What Stars Foretell Using Kota Chakra For War Prone Torn Syria and Globe

by astrodocanil

 This is in continution to my earlier Article https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/02/will-the-red-planet-squaring-nodes-steer-war-prone-torn-syria-and-globe-to-arena-of-war/

It goes with out saying that the combinations of Jupiter and Rahu conjunction in Leo and Mars and Saturn in conjunction in Scorpio the 8th house of the natural Zodiac after 20th Feb. 2016  in Square position at the time of Mars ingress and Eclipses can sprout a World War like conditions soon.

All my article regarding the same are speaking the same Language as per the Planetary Positions.

article, all speaking the same Language. 26th to 14th March 2016 Prone Dates. 

Also Read my Article https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/02/prolonged-stay-of-red-planet-mars-and-saturn-conjunction-in-scorpio-crucial-211-days/

In this article I will only see the Kota Chakra how it can be made use in the Present Scenerio.

In olden Days the King use to consult his Astrologer as per this chart and then go for War.

Our Maharishis have devised various chakras.Its importance can be seen  from the fact  that it can  be used to interpret the Transits  leading to Disease, Dispute, Death  of Life and specially for Wars . Kota Chakra is also Durga Chakra and most useful in Battles , whether a King will be able to Conquer the Fort  or Durga of another King, or when the King should attack to gain victory.

See the Image of a Kota Chakra Image of KC

Now see the Kota chakra of the 8-9 the March 2016  for Syria below. This is an indicative Parameter Kota Chakra For Syria

Chart is self Explanatory for the Date. Also see this date 14th March 2016 for Syria , which is also self Explanatory

Kota Chakra 2 Syria

Let us see for other countries Kota Chakra  for Russia on the 9th March 2016Russia 9th march 2016

Let us also see 14th March 2016 for Russia  malefic in the Present Scenerio

UntitledRussia 2


Let us also see the Kota Chakra for Turkey on the 26th Feb. 2016 is most critical and bad till 8th – 9th March with magnitude  

Turkey KC

Kota chakra for Saudi Arabia on the  from 28th Feb.to 14th  March 2016 is strong but little affliction on the 9th March 2016



Kota chakra for ISIS is like Pack of Cards which can topple down from 1st March to 4th March 2016


From the above it is crystal Clear that Except Saudi Arabia, all other charts are showing Malefic Results as Follows

  1. ISIS worst the above chart
  2. Syria and Russia  Medium  from 9th to 14th March 2016, but indicative of Malefic happenings
  3. Saudi Arabia Is the Strongest and shows no affliction and safe
  4. ISIS is the Worst and Kota Bhang  , the Maximum sufferer
  5. The Dates Critical are from 26th Feb to 14th March 2016 but most Crucial between 9th to 14th March 2016

The Following is the nut Shell and a comparative analysis  from 9th to 14th March 2016

 Country    Mars Natal              Transit         Dasha                                 Kota Chakra results   Kot Paal  Kota Swami

Syria            Virgo 12th house   2nd house       Jup-Jup-Mars from 1-3-2016    Moon weak           Moon       Mars

Malefic Dasha                        

Russia          Pieces 7th house   3rd House      Rahu-Mer-Jup  till 19-3-2016     Saturn weak        Saturn      Mars


Turkey        Virgo    4th house   6th house      Ven-Sat-Jup till 12-3-2016         Worst  Both      Mercury Mars

Kota or Durg Bhang for Turkey

Saudi Arabia   Cancer  9th house   Lagna       Ketu-Sun-Moon from 13-3-2016   Strong           Moon    Venus 


ISIS               Virgo  10th  house     12th house   Sat-Moon-Rahu from 17-2-2016    Worst Both   Rahu       Moon

Kotaor Durga Bhang for ISIS , since Rahu ingressed in U Phalguni nakshatra .

Following Parameters acquire a special dimension

  1.  Mars placed in the sign of Virgo or Pieces in the Foundation chart Critical for Countries . this also Proves my Planetary Cycles Research theory, Virgo and Pieces are also the Trik Bhavas of the Natural Zodiac.
  2. Sub Sub Dasha of the 7th house of war is in operation in all cases
  3. Strongest Country is Saudi Arabia with no affliction as per Kota chakra
  4. Worst influenced will be ISIS and Turkey , Since Kota Bhjang in both cases
  5. Dates from 26th Feb. to 15th March Most Critical

Syria Predictions and For the Regime 

  1. Mars isKota Swami for Syria, it is in Direct motion till 17th April 2016 but then Retrograde will be Explosive since shall start to move out instead of going inside the Kota as Kota swami , and when Mars is Fallen on the 17th June for 25 days and till it becomes direct on the 29th June will be an Explosive period for Syria and the Ruling Govt. backed by Russia

Russia Predictions 

Saturn is Kota Swami and when it becomes Retrograde on the 24th March 2016 will be critical for Russia since Kota swami should Proceed to in house and when it becomes Retrograde then it starts to go out will thus be a critical time for Russia till 13th August 2016 and an Explosive situation . Mars is Kot Paal  and should reside outside , till in vishaka nakshatra till 9th March 2016 is good, since after that  it will be in the outer area but when enters the inner Sector on the 9th March will be crucial till  Mars becomes Retrograde till 17th April 2016. Sows the Country in a Swinging Cycle up and Down

ISIS, Turkey Have Critical Parameters along with Syria and Russia, Since the Owners of the Kota Paal and Swami are slow moving Planets , Saturn, Mars Rahu.Saturn and Mars will become Retrograde and swinging actions , hence may prove explosive since Retrograde planets touches a Point 3 times and Gives the results 3 times and specially a malefic attaining the Power to kill, in case of Russia Saturn is the 6th lord and Mars the 8th Lord 

The above is indicative factor  that if Saudi Arabia attacks Syria , he will be attaining Victory, Since in the Kota chakra of Saudi Arabia the Role of Saturn and Mars as Kota Swami and Kota Paal is not there . More so all planets at the time mentioned above is a Conquering time for Saudi Arabia. it seems the king of Saudi Arabia has consulted an astrologer for Attacking and is under going a  18 day Preparation for the same.

The above is also the effect of the eclipses Taking Place in March 2016, since the above dates are also very close to the Solar Eclipse of 9th March 2016

Jyotish Acharaya  anil aggarwala Date 20th Feb. 2016 14.30 hrs New Delhi

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Astrology,Prashna, Mundane, Predictive Astrology  and Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer : The writer of the article does not hold himself Responsible for any consequences aring out of writing this article >it is Purely on the basis of Astrology and the Planetary positions


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