Transit Of Jupiter In Aquarius & Mars In Gemini Cancer Most Enigmatic For India Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

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“Transit Of Jupiter In Aquarius & Mars In Gemini Cancer Most Enigmatic For India Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

After making Successful Predictions for the Affliction to the Zodiac Arc in Taurus between the 23rd March to 3rd April 2021  I am now writing on the Transit Of Jupiter and Mars which \seems to be most enigmatic one

Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Australia Fall’s Prey to Angarak Yoga Thousands Evacuated As Witnesses Worst Floods In Decades Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (


Jupiter will Transit in the sign Aquarius on the 6th April 2021 00.24 hrs.  Jupiter will soon become retrograde  on the 20th June 20-36 hrs and will be at 8.02 degrees . It will Fall back in the Sign Capricorn as a Fallen Planet on the 14th Sept. 14-22 hrs . It will become direct on the 18th Oct 2021 at 11.00 am at 28.10 degrees  and again join Aquarius  on the 20th Nov. 2021 23.30 hrs

Jupiter is the 8th Lord of the India Foundation chart placed in the 6th house  and In Aquarius it will also be in the 8th house from the natal Moon . From Aquarius it will aspect the natal Jupiter in the sign Libra the 6th house  and also the Mars Placed in the 2nd House as the 7th and the 12th Lord . Jupiter 7th aspect will be over the natal 4th house

Jupiter as the 8th Lord Placed in the 8th from the Natal Moon  will be most Precarious. Unfortunately when Jupiter will be Fallen back in the sign Capricorn and 7th from Moon is also not a good Transit  between the 14th Sept to 20th Nov. 2021 although the 7th from Moon is not bad  , but as a fallen planet it looses its shine. Hence this Transit will be most enigmatic for India 


Transit of Mars in Gemini

Mars will Transit in the sign Gemini the 2nd house of the natal Chart of India over the Natal Mars from the 14th April 01-14 hrs . In this Position the 12th Lord from the Lagna will also Transit in the 12th from Moon  will be most precarious till the 2nd June 06-52 hrs . Unfortunately the sign Gemini has only 19  Bindoos in the Ashtavarga chart and Transit of Planets in this house is precarious and specially of Mars the 7th and the 12th Lord  where it also has aspects of the Natal  8th Lord Jupiter from the 6th house . Unfortunately Transit Jupiter will also aspect the Mars in the sign Gemini. Hence this Transit will be most enigmatic one for the  Significations of the 2nd House . Another Parameter which cannot be ignored will be the 2nd Lord Mercury who will also be Fallen in Taurus from the 3rd June 2.35 hrs to 7th July 2021. These Planetary Positions seem to be most Venomous and Crucial for the 2nd House . During this Transit Mars will also aspect the Saturn placed in the 7th house from Moon and the 9th from Lagna. There is Critical time  from the 25th April to 17th May 2021 as already pointed out in all my Articles

Foundation chart of India

 The Dasha of Moon -Saturn till the 10th July 2021 is most enigmatic one since both the Dasha Lords are placed in the 3rd house of Boarders  and forming a Vish Yoga  Mars and Saturn activating the 5 planets in the sign Cancer may be crucial and may give parallel situations with the neighbouring Countries  like the past 

 Have a Look at the Rashi and the Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakras 

Similar Planetary positions as what we had in Oct 1962 for War with China most Crucial



Financial Condition of the Country, Revenues of the State, National Exchequer and national wealth,  Purchasing Power of the Nation, Economy of the Country . Capacity to invest in Stocks and Bonds , National Debt and  Currency. General Gain and Loss, Financial Transactions, Banks and National Treasury,  Resources of the nation,, National Trade , it’s capacity to raise funds to buy armaments at the time of emergency, Purchasing Power of the People,  and their Prosperity. Fluctuations in the Exchange rate, Stock Markets and Banks

2nd House will be under the influence of Mars the 12th Lord  and having aspect of Jupiter is a saving grace also but as the 8th house not good also . 8th house is also scams , hence scams may be unearthed  Mercury Fallen as the  2nd Lord is not good  and there can be come corrections in the Stock and the Financial  Markets  during the phase when  Mercury Fallen and Mars in the 2nd House 

Mercury-Fallen from the 2nd June to 7th July

Mars in Gemini from the 14th April to 2nd June

Hence 2nd June is Critical it so seems  and specially after Mars transit over the 2nd House  from the 14th April to 2nd June 2021 

Mars Transit over the sign Cancer 

Mars will Transit in the sign Cancer  2nd June 6-52 hrs and will be there till the 20th July 17.55 hrs 

2nd July 2021 will be most enigmatic for War and Terrorism like conditions in the Country specially at the Boarder and In Jammu and Kashmir  . Have a Look at the chart below

The Following Parameters acquire an Important dimension

  1. Mars and Saturn Degree-wise opposition like the war with China on the 20th Oct 1962
  2. Cancer-Capricorn Axis afflicted
  3. Rahu with Fallen Mercury in Taurus
  4. Taurus-Scorpio axis afflicted
  5. Venus the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord of the India Foundation chart afflicted
  6. Moon will reach the sign Cancer on the 11th-12th July 2021 Making Planetary positions parallel to 20th Oct 2021
  7. If we take the aspect of Rahu and Ketu then Both Mars and Saturn are influenced by  Ketu and Rahu respectively at close degrees
  8. When Ever Moon goes in Scorpio can also be most malefic  since the Jyestha star is the most malefic star for untoward happenings 

All this indicates time of Anguish and Pain for the Country

 Have a Look at the chart of the 20th Oct 1962 when we had War with China 

Needless to explain the above  Saturn Mars and Rahu Ketu at same degrees . Jupiter in Aquarius in both Time frames  and Retrograde and in the same navamsha . Lagna Lord Venus in the 7th house of Wars 

Now Have  Look at the chart of the Jammu & Kashmir 

Mars at 21 Degrees will be activated  by the transit Mars on the 7th July 2021—— Note these :Predictions 

 The Mars and Saturn in the 7th house of Wars has made Kashmir a War Prone State. Hence starting from the 14th April 2021 when Mars will aspect the Lagna of the above chart and specially at 8 degrees on the 28th April 2021 there could be troubles in Jammu & Kashmir apart from the Time frame of the 2nd to 7th July 2021 

The Planetary positions are extremely venomous for Terrorism, War Like conditions Earthquakes, Blasts, Explosions, Political Tug of War , Espionage from Foreign Elements   Agitations taking ugly shape as can be seen from the Planetary positions . Mars is a Planet for Cure and going in Debilitation and Aspect by Retrograde Saturn may explode the  Things . Even Virus Could Take an Ugly shape specially till Mars goes in the Fiery sign Leo  where it becomes strong for cure of the diseases.


  1. What Star’s Foretell For Chaitra Pratipada Pisces New Moon Chart Having Angarak Yoga In Ascendant ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Mars is the King of the year and afflicted in the ascendant and forming Angarak yoga most crucial for Wars and Terrorism ad Explosions and Earthquakes —- Read full Article

2. India China Disengagement In Pangong : Only Red Mars Will Speak When It Activates the 18-19 Degree Arc In Capricorn Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

3.Red Planet Mars Key Parameter To Activate Sensitive Arc In Capricorn For Untoward Happenings & Effect On Stock Financial Markets Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

4.Rashi & Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra: Vedha Of Mars & Saturn Crucial For War Like Situations Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

5.Red Planet Mars ‘God Of War’ And Nodes On Wheel What They Have Up Their Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

6.Red Planet Mars From Aries To Leo Most Venomous As 7th and 12th Lord Wars Espionage Agitations Political Turmoil’s Most Crucial Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Watch For My Article in ‘THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER’  May edition to come in the market after the 15th April 2021






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Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
23rd March 2021 05-00 hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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