Will the Eclipses in March 2016 Bring a Meltdown in Economy ?

by astrodocanil

The Solar Eclipse is taking place on the 9th March 2016 at 09-06 hrs  as per the chart below.. I am not discussing the Lunar Eclipse  , since the Eclipse of the 9th March is a Sensitive one since the Aspect of Mars is close to Venus and Mercury and that of Saturn on Rahu and  Jupiter. Lumanaries also very close to Rahu and Ketu. Ketu on the Mouth of Lumanaries and Jupiter on the mouth of Rahu. Mars during its Tenure of 211 days in Scorpio will aspect the Eclipse point again and again and Trigger the maleficiance of the Eclipse. Mars will also be Fallen on the 18th June 2016 for 25 days  and afflict the 2 houses of Venus after it has afflicted Venus in the Eclipse.


Solar Eclipse of March 2016

The Lagna is Aries in the Nakshatra of Venus the 2nd and the 7th Lord placed in the 11th house  of Escalations and afflicted badly by Ketu  and Mars aspect.

Lagna Lord Mars is Placed in the 8th house and afflicted by Saturn a Bhadak for the Chart , is bad and most malefic Parameter.This conjunction will be there in the Transit for 211 days till 21st Sept. 2016 is crucial . Also both Saturn and Mars will be over the natal Ketu of the India Foundation chart at 5.35 degrees , we all know that Saturn Activated the Natal Ketu between the 27th July to 7th August 2015 when Saturn was stationary at 4.13 degrees and in the same navamsha , now Activation by Mars will be crucial for War like conditions in the Country both internal and External. Lagna is aspected By Jupiter who has connection with Saturn as Bhadak and ruins the significations of Jupiter ,hence aspect will not give any Protection to the Lagna rather effects of Financial Stagnation.

House of Lunation and Eclipse is having Eclipse in the 11th house and aspect of Mars from the 8th house as 8th Lord is crucial Parameter for Downturn for Economy. Specially Mercury Placed in the bearish sign with Venus and both aspected by 8th Lord Mars

Longitude of Mercury and Venus is only 9 degrees and can be responsible for a down turn in the Financial markets, since both are in Bearish sign and under affliction. The Bhinashtakvarga of Mercury is 5 and that of Venus is 4, placement in Bearish sign and aspect and Conjunction with Malefics will downturn the Market.

Jupiter and Saturn are Lords of 9,12th and 10th,11th. For Aries Lagna Saturn as Bhadak aspect on Jupiter is most Critical since cancells all Rajyogas, more so Jupiter is Retrograde  and with Rahu in close degrees with Rahu and at the Mouth of Rahu, when it is in Forward motion and is Poison.

Aspect of malefics  and Specially of Mars on Rahu and Lumanaries and Benefics Mercury and Venus is Most Sensitive  and negative Impact on the economy of the country , more so since in Financial Astrology Aquarius sign is a Bearish Sign and has strong afflictions . longitude of Venus and Mercury is also at a difference of about 9 degrees only, which shows the Trend in the Stock market to take a Down turn.

This Combination in the 11th house of the Eclipse Chart  is signifying that  there may also be a down trend in the international Trade and affliction to the International Relations withe Foreign Countries. The Financial gains from international trade will be adversely afflicted.

Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the 7th house of the Foundation chart and in the 8th house of the Eclipse is again sensitive for War since 7th house is war and 8th house is house of mass happenings. The conjunction is often bad for Stock markets , Escalation in the Crude Oil Prices or a Volatile trend.

Jupiter Significator of Wealth and Finance is afflicted with Rahu  and in Retrogression and aspected by Saturn will Ruin the significations of Jupiter

Jupiter and Rahu have a least common factor of 6 years  and they conjunct after every Common cycle of 36 years, 72 years and even 84 years, Way back in 1932 , 1980 and 2007 we had financial stagnations.


Lumanaries in the Fixed sign in the Rashi and Navamsha indicate the Effect will be for Long . Karka for Finance is also in the Fixed sign and shows Economic Stagnation for long. Mercury in Bearish sign in Capricorn is also not good specially the 11th and the 2nd Lord in the 6th house . In the rashi cahrt 11th Lord is afflicted in the 8th house with 8th Lord is crystal clear for an Economic Downturn

The Eclipse is in the Airy sign and afflicted , there could Tornados, Storms as well Earthquakes also cannot be ruled out. There is strong Possibility of Pakistan hand in Terrorism in India since 3rd house is also afflicted by Mars and also aspects the 3rd Lord, there could be Train accidents due to Terrorism and Blasts.

The Effects normally in the case of Solar Eclipse are long lasting. The worst is that in the Solar Eclispe  Mars aspects the Eclipse Point and in the case of Lunar Eclipse  Saturn aspects the Eclipse Point. Mars Transit in the 7th house of the Foundation chart from 20th Feb 2016 for 211 days and the 8th house  of Eclipse chart are indicative of mass happenings .

Venus affliction in Airy sign , hence Air crashes and untoward happening for Travel cannot be ruled out.

For War,Terrorism and Blasts,Related to Mundane Astrology,the following Parameters are important.

1.Houses important are Lagna,3rd,4th,6th and the 8th house and their Lords under affliction.  In the chart above there are afflictions to the said houses or the Lords .

2. Malefic Combinations of Mars with Rahu-Ketu or Saturn are existing Mars aspecting Ketu and Saturn aspecting Rahu and in Kendra from each other.

3. Malefic influence of Mars,Saturn , Rahu-Ketu on Moon .  Yes this Parameter is crucial

4. Malefic influence of Mars, Saturn, Rahu-Ketu on Sun . Yes affliction is there

5. Weakening of Jupiter and Venus These 2 Benefics are afflicted  and weak

6. Placement of the Lagna Lord in the Trik Bhavas. Lagna Lord is Placed in the 8th house

 In Transit affliction to the 8th house most crucial, since it house of mass happenings. The affliction will be there by the conjunction Of Mars and Saturn for 211 days from 20th Feb. 2016 to 21st Sept. 2016

7. Planets Acquiring 6 states of Malefic stances , speciallythe malefics Saturn, Mars, Rahu andKetu.

11. Mars will be Fallen for 25 days  on the 18th June 2016 after it ingresses in Scorpio and  after reaching at 3.28 degrees will be most malefic in the Future Scenerio.  , 

12. Sensitive Periods when both Mars and Saturn will also be in Retrogression .

Saturn becomes Retrograde on the 26th March 2016 at 22.19 degrees till 14th August 2016 when it will be 15.41 degrees .

Mars will become Retrograde on the 18th April at 14.49 degrees and will fall back in Libra on the 18th June 2016 for 25 days .

Mars will become Direct on the 30th June , it will remain in Libra as a fallen Planet for 25 days and Ingresses in Scorpio on the 13th July 2016. , Hence Mars and Saturn will both be Retrograde in Scorpio  between  18th April to  30th June 2016 in Scorpio Mars and Saturn will be degree conjunct on the 24th August 2016 at 15.36 degrees is crucial time for terrorism and Untoward happenings . In Mundane Astrology , Scorpio sign is a critical sign and also denotes the South  West Direction , hence India is also Prone to ISIS terrorism till 9th Jan 2016 and around the Eclipses and the Dates when Saturn and Mars are retrograde as mentioned above. The above Periods are also Crucial for the Globe and Terrorism By ISIS and ISI in India.

It has been observed that when above Parameters are  Activated then there is Destruction of  the nation.This only Points out that since Pakistan Is running the Dasha Of Venus-Rahu and connected to the 7th house , Pakistan could take a Foolish Step to infiltrate in India and Create war like situations .  

From the above Eclipse taking place on the 9th March 2016, it is obvious that there will be Financial Contraints , Stock markets can take a hit for Down turn, Prices of Real Estate to fall. Gold and Crude oil Prices to be Volatile and War like situations in the country. The year 2016 is also a Durmukh year and there will be uncertainity in all spheres.

The Eclipses are taking Place in the 1/7 axis of the USA Foundation chart and Moon Taken  By K N Rao of 4th July 1776 10-20-30 hrs USA  PA Philadelphiaand also in the 1/7 axis of Moon and Dasha of Mars -Ketu will be Critical along with Mars-Mercury till 12th April 2016

In the case of China it is taking Place in the 1/7  axis of the 8th house  and as far as India is concerned in the 4/10 axis are crucial factors for Global Stagnation as well.

The Terrorism  by ISIS and Strikes on  ISIS will also escalate specially when Mars and Saturn will be in Scorpio for 211 days starting from 20th Feb. 2016.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  Dated 15th De. 2015 10-10 AM Singapore

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology @gmail.com

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