law of planetary motion by which the planet is Fastest  at Perihelion, when it is nearest to Sun and slowest at aphelion, when it is Farthest. . This movement is direct in reality, but as viewed from Earth, in Geometric system which we follow the planets sometimes seem to be moving backwards or direct motion in their orbit.

The same can be compared and explained when 2 cars are moving in the same direction at a certain speed the  same can be explained as follows,

1. When both the cars are at the same Speed they will look like Stationary with repect to each other

2. When the Speed of one of the car changes with respect to the other Car, one of the car will look like going backwards , though it will be moving forwards only.

For Retrogression Phenomena we have to consider for 2 Group of Planets

  1. The inferior and the inner group of Planets Mercury and Venus.
  2. The Superior and the Outer group of planets  Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
  3. The normal motion of Rahu and Ketu is always retrograde and , when Stationary or in Direct motion Periods are of much concern.They are not physical entities and are Mathematically  calculated sensitive points, hence this Phenomena applies to them when they are direct and are capable of turning the tables upside down. They are in Direct motion about 2 times a month

Mercury and Venus are inner planets and when ahead of Sun they become retrograde.

Mars, Jupiter and Saturn being the outer Planets become retrograde  when they are in the 5th to the 8th house  from Sun, and hence when they are in 120 to 240 degrees from Sun

This Phenomena is understood by the following Diagram

Before this let me give the Period of revolution or Sidereal period of Planets around the Sun

Mercury  87.96 days or 0.24 years

Venus     224.7 days or  0.62 years

Earth      365,256 days or 1.00 years

Mars     686.97  Days or 1.88 years

Jupiter 4332.59 or 11.86 years

Saturn  10759.23 days or 29.46 years

Since Mars will be retrograde and Fallen, it will be of more concern.


We know that the period of one Revolution of Mars around the Sun is 686.97 days  as com pared to 365.25 days for the Earth and due to this Faster revolution of Earth, Mars in its motion, as seen against the backdrop of the celestial sphere appears to move backwards which is called a Retrograde motion. From the Points Marked  c to e in the diagram above , Mars appears to be in Retrograde motion

The inner Planets  on the other hand have much smaller sidereal periods,  hence the phenomena is more complex to under stand in the diagram. Mercury can be maximum at 27 degrees from Sun and Venus maximum at 47 degrees . Due to their smaller sidereal periods  these planets race past Sun and on getting ahead they go in Retrogression.

Mercury becomes retrograde when 15 to 27 degrees ahead of Sun  and direct roughly when identical degrees behind  Sun.

Venus becomes retrograde when it is between 27 to 47 degrees  ahead of Sun and becomes direct when it is identical degrees behind Sun.

Understanding the Planets

Jupiter  Malefic when Retrograde

Venus is powerful when Retrograde

Saturn Gains Strength when Retrograde

Mercury is Volatile when Retrograde

Mars gives the result of the previous deeds  or previously done , when Retrograde

Sarvachintamani in the chapter 13-14 Planet in Retrogression

Mars There will be great fear from thiefs, fire , serpents, fire. The person may reside in forests  and face repulsion , fall in position.

Mercury.The person gets wife , children, wealth, he engages himself in charities.

Jupiter The person becomes financially comfortable , gets wife and son and gets benefits from them, victory in war, close friendship with king and possesses decent goods  and cloths and is saintly. He enjoys interesting talks.

Venus The person gets respects and gains from the rulers, he gets royal power and good post in the cabinet while moving accompanied by drums, he moves with conveyances, he wears colorful cloths, he owns ornaments.

SaturnTheperson gets disappointment in works and failures  . He gets sorrow from Brothers and Money.

It has been observed that anger is another feature of retrograde planet

Retrograde Planets under affliction then Benefic cease to give the Benefic results and Malefic planets when under affliction give worst results

Planets in Retrogression when fall back in the Previous house are called Fallen planets and are worst and are most venemous like a snake Bite

It has been observed that Planets in one sign retrograde as below.

  • Saturn retrogrades for 140 days and remains stationary 5 day before and after.
  • Jupiter retrogrades 120 days is stationary 5 days before and after.
  • Mars retrogrades for 80 days and is stationary 3 to 4 days before and after. Mars retrogrades once in two years when Squaring Sun
  • Venus is retrograde for 42 days and is stationary approximately two days before and after.
  • Mercury retrogrades for 24 days and is stationary one day before and after.Mercury retrogrades at least three times a year.

Retrogrades and Stationary Motions

Retrograde Planets can temporarily block the elements and create problems. The two most difficult retrogrades are Mercury and Saturn. Mercury as it happens so often and Saturn as it can transit over one point of the chart again and again; and create lots of problems. It is important to know retrogression of planets in a given year. The retrograde motion of your dasha ruler can change the direction of events. Retrogrades indicate a concentration of energy in the part of the zodiac where they are active. If you have planets in that area then they will have major impact. Retrogrades make life appear to be stuck in limbo, neither moving forward or backward. Saturn and Jupiter retrograde once a year and Mars and Venus one every two years.

Aakash Ether Jupiter
Vayu Air Saturn, Rahu
Tejas Fire Mars, Sun, Ketu
Apas Water Venus, Moon
Prithvi Earth Mercury

Stationary Planets

Planets switching from direct motion to retrogression or from retrogression to direct motion become nearly stationary over a period of time during the transition. Such planets seem to become very powerful and seem to trigger events related to the natal planetary positions touched by them by conjunction or aspect. Stationary transits of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn seem to be particularly important. We will study the impact of such transits in this article.

A stationary planet in quadrants or trines from lagna of a natal rasi/divisional chart seems to trigger good results related to the natal positions in that chart that are conjoined or aspected by it. A stationary planet in dusthanas from Lagna of a natal rasi/divisional chart seems to trigger bad results related to the natal positions in that chart that are conjoined or aspected by it.

Since the Transit of Mars and Saturn will be in the 8th house of the natural Zodiac and those individuals and Countires having Scorpio  who have Scorpio in the Trik Bhavas  will be influenced most , Similarly those who have Leo sign in the Trik Bhavas will also suffer..

When a Stationary Planet is also influenced by a Malefic and who is also retrograde will be worst.

A Benefic Stationary influenced by Retrograde Malefic is worst. Benefic planet loses its shine to give Protection or benefic results

A Malefic Stationary influenced by malefic will also be worst, Both in Conjunction will be still more Explosive

A Benefic in Stationary motion aspected by Benefics will enhance the qualities  and give strong Benefic results and their significations of the Planet

A Benefic Stationary Planet is the best if not aspected by Malefics rather aspected by benefics will give the most wonderful results.

A Stationary Planet has the strength 3 times stronger than a normal Planet

When planets, especially Jupiter, Mars and Saturn, become stationary during transitions between direct motion and retrograde motion, they become focused and powerful to give results. The houses and natal planets touched by them by way of a conjunction or an aspect can be triggered and significant results can sprout.

2016  is a Year of Planets in Retrogression  like the one in early  1980. Then Fallen Saturn was in Leo along with Mars , Jupiter and Rahu , Now we have after a cycle of 36 years all Planets in Retrogression Starting from 6th Jan. 2016 to 17th April 2016 and Mars will also be fallen from 18th June to 13th July 2016 in the Libra sign.

If the Benefic or the malefic Stationary Planet touches a planet in the chart of the native or the Foundation chart of the Country, it is liable to  give the results accordingly as explained above and will be a sensitive period 

In this context let me put down here the Sensitive Periods when Saturn went in Retrogression on the 14th March 2015 in Scorpio at 10.52 degrees  Hence  a period  from 10th to 18th March Saturn was Stationary. Saturn became direct on the 2nd August 2015 in Scorpio at 4.13 degrees  and hence the sensitive period was between  28th July to 6th August 2015. It was then in both the periods on the natal Ketu of the India Independence chart in the 7th house and over the Natal Ketu in the 8th house of Foundation chart of the Pakistan, The Period  from 28th July to 6th August 2015 was more crucial since it was over the natal Ketu of 5.45 degrees and the same Transit Navamsha at the natal Ketu.

When Saturn was Stationary on the 6th August 2016 it aspected Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in close degrees and also aspected in Navamsha , this is a clear indication of close aspect and affliction to the 3 benefics with magnitude on the 23rd  August 2015  Saturn also aspected the Dispositor of Jupiter at very close degrees and also in navamsha , Jupiter was also totally Combusted then , but being a Sunday the Stock market could not React. On the 24th August 2015 Termed as a Black day Moon was also with Saturn the Organiser of the Game Plan  and the Market Plummeted by more than 1600 points in a single day. Read this Link “The stock market drop…by the numbers ” link http://money.cnn.com/2015/08/24/investing/stocks-market-crash-by-the-numbers/

See the Chart below

SM Scare of August 2015

The above proves the Theory of the Malefic Stationary planet and also my Research Theory of Planetary cycles Article “Astrology Speaks Planetary Cycle Repeat Behaviour :World Economy in Death Spiral” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/02/astrology-speaks…-in-death-spiral/ dated 8th Feb. 2016

Now Mars will activate this Point in Transit on the 29th Feb. 2016 till 9th March 2016, Hence a Period from 29th Feb. 2016 to 9th March 2016 will be a most sensitive Parameter for Both India and Pakistan . The worst is on the 9th March 2016 a Solar Eclipse is taking place worsens the situations , since Mars also aspects the Eclipse sign and Ketu in Transit., Since the Eclipse is Taking place in the 4/10 axis of the Foundation chart of India   Earthquakes can sprout . Mars in the 7th house Transit terrorism, war like conditions in the Country . For Pakistan Mass happenings and Military Coup is also Possible as Predicted by me in my earlier articles on my webpage. 

I am reproducing my predictions as per my article “Mars in Action , Jupiter Affliction and Saturn Stationary  Boon or Bane” dated 14th July 2015 link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/07/mars-in-action-j…ary-boon-or-bane/ and Predictions Proved 100% on the Stock market  for the Predictions regarding the Nosedive of Stock market on the 24th August 2015

Now as per the Paksha Kundali of the 31st July  Read what I have written  . I am reproducing the same here 

 Paksha Kundali of 31st July 2015 of 16-13 hrs.below.

paksha Kundali 31st July

The Lagna is Scorpio the 7th house of the India independence chart and the 5th house of the Hindu New Moon chart  having Malefic Saturn Retrograde in Lagna . The Lagna is also in Gandantha  and hence extremely bad for the Country as a whole and specifically Delhi since Delhi is also Ruled by Scorpio. The Lagna Lord is Placed in the 9th house  which is the 3rd house of the India independence chart and the Lagna of the Hindu New moon chart and is extremely bad since it is with Sun in the 9th house of Religon. Maximum  number of  Planets which are influencing the 3/9 axis of the India Independence chart and the 1/7 axis of the Hindu new Moon chart is a Critical Parameter in this Fortnight . There are malefics in all the Watery signs , hence havoc due to Rains, Floods  Tornodos, Cyclones  Boarder Issues, Terrorism, Espoinage from Foreign Elements.

Saturn in the Lagna indicates  Distress, Discontentment, Loss of work,sickness and Diseases  placed in the 7th house of the India Independence chart is very unfavourable position for foreign affairs, and depression in Foreign Trade , in the 5th house of the Hindu New Moon chart there will be depression in the Entertainment industry and Trouble to Women and children.

The most sensitive Parameter in this Fortnight is Saturn Stationary in the Lagna aspecting the 3rd house, 7th and the 10th house , could give Results with force regarding the same, as Lord of the 7th and 8th house of the Hindu New Moon chart and Placed in the trine and as placed in the 7th house of the India Independence chart in the 7th house , since Stationary planet can focus its energies better and give some results  with force . Saturn at this point will be aspecting Moon, Venus and Jupiter , The Aspect on Venus and Jupiter will be degreewise  and Saturn will be very powerful to give the effects , since in the Independence chart it will be in the 7th house and as the 7th Lord of the Hindu New Moon chart aspecting its  own house  Capricorn. As a Disciplanarian aspecting the 9th house in the Independence chart some Strict measures regarding the Judiciary, Religon, Navy Etc.   Afflicting Jupiter and Venus degree wise will not be good , Infact all the benefics will be aspected by Saturn will be a crucial factor.

Mercury will be aspected by Stationary Saturn on the 6th -7th August 2015 degreewise and Siginifications of Mercury will sprout with Force  with 3 times Sensitivity and since Significator of Stock market , there may be a Stock market Crash  after  6th August 2015 and Mercury joins Rahu in Virgo, since a Planet willonly give the significations when it reaches its sign Virgo. unfortunately Rahu is placed in Virgo and The combination is adverse for the Stock markets of the world 

In a Nut shell, 3/9 and 1/7 axis of the Hindu new Moon and the Independence chart will be activated with strong Saturn when Stationary till 6th August 2015. The effects will be seen soon and till Saturn Remains in Scorpio till 28th Jan 2017.

Now Read this as per Times of India the News  and other Media Reports  like NDTV  The Happenings on the 14th July 2015

As it happened: Chennai Super Kings, Rajasthan Royals suspended for 2 years

The Supreme Court committee headed by RM Lodha has proposed a two-year ban on Chennai Super Kings and Rajasthan Royals apart from banning Gurunath Meiyappan and Raj Kundra for life from any cricketing activity.
  • 12:25 PM  link http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/ipl-2015/liveblog/48065495.cms.

  • Another Happenings on the Day  of Jupiter getting afflicted are as follows .

  • IPL Scandal: ‘Fans Have Been Cheated, Cricket’s Purity at Stake’ http://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/news/245504-ipl-scandal-fans-have-been-cheated-cricket-s-purity-at-stake?utm_source=ndtv&utm_medium=top-stories-widget&utm_campaign=story-10-http%3a%2f%2fsports.ndtv.com%2fcricket%2fnews%2f245504-ipl-scandal-fans-have-been-cheated-cricket-s-purity-at-stake

  • Iran Nuclear Deal Reached in Vienna, Say Diplomats link http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/iran-nuclear-deal-reached-in-vienna-say-diplomats-781295?pfrom=home-lateststories
  • Oil Prices Fall as Iran, Global Powers Reach Nuclear Deal link http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/oil-prices-fall-as-iran-global-powers-reach-nuclear-deal-781279.
  • Iran Nuclear Deal Is Reached After Long Negotiations http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/iran-nuclear-deal-is-reached-after-long-negotiations-781335?pfrom=home-lateststories.
  •  Night Before N-Deal, Manmohan Singh Said Call it Off  http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/night-before-n-deal-manmohan-singh-said-call-it-off-781352
  • Greece Misses New Payment to IMF Despite Bailout Deal  http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/greece-misses-new-payment-to-imf-despite-bailout-deal-781243
  • Arvind Kejriwal Says AAP is Broke, Wants Public to Chip In http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/arvind-kejriwal-appeals-for-donations-says-aap-has-no-money-781290?pfrom=home-lateststories .
  •  25 Women Killed in Andhra Stampede Where Chief Minister Took River Dip http://www.ndtv.com/andhra-pradesh-news/2-killed-in-stampede-at-godavari-pushkaralu-event-in-andhra-pradesh-781220?pfrom=home-lateststories.
  •  Amit Shah Did Not Say Achche Din Will Take 25 Years, Says BJP  http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/amit-shah-did-not-say-achche-din-will-take-25-years-says-bjp-781263 .
  • Coal Scam: Court Orders Framing of Charges Against Madhu Koda, 8 Others http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/coal-scam-court-orders-framing-of-charges-against-madhu-koda-8-others-781345 .
  • In Dornier Search, Human Remains and Wrist Watch Found http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/in-dornier-search-human-remains-and-wrist-watches-found-781319
  • There is much more to come as per the Paksha kundali of 31st July 2015 and signs of Economic Stagnation  and I have already written regarding the same.
  • All Scams will surface after 14th July 2015 and Specially around the time when Saturn is Stationary during 28th to 6th August 2015, may be it Cricket, Coal, Petrolium etc.
  • Saturn is Transiting in the 8th house of the natural Zodiac and aspecting its own 10th  house and also aspecting the 9th and the 12th Lord Jupiter cancelling the Rajyogas and making Jupiter extremely weak thereby  all scams relating to Greed the 11th house would be exposed  of the Natural Zodiac, since placed in the 10th from the 11th house Aquarius. All those getting involved in the scams will not be able to come out of it till Saturn is in Scorpio on the 28th Jan 2017.

Now Discussing about the Retrograde Planets in the year 2016. Mercury in Capricorn at 6.56 degrees went in Retrogression and hence in Stationary position  on the 5th Jan. 2016  was aspected By Saturn. Mercury was aspected by Saturn and Mars both when it ingressed in Capricorn in Rashi and navamsha as well on the 26th Dec. 2015, . On the 14th Jan. 2016 Sun also joined Mercury  Mercury was totally combusted and Fallen also

8th Jan Jupiter went in Retrogression and in fact on the day of Mercury Stationary Jupiter was also Stationary and both aspected by Saturn in Rashi and Navamsha as well . We all know the Stock market had a dive on the 14th Jan. 2016

Read this —-“US oil plunges 5.7% on China, closes at $29.42 a barrel” link http://www.cnbc.com/2016/01/14/us-crude-falls-as-market-braces-for-more-iranian-oil.html 

Asia markets end mostly lower; China shares post late rebound http://www.cnbc.com/2016/01/13/asia-stock-markets-set-for-sell-off-on-dow-sp-500-nasdaq-plunge-oil-price-slump.html 

Worried about stocks? Watch these numbers http://money.cnn.com/2016/01/14/investing/stock-markets-correction-bear/


The simple Rule thus Researched is as follows

1. When ever Saturn aspects a Planet in Rashi and Navamsha the Results are Sprouted when the Dispositor is also influenced by Saturn in Rashi and Navamsha

2.  When Such planet is Stationary , the results sprout with Dimension but with lesser dimension then the Malefic being Stationary and aspect a benefic .

3. When Saturn is Stationary and aspects the Planet in Rashi and Navamsha the results sprout with 3 times magnitude , since Saturn is Malefic.

4. Moon as usual is the delivery Planet to give the results.

5. Since Saturn is in Scorpio Moon will generally give results when with Saturn or Mutual aspect with Saturn

Once we have arrived at the above Parameters let us evaluate what is the Future when Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Mercury will be in Retrogression from 25th March 2016 to 9th May 2016 though Mercury will again be in Retrogression on the 30th August and 19th Dec. 2016

Saturn Retrogression Saturn will begin to retrograde on the 25th March 2016 at 22.19 degrees till 13th August 2016 at 15.41 degrees , hence from Capricorn navamsha to Scorpio Navamsha 

Saturn will be in Stationary motion from 20th March 2016 to 30th March 2016 and on the 20th March 2016 at 22.19 degrees and aspect Jupiter at 22.41 degrees. Hence Paksha Kundali of 23rd March 2016 attains a status of an Enigmatic one . Also it will be Stationary between 9th to 18th August 2016, on the 1st sept. 2016 at the time of Solar Eclipse saturn aspects Sun degreewise. 

6th August Saturn aspects Mercury and Rahu almost at degrees and also Saturn aspects Mercury in navamsha along with Sun and Moon . Pn the 18th Saturn also aspects Sun

Saturn will also aspect Moon and Rahu, but will not aspect Rahu in navamsha , but shall aspect Mars and Jupiter in navamsha , Saturn is also with Mars , hence the significations of mars and jupiter will sprout when the Dispositor of Jupiter Sun is also influenced after 15th May 2016, this may influence the Prices of Gold

25th March 2016 Stationary   Saturn aspects Moon, Mars, Jupiter , Sun and Mercury in navamsha 

30th March 2015 also the Saturn aspects the above Planets in Navamsha and Mercury joins Saturn in Capricorn navamsha , showing concern of Stock markets. Hence when ever  Saturn will influence the Dispositor of Sun and Mercury and Sun and Mercury in navamaha together with Dispositor then The Stock market results will Sprout with Dimension. I am not posting the Dates to encourage the investment  in Speculative Markets. 

The worst is the Mars and Saturn are in conjunction, Saturn in Stationary position and In Navamsha  Mars and Saturn have a return aspect, this will be crucial for all the happenings which occured around the 20th Feb. 2016, which may sprout again with magnitude

Mars  Retrogression from 17th April to 29th June 2016 out of which Mars will be in Fallen State between 18th June to 13th July 2016 in Libra sign 

Mars Becomes Retrograde on the 17th April 2016 till 29th June 2016, hence the Sensitive Dates are from 13th April to 21st April and from 25th June to 3rd July

Between 17th to 21st  April  2016 when Mars is stationary both saturn and Mars will be in own navamsha  will be strong Results , Specially for the Sign Capricon and Scorpio, Saturn and Mars conjunction is never good , From Exhalted Sun and Mercury  they will be in the 8th house is a sensitive Parameter for the Kings and Kingly Countries , Dispositor of Both Mars and Mercury connected to Saturn , Hence the Paksha Kundali of the 7th May 2016 will again be a Enigmatic one  Specially the 5th may 2016 date since Jupiter will be in Stationary motion 

25th -26th June 2016  Stationary Mars will aspect Mercury degreewise , Mercury will then be in Taurus and also aspected by Saturn , In Navamsha also both aspect Mercury , other Parameters are also activated by then, hence this date also acquire a special dimension

Mercury Retrogression  will be 3 times in the year 2016, One has already happened and we have already seen and the Predictions coming trure as per the text mentioned above .

Mercury will go in retrogression on the 28th April 2016 in Aries sign at 29.30 degrees  to 22nd May 2016 at 20.16 degrees , Saturn and Mars will be both Retrograde in the 8th house from Sun and Mercury and the dispositor also in the 8th house

Jupiter Retrogression from 8th Jan.2016 at 29.09 degrees to 9th May 2016 at 19.10 degrees , Jupiter will be stationary from 4th Jan to 12th Jan. 2016 and again on the 5th May to 14th May 2016

5th May 2016 therefore becomes the most Sensitive and Volatile date , since Jupiter will be in Stationary Motion at 19.10 degrees and aspected by Retrograde Saturn from Scorpio at 20.48 degrees . Mercury will be Retrograde and Totally combusted  and dispositor of both Sun and Mercury will be in Retrogression and with Saturn in Retrogression  in the 8th from them .

On the 22nd May 2016 Mercury will be stationary and Saturn in Retrogression at 19.49 degrees is also a sensitive Parameter for Significations of Mercury.

From the above it is crystal clear that the period from 20th March 2016 to 18th August 2016 Jupiter, then Saturn, Mars and Mercury will be in Retrogression, the Sensitive Period will be from 20th March to 3rd July will be a crucial period because in this Period all the 4 Planets will be in Retrogression. Saturn regains its normal motion on the 18th August and Mercury from its 3rd time retrogression in 2016 regains it normal motion on the 22nd Sept. 2016

As Per the Planetary Cycles as explained in my article on the webpage the Planets Jupiter and Mercury reaching the Virgo Sign will give the Final Frucifications for the year 2016, Mercury and Jupiter will be finally both in virgo after 4th Oct. 2016 and again getting Combusted by Sun will sprout the results with magnitude . Saturn will also be with Moon in Scorpio and also in navamsha and Saturn will also influence Sun and Mercury in navamsha and Saturn will also have connection with Jupiter , with these Parameters the Globe will be influenced most in the first week of Oct. 2016

Another Parameter  which acquires a special dimension is the Mercury ingressing in Virgo on the 19th August just after a Day when Saturn Stationary aspected Mercury in Leo along with its dispositor Sun degreewise on the 1st-2nd Sept. 2016 in the Solar Eclipse is also an Explosive Parameter . Mercury goes in Retrogression on the 30th August 2016 at 4.5 degrees the same Degrees , when Saturn was Stationary and Aspected Mercury at these degrees on the 6th August 2015 and in August 24th 2015 there was a Nosedive in the Stock market . . Mercury attains a Fallen state on the 9th Sept. 2016 and Ingresses in Virgo back on the 3rd Oct. 2016. 6-7th Oct. 2016 will therefore Sprout the results with magnitude Globally, specially those Countries who have the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon, Sun and the 8th house , needless to mention the name of the countries, all my articles are depicting loud and clear.  

The 2 solar Eclipses taking place between 9th March 2016 and 1st Sept. 2016 and Mars and Saturn in Square Position from Nodes, and Lumanaries are explosive Parameters more so since Mars and Saturn will be activating the eclipse Points of Solar Eclipse of 9th March 2016 and 1st Sept. 2016 respectively . Mars going in retrogression and aspecting the Eclipse sign again and again is the most Explosive Parameter . for the 9th March Solar eclipse.

As already mentioned Retrograde planets tend to stagnate the issues and Concentrate the Energy levels in the Sign they Transit

There will be 2 Fallen planets in the year 2016 Mercury and Mars and Mercury will be fallen twice   hence significations of these Planets will be like a snake bite since Fallen Planet is supposed to be most Venemous. I need not Explain the significations since they are already explained in my articles . The worst is Mercury is the 3rd and 6th Lord of the natural Zodiac  and Mars the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord  and as the 3rd Lord Mercury the Lord of the 8th from 8th  house the 3rd house and Both 8th Lord and 3rd Lord fallen in the year 2016 indicative of Events with Explosive dimensions what ever may be the case and Mostly related to the 6th and the 8th house significations .  Terrorism, Earthquakes, Cyclones, Stock Nose dive , Gold Volatile . Oil Volatile  till 18th Sept. 2016 Political turmoils, Untoward happenings specially when mars and saturn both are retrograde  a War like situation in the Globe.

One Very important Parameter in the Present Scenerio and in the Month of March 2016 is the Acceleration of Mercury . The Normal Speed of Mercury is 59 minutes 8 seconds and in the Month of March 2016 starting from 1st March the speed of Mercury is increasing and the small term effects are the Volatility in the Stock markets , which is liable to increase further till the 2nd -3rd April 2016 and will start to decline then and will be minimum on the 1st May 2016, hence the actual Decline in the Market may start from the 2nd April 2016 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

1st March 2016 20-30 hrs

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer .

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