Varahamihira Brihat Samhita: Astrology Can Achieve What 1000 Elephants and 4 Times Many Horses

by astrodocanil

Mundane Astrology


Mundane Astrology is a Branch of Astrology  which deals with Worldly events  like  War and Peace, Earthquakes, Floods, Famines,  Communal / Religious  Roits , Rise and Fall of Nations, Duration of the Govt. and  Financial Status  Rise and fall of the Stock market ,Gold and Metal Predictions. Mundane word has been derived from Sanskrit word Medini.

In earlier days no King use to take any action with out the consent of an Astrologer . Varahamihira in his monumental work  Brihat Samhita  has said  that “ Just as the night is devoid of lights  and is utterly blind, and the Sun dark, even so will a King grope in the life in the dark like a blind man on the way , if such a person is not guided by an eminent astrologer “

He has said that the Power of the single astrologer ie one who studies the Course of Destiny can achieve  what  a thousand elephants and 4 times as many horses cannot do. He laid the emphasis that Astrology can guide a Person, Politicians for the Future and to be aware  of the Pitfalls  which one comes across in life.

Our Ancient  Indian Texts are showing Applicability of Astrology and Raj Jyotish in the Imperial court . Kings and Emperors of India did not move till they consulted an Astrologer. No religious and important ceremonies could take place without the consultation of the Astrologer. In the Past every King use to have an Astrologer. In the Ramayana of Valmiki Dashratha talks of Affliction to his Janma nakshatra  for any event can bring adversity.

My observation is that what ever has to be Predicted must be related to the natural Zodiac of Aries Lagna first and then seen as per the charts and then conclude the results .

In this article I am going to give the Natural Phenomena of the Planets in the Globe

As a Good Astrologer one should know the following parameters

  1. Panchang of the Day
  2. Planetary Positions
  3. The Travel of the Planets and their cycles, the Travel per day must be known to the astrologer to evaluate the results in advance .
  4. Planets ingressing in the next signs , nakshatra,navamsha,Retrogression, Stationary Position, in acceleration, in combustion and the 6 states of malefic stance must be known in advance for predicting an event.
  5. The Slow Moving planets are of main concern , namely Saturn the Kaal, Jupiter the Jeeva ,the Nodes for Eclipses,Mars the activator and  then the Fast moving planets Venus , Mercury and the Delivery Planet  Moon.
  6. Nothing in the Universe can happen with out the activation of Saturn and  the Blessings of Jupiter , Activation by Mars the Lord of the natural Zodiac in 45 days , and finally then the Bhav Siddhi Kaal Principle with Moon taking the role of Delivery Planet.

For   Mundane astrology  The charts important for evaluation and Predictions for the year, the following charts are needed

  1. Foundation chart of the country
  2. Horoscope of the Hindu New Moon Pieces chart of the year .
  3. Solar ingress charts in the Cardinal signs of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra
  4. Lunation charts
  5. Eclipses charts and their implications
  6. Transit of Planets movement in the Paksha Kundalis
  7. Special Chakras to evaluate the situations
  8. Malefic and Befefic Yogas of Planets  in the Transit
  9. Annual charts of the Foundation chart of the country
  10. My Research of annual chart by Manu Smiriti

This will constitute 39 charts

My Research  of 8th house/lord/Navamsha sign/ 8th lord of Navamsha  and 8th house of navamsha are crucial parameters for untoward happenings  if afflicted.

Parameters for Earthquakes, Terrorism, War

Parameters for Stock market  Rise and Fall

Weather Forecast etc

Let me explain here the Planetary Formula of the Planets which Bring change in the Globe and responsible for Prosperity , Fall, untoward happenings and Financial Stagnation.

One Thumb Rule is when ever Jupiter and Saturn are together influence a sign , by Conjunction or By placement in 1/7 axis the samsaptak, they bring major changes in the Globe

I am here giving a specific example which is also my research.

The Natural Zodiac is of Aries Lagna  Slow Moving Planets  Saturn, Jupiter,Nodes, Mars when trsnsitting in these sign bring about negativity/positivity depending upon the house Good or Bad . Trik Bhavas are crucial for Transit . Let us take the Present Example of Saturn Transit in Virgo 6th house of the natural Zodiac and  Saturn was in Virgo in 2010 and 2011 and Jupiter opposed it in Pieces the 12th house of the Natural Zodiac , hence the Virgo –Pieces axis was activated , now when the nodes  Rahu and Ketu were in Transit in these signs before 9th Jan. 2016 for 1.5 years  and Forming Eclipses with Lumanaries  activated the  negative effects. The activation of Mars on the Eclipse Point further aggravated the situations  and finally the delivery Planet  Moon activating the Point and the Moment the Nodes shifted the sign and influenced the Sign Lords of Pieces and Virgo sprouted the results after 9th Jan. 2016 Rahu and Ketu have left Virgo and Pieces sign on the 9th Jan. 2016  and Mars has activated this axis and the Eclipse point of the eclipses and Left Virgo on the  24th Dec. 2015  . The Process of activation of the Pieces and Virgo wes Thus completed  and hence sprouted with magnitude after 9th Jan. 2016.  The wost Parameters was the Jupiter and Mercury both Stationary on the 5-6th Jan. 2016 and Jupiter Stationary from 5th Jan to 11th Jan. 2016 when it was Eclipsed degreewise on the 9th Jan. 2016 , thus  the significations of the sign Pieces a totally water sign and Jupiter sprouted with Magnitude. Needless to mention the reasons for the  Reasons the  Case  of US, China, Japan  suffering due to the above significations and the Globe in the stage of Economic Meltdown after 9th Jan. 2016. Needless to mention that these countries are influenced by  dasha of Planets connected to TrikBhavas, Rahu or Ketu  Jupiter and Mercury. Either the signs are in Trik Bhavas or the Lords are afflicted .

The Golden rule is when Planets change sign, Navamsha, state of Motion, specially the slow moving Planets then a big change is experienced  in the Globe , hence in the present scenario the world in undergoing a big transformation due to the above phenomena.

The Planetary cycles are also important  and the Least common factor between the slow moving , Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu has also to be seen for their  conjunction, oppositions , Square and 6/8 axis  position to give the Results accordingly.

The Planets complete their cycles as follows

Saturn 29.46 months in a sign and 29.46 yers to return back to the sign

Jupiter 11.86 Months and 11.86 years to come back to the same sign

Rahu takes  18 months in a sign and 18 years to return in the same sign

Mars  686.97 days

Venus  224,70 days

Mercury 87.96 days

Moon  2.25 days   in a house and reaches the same sign in 27 days or so

Between Jupiter and Rahu the least common factor  is 6  and  Roughly Rahu returns in the same sign after 18 years and Jupiter after 12 , that means they can meet every 36 years  from the reference point when they have met. . Today Jupiter and Rahu are conjunct and they were also conjunct in 1980 early months . Saturn was in Scorpio in 1929 and has completerd 3 cycles  and again in Scorpio after 88 years  29.46×3= 88 years plus

Jupiter has completed 84 years cycle from 1932 the Worst year of Financial Stagnation from 1929 to 1932

The Negativity has been due to the Slow moving Planets Transitting the 6th and the 12th house of the natural Zodiac along with Nodes , Mars and other slow moving planets , The effect is normally for 5 long years , hence after Jupiter and Saturn join in Capricorn there will be  major changes in the globe , the 5 years from 2020 will be full of Prosperity  and specially when Jupiter is ahead of Saturn by one sign , meaning one house which is aspected by Saturn 10th aspect strongly, Jupiter will aspect the same house with strong 9th aspect . This is the nut shell of the planetary movement in the Globe. What ever is happening in the Present Scenerio is exactly what the Planetary positions are activating as per the above.

My Predictions on my webpage much in advance are Proving 100% using the above Techniques may be it Economy Melt Down, Stock Market, Gold, Politics, oil Prices, Forecast of an event prior to the happenings .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  26th Jan . 2016


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