Third Wave Coronavirus Inevitable Already Set In 20th June 2021 Peak Sept- Dec. 2021

by astrodocanil

“Coronavirus Third Wave Inevitable Already Set In 20th June 2021 When Jupiter Started It’s Journey To Capricorn”

As per my Research the 3rd wave has already started on the 20th June 2021 when Jupiter started it’s journey to Capricorn in retrogression on the 20th June 2021 at 20-36 hrs . Jupiter will fall in Capricorn on the 14th Sept. 2021  and join Saturn in retrogression as a Fallen, Debilitated planet  till the 20th Nov. 2021 . The Longitudinal distance between the Jupiter and Saturn will start to decrease from the 20th June 2021 . As per my research when the Longitudinal distance  between Jupiter and Saturn  starts to decrease it is time for disaster  specially when Jupiter journey is towards it’s debilitation sign. The 3rd wave therefore is already set in as predicted in all my Articles and the first Article on the 3rd wave was written on the  21st April 2021 when no one could even dream of and no Astrologer Predicted  . The #rd wave will show its head  with dimension between the Sept to Dec. 2021 and after that slow  ease of the Virus till 17th March 2022

Let me reproduce the Article here for ready reference 

The Month of Sept. 2021 seems to ne most Venomous and a period from the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 as can be seen from the planetary positions.  No doubt we have got  some relief from the Coronavirus after the 9th-16th May 2021 and my prediction on this have also proved spot on, but  the Planetary positions in the month of Sept. -Nov. 2021 seems to be taking the complete world for a rough ride again for the 3rd wave of Coronavirus and other natural and unnatural calamities . My warning  for the world for effects of the Coronavirus on the ‘Global Economy and Covid-19 wave . The effects will be on the Children , Masses and the Worker Class’ between 14th Sept. to 8th Jan . 2022  for the Following reasons.  The 3rd Wave of the Coronavirus has already set in after the Jupiter has gone in retrogression and it’s journey to Capricorn in Retrogression on the 20th June 2021  as mentioned above 

  1. 13 days Lunar Fortnight  in the months of Sept. 2021  between then 7th Sept. to 20th Sept. 2021 in Bhadra Pada Shukla Paksha. Normally a Fortnight is of 15 days . As per Bhavishya Phal Bhaskar if the fortnight is of 13 days then it brings lot of Violence and destruction on Earth.  One of the reasons could be the 3rd wave of Coronavirus 
  2.  Jupiter the Planet for Prosperity, Wealth and a Jeeva Planet will fall back in the sign Capricorn on the 14th Sept.2021 at 14.22 hrs and join Saturn in Retrogression. In this State Jupiter will be in most afflicted condition
  3. Solar Ingress of Sun will take place on the 17th Sept. 2021 at 1.17 hrs . Jupiter will be conjunct with Sat, Moon,  and shall aspect Sun, Mercury, Mars and Rahu . Jupiter will be first class Marak in this Solar ingress placed in the 8th house with 8th Lord Saturn . Have a Look at the chart of the Solar Ingress on the 17th Sept. 2021 1.17 hrs . below
  4. Mercury will also be fallen in Virgo and having aspect  From Jupiter  from the 1st Oct  to 2nd Nov. 2021. Hence between the 1st Oct to 2nd Nov. 2021 there will be 2 Planets Fallen and 3 Planets in Retrogression. Jupiter Fallen in the 10th house of the Natural Zodiac and Mercury fallen in the 6th house of the Natural Zodiac will be crucial for the Head of the Country Cabinet  and the Diseases and Virus spread  for the complete world 
  5. Time frame from the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 Saturn and Jupiter will be in Capricorn for the 3rd time and Jupiter will be in most afflicted condition  may prove historic since the Solar Ingress in Virgo is most enigmatic and Jupiter acquires the Status of 1st Class Marka since the sign Gemini is rising  and Jupiter is bhadak, marak- and has kendraadhipati dosh and with the 8th Lord it will attain the status of a 1st Class Marak. Jupiter in animals can be compared to an Elephant and when this Elephant goes mad has the Capacity to ruin the Jungle . Similarly This Jupiter will have the Capacity to ruin every thing connected to its significations  along with Saturn who controls the diseases and death——- Note these Predictions
  6.  The Longitudinal distance between the Saturn and Jupiter will start to reduce  from the 21st June 2021 and Crucial after the 28th Sept. to 2nd Dec. 2021.  It has been observed that when this distance decreases below 16 degrees the Virus surges. Hence the set in of the 3rd wave after the 20th June 2021  has taken place. The 3rd wave will start to ease after the 2nd Dec. 2021 when distance between Jupiter and Saturn will start to increase more then 16 degrees  and when Jupiter crosses the 8 degree mark in Aquarius  on the 8th Jan 2022 . Hence  2nd Dec 2021  and 8th Jan 202 2  are most important time frames . Finally when Ketu leaves the sign Scorpio on the 17th March 2022 we can have relief from the Coronavirus  3rd wave. Since the Coronavirus is parallel to Spanish flue we may only get total relief from the virus when Rahu is in Aries and Ketu in Libra and there is stars exchange between the 2 on the 8th Feb 2023   and Saturn leaves the sign Capricorn on the 23rd April 2023
  7. Lunation chart of the 5th Oct. 2021 is Most enigmatic as discussed below


Jupiter is planet of expansion and a divine planet  which is 100 % benefic 

Banks, treasury, finance and revenues. It is a Planet for good fortune, prosperity, lavish spending, loans, lotteries and wealth. Capitalism and business in general, lawyers, advocates  and judiciary, mosques, churches, religion, religious huts or ‘Mutts’ sports persons, speculation, shipping and foreign affairs, treaties, foreign trade, teachings, preaching, arbitration, charitable institutions, birth rate, children, education, religious institutions, Ministry of Foreign affairs,  diplomats, long travel.

In minerals  it represents Gold. In commodities turmeric, vegetables that grow in creepers, cow. The entry of Jupiter in Capricorn causes major disturbances  in the atmosphere.

When ever Jupiter in Capricorn not good for Wars being the 9th house of the India Foundation chart. Jupiter is a Jeeva planet and when in Debilitation, Retrogression, and Fallen  specially the time frame from  when Sun will be in Virgo will behave like a First class marak and will be with Saturn who controls the diseases and death . The Longitudinal distance between the Jupiter and Saturn will be less then 17 degrees from the 14th Sept. 2021 and the most precarious time frame for the 3rd wave will be from the 11th Oct to 18th Oct. 2021 when the Distance between Saturn and Jupiter will be minimum

Another observation has been made  that American Presidents elected  at the time of Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction or near to this conjunction did not complete their full term in office


It is the ruler of the 3rd and the 6th house of the natural zodiac . It owns the signs Gemini and Virgo and it has been observed that the world most tragic events happen  in the nakshatra of Mercury Ashlesha,  Jyestha and Revati

It represents the intellectual calibre speed and communication  publishers, booksellers ,  newspapers, magazines, transport vehicles , entertainment media, TV Trade and commerce, means of communications, written documents, computer  programmers. Mercury is  signification of weather and noticeable changes take place when it changes nakshatras and state of motion



Conjunction which took place 60 years back in 1960-1961 of Jupiter and Saturn, but then Jupiter was not a Fallen Planet  makes all the difference in the immediate future since  Jupiter will be afflicted by the following ways 

  1. Retrogression
  2. Debilitation
  3. Fallen  In Capricorn with Saturn

The Earlier Happenings were

1.Process of decolonization was started. British and French imperialism suffered a defeat

2.Bombay was bifurcated  into Maharashtra and Gujrat

3. In 1961, India  occupied Portuguese enclaves of Goa, Daman and Deo


Attack on India by Chinese on the 20th Oct 1962. The defeat was a shattering blow  to the  Nehru’s idealism, His whole edifice of foreign policy on the basis of visionary approach fell to pieces.

In  April 1962 there was great confrontation of USA with Russia over  missile crisis in Cuba and both Countries  came very close to Nuclear war.


Now have a look at the Solar Ingress chart of Sun in Virgo most enigmatic of the 17th Sept. 2021 01-14 hrs 

The following Parameter acquire an important dimension

  1. The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter acquiring the Status of a First class Marka since with 8th Lord Saturn in the 8th house with also Moon
  2. Karna  Vishti most malefic  and Saturn very close to Vish ghati  13.10 degrees in Shravana
  3. The Day Lord Jupiter is placed in the yama of Aquarius the 9th house of the chart and the Yama Lord id placed in the 8th house with Day Lord and Moon is the most malefic combination in the solar Ingress of Virgo in Sept. 2021
  4. The Moon in the Rashi Chart  and the yama Moon are in 6/8 axis  is another Parameter most enigmatic and most malefic for good results in this Ingress of Sun  and specially in the month of Sept. 2021
  5. Jupiter first class Marak aspects  and Influences  all planets except Venus and Ketu
  6. . Ingress of Sun in Virgo the 4th house where the Lagna Lord Mercury and Mars the 6th Lord is placed and aspected by 1st Class Marak Jupiter is most malefic combination in this ingress. Jupiter is the Lord of the 7th house and the 10th house  and with Saturn the Lord of the 8th and the 9th house , both Jupiter and Saturn for Gemini Lagna have ownership of Malefic bhavas and when they combine  Jupiter gets afflicted by 3 ways . As 7th Lord Bhadak, as 7th Lord Marak and since Owner of Kendras gets Kendraadhipati dosh. Hence  Jupiter placement in the 8th house with 8th Lord in Retrogression, Debilitation and also fallen gets the Status of a First Class Marka and and its aspect on the other Planets  will give Marka Tatwa . Jupiter In Animals can be compared to an Elephant  and when This Elephant goes mad has the capacity to Ruin the Jungle. Hence Jupiter connected to 6 Planets may bring great Agony and Pain to the world in Totality.
  7.  In the D6 Chart the 6th Lord Mars is ill placed from Ketu the disease Karka  Not good .  The Lagna Lord of the Ingress chart and the D6 Chart is Debilitated and with Marak Jupiter in the 7th house  Trouble Creator.
  8. In the D8 Chart Mars the 6th Lord id placed in the 8th house of  Chronic diseases, deaths, scandals, insurance claims. The Lagna of the D8 has Rahu and Ketu and the Lagna Lord in the 6th house makes the D8 a weak chart. 12th Lord of the Ingress chart is Venus and afflicted in the 6th house by Saturn hence confinement and Hospitalisation are not ruled out. Hence Virus Wave can trouble the man kind again
  9. Getting Relief from Coronavirus after 16th May 2021 does not  confirm that we cannot have another wave of  Coronavirus and Specially between the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 as already Predicted by me
  10. There is Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi Sanghatta chakra  and also in the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra as as per the Below dates. The worst is there is Vedha between Planets in the sign Virgo and Capricorn and there are total 6 Planets under affliction and also  Jupiter connection to all these Planets.
  11. The 6th Lord Venus of the Foundation chart will be in fallen condition in the 8th house of chronicity between the 30th Dec. to 27th Feb 2022 will also be a major Concern we have to see this Period may also be of Major concern for the Virus. In any case I don’t see any major respite till 17th March 2022 when Ketu leaves the sign Scorpio the most dreaded sign in Medical Astrology for diseases 
  12. Karka for Vaccines Mercury will be afflicted I can  foresee some untoward happenings due to Vaccines also —– Note this Prediction


Also have a Look at the  Vedha between Mars and Saturn below

Jupiter Fallen Retrograde and Debilitated connected to 6 planets in the Rashi Sanghatta chakra most crucial and Rahu connected to  Venus

Have a Look at the New Moon chart of the 6th Oct. 2021 16-35 hrs MOST ENIGMATIC 

The New Moon Chart is most enigmatic . Lagna Lord in the 12th house, 10th Lord  total combusted in the 8th house  with Fallen 8th Lord and Both Sun and Moon in the 8th house . The Panchang parameters are also not good . All Planets afflicted by Fallen Jupiter aspect and Venus In Rahu -Ketu axis . Jupiter connected to 6 Planets  as the 2nd and the 11th Lord in most afflicted condition. When Time comes I will write more on this. The Cabinet and the Head of the Country suffers 

Now see the Vedha between Planets on the 3rd -4th Nov. 2021 in the time frame from the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2020 which is also a Period of Pain and agony

4 Planets connected to  Jupiter and Saturn vedha most crucial

Hence from the above it is crystal clear that the Solar Ingress in Virgo is not auspicious one from the 17th Sept.  to 18th Oct. 2021 and then as already mentioned since the time frame from the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 is also most enigmatic the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra indicates the Time frame from the 1st Nov to 19th Nov. 2021 is also most enigmatic  specially the 3rd-4th Nov. 2021 when there will be Vedha between  Mars, Sun, Moon  Mercury with Saturn and Jupiter .  From  the above it is crystal clear that the 3rd wave may even be stronger then the 2nd Wave and May influence the Man kind with oscillating fortunes  and sufferings  mainly due to deep affliction to the Planet Jupiter  We may only start to get some ease after the 2nd Dec and 8th Jan 2022 and then when Ketu leaves the sign Scorpio on the 17th March 2022


  1. The 6th Lord Venus of the Foundation chart will be in fallen condition in the 8th house of chronicity between the 30th Dec. to 27th Feb 2022 will also be a major Concern we have to see this Period may also be of Major concern for the Virus. In any case I don’t see any major respite till 17th March 2022 when Ketu leaves the sign Scorpio the most dreaded sign in Medical Astrology for diseases 

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
12th July 2021 19.45 hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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The Writer of the Article is not responsible for any person investing on the basis of the above Predictions and any loses made by any Individual, Company , Corporate shall be  doing on their own risk and Fancies . Please note this . This is an Astrological Predictions on the basis of the Book of Mundane Astrology  Guide Mr K N Rao  and Not My Own Parameters  Reference  Page 73 of the Book



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