Syria War Prone ,Torn By ISIS:Will Stars Tear the Future ?

by astrodocanil

In the Present Scenerio the country is running the dasha of Jup-Jup-Sun from 18th Nov. 2015 . Needless to explain the events .Jupiter is Functional malefic and afflicted badly, Sun is Debilitated and worse for Bashar-al-Assad regime in Syria.

As per my article “Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells dated 1st August  2015 link I had mentioned that if  Stationary points of Saturn in the Present Transit is 4.13 degrees in Scorpio and it it coincides with the natal planet  is at the same degrees as the Saturn, then you can expect to be a major issue.

The most difficult Retrograde of Planets are the Saturn and the Mercury. A Retrograde Planet works like a painting brush , goes forward then backward and then again forward. when in Stationary motion will become 3 times stronger  and the results felt when it also crosses the Retrogression mark , here in the case of Saturn it is 10.56 degrees and Saturn crosses the Retrogression mark on the 8th Nov. 2015. Saturn is Transiting in the 2nd from lagna and the 8th from Natal Moon and Saturn is the most crucial parameter for Syria. 

Aspect of Saturn degree wise when in Stationary motion on the 6th and 7th August 2015 on Transit Mercury, Venus and Jupiter and on natal Mercury at close degrees and aspect on natal Ketu in the 11th house  activated both Ketu and Mercury  and has proved crucial specially when Venus has just joined back Leo sign having aspect of Saturn by strong 10th aspect. The significations of these Planets will suffer and is indicative of untoward happenings specially when there is return aspect of Saturn and Mars in Transit. In the Natal Chart Mars aspects Saturn by 8th aspect along with Moon in close degrees . The result of the Planets aspected by Saturn when Stationary will be more pronounced  when Saturn influences these Planets , Venus, mercury, jupiter in navamsha as well till 8th Nov. 2015 when it crosses its retrogression mark of 10.56 degrees on the 14th March 2015 when it went into Retrogression. Further when in Transit Rahu and Ketu ingress in Aquarius and Leo Navamsha the situation in Syria will become even worse after 19th Oct. 2015 

In Transit Mars is over Natal Ketu and aspects Mercury also , Hence Mercury and Ketu both have been afflicted By Saturn and Mars during the Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 adding fuel to the fire

The situation has  become worse when Mars has ingressed over  the natal Mars on the 3rd Nov. 2015 where Rahu is already Transiting. the Combination of Mars and Rahu and that to in the 12th house will be explosion and losses in war due to Chemical blasts. Russia has Pounced Phorphorus  on ISIS we all know. All this was predicted earlier in my article under reference.

Now after having a look at the chart of Syria  Saturn is Transiting over natal Mercury at 6.42 degrees and aspecting Ketu is placed in the sign of  Leo at 5.41 degrees. Saturn activated both Mercury and Ketu at almost same degrees and Navamsha when Saturn was Stationary at 4.13 degrees  and was aspected by Transit Stationary Saturn between 27th July and 7th August 2015

Now in transit Mars will ingress in  Scorpio and aspect the Eclipse points of the March 2016 Eclipses. There will be huge outbreak of violence in Syria which might involve the risk of the use of chemical weapon by the Bashar-al-Assad regime and Russia agin.

In Vimshottari the Maha dasha of third and sixth lord Jupiter, which is a functional malefic planet for Libra lagna, has started from 23 June 2014 also confirm this risk. The days of  Bashar-al-Assad regime are numbered now. The Jupiter-Jupiter-Saturn period in Vimshottari from 05-October -2014 to 06 -February -2015 will be ominous for Syria. The sub-sub period lord Saturn is in the seventh house of war in the Rashi chart and in Navamsha it is in the eighth house showing permanent danger of the  permanent disintegration of this country and toppling of the incumbent Bashar-al-Assad regime.

8th house Parameters Affliction  Taurus, Libra , Scorpio and Cancer  and their Lord  Mars and Moon .  Scorpio sign as mentioned Saturn and mars Conjunction on the 20th Feb 2015 will escalate the war situations , Already there is influence of mars and Saturn on Scorpio, Saturn will be in Libra Navamsha on the 3rd Nov. 2015 and Mars will activate the Eclipse point of 10.35 degfrees in Pieces on the 20-21st Nov. 2015 will be most crucial for the country  Venus is a fast moving planet and will be in Libra on the 30th Nov. 2015 . Mars Transit in Scorpio for 211 days will be the Period of War for the country and worst conditions .

The fall of  Syrian President Bashar-al-Assad is an astrological inevitability. For Syria there is a serious threat for the violent end of the regime of Bashar-al-Assad   as the stars are indicating. Specially when Mars and Saturn both Transit in Scorpio over Natal Mercury after 20th Feb 2015 for 211 days . Mars getting backin Libra on the 18th June 2016 in Fallen state and aspecting the 7th and 8th house will be a dooms day for Syria for 25 days from 18th June to 13th July 2016.In Totality a Period from 3rd Nov. 2015 to 1st Nov. 2016 the Country will be an Arena of War for the Globe 

Jyotish Acharaya  anil aggarwala 12th Dec. 2015 08-00 Am Singapore

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