Astrology Speaks Planetary Cycle Repeat Behaviour :World Economy in Death Spiral

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Earlier Articles on my webpage on the Global Economy meltdown.

Will The Solar Eclipse of March 2016 Bring Decline in the Global  Economy” Dated 24th May 2016 link…n-the-us-economy/

U.S. Stocks Join Global Rout As Predicted.Economy Meltdown Inevitable Dated 15th Jan. 2016

link :…tdown-inevitable/

Paksha Kundali of 10th Jan 2016 and the Fear of Terrorism Looming over India and Globe Dated27th Nov. 2015


Oil Glut 2016 May Prove A Bolt From The Blue For Global Economy dated 30th Jan 2016


Varahamihira Brihat Samhita: Astrology Can Achieve What 1000 Elephants and 4 Times Many Horses Dated 26th Jan. 2016

link…imes-many-horses/ .

The Article Dated 26th Jan. 2016  is Talking about Varahamihra  Brihat Samhita : Value of Astrology in the Olden days is Proving 100% as per my above Articles.

As per my Research the Planets influence on the Globe is much Greater Proportion as per the natural Zodiac houses then the Horoscopes of the individuals or the Countries,if those houses are also falling in Sensitive houses of the Chart of Individuals and the Countries then they are capable to bring a Havoc .

Talking about the Superior Slow Moving Planets,Saturn is Kaal and Jupiter is Jeeva, Nodes Create Eclipses, Mars Activates the Eclipses Points and  Bhav Siddhi Kaal Principle Moon is the Final Delivery Planet .

It has been observed and my Research  that these Slow Moving Planets  Saturn and Jupiter when in Opposition of Conjunction bring about a major Change in the world with in  a period of 5 years of the activation of a Particular Axis, since Saturn first aspect is 3rd and reaches that house in 5 years and Jupiter first aspect is 5th and reaches that house in 5 years hence these Houses attain utmost importance since when Saturn and Jupiter after Conjunction or Opposition Reach these houses Respectively.

Also the Axis activated by Saturn and Jupiter when Transited by the Nodes,and when Eclipses take Place in that axis further Activates that axis. Mars Activating this axis and the Eclipse point is of utmost importance like a ammunation dump and then The Dispositor of Saturn when Reaches the house where Saturn is Placed acts like a Button for the complete Activation of the Axis where Saturn and Jupiter were either in Opposition or in Conjunction. The Eclipses Falling immedaitely in the next sign where Rahu and Ketu Transit Just after activation where Saturn and Jupiter were in opposition or in Conjunction acruire a Dimension to finally sprout the Results with Magnitude , depending upon the Axis where Saturn and Jupiter opposition or Conjunction took Place

In the Present Scenerio for the above Principle Saturn was in Virgo and Jupiter in opposition in Pieces and Degree opposition on the following Periods 3 times in the Adverse and the Trik Bhavas of the Natural Zodiac.

6th house is Armed Forces, Territorial attacks,Strikes,Clash, Loans and Debts, Doctors and Diseases in General and 12th house is  War and losses, Espoinage , Secret plots, Assassination, Arson, Foreign spies, Jail, Prison,, imprisonment, scandals, misery, misfortunes,Epidemics, Retrenchment, Terrorism, Foreign Investments and Losses of all kind. Natural and Unnatural calamities, Earthquakes etc.Hence all the above are bound to sprout with Magnitude

Jupiter and Mercury significations are bound to Sprout since Jupiter is Lord of the 12th House of the Zodiac Lord of Pieces and Mercury the Lord of the 6th house Virgo.  Jupiter Represents the Banks, Treasury,Finance, Revenues and a Planet of Good Fortune and when afflicted behaves like a mad Elephant who has the capacity to Ruin the Jungles and for us the Global Meltdown. Mercury is intellectual caliber speed and communications,Trade and Commerce. It also represents the Stock Exchange, written documents, it is also Significator of weather. Hence affliction to the above 2 Planets after Mars has activated the Sensitive Points acquires a special dimension to sprout the above significations with Magnitude

Saturn was Retrograde at 3.51 degrees in Virgo and Jupiter at the same degrees in Pieces on the 23rd May 2010. Note the navamsha signs of Saturn and  Jupiter they were Aquarius and Leo Respectively, at the time of First Opposition.

  1. Saturn was at 8.23 degrees in Virgo and Jupiter at the same degrees in Pieces in Retrogression on the 17th August 2010.Saturn was in Pieces Navamsha and Jupiter in Virgo, there by activating this axis in Rashi and Navamsha completely and strongly.
  2. Saturn Retrograde at 20.22 degrees in Virgo and Jupiter in the same degrees in Pieces on the 28th March 2011.Saturn was in Cancer and Jupiter was in Capricorn Navamsha , hence till both Activate these signs , there will not be any respite from the 6/12 axis activated by the Planets of the natural Zodiac. It is needless to mention about this axis  about the 6th house Virgo and the 12th house Pieces of the natural Zodiac. 
  3. Rahu and ketu Transitted in the Virgo and Pieces axis till 9th Jan 2016 and Mars activated the Eclipse Point of the Eclipses in this axis and was in Virgo till 24th Dec. 2015. Immedaitely after the Nodes have changed signs in Leo and Aquarius axis there have been all of a sudden major happenings all over the world . All has been explained in my above mentioned articles. The Lord  of the Virgo Mercury and Lord of pieces Jupiter has been in miserable condition just on the brink of these nodes changing signs. Jupiter was in Stationary position from 5th to 11th Jan. 2016 when rahu ingressed over Jupiter in Leo at very close degrees at 29.50  and Mercury became Stationary in Capricorn on the 6th Jan. 2016 aspected by Both Mars and Saturn and thereby afflicted badly. on the 14th feb. 2016 Mercury was totally Combusted and fell back in Sagitarius as a Fallen Planet which is most Venomous  and like a snake bite , there were snow bites at so many Places of the world we all know US, China and so may Places, Tsunamilike events
  4. I had mentioned above that when Saturn was in Virgo aspected Scorpio by 3rd crucial aspect and has reached the sign and activating the Leo sign when Saturn was in Virgo at 20.22 degrees and in Aquarius Navamsha aspecting the Leo sign , Now Saturn is at 20. 00 degrees aspecting the Leo sign , Jupiter has already activated Leo and will activate the 20 degrees point on the 12th April 2016 . Saturn will aspect Jupiter degreewise on the 1st April 2016 at the same Degrees at the time of 28th March 2011.
  5. Before this The dispositor of Saturn Mars will be joining Saturn in Scorpio on the 20th Feb. 2016 and both will also be opposing in Navamsha ,> Note this Navamsha Mars in cancer and Saturn in Capricorn, will be the Most Crucial Parameter in the Present Scenerio, since Mars will transit in this sign for 211 days as per my article “Prolonged Stay Of Red Planet Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Scorpio: Crucial 211 days”link…crucial-211-days dated 1st Feb. 2016.
  6. The Lowest Common Factor between Rahu and Jupiter is 6 and the Common factor between them is a 36 years cycle. and Between Saturn , Jupiter and Rahu is 30 years . Taking the Reference Point of 28th Oct. 1929 the Great year of Depression in the World  Saturn will complete  29.46 years x3= 88 years by End 2016.and Jupiter has Completed its cycle of 84 years from 1932  and Rahu and Jupiter together completed the cycle of 36 years from 1980 again a year of Depression,  Rahu also Completes its cycle of approx. 90 years from 1929 the year of Great depression. From this we can conclude that Planetary Cycles Play a Vital role in Astrology and may bring the same conditions which sprouted earlier  and as per the Equations as per the year 1929 the Year of Great Depression.
  7. The following Dates  acquire a special dimension .The Key dates and periods in the Economy Melt down will be from 8th Feb. 2016 . 20th Feb. 2016 then 1st April, First week of May then End August to 1st week of Oct. 2016

Mars aspects Ketu and Sun in Aquarius and Saturn aspects Rahu and Jupiter  at the time of ingress of Mars and Mars and Saturn in opposition in navamsha and  Moon is also afflicted in navamsha along with Sun. Till 20th Feb. 2016 Mars has also been afflicting Ketu in Transit navamsha hence this transit will be crucial for Mars aspect on Ketu in Aquarius , specially Aquarius being the Sign of the Eclipse sign of the 9th March 2016. Mars Influencing this sign 3 times will be crucial between 20th Feb. to 13th July 2016

Eclipse Point 

The Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 9th March 2016 is 24.50 degrees. Mars will activate this Point after 7th Sept. 2016  in the same navamsha and reach these degrees on the 9th Sept. 2016 and in the same navamsha till 12th Sept. 2016. On the 12th sept. 2016. Mars will be aspecting the eclipse point in degrees and Sun will also be in Leo at the same degrees of the Eclipse  and will be with Rahu is most crucial Parameter in the Ingress of Mars in Scorpio.

Mars and Saturn both Retrograde in Scorpio from 17th April 2016 to 29th June 2016  will be the most Crucial time for the globe

Degree Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio

There will be degree conjunction of Mars and Saturn on the 23rd -24th August  2016 and Mars and Saturn will be in square position from both Rahu and Sun and in navamsha on the 23rd August Mars and Saturn will also be influencing both the Lumanaries in Taurus since both Mars and Saturn  will also be vargottam and very strong  hence untoward happenings possible for the significationed mentioned.

Jupiter and Saturn will meet in Capricorn on the 16th Dec. 2020 at 5,50 degrees and both will be in Aquarius navamsha along with Ketu proves all the above principles formed by Research. Hence the World may reel in Financial Stagnation in 2016, Terrorism, War like conditions, Earthquakes. Specially those countries with Leo and Capricorn Ascendant and Hence US, China will be the Most influenced countries.

The Stock market, Gold , Oil Prices, Real Estate  will the Main Parameters in the News

The Planetary Positions are getting worst one after the another and Eclipses on the 9th March and 1st Sept. 2016 will Escalate the Issues , since Mars will aspect the Eclipse point again and again of the 9th March 2016 and Saturn aspecton the Eclipse point of the 1st Sept. 2016 will therefor be crucial specially when mars and Saturn will be in square Position from the Nodes, sun and Benevolent Jupiter. The Planetary cycles are also repeating as mentioned by me on my webpage and Virgo sign and Pieces signs being activated by Saturn, Jupiter in opposition, then nodes and finally mars activation on the Eclipse points and these 2 signs and then the Lords of Virgo Mercury and Pieces Jupiter getting afflicted badly on the 6th and 9th Jan. 2016 respectively when both were in Stationary position and Finally both reaching Virgo on the 12th August and 4th Oct. 2016 will sprout the ultimate with magnitude and the Significations mentioned in all my articles on my webpage much before the happenings. Hence 4th to 7th Oct.  8th Nov. 2016 to 1st Jan 2017 will be the key dates for the Planetary Positions Sprouting with dimension in the Globe. 

The effects will be crucial in Nov-Dec 2016 1st Jan 2017 to 5th Jan 2017

The Recession will be for 5 long years , which no astrologer has Predicted, but taking a Positive stance of the Planetary positions there will be lot of oppurtunities coming in the successive years. Renewable Energies replacing the Oil and Solar Energy in Prominancy. Lot of Inovations are the Positive Part of the Acute Recession, those investing Prudently will Gain after 2020 in the 5 years friom 2020 in a nut shell, hence Proper Investment when and where is the key to success. Although trading in these 5 years can also bring results but the key to this when to invest and Exit

World’s Largest Energy Trader Sees a Decade of Low Oil . Read this Dow Jones Industrial Avg  falls to 15861

Also Read this Guggenheim’s $240 Billion Man Says Nasdaq to Tumble Below 3,800 link

As Per Vedic Astrology the Year 2016 is also Durmukhi.

Those interested to learn Financial astrology may contact me on my mail or on Phone


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  8th Feb. 2016 09-50 hrs  New Delhi


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Astrology,Prashna, Mundane, Predictive Astrology  and Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer : The  Writer of the article is not responsible in any respect if any one individual or a Corporate invests on the above basis and  in relation to any article written by me for the above parameters. if he invests on the above basis then he will be doing it at his own risk and fancies


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