Jupiter The Most Benevolent Planet in Pisces What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ?

by astrodocanil

“Jupiter The Most Benevolent Planet in Pisces What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ?”

After making successful Predictions for Can Astrology Predict Earthquakes ? AS PER THE LINK “Can Astrology Predict Earthquakes Cyclones  ? An Astrological Study For The Immediate Future” – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com) My Prediction for the time frame from the 8th April 2022 Prone to Earthquakes and see  My Predictions Proving spot on  for Earthquakes of Intensity 6.3 and 5.7 around the World as below

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake Affected countries: Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu 98 km from Luganville, Vanuatu · 2:22 am 10th April Magnitude 5.5 earthquake 122 km from Jayapura City, Papua, Indonesia · 2:52 am 9th April 2022 Magnitude 5.7 earthquake 1040 km from Unalaska, AK, USA · 9 Apr, 9:59 pm 9th April 2022 Magnitude 5.8 earthquake Mid-Indian Ridge · 9 Apr, 9:19 pm 9th April 2022

World Earthquake Report for Sunday, 10 April 2022


In this Article I am going to consider the Transit of Jupiter in the sign Pisces as per the Tamil Technique of Transit as per the Vakyam Panchang. The Ingress of Jupiter is taking place on the 13th April 2022 at 19.54 hrs when Libra Ascendant is rising . Jupiter is Transiting in a Benefic rashi but the 12th house of the Natural zodiac which is the 6th house of the Rashi Chart when this ingress is taking place .The Placement of Ketu in the Lagna  in the star of Jupiter who is placed in the 6th house indicates that the pandemic conditions may prevail. Jupiter will stay in the sign Pisces till the 23rd  April 2023.

The Most crucial Period will be when Jupiter is Retrograde on the 29th July to  23rd Nov. 2022 .and having aspect of the Fallen Saturn from the 12th July to 23rd Oct. 2022 and broadly speaking till the 18th Jan 2023. Saturn in Fallen State is considered to be most Venomous specially when it controls the Death, Destruction, Delays. 

Let us have a look at the Panchang details of the Day

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury placed in the yama of Scorpio a malefic Yama  the 2nd house of the chart and the Yama Lord Mars  is placed in the sign Aquarius with the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord Venus  in the 5th house  is not good for the 5th house significations of the Speculations and Global Economy

The Lagna is a Dagdha Rashi is showing the weakness of the Lagna specially when Ketu is Placed in the Lagna in the star of Jupiter who is the 6th Lord placed in the 6th house in own star.

Pandemic Conditions

Gulika in the sign Aquarius and the Lord is Saturn aspects the Ketu in Lagna . Navamsha sign is Aquarius and the Lord Saturn with Moon  with Saturn in the 8th house of Navamsha and parameters which cannot be ignored. Navamsha Lord of Gulika is also Mars and aspects the Navamsha Lagna from the 10th house.

The Yoga is Vriddhi and the Lord is Mercury and placed with Rahu in the 7th house and is ill placed from the 6th house and the 6th Lord  Jupiter . From Moon the 6th Lord is Saturn and is ill placed from Moon all these conditions indicate Pandemic may prevail in India and the Globe in General. Moon is also ill placed from the 6th house and the 6th Lord . These Parameters are of concern for the Virus and Pandemic

6th House is under affliction since Saturn aspects the Sun almost degree-wise and also the 6th Lord Jupiter . 6th Lord from the Lagna  Jupiter is connected to Saturn the 6th from the Moon and 6th Lord from the Moon has aspect on the Ketu almost degree wise . ^th Lord from the Lagna and the 6th Lord from the Moon both are stronger then the Lagna Lord.

D6 Chart 

6th Lord Jupiter ill placed from Ketu the disease karka and 6th Lord placed in Kendra of the D6 is not good . Mars in Fiery sign indicates Relief and Cure from the disease

Jupiter Retrogression as the 6th Lord of the Chart is not good for the Pandemic conditions  from the 29th July to 23rd Nov. 2022 , specially when Saturn will also be fallen and will aspect Jupiter 

D8 Chart

8th Lord Jupiter in the Lagna and the Lagna Lord in the 8th house both these conditions are not good .

6th Lord from the Moon Saturn with Rahu and Ketu not good for the Pandemic but the grace is that Jupiter the 6th Lord is not afflicted by Rahu-Ketu and Saturn.

Critical Parameters for Pandemic

Mrityu Sphuta is Aquarius and Navamsha is Scorpio

Deha Sphuta Is Pisces and the Navamsha is Leo

Pran sphuta is Libra and Aquarius Navamsha

Deha Sphuta ia greater then Pran Sphuta the Sickness and Virus will abate

As per Navamsha the Pran Sphuta is Greater then Deha Sphuta and also the Navamsha Lagna is of Greater Longitude then Moon hence the Virus and the Pandemic may increase but may not be that fatal since the Mrityu Sphuta is not the Greatest in the Navamsha . Ketu joining the Rahu Star and Rahu Joining the Ketu Star may give relief on the 8th Feb 2023. THIS HAS  BEEN PREDICTED LONG BACK BY ME IN MY ARTICLE DATED 17TH SEPT 2019 WHICH HAS PROVED 100 % TILL DATE FOR THE PANDEMIC

Speculations and World Economy

The Moon is placed in P Phalguni star and in the sign of Leo and in the yama chart in the sign Pisces  where the 6th Lord Jupiter with Sun is placed . In this Position Moon will be in the 6/8 axis from the Transit Moon. Moon is also forming a strong Shatak Yoga in the Shukla Paksham with Jupiter also . All these conditions are indicative of Volatile conditions the Financial Conditions and hence ups and down in the Stock and the Financial Markets World Wide. Venus and Mars in the 5th house of Speculations indicate Speculations need to be put on hold. Mars is Avyogi and not good for the Speculative sector.

Jupiter Forming the Sanrakshan (Shiv Rajyoga ) in own star and in exaltation in navamsha and Sun Vargottam  shows ultimate relief .

Saturn is also forming a Pancha Maha Purush Yoga Shasha  in the 4th house  shows relief and aspects the Sun and the Jupiter ultimately relief after pain.

General Influence on Natives 

Natives born in Leo , Libra and Pisces it is Golden Period. For Natives born in Aries Cancer and Sagittarius it is Good Period.   Natives born in Gemini Scorpio and Aquarius it will only be auspicious time. For Natives born in having Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn will experience change of place and new challenges in life.

Sanrakshan Yoga (Shiv Raj yoga) taking place between 13th April 19-54 hrs to 14th April 8-41 hrs most powerful yoga specially for those natives who also have this yoga in the natal chart and Jupiter or Sun the 10th Lord in the chart will bestow most powerful results for the Career . If Transit Saturn also activates this yoga t then sky is the limit for such natives and a Phenomenal Rise in Career . Those native who have been suffering in Career and if this yoga Present then they will again rise back to position.



This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

Date 11-4-2022 7-00 hrs
New Webpage http://www.astrodocanil.in/

Mobile +919810038903  +918527884764

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer. .All My Predictions on the Virus Spread and ease have proved 100 % correct even the dates .

More than 1760 Predictions have been made and all spot on  with 96% True Results 385 YouTube Videos

Anil Aggarwala” 

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