Lunar Eclipse of 4th April 2015:What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

Lunar Eclipse is taking place on the 4th April 2015 17.36 hrs.   and is Visible in India. The duration of the Eclipse is 32 minutes and 23 seconds . The details are as follows  .

Partial Lunar Eclipse in New Delhi
Lunar Eclipse Starts (With Moonrise) – 18:42:56
Lunar Eclipse Ends – 19:15:20
Local Eclipse Duration – 00 Hours 32 Mins 23 Secs

Moonrise – 18:42:56

First Contact with the Penumbra – 14:33:29
First Contact with the Umbra – 15:47:38
Maximum of Lunar Eclipse – 17:31:29
Last Contact with the Umbra – 19:15:20
Last Contact with the Penumbra – 20:29:29

Duration of Partial Phase – 03 Hours 27 Mins 42 Secs. Hence it will influence minimum for 15 days  The chart is below
Duration of Penumbral Phase – 05 Hours 55 Mins 59 Secs. The last Solar Eclipse took place on the 20th March 2015 the Day of the Hindu New Moon Day.                                                      Giving you the example of Karna who was a shudra but he had knowledge of astrology. At time of Mahabharat war when lord Krishna went to Karna for Pandav support because Karna was brother of Pandavs at that time Karna told Lord Krishna Hey Krishna ! I am looking at a big change of the future because Duration of the fortnight 13 days   and 2 eclipse were taking place one lunar and one solar (A pakh is of 15 days normally), so from this we got a clue for the eclipses, and knowledge of the old Shastras.Hence  a big Change. Lunar Eclipse

The Chart of the Lunar Eclipse is above.

Panchang of the Day of Eclipse .

Day Saturday.  sun rise is 06-12 hrs.  Tithi upto 17.35 Purnima. The nakshatra is Haste , The Eclipses give advance information aout the auspicious or inauspicious  events  which may take place in the life of the native  or a nation during the Period between one eclipse to another eclipse.

The following are some important parameters .

1. Since Moon is with Rahu at the time of eclipse it is of a Stronger in   magnitude.

2.When Eclipse fall on the Radical planets , Mid Cusp and Lagna  have a telling effect.

3. Rahu and Moon when fall in 3/11 axis or in , trine 5th or 9th  from Natal Sun and Moonand other sensative points as mentioned above and when Conjunct with benefics Jupiter and Venus Produce Favourable results.

4. Eclipse falling in the 8th house and badly aspected  by natal position of planets , specially when Dasha ia also malefic then it results in bad health and Fall of Status.

5. If it falls on Sun Father Suffers and if on Moon then mother Suffers.

6. If it falls on Lagna then effect on the self Fortune and Health .

Let me write the countries who will be influenced most.

Brazin Eclipse in the 8th house over Natal Sun, Canada Over the Lagna , Chile in the 7th house from Sun and Moon, Egypt over Natal  Moon in the 6th house ,Denmark over the Lagna , Indonesia  7th house from Moon, Israel over the Lagna , Kuwait over the Lagna , NewZealand over the Lagna, Srilanka over Natal moon in the 2nd house, Syria over the Lagna , Tibet in the 7th house from Lagna and Moon .

India AndraPradesh  Over Natal Moon, Madhya Pradesh  Over the Natal Moon in the 9th house , Maniupur in the 7th house from Natal Moon , Meghalaya 7th house from Natal moon in the 12th house. Lagna of Punjab., Over Natal Moon in the 3rd house of Rajasthan , Tripura 7th house from Natal Moon, Uttranchal in the 7th house from Natal  Moon, over Natl Moon for Kerala,Kashmir.

See the Foundation chart of Jammu -Kashmir Assension.  The Chart has been given by our Teacher Shri K . N Rao.

Kashmir Assension   27th Oct. 1947 Time 13-21.43 hrs Place Srinagar IndiaJ and K

The main feature of the Horoscope is it is amovable Lagna and not good for the stability of the state . The Dasha in operation is of Moon-Mercury from 20th April 2014 to 19th Sept. 2015.  Moon is the 7th lord and placed in the 3rd house of neighboring states , 7th house is house of war, Sex and out of state affairs affairs, . Dasha of Moon is not favourable for the Capricorn Lagna, more so since the dispositor of Moon is also aspecting it and is in Rahu-Ketu axis . This Jupiter Lord of the 3rd and the 12th house is also aspecting the 7th house . 7th House connection with Mars and Saturn further escalates the situations . Mars is also Deblitated . Lagna Lord placed in the 7th house with Deblitated Mars shows the situations in the State crystal clear.and is self explainatory for the extreme situations in the State. The Anter Dasha lord is Mercury and is a fallen planet , although forming a Rajyoga in the 10th house as 9th lord but with 10th lord and also 8th Lord Sun is not condusive to give stability in the Govt. Also There were eclipses in the 7th house from Natal moon whose dasha is in operation and Mercuryis again fallen in the natal chart and Deblitated and completely eclipsed in the Eclipse of the 4th April 2015 .  Solar Eclipse of the 20th March 2015 was on Natal Moon and the 7th Lord .  As per my Research principles when ever malefics transit over the 8th house/Lord/ Navamsha lord /Navamsha sign then there will be untoward happenings in the Country or State, Here  in the Present condition Saturn is transitting over the 8th Lord Sun as per the Navamsha transit of Saturn in Libra, Mars will transit over the 8th Lord Navamsha sign of Capricorn on the 10th to 14th March 2015 . will be a critical period for tensions in the boarder of Kashmir and Natural untoward happening.   In the Present scenerio The Dasha is Moon-Mer-Rahu, Hence from 1st April to 6th April Rahu will be in adverse motion and will be with Deblitated Mercury in Transit. Mars will become deblitated after 5th-6th  April 2015 and since in  watery sign and aspecting the 8th Lord Sun in Transit Navamsha and also in Transit . Saturn is already transitting in the navamsha sign of Libra of Sun  in Navamsha Transit. could be most damaging for the State. Another period Crucial for the state will be from 18th April 2015 to 26th June 2015.

Let us see the Planetary positions  to see in which Mandal the planets are transitting . Rahu, Moon is in Haste  Windy circle, Ascendant in Uttra Phalguni at the time of Eclipse again Windy circle hence strong winds like Tornado. Saturn in Indra Mandal, , Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and Ketu in Varun mandal , If Heavy Rainfalls Starts then on the 7th Day there could be EarthQuake in the  Varun Mandal Nakshatras are Revati, P Bhadra, Ardira,Ashlesha , Mula,and Satbisha . There could be heavy rainfalls and damage the State Particularly Jammu and Kashmir.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 31st March 2015

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